Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 181 Samorin Beast

They were ready to climb over the deer-shaped mountain and looked around and found many rugged beast roads. Everyone took a step and stopped, and Zhou Xirui and Acuo took a knife to open the road in front of them. After turning over the mountain and going down to the middle of the mountain, Zhou Xirui looked up and saw that it was getting late and encouraged everyone, "Brothers, we will camp at the foot of the mountain. Let's go faster!" Everyone was so tired of climbing the mountain that they were so tired that no one answered and walked with a stuffy head.

When it was almost at the foot of the mountain, it was already dark. What made them happy was that a moon was pushed out on the top of the mountain. It was the 14th and fifth moonlight, which rose to the air and was extremely bright.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, everyone came to the foot of the mountain and walked into a forest. There was a gust of wind blowing, blowing the fallen leaves on the tree. A monster with long claws and long claws jumped out from the wind, covered with blue scales, and the roaring sound was like a tiger roaring dragon.

The monster's eyes shine red, and it is obviously another 100,000-year-old monster. It stretched out its long tongue and licked around its mouth and swept several people with its eyes, as if it was choosing the right prey.

"Haha, this is the Samolin beast. It's great. Xiao Rui helped me. I'm going to subdue it and be my mount." Liu Peng said excitedly. Among the monsters, his favorite is the Samolin beast. His master used to have one, which was very fierce and loyal. But this beast will only surrender to people stronger than it, otherwise it will tear up and swallow its weak opponents. There is no denying that human beings are its favorite main dishes on the table.

Looking at the trembling figure of the Samolin beast, Zhou Xirui hung a heart for Liu Peng. It may be easier to kill this guy than to subdue it, but he was helpless when he saw Liu Peng's excited expression. He could only tell him to be careful. If it really didn't work, he would kill the monster.

Liu Peng jumped out and fought against the Samolin beast. He moved his muscles and bones, waved his posture, and shook his neck twice. The monster's eyes were shining and cold, and with a long roar, shaking the whole forest. A sharp aura like a knife hit everyone nearby. Suddenly, it felt that the blood was surging. Zhong Yueming and Dior, the weakest, covered their ears and squatted on the ground in pain.

"It's not good! Liu Peng's quick battle!!" Zhou Xirui said anxiously that he was afraid that the weakest two could not withstand it. In an instant, Liu Peng had launched an attack and bit the Samolin beast like a tiger. The monster Lanlin was like iron and did not avoid it at all, but greeted it with his body.

Liu Peng's fist stuck to a foot away from the Samolin beast and immediately felt bad. The aura diffused from the monster's body suddenly sucked the fist. Suddenly, he felt like hitting a tough jelly with good elasticity and had no effort. Then he felt that the gas rippled a few times, and the whole body was thrown by a huge force. Go out, "bang!" He hit the tree and fell down. His throat was sweet, highlighting a mouthful of blood.

Zhou Xirui quickly knew that this is a monster that can block the flowing airflow and convert it into a weapon. It was mentioned in the monster pamphlet that this monster belongs to the ancient mythical beast. The skills are divine and extremely difficult to tame. Of course, it is also extremely difficult to find. This guy may be a blessing or a curse for Liu Peng.

Liu Peng has jumped up and lost in just one round, which aroused his competitive heart. He condensed his energy and transformed the inner elixir power of the black tiger into layers of tiger shadows, and rushed to the Samorin beast, but his body had never moved in place. He knew that he was far away from this monster. The distance competition is relatively reliable. If you are too close, you must be injured.

The tiger shadow was reborn like a black tiger. As soon as it came into contact with the protection of the Samoyed Beast, it was turned into nothingness. It was as unable to focus as Liu Peng's last attack, but this time the difference was that it was not bounced away but absorbed.

Liu Peng immediately sat down, and the power in his body turned over and condensed. His body became extremely strong and expanded again during this condensation. His muscles exaggeratedly bulged, and his upper clothes were completely burst, revealing the horrible muscle outline. The most strange thing was that his skin turned as dark as ink and white appeared on it. The horizontal lines, if not without hair, are no different from tiger skin.

Acuo looked here and exclaimed, "Oh my God! Liu Peng has become an African and turned into a tiger. It's terrible!" Pa!" Xiaopei knocked on his head: "Don't make a sound, crow's mouth!" The second dog suddenly looked up and hummed at Xiaopei, but he didn't rush over. I guess this guy still remembers that Xiaopei fed it a lot of meat.

When Xiaopei saw the appearance of the second dog, he was so scared that he quickly hid behind Zhou Xirui and shouted at the second dog, "You stinky pig, ungrateful. Thanks to me feeding you so much meat, don't think about it in the future." It made Acuo laugh proudly and kissed the pig's head: "Ergou! You still love me!"

Zhou Xirui was looking at Liu Peng's change in surprise. A pair of tiger palms were obviously big, and the sharp blades popped up on them turned bright gray. The strangest thing was that his whole body was shrouded in a strong cyan light, as if it were cast iron. The yellow eyes showed a bloodthirsty light, and the whole body was full of the domineering spirit of the king of the beast.

He bowed his back and was ready to go like a tiger. This action was exactly the same as the black tiger's previous attack. Soon after that time, Liu Peng's hands had grasped the two horns of the Samolin beast. With gravity, he actually waved the Samolin beast's body five meters long, which was absolutely weighing more than one ton in the air. .

With a loud noise, the eyelids of everyone present unconsciously jumped at the same time. The earth shook violently. After a moment, the vibration ended, and the air around it seemed to flow still. After a burst of leaves fell wildly, the whole body of the Samlin beast had been completely smashed into the soil of the ground by Liu Peng's domineering power, and only the horns of his head were exposed and held in Liu Peng's hand.