Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 200 Interesting Experience

Liu Peng jumped down from the Samolin beast and aimed at the largest bull standing in front. After lifting his breath, there was a burst of fierce fists. Under the violent blow of the Tiger King Neidan, the front bull was smashed and its internal organs. Suddenly, his mouth, nose and ears were bleeding in the place where it could bleed.

It didn't have time to shout, "Boom!" He fell to the ground and died. When other monsters saw it, they didn't dare to stay. They all dispersed as birds and beasts and ran away

"Wow! We have a good time, authentic wild beef! Liu Peng, your hand is great!" Acuo looked at the meat mountain with drooling. Haha! Of course, don't thank me. Thank you for your hard work. Today, I'll treat you to authentic wild beef," Liu Peng said with a laugh.

As soon as the bonfire rose, Acuo couldn't wait to cut the muscles of the cow's legs. "You are so old. The tenderest meat on the cow is the spine. The "loin" here is very tender, and it is also suitable for frying steak." Zhong Yueming, who is very knowledgeable about eating, smiled.

He finely shaved off the tenderloin. Hearing what he said, Acuo came to help: "Well, the top students who have stayed abroad are different. After all, they grow up eating steak!"

"Get out of here. Who grew up eating steak? I'm Chinese!" Zhong Yueming was a little awkward when he heard his words, and then he understood.

"Ha ha, has Zhong Yueming finished it? My stick has been cut and roasted. I'm hungry." Zhou Xirui sat by the bonfire with a large bundle of cut branches.

At this time, a few roars, a few lions came and smelled the blood. When they saw the huge bison, they ran there excitedly and didn't pay attention to Zhou Xirui and others at all.

Of course, there are other animals on this grassland that can be more majestic than lions. Of course, they will not pay attention to other weak animals. Unfortunately, they were wrong. Before they could get close to the bison, Zhou Xirui punched out. Although he only used one-tenth of his strength, he also drove the group of lions out and rolled several times.

Now the lions immediately realized that they met a powerful opponent and had to get up. They were reluctant to take a look at the meat mountain, shook their tails, retreated 50 meters away and peep at them. The smell of roasted wild beef floated over from time to time, making these voyeurs hang their mouths on their mouths.

When they were on their way and left about 50 meters away from the cow's body, the group of lions could not hold back and rushed up one after another. The hyenas and vulture also wandered around the vicinity, intending to pick up some remnants of lions to satisfy their hunger.

They walked for more than two hours, and a big river blocked the way. There were huge crocodiles in the river, and there were dozens of them in this section. Zhong Yueming became interested in several ostriches not far away. "Xiao Rui, do me a favor. I want to ride ostriches. In the past, there were specially raised ostriches in amusement parks in the United States. At that time, I was going to play, but I didn't get on it. It's a pity. Let's experience it today!"

"It's fun to ride an ostrich!" Several men were interested and thought the suggestion was good. Zhou Xirui took out a climbing rope and sat on the big dragon to put one over. The bird began to flutter violently and refused to comply. After a while, he simply buried his head in the sand by the river. "No wonder he described people as escaping problems, like ostriches," Liu Peng said with a smile.

Zhong Yueming shouted, "Everyone should be careful of its feet. The ostrich's front paws are strong and sharp, and they can kill the lion if necessary." Hearing this, everyone dispersed with a shout.

Zhong Yueming put a small bag around the whole head of the ostrich. At this time, the ostrich wearing a high hat stretched out its neck nearly 1 meter long, which was a little ridiculous. Because he lost his vision and was helpless, he took the opportunity to sit on the ostrich for a while.

The ostrich didn't like to be ridden, but kept running at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Zhou Xirui was afraid that Zhong Yueming would be in danger, so he immediately rode the dragon and flew over their heads and chased them. This ostrich was really exciting. Zhong Yueming hugged its neck tightly and kept exclaiming, "Oh my God! I'm going to fall down!! Haha! It's so exciting!" But it looked so funny that several onlookers all laughed.

When several men sat up and experienced it in turn and were ready to cross the river, Zhou Xirui asked Dalong and Erlong to carry everyone across the river in turn and carry their luggage over. But then Zhou Xirui had to accompany Samoyin Beast and the "Two Dogs" to cross the river. He is not worried about the Samarilin beast. He can cross the river in a few leaps, and the crocodile in the water can't help this mythical beast.

But the "two dogs" are different. It is a delicacy that any carnivore will covet. So no matter how Zhou Xirui coaxed it, he refused to leave. He was so anxious that A Cuo kept shouting it on the opposite side. This guy heard the cry and wanted to go there, but he retreated as soon as he saw the water.

Zhou Xirui was angry and wanted to rectify the timid pig. He pretended not to look at the "two dogs" again and patted the head of the Samolin beast and said, "Don't go. Let's go there. It will be too late when the lion comes!" After saying that, he walked into the river with the Samrin beast.

As soon as the "two dogs" heard the lion, they were anxious. Seeing them walking into the river, they also followed awkwardly. The water was as deep as Zhou Xirui's chest, and dozens of crocodiles slowly gathered around. "Two Dogs" was so scared that he howled, and Zhou Xirui roared annoy, "Shut up! Ask him to leave you in the river again.