Prehistoric Notes

Episode 169 Stupid Employee

The next day, Zhou Xirui hadn't got up yet. He was sleeping soundly. He woke up coldly and was pulled by Dimo. He looked up at a bean sprout-shaped child standing by the bed. His height was only to his shoulder. Zhou Xirui was a little confused. What did Dimo wake himself up for?

He asked the child in a skung, "Who are you? Why are you here?" The child said with a dull expression, "I'm here to apply for a handyman." It seemed that the child's brain was not very smart and made people feel a little stupid.

"Look who he is?" Atso came in and smiled. Zhou Xirui looked at the child carefully and suddenly laughed. Isn't this the image of Zhong Yueming's reincarnation? Thinking of seeing this guy in the hypnosis of the Sophia witch, he couldn't even figure out the money of three pounds of flour, and he couldn't help laughing.

Zhou Xirui and others were really happy. They finally found this guy, and now they only need to find Liu Peng. He jumped out of bed and gave the child a big hug. The child looked at the "boss" timidly and felt that the "boss" seemed to be a little abnormal.

Acuo found two young people to contact the business. As expected, Cheris City is the most famous tourist attraction in the mainland. Foreigners who come here inevitably want to buy a souvenir or send it to their relatives and friends, so soon through a series of publicity, they quickly opened in the store downstairs to send things. It became a long queue, which exhausted Zhou Xirui and Dimo.

The most terrible thing is that Zhong Yueming's guy was really not smart enough after his reincarnation. The route of picking up items was always wrong, which made Dimo grab his ears and cheeks and screamed, and he couldn't speak and blushed. Zhou Xirui's delivery always went back and forth several times, and he was so angry that he immediately wanted to take Zhong Yueming to the Rocky Mountains and find Sophia to help him recover his memory.

The most free and comfortable one is Acuo, who is the self-provoked president. This guy also equips himself with two secretaries to serve tea and water, and is sometimes unspoken by this guy. Zhou Xirui protested that he was too depraved and corrupt, but Acuo said that it was a business need and wanted to go out to talk about business.

There was a courier to Jiamusi that day. Zhou Xirui also took Zhong Yueming with him. When he came back, he wanted to beg Sophia to restore his memory of his previous life. By the way, he also wanted to see Xiaopei, but he didn't know why he always felt a little embarrassed and was a little embarrassed to see her. After all, the emotional matters were still cut. Still messy.

This time, he wanted to pay back the coach's money, go to see the beggar's grandfather, and take some money back to his family. He also calculated to give the two brothers some money, let them build a house and ask a wife to live a good life. Although he remembered the memory of his previous life, the brotherhood in this world is also deeply rooted. He misses his sister Oni more. His sister even cares about him more than his mother. Those miserable years came by his sister holding his hand.

When he came to the courtyard, it was enough for Jiamusi's goods to carry two pterosaurs this time. He asked the big dragon and the second dragon to call two pterosaurs and quickly loaded them with goods. He and Zhong Yueming set off on the big dragon and the two dragon respectively.

Before leaving, he repeatedly told Atso to keep a low profile. Now he has become a pivotal figure in the black market and has been targeted by many people. He is afraid that someone will find trouble for Atso after he left. Don't worry! It's okay. I don't have a holiday with the people who do my business and black market boxers." Acuo said carelessly, and Zhou Xirui still felt a little worried.

Dalong and Erlong quickly jumped into the sky. Zhong Yueming was so scared that he shrank his hand and fell from above. Zhou Xirui quickly jumped down and hugged him. Fortunately, Dalong was very smart and reacted quickly. He suddenly flew down to catch them. Two: "You are so stupid!" Zhou Xirui complained.

"Boss, look! It's so beautiful there!" Zhong Yueming didn't care about Zhou Xirui's complaints at all, but pointed to the sunset in the sky happily.

Zhou Xirui looked up at the sun that had been active for a day, gradually converged the light and became gentle, like a soft red lantern, hanging on the edge of the sea and the sky. Perhaps because it had been suspended for too long, it slowly sank, and as soon as it came to the sea, it stopped smoothly. It seemed to be supported by the sea and once again jumped naughtyly on this huge bed. The sea lost its primary color and overflowed with light and color like drinking rose wine.

The two were so surprised that they dared not blink, afraid that the red lantern would be taken away by a giant at the moment of blinking. Zhou Xirui's eyes widened and were enjoying it. Suddenly, the sunset trembled twice, and finally, like a diver, he bounced lightly and quickly, and then entered the water in a quiet and beautiful posture.

Dalong and Erlong took the lead in tweeting twice, and the two pterosaurs behind should also make two calls, gliding quickly towards Jiamusi. Zhou Xirui roared relaxedly, and then said to Dalong and Erlong, "Baby, fly faster and try to fly to Jiamusi before dark."