Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 198 Black Peach Blossom Robbery

Everyone is eager to leave this cannibal village, but the chief is interested to invite everyone to stay tonight's Guli State Festival (meaning a girl's festival). Any man who is liked by the girl cannot refuse and must be taken away by this girl and have sex. If he refuses, he will be killed and eaten. The fingers and toes became a souvenir kept by the girl.

The men are interested and curious. Tana twisted Acuo's ear and said, "Why are you so excited? Do you want to be hit by? Humph!" Acuo, who was twisted, shouted and begged for mercy: "I'm not excited. It's enough to have you. The main reason is that it's dark. There are wild animals everywhere when you go out. I think it's safer for everyone to stay in the village!" Atso argued.

Xiao Pei also glanced at Zhou Xirui. Zhou Xirui quickly said, "Ha ha, baby, I think so too. Look, it's dark outside!" "Well, you can argue. Staying in a cannibal village may not be safer than outside!" Xiaopei muttered.

The races of the Inca Empire are all black-skinned, so the young girls in this village have healthy shiny black skin. Most of them are slim, protruding and very good figures. Of course, there are also a few circles of fat meat on their waists, big cake faces rolling fat on their faces, nine points like night fork.

The men in the village painted their whole bodies with red rock powder early in the morning, and tied gorgeous feathers on their heads and waists. When dancing by the bonfire, they tried to show their man's strength and beauty, so as to win the favor of the girls.

In the rhythmic dance of the men, the girls appeared, put their right hands on the shoulder of the girl in front of them, danced rhythmically, and their eyes searched for their favorite men on the field. Zhou Xirui stayed idle in the audience, and they didn't realize how attractive they were to the girls as boxers.

And the eyes of the Nuyami men are all hot on the last girl, who is the daughter of the chief, which is equivalent to a princess.

Her name is Numimi, with a big waist and a round waist, but such a strong body is considered to be the most beautiful here. You should know that in such a backward and primitive place, the power to compete with nature is weak after all, so it is not easy to have enough food and grow up like this. This is also because her father is the chief, and the people in the village hunt for delicious food. Of course, they must first give it to the people with the highest power.

Numimi proudly raised her head to search for a man who could see her, and finally her eyes stopped on Liu Peng. After Liu Peng's reincarnation, as a boxer, his muscles are very strong and his body is healthy. In this country that advocates nature, he is regarded as a standard beautiful man.

Liu Peng was talking to Zhong Yueming. He was coldly invited by someone. He looked up and was shocked. A fat girl like a black tower stood in front of him and served a bowl of wine-flavored drinks with both hands.

In view of the cannibals and the folk customs are too tough, Liu Peng only took it politely and tasted it. It tasted a little sour, but it was not difficult to taste. The girl didn't mean to leave, but continued to smile and ask him to drink it all.

As soon as Liu Peng finished drinking, the girl sat between him and Zhong Yueming. Zhong Yueming looked at Liu Peng sympathetically and sat next to Zhou Xirui with an ambiguous smile on him. The girl next to him sat closer and closer, and finally leaned almost completely on him. Thinking of the rules said by the chief before, Liu Peng did not dare to refuse, like sitting on pins and needles, hoping to finish early and go back to bed.

However, the matter is not as simple as he thought. The bowl of drink he just drank is a wild juice collected by the Nuyami people from the forest here. It contains a lot of ingredients that stimulate the secretion of hormones in the body. In fact, it is similar to the ingredients of stimulant, but the medicinal properties are more intense.

Sure enough, Liu Peng's face turned red for a while. In addition, the girl was so close that he couldn't control it. Numimi stood up and pulled him into a grass house. Zhou Xirui and others looked up at them leaving. Seeing that Liu Peng did not refuse, they thought he was willing, so they didn't care, but several people felt that Liu Peng's taste was also a little strange.

Liu Peng came back the next morning, looking tired and depressed, and said angrily, "Why didn't you help me last night? Damn, watch me get raped! Are you still my brothers?"

"Fuck, everyone looked at you last night and was willing to be taken away. How dare we ruin your good deeds?" A Cuo laughed, and the two girls also covered their mouths and laughed: "How can a man be raped, hehe!"

"Alas! It's true that she put medicine in the wine. I couldn't help following him." Liu Peng panicked. At that time, he was sober and was just kidnapped by desire.

"Then let's leave this village quickly! This is really terrible. In case they do something in the food again, are we still desperate? Zhong Yueming said eagerly, and Dimo, who was sitting on his shoulder, also nodded desperately.

The group packed their bags. As soon as they got to the entrance of the village, they were surrounded by the Nuyami people. Yesterday, the girl and chief who raped Liu Peng came to them. The girl pointed to Liu Peng and said, "He must stay, and the others can leave!"

"It seems that they are responsible for you." A Cuo teased Liu Peng, "I took the responsibility of Ni's mother. I was raped!" Liu Peng didn't want to stay, and he scolded angrily.

"He already has a wife and children in his family. He really can't stay. Please open the chief and let him go!" Zhou Xirui panicked and negotiated with the chief.

"It doesn't matter. We Nuyamites allow men to ask for many wives. He must stay. My daughter Numimi likes him very much," the chief said in an unquestionable tone.