Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 131 Sea War 1

They traveled to the edge of the island for more than three hours before arriving at the seaside. Zhong Yueming used the submarine remote control to automatically navigate the submarine here. They stepped on the submarine and sailed to the coast where there were stone people, ready to pick up Xiaopei. This guy was so cunning that everyone was afraid that Xiaopei would be hurt.

And Gali is also negotiating the price with a farmer. The farmer is willing to pay a bag of gold coins to put Xiaopei in his gold bird cage. He wants to keep Xiaopei as a pet.

Gally hummed happily and rushed home happily. Thinking that Xiaopei was alone, he sold it for the same price as several people. He also bought a big doll for Niya, thinking that the baby would like it.

But when he came to the door, he was surprised and speechless. Zhou Xirui and the others were about to take Xiaopei away. Gali stared at Zhou Xirui and several people stunned. He couldn't imagine how these little dwarfs escaped from the circus boss's black hands? Nia looked at her father angrily and said disappointedly, "They are my friends. How can you sell them? I hate you!" After saying that, he cried and ran back to the house.

Gali was stunned when he saw Nia enter the room angrily, and then thought that it was a good thing for these dwarfs to come back. I could catch them and sell them to other circuses. Thinking of this, he rushed over like Zhou Xirui and others, and everyone quickly dodged alertly. Xiaopei blew the flute. After the giant fell asleep, he immediately caught up with his car and went to the seaside. Everyone wanted to leave this hypocritical country quickly.

After leaving Rapanui, they accelerated the speed of the submarine and sailed to the American continent. When they have nothing to do, Zhou Xirui and Zhong Yueming play chess on the Internet. It is said that Zhou Xirui's level is still sloppy, but when they get down with Zhong Yueming, they always take care of one and lose the other.

He was depressed and scolded in his heart. Zhong Yueming was too fucking smart, at least to the next ten steps. However, the advantage of Zhou Xirui is that he doesn't accept defeat and is stubborn with Acuo. The more he loses, the more he loses.

Finally, they were anxious and the two simply fought directly. With his flexibility and understanding of the ninjutsu of Yamaguchi, Zhou Xirui had the upper hand this time. This guy laughed and felt that his heart was balanced.

"Hurry up and drive away from the submarine. There is a huge spiral nest in front of us. It's terrible." Liu Peng exclaimed. Dimo was also surprised to see a huge spiral nest in the sea 200 meters ahead. It was basically five square kilometers in the past. This huge spiral nest kept rotating, like an abyss in the middle, which looked different. It's often scary.

He quickly went down to the submarine control room and set the route in the opposite direction, but it was too late. What Dimo could do was to close the glass cover. As the submarine tilted on the abyss cliff of the spiral nest, there were bursts of exclamation, which was more horrible and exciting than taking a rolling train.

When the spiral nest involved the submarine into the bottom of the water, they were surprised to find that they had come to a strange world, an underwater city built with special transparent materials. There was a huge isolation cover around the city that was also transparent, isolating the inner world from the outside.

Their submarine was stuck in the sand and could not move. When they were troubled, several people swam from the big isolation cover. These people in silver-gray diving suits knocked on the glass cover, motioned the people inside to open it, and raised one of the same thing on their faces, which seemed to be a respirator, but It seems that this respirator is much smaller, and there is no connection to the oxygen barrel in the back. I don't know how to provide oxygen, which makes Zhou Xirui very curious.

He whispered to everyone, "We are stuck in the sand and can't move. Open the glass cover and go to the city with them first to see if we can get their help and drag the submarine out of the sand." Zhong Yueming nodded and said, "Yes, we can only do this now." Dimo saw Seeing that everyone agreed, they opened the glass cover, and the sea flooded in at once. They were put on masks by these underwater people and followed them into the city.

After entering the hood, they found that the technology here is really developed. There is a rotary water system, so that the water will not flood the city in the hood, and people can freely enter and exit, which is very convenient.

But Zhou Xirui and others were controlled when they entered, and they did not resist, because it was under the water, and they could not escape even if they won. Everyone thought that they might be able to explain it clearly to the people who arrested them.

A few days later, they were arraigned. Only then did Zhou Xirui know that they were regarded as members of the rebel organization. It turned out that this was a Viking city. As early as 1,500 years ago, there was a continent in the Pacific Ocean called Olui, and the Vikings were the owners of this continent.

In the same era, the residents of other continents were still in a feudal society, and the Vikings had entered the era of democratic regimes with rapid development of science and technology, but they predicted that this area would begin to sink due to the movement of seas, mountains and crusts. Although the speed is very slow, it will be completely submerged sooner or later.

So the Vikings built this underwater city, with complete facilities and electricity. The supply of this energy comes from the use of seawater, which is inexhaustible. The Vikings once lived a happy and peaceful life.

But the possession of rights is the source of all evil. Phoebe, the supreme ruler of the Vikings, was born into an ordinary handicraftsman' family in Surte, the southern part of the city, and believed that a democratic regime could bring a better life to the Vikings. He led the Free Democratic Army, overthrew the regime of Idris, established the Alibi Republic, and served as the chairman of the Revolutionary Command Commission and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

After that, Phoebe has been in power for 42 years. In the early stage of his rule, the policy was beneficial to the people, reducing taxes and increasing investment in scientific and technological development. However, in the later period, he appointed his immediate family members, leading to corruption in the regime and killing of opponents indiscriminately, causing everyone to be in danger and causing the people into deep trouble.

So the people in this city who could no longer withstand oppression rose up to resist and formed an opposition organization called the Soul of Freedom. They wanted to overthrow Phoebe's brutal rule and re-establish a truly people-affiliated regime.

The leader of this organization is Madani, who is regarded as a hero by the people, and the oppressed people pray that he can return here one day. According to legend, these wanted members of the organization also built a city in a hidden corner of the vast Pacific Ocean, accumulating strength and waiting for the opportunity to come back.

He told Zhou Xirui that the city came from the caretaker old Sur. This guy was a kind and talkative old man. He told Zhou Xirui that he was a loyal supporter of Madani and looked forward to him coming back. He hates Phoebe's brutal rule very much.

After getting drunk, he talked about his daughter, Helena, the most beautiful girl in the undersea city. She was about to get married to her lover Madani. What a pair they are. Even the sea god is jealous of this pair of people. Unfortunately, they were favored by Phoebe's eldest son Hearst, and took the bride away on their wedding day. As a result, Helena committed suicide.

Madani was about to go crazy. He wanted to revenge on Hearst, but failed, and his parents were beheaded because of this. After being hit hard, he learned to hide, accumulate strength, organize people who were desperate by the Phoebe regime, established the soul of freedom, and vowed to collect blood debts from Phoebe.

Old Sur cried when he said this. For a long time, no one listened to him talk about his depression. He lost his daughter and his wife died early. He was helpless in the world. The reason why he survived was to wait until Madani could come back and see the collapse of the Phoebe regime and execute Hearst.

There are too many sufferings in the world. Zhou Xirui sighed in his heart and didn't know how to help this poor old man.