Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 131 Happy Country

If there is a country called the happiest country in the world, it is only Bhutan. This is the most environmentally conscious country and the only country in the world with an increase in green space.

is also the only country that bans smoking and bans plastics and bans pesticides. It is also the most difficult to reach the pure land in the world. It is an independent and closed country. Only 6,000 tourists are allowed to enter every year, and only groups can enter and leave without self-guided travel.

Everyone has a peaceful and happy smile on their faces, so this is a place that can calm their hearts; it is also the most mysterious Buddha country; there are the most simple and pure citizens with quiet and noble temperament here;

This is the last paradise on Mount Everest. It is the closest to the blue sky and the farthest from the world. Even the soil exudes a charming fragrance. This is Bhutan!

After the wonderful, they returned to tranquility, which is the best state of life. Zhou Xirui and his party came to walk in this country without hesitation. Here, they can really calm their hearts and make their tired and impetuous hearts full of positive energy again. Zhong Yueming stood in the green mountains and rivers with their hearts and roared. "Buntan! What a place that makes people feel happy!" Acuo flew away and said, "Haha, what are you doing!"

There is a beautiful Bhutanese girl who is hired as a tour guide in front of her. Her name is Pema, and she is exactly the same as the Queen of Bhutan. When she saw Zhong Yueming's wanton behavior, she covered her mouth and narrowed her slender eyes and smiled. Zhong Yueming heard Peima's crisp laughter and inadvertently looked up. Her face suddenly blushed a little. Instead, the girl looked at him boldly and warmly and turned to remind everyone to be careful. There was a narrowness two feet wide ahead. Mountain road.

When we arrived at this road, everyone knew how steep it was. The road was very narrow. There were drops of water dripping on the cliff, which made the road very slippery, and the other side of the road was a cliff dozens of meters high. If it fell down, I'm afraid it would be difficult to save my life. After this, we entered the most distinctive Bumtang Village. Everyone wanted to experience the original Bhutanese residential life, and Pema's home was also in that village. This time, everyone planned to live in her house.

Pema, a Bhutanese girl, was familiar with the road and went to the dangerous area. Next, Zhou Xirui carefully led the weakest Liu Peng over. Acuo also passed by easily with Dimo on his back. In the past, he often walked such a road in Heizhugou, which was really nothing to him. Zhou Xirui was going to lead Xiaopei, but Xiaopei shook his head and jumped over.

But no one noticed that Zhong Yueming walked to the middle part at this moment, and he was scared to death. Everyone has always felt that he is calm and has good fists and feet, and they are very reassuring him. But no one knows that he is afraid of heights. As soon as he arrived here and looked at the cliff, he was already nervous like playing drums, but he was embarrassed to say it.

Zhou Xirui took two steps to see why Zhong Yueming hadn't followed. Looking back, he took a breath of cold air. Zhong Yueming was trembling all over at this moment, moving this little by little, and quickly wanted to hold him. Who knew that his foot slipped, stabilized twice, and fell down at once.

Zhou Xirui shouted anxiously and looked down. Fortunately, he fell on a big tree stretched out on the cliff and did not fall down. He quickly took out the climbing equipment, nailed it, and pulled the rope down to Zhong Yueming. He had not fainted at this moment, but pointed to his left foot and said that he could not lift it, as if he had no consciousness. He grinned with pain, but tried to grit his teeth without moaning.

Zhou Xirui knew his situation very well and worried about his leg. He quickly tied a rope to prevent him from falling, then climbed up and dragged him to the cliff with everyone. Zhou Xirui and others wanted to send Zhong Yueming to the mountain hospital, but Peima shook her head and said that it was too late, and it would take several hours to go down the mountain.

It's better to carry it to her home. His father is a famous doctor here. It sounds like an old Chinese traditional Chinese medicine. Zhou Xirui is a little doubtful whether this will work. After all, this is a fall. What if his internal organs are broken or his leg is broken? But now such a long downhill distance can only be dealt with like this first.

Bumtang means "beautiful countryside" in Bhutan. Sure enough, it is located between the mountains. There are four valleys surrounded by terraces, unique villages and towns. In the middle of the layers of forests, there may be neat roofs, which are pleasing to the eyes. Those different levels of green are like a concerto. Perma said that every household cultivates and textiles, which is self-sufficient, and the folk customs are more simple, which sounds like the Himalayan version of the Swiss mountains.

After entering the village, everyone looked around the houses in the countryside of Bhutan, which were mostly two-storey small buildings. It is said that when the people applied to the king for land to build a house, they could not only get a large piece of land, but also 80 trees as building materials, so the houses here use a lot of wood.

Pema said that the largest room in every family is usually dedicated to Buddha, and the symbol of a rich family is a spacious Buddhist hall. Hearing that her daughter brought back the guests, Peima's parents immediately came out and saw Zhong Yueming's situation, and they helped him upstairs to treat the wound. After a while, Peima's mother came downstairs and brought the guests a drink like rice wine, which was also drunk during the festival. Out of courtesy, everyone took a taste.