Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 126 Mountaineering Trip

Xiaopei got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Fortunately, there was a small wooden house outside the room. Fortunately, there was a small light. She just squatted down and looked up inadvertently. She was so scared that she almost shouted out. An alien (a thing like a bat) was lying next to the door frame, and the distance from her head was only 20 centimeters, and she Look at each other.

It's easy for it to attack Xiaopei in such a small space (out of the girl's constant fear of all kinds of bugs, she doesn't have time to think about whether it is aggressive). She tried to hold her breath, try to reduce the range of movements, and don't look directly at it, making it feel that she doesn't want to disturb its sincerity. Yi, evacuated quickly.

I didn't expect that going to the toilet was also a small adventure, which made Xiaopei unexpected. After a long time, she fell asleep. The next morning, they got up and went on the road. Because they were moving towards the top of the mountain, their vision was relatively wide, and as the height rose, the scenery also changed. The mountain was full of tall trees, and the leaves were of different colors. The top was dark green and the bottom was yellow. Everyone didn't know why this happened. Behind the clouds and fog, there is no sound, which makes it difficult to believe that they are in the world.

On the way, they also met a team of marriage. The Sherpas living in the mountains could not use any means of transportation and walked on two feet. Even if it was such a big thing as marriage, the bride had to leave, but Acuo found that the bride was very beautiful. After walking over, he whistled and whistled beside her. The groom turned around and stared at Acuo viciously.

Zhou Xirui kicked Acuo and said, "Don't make trouble!" I heard the waiter of the hotel say that the Sherpa people are very tough, and if a good word is not good, they may fight for their lives, so it's better not to cause trouble.

Upward, more than 3,000 meters later, it seems that it has come to the territory of spider spirit again. The sky is gloomy and there are strange stones. The crown on the tall tree trunk is very small, the branches are very short, and the branches are wrapped with thick dark yellow moss. Looking at it from a distance, it is not angry at all. It seems that it has been applied. Magic is the same.

A few people who walked on a 3,500-meter mountain and walked for a day finally found an inn with only a Sherpa woman in the inn. The restaurant and residence are separate. On both sides of the path, the residence is built on the mountain, and the restaurant is on the edge of the cliff. She led everyone to the place where she lived. It was a simple two-story wooden building with some forage and tools on the first floor. It was gray and open without a door.

In the humble kitchen of the Sherpa people, everyone sat on a small wooden bench next to the stove. The room is very dark, but you can see all kinds of bowls, plates and cups in the wooden kitchen cabinets on the wall, and they are very clean.

The hostess wore a thick skirt, but she did wear slippers barefoot. Xiaopei thought it was too horrible! This is a high mountain at an altitude of 3,500 meters, and it's winter. Everyone is wearing fleece and down jackets outside, and hiking boots on their feet are still shivering with cold. I can't wait to stick myself to the stove.

There is something cooking in a steel fine pot on the stove, which is constantly steaming, which is very attractive. Zhou Xirui asked, it turned out to be potatoes, potatoes planted in the mountains. Everyone immediately expressed their desire to eat. Several people were busy on their way at noon, as if they had not eaten! Zhong Yueming said, "I will eat it at night."

After two inspections, the hostess finally recovered. Everyone sat around the small table next to the stove and ate hot potatoes, dipped in a little spicy seasoning, which was very delicious. After eating, I felt much better and less cold. I opened the west-facing door of the kitchen, and the light of the sunset came in, illuminating the dark room. Although it was air-conditioned, it had a wonderful feeling.

Everyone went outside and looked. Oh, my God, everyone was stunned by the scenery in front of them. Zhou Xirui felt that it was impossible to describe the shock. The canyon under his feet were all filled with the churning sea of clouds, and the afterglow of the sunset dyed the distant clouds into gold. There was only one spire left in the tall snowy mountain opposite, which had a feeling of heaven and earth.

Because at the top of the mountain, the small wooden building seemed to be airy on all sides. At night, everyone curled up in sleeping bags and covered with quilts. They still felt very cold. They curled up all night and trembled, praying for the dawn in a daze.

Zhou Xirui secretly concentrated on the small universe running in the Dantian in his body. The heat from there made him feel a little hot, so he covered the quilt on the sleeping bag and got up to cover the weak Liu Peng.

After discovering this method of keeping warm, Zhou Xirui was very happy. After all, walking in a cold place like this will not freeze to death. Acuo, Zhong Yueming and Dimo were so cold that they couldn't sleep. They asked him curiously, "Isn't it cold for you to give the quilt to Liu Peng?" It's not cold. I don't know if it's because of the meteorite in my body. I'm still fever," he said.

Zhong Yueming touched it, and this guy could also send heat through the sleeping bag. Like a hot stove, he immediately squeezed over and wanted to sleep with him: "I'm a man. It's so uncomfortable to hold him." Zhou Xirui said disgustedly.

Acuo and Dimo came over as soon as they heard this and hugged him like a heater: "It's so warm. Who made you a hot stove? It's about to go down, hehe, so that you can fall asleep!"