Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 118 Motuo Cult 2

Here they met the kind uncle Menba Quza, who told everyone that the Menba people brewed with corn was a drink they must drink every day. The women here have the ancient custom of poisoning yellow wine. They firmly believe that "blessings" are shared by everyone. In this life, it will be their turn to suffer in the next life.

The Menba people have been moving east from the corner of the door for nearly one or two hundred years. In Baimagang, if you don't grow barley, you can eat rice cakes, and if you don't raise cows, you will have ghee tea to drink." This beautiful legend directly led to a succession of Menba people to begin to enter this mysterious "lotus bloom" place. It also led to a war between foreign Menba people and local Luoba people. Later, the Menba people prevailed, which is probably the reason why the number of Menba people ranked first in the Grand Canyon.

Uncle Quza took everyone to stroll in the nearby mountains, and Liu Peng's arm was no longer painful. Everyone is recovering well overall. The road on the mountain is very good. Compared with the road the day before yesterday, it is already a paradise. The scenery is very charming. There are mountain springs flowing under your feet. If you are thirsty, you can take a sip; wild fruits are available.

I also saw a kind of wild fennel, which is a strong-smelling weed. Both young leaves and tender rods can be eaten. Zhong Yueming likes the taste of fennel, which is said to have the effect of appetizing and dispelling cold.

Everyone was about to leave in the morning, and the kind-hearted Uncle Quza was going to give you a ride. He told them that due to geological activities, many gates, landslides and mudslides have been generated in this area. The road from Panxin to Gandeng is extremely dangerous. Mountains and rivers are intertwined, and landslides can be seen everywhere.

The grass has grown very high under everyone's armpit, and the narrow road can only be passed by one person. Uncle Quza is in a dangerous place and always turns around and leads everyone over. Everyone feels the power from this Tibetan man.

This man passed on his confidence and strength to everyone, as well as his warm confidence in the world.

Everyone set up a tent at a hunch, and Uncle Quza began to cook. He told everyone to stay still and have a good rest. Zhou Xirui felt sorry and poured a large bowl of barley wine for his uncle in an apologetic tone. He asked him to drink quickly and comfort him.

Uncle Quza took a sip, took out a large bunch of air-dried mutton from his arms, sat next to Zhou Xirui cross-legged, and cut the air-dried mutton one by one with a knife. This air-dried mutton is made from dehydrated and air-dried raw mutton, which tastes good.

Everyone slowly drinks wine and eats meat, which is very fragrant. Zhong Yueming is very interested in Uncle Quza's fluent Chinese. Although his face is haggard and thin, his thinking is very clear when talking to everyone, especially his fluent Mandarin is difficult for everyone to understand.

Everyone suspects that the thin man in front of them is not a local, but an authentic Han man, like everyone else, who came here from afar! Zhong Yueming said his thoughts, and Uncle Quza stared ahead and began to tell his story.

There was no moon this night, and it was dark. The firewood under the pot had been extinguished, and there was still some residual temperature. Everyone wrapped themselves in sleeping bags and listened to him tell the story of him and his daughter.

"I'm not a local. I'm 40 years old and have been here for 11 years. 15 years ago, I didn't know why. Maybe it was because my family was poor. My wife said she left without saying a word. I heard that she went out to work, but I don't know if it was true or not. I waited at home with my 2-year-old daughter for 2 years, but she didn't come back and there was no news.

Later, I began to look for it with my daughter. I searched all over Yunnan for 2 years, but I couldn't find it. I was frustrated. At night, I often wonder if she has gone home. So I took my daughter back to my hometown. The people in the village said that they had seen her in Guangzhou, and they didn't know whether they had identified the wrong person or not. They said that they seemed to be doing well.

I completely give up. There is a relative in Lugu Village, so I stayed there. Uncle Quza said peacefully, but everyone could hear the sadness in his tone. Xiaopei asked him, "Do you love your wife very much?" Love it very much! We are childhood sweethearts." Xiaopei can understand his feelings and envy him, because he still has a memorable feeling.

"Where's your daughter?" did not respond for a long time. Everyone thought that Uncle Quza was asleep and listened. Uncle Quza was crying. It took him a long time to say that his daughter had fallen into the mountain stream two years ago. Everyone was infected by his sadness, tears flowed unconsciously, and they all fell into their own lonely world.

In the morning, according to the farewell ceremony of the Menba people, everyone drank 3 cups of barley wine with Uncle Quza. The boys coincidentally opened their arms and hugged him tightly, thanking him for his escort all the way. Everyone was unable to control their tears and let it**. Any language is superfluous at this moment.

After walking for several hours, I arrived at Lugu Village. In fact, it was a small village of Tibetan and Menba people hanging on the steep slope. There were more than a dozen families. Everyone came to the northernmost part of the village and walked into a yard. There was a huge stone-carved male with an organ model standing in front of the door. I heard about the customs here before I came here, but I was still shocked when I saw such a huge man with organs standing between heaven and earth.

Their worship of men and organs makes everyone feel like they have returned to ancient times. Bows, knives and daggers are still the favorites of men, and knives are their basic accessories. Although long knives are rarely used today, strong men still retain the relics of old battles and hunting.

Hearing the footsteps in the yard, the people in the room also came out. These were two Menba men who were stunned when they saw so many people. Zhou Xirui quickly went up to get close to others and showed his desire to stay here.

The two men warmly greeted everyone and sat down. One man looked at Dimo in Acuo's backpack and seemed surprised! But he didn't say anything.

Dinner is green pepper noodles made by two men in cooperation with everyone. The noodles are made by men, and Zhong Yueming's green pepper braised noodles are very good. Everyone ate two bowls, which is very delicious!

After dinner, everyone sat on the kang and drank. Zhou Xirui has always wanted to inquire about the history of the poisoned customs of the Menba people. Everyone will leave tomorrow, and there may be no chance to know it again, so he turned around the corner and tested: "I heard that you Menba people can do witchcraft?"

A man knew what he wanted to hear: "The Menba people are divided into doorbus and Xiamenba. We are the Xiamenba here, and the people who poisoned are the doormenbuses in Miri Village, Motuo Village and other places." Why?" Zhou Xirui asked puzzledly.

"Some people know when they are going to poison and kill people as soon as they are born. If they don't kill people at that time, they will bring disaster to their families and even their people. Most of the poisoners are women, not only killing outsiders. Sometimes the target of poisoning is the children next door. If someone is poisoned, the village can guess who did it, but no one will blame him, let alone retaliate."