Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 166 Terrible Tsunami

He circled twice on the sea, gently glided to the cliff, and withdrew his arm like a pterodactyl. "Haha, you were so handsome just now. I was worried that you would be burned to death." A Cuo rushed up with a laugh and knocked on Zhou Xirui's chest and threw himself to the ground with admiration.

Zhou Xirui was in a good mood and laughed and said, "Today is so fucking good. I suddenly upgraded seven levels and caught up with the speed of the plane. How about the pterosaur?" Acuo said, "It's been bandaged early, but the injury is too serious for a period of time."

Zhou Xirui looked at the pterosaur. Sure enough, the injured pterosaur lay on the rock and could not fly. The other slightly injured one also lay next to it to rest. Not far away was the huge dead cat body. A group of pterosaurs were flying down and tearing its meat.

Zhou Xirui's strong breath forced these bloodthirsty guys not dare to fall on his side. Suddenly, dark clouds over the sea were covered with black pressure, and the rumble in the distance gradually became violent. Because Zhou Xirui and others have never experienced such a situation, they don't know it's a tsunami and are still busy enjoying the sea view.

The dark clouds are already very close to them. Before long, the rain began to rain. In less than 2 minutes, it turned from a drizzle to a storm. The wooden boat of fishermen in the distant bay bumped up and down in the storm. Moreover, the waves also began to roll, usually three feet without wind, but now the waves are even more turbulent.

The storm gradually became more violent, and the fishermen's wooden boats were almost overturned in the wind and rain. Zhou Xirui was thrilled, and the raindrops hit his face with pain. He turned back and shouted to Acuo, "You take Dimo and pterosaurs to hide in the crack of the cliff, and I'll save people first."

At this moment, there is already a vast ocean under the cliff. The dense forests and shrubs have just been swallowed up by the tsunami wave. Some monkeys and snakes climbed up the cliff. On the other side of the cliff, several giant cats also swim to this cliff. Unfortunately, the waves hit over, so that these monsters have not yet been able to land. The current situation is dangerous. At one side, several giant cats are trying to climb the cliff, while the fishing boat is about to be swallowed up by the waves.

Zhou Xiruisi set it off and felt that the people on the fishing boat were in a hurry. He opened his arms against the hurricanes and cold raindrops carried by the waves and jumped to the sea, and waved his arms several times and fell on the boat: "Quick! I carried you one by one to the cliff." The boss of the ship let the weakest person on the ship lie on Zhou Xirui. He immediately raised his breath and flew to the cliff.

Because his body weight doubled and fell a little when hovering up, he tried to fly up. When he approached the cliff, he threw the man up. He also fell on the cliff, took a deep breath, and continued to fly down to save people.

After five times in a row, he felt that he couldn't stand it. Now there was only one boss left on the ship. Just as he was about to jump down, the boat was pulled into the water by the huge waves. He immediately flew over. The boat was stirred to the bottom of the water and floated out again. The boss of the boat grabbed the string desperately. Zhou Xirui breathed a sigh of relief. , it's okay! He was not washed away.

I quickly grabbed him, but I couldn't open my arms and the airflow could not rise. Fortunately, he could stand on the water. He pulled the boss of the boat close to the cliff. Several big cats were lying on the middle of the cliff. Although it was not as big as the giant cat just now, it was also as big as a rhinoceros. These guys were flooded by the sea. He was so embarrassed that he gasped on the cliff and didn't care that Zhou Xirui was dragging the boat boss to the bottom of the cliff.

As soon as he came up, Zhou Xirui quickly took a breath, let the boat boss lie on his body, opened his arms and circled up, flew up the cliff, and barely brought him up. Then he was relieved and sat down cross-legged to adjust his breath.

The sky has cleared, and the tsunami is coming quickly. The sea under the cliff is receding little by little, slowly revealing the crooked trees and grasslands. The sea has receded, and the low-lying areas have become small pools. Some fish and shrimp brought by the sea are trapped in these pools, and some more than ten catties of big fish have beenstranded. On the grass beach.

Those big cats on the half-slope saw that the water receded a little and went down to the grass beach to pick up big fish, which is also a blessing in disguise! It's just that the fishermen's big boats have been torn apart and have long been swept to pieces by the waves.

These fishermen went fishing by boat. This boat was their root. Several people really wanted to cry when they saw this scene and sat on the ground without saying a word. The boat boss cried even more. He felt that he should not promise Zhou Xirui to come to this terrible island for money, so that everyone would have no food and clothing in the future. I feel sorry for everyone and feel ashamed.