Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 165 Advanced Level 9

As soon as he entered the entrance of Neidana's abdomen, he immediately felt that all five interiors were burned, and the pain was abnormal. His whole body was burned like a burning charcoal from the inside out. Acuo and Dimo also saw his abnormality and wanted to hold him. As soon as they touched his skin, they immediately shrank their hands. If it hadn't shrank quickly, they would have been scalded.

Acuo asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?" Zhou Xirui tried his best to condense the spirit of Dantian against the burning inner Dan and said reluctantly, "Go-save the pterosaur, don't care about me..." After saying that, he jumped up and flew up to the cliff and jumped into the sea. He wanted to extinguish the terrible heat in his body with the cold sea water. He felt that he was about to be melted. , the clothes worn have long been turned into ashes.

The body that fell into the sea naturally sat cross-legged and took a deep breath. The huge waves in the sea had swept over his body and hit the reef. In the loud noise, the cold and comfortable feeling came from the limbs at the same time, which was particularly comfortable.

The power in the abdomen, accompanied by the integration of Neidan, gradually began to operate by itself under the impact of the waves. Skin, muscles, meridians, and even bones will move slightly with the impact of the waves. After the hot internal elixir was integrated, it gradually cooled down, and the body slowly returned to normal temperature. Several small fish around him were burned to death because of the heat when he jumped in and floated to the sea. Two pterosaurs flew down to grab these small Fish, "Wow!" It flew away.

The body is accompanied by the waves, which makes Zhou Xirui clearly feel that he seems to have fully integrated into the waves, and he can clearly feel that he is completing a terrible process of improvement. It's like a huge force in the body constantly expanding, but his whole body maintains the same frequency as the expanding force and integrates into it, so that the functions of the body are rapidly improved.

This natural body reaction is a skill given to him by the giant cat Neidan. He involuntarily jumped out of the sea and faced the impact of the waves. Under the waves, Neidan integrated into his meridians, flesh and bone marrow. This alone injection of refining beyond the limit is undoubtedly very domineering, no With great perseverance and considerable strength, it is impossible to persist, but once you persist. The physical benefits are also huge.

hong--the huge waves bombarded Zhou Xirui's body with almost no gaps. Feeling the power from the sea every time the huge wave was washed away, Zhou Xirui suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. It seemed that he was no longer a specific life, but a part of the angry wave, a part between heaven and earth, and the whole body and mind had been fully integrated into this wonderful feeling.

The impact of the turbulent waves disappeared, but he himself seemed to become a wave. The senses are multiplied. Even every detail of the waves is mastered in his spiritual world.

In front of you, you can see the scenery changing. The sea water is actually transparent, like a huge glass. You can see turtles swimming, two prawns fighting each other, and even the huge squid and fierce sharks that are hunting in the deep sea. Even a slight change in the sea can't escape Zhou Xirui. Sensory.

A roaring roared with another fierce roll of the waves and burst out from Zhou Xirui's mouth. In an instant, the huge rolling waves suddenly calmed down without warning. Available at the next moment. The huge roar suddenly burst out, and the waves no longer came from the front, but swept up from below. This was the huge rotary water that roared. Just in Zhou Xirui's roar, it rushed into the air like covering the sky and the sun, bursting out countless crystal water.

The roar had such great power that even Zhou Xirui himself was stunned. Acuo and Dimo, who had just bandaged the wound of the pterosaur, quickly ran to the cliff and looked around. They were stunned to see Zhou Xirui standing naked on the sea, surrounded by a shocking water wall, like a sea god.

Zhou Xirui suddenly opened his arms and circled on the sea in an extremely light and graceful posture. A lot of red-like airflow appeared on his body, and the airflow actually materialized, which made him feel ecstatic, which showed that he had directly entered the ninth level from the second stage. This situation before When listening to the beggar's grandfather talk about the method of obtaining Neidan, he has never heard him say that there can be such a leapfrog situation, and he quickly rose to seven levels, which really made him very excited.