Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 194 pi jiu mythical beast

The next day, everyone woke up and found that the water in the river had not receded at all. Liu Peng and A Cuo were distressed by the "two dogs" and Samoyed beasts. They built a "bridge" with stones to cross the river and were washed away by the water, and both failed.

After everyone discussed, Zhou Xirui, who was experienced in outdoor sports, took everyone to climb the mountain and bypassed the most rapid river. He led two mounts across the river, while the others sat on the pterosaurs. The dragon and the two dragon flew back and forth several times before pulling people and luggage across the river.

Zhou Xirui walked across the river between the "two dogs" and the Samolin beast, but the riverbed was too wide and the current was too rapid. They were washed a few steps along the water. The people on the other side let out an exclamation. It was not until Zhou Xirui calmed down and stabilized his body in the water. He grabbed the big ears of the "two dogs" with one hand and grabbed the horns of the Samolin beast with the other hand. It took half an hour to drag them to the opposite river step by step.

As soon as they arrived at the opposite side, Zhong Yueming and A Cuo had already set up the tent. Xiaopei immediately took a towel to dry him and asked him to take off his clothes and get into the sleeping bag. After adjusting his breath for a while, the heat in his abdomen surged and he was sleepy. He slept for four hours before he woke up.

As the height continues to rise, rich glaciers, spectacular ice cracks, unpredictable weather, and more than 2,000 meters of climbing falls, it satisfies all the imagination of several people about a snowy mountain.

A few people went through a lot of ice cracks, big circles and small jumps. At first, everyone was scared, but later they gradually got used to it. There are still some skills when crossing the ice cracks. Stand next to the ice crack and step over when the person in front of you pulls the rope tightly. Even if the ice crack falls, it will not fall too deep, and the person in front of it will come up as soon as it is pulled.

Another way is to use the knife you carry with you. At the same time, you can hit the knife into the snow with your right hand, and you can stand. When there is a relatively dangerous ice crack, they use the two methods together so that there is no danger.

The snowy section with a length of more than 400 meters is nearly 30 centimeters deep. If you don't pay attention, you will slide down the ice and snow to the bottom of the mountain. This road is still carried by Dalong and Erlong to carry everyone and luggage, but they can't hold on in this oxygen-poxia and cold place in this snowy mountain.

Samoyed beast can run far in one jump, but the "two dogs" are too cumbersome. It is extremely difficult to cross the snowy mountains. As a last resort, Zhou Xirui had to push this guy away. When he passed the big ice crack, he had to grab his neck and throw it over, so the most difficult one on the way was Zhou Xirui.

The whole sky was shrouded in thick fog, occasionally revealing a little sunshine, and immediately rain and snow. Their clothes and gloves were wet, making several people not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

When several people were approaching the top of the snow, they found a snow concave and saw that the weather would be late. It was a great place to stay here to block the snow, so they decided to set up a tent here. Several people just set up the tent with jokes. Suddenly, a red light appeared on the nearby snow cliff, as if they had lost fire.

The red light made the snow seem to be burning. Suddenly, a loud sound of breaking the ice was heard, and a strange monster broke out of the ice. Everyone looked up and only saw a strange beast crouching in front of it, with a horn on its head and a body like a huge bear, but its eyes were behind its ears. With its loud cry, the ice on the cliff was several feet thick, but it was smashed. His eyes were wide, blood red and strange.

"pi jiu"!" Zhou Xirui said, and he told everyone nervously, "After everyone retreating, let Dimo, Xiaopei, Zhong Yueming and Tana sit on Dalong and Erlong." Then he roared and let Dalong and Erlong carry several people away from here first.

"What kind of monster is this?" Liu Peng asked.

"This strange beast's name is "Jiu". It is an ancient mythical beast. Its cultivation has reached millions of years. When I attack it later, you can assist me from a distance. Don't get too close." He looked at Yujiu's eyes warily and said, "This guy is very cruel. Be careful!"