Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 221 Bloodthirsty Jungle

Acuo looked at the waterside for a long time and didn't figure out what was surging underwater: "Is it a fish? There are too many. I can't see it clearly. It seems that they are all palm-big!" He guessed.

Zhou Xirui took a stick and stirred it up. It turned out to be a big black bug. Xiaopei and Tana exclaimed and immediately retreated. The lake was full of such insects. Everyone felt very horrible.

Zhong Yueming picked up a carefully and said, "This is a mosquito larva, my God! There are so many, and it's so big, so I don't know how big the mosquito is?"

While talking, there was a loud buzzing sound, as if countless planes were roaring and surrounding them. Zhou Xirui shouted, "No, everyone leaning together. Liu Peng and Zhong Yueming and I stood in the outer circle, and the others stood in the middle, faster."

Soon the three of them formed a stand-on formation, surrounding the others in the middle. Countless mosquitoes weighing more than 20 catties in all directions attacked the crowd. Where Zhou Xirui's fist swept, the mosquitoes burned and fell down one after another.

Wherever Liu Peng's boxing wind swept, mosquitoes also fell one after another, but a steady stream of mosquitoes always rushed forward, and he couldn't stand it.

Acuo's throwing iron braze was obviously unstoppable. Fortunately, Dimo was usually selfish and could stand up at the critical moment. He sat on Ah Duo's shoulder and pressed the hidden weapon button on his body, which could barely help Acuo persist for a while.

The form is becoming more and more critical. It seems that mosquitoes from all over the jungle have come to participate in this feast. Zhou Xirui risked his life and decided to burn the horrible jungle, but at the same time, he is also worried that the heat will cook everyone.

"Can Xiaopei's boundary block mosquitoes and heat?" Zhou Xirui said anxiously.

Xiao Pei said it was okay, but it won't last long. "How long can it last?" Zhou Xirui asked. 5

"It can last for about 20 minutes!" Xiaopei looked at him worriedly and said.

20 minutes! OK, 20 minutes is enough. Let's start! Xiaopei" Zhou Xirui said with a sigh of relief.

Xiaopei sat cross-legged, and Yuque hung in mid-air and slowly rotated. As she chanted spells and emitted blue light, obviously formed a blue bubble-like cover. Xiaopei's boundary covered everyone, and no matter how the mosquitoes could hit it, they could not fly in.

Zhou Xirui quickly jumped into the air, and his whole body emitted a dazzling golden light. He only heard a huge fire wave sweeping through the whole jungle. Suddenly, the surrounding trees and man-eating grass burned violently. The lake reached the boiling point in an instant, boiling all the surging black insects inside were boiled to death.

The mosquitoes were burned to ashes in an instant, and the whole jungle turned into a sea of fire in hell. The indigenous people stared at Zhou Xirui in surprise. They asked, "How did he do it? Is he a god?"

"You're right, he is the great heroic and invincible god of the sun. Kneel down, haha, he is your supreme god!" Atso jokedly.

I didn't expect this native, but it's really "Puff!" He knelt on the ground and worshipped the "sun god" in the sky.

"Haha, I lied to you. You really believe it, haha!" Atso felt that these indigenous people were really brainless. They were stupid and believed in those ghosts, gods and nonsense.

After more than ten days, they entered the realm of the Aolai Empire, which is a business-oriented country, and the prosperity is not comparable to that of the Inca Empire and the Portan Empire.

However, in the eyes of these reincarnations, compared with their previous lives, the prosperity here is still in the old noise of the old era, and everything looks rustic and friendly.

They came to Langfang, a small border city. When everyone walks on the road or sits on the street, they can smell the old oil and gas, old wood gas, dust gas, food gas, the urine gas accumulated over time in a small area in front of the toilet, and the soap and water vapor from the bathtub;

They casually chose a hotel and saw that the tall carved ceiling was black and white, and the pattern was full of dust, like ears and eyes were full of earwax, and the wide kitchen was full of yellow-brown old oil fumes. When they encountered dust, they were hanging on it, like ropes hanging small things on the Christmas tree.

Xiaopei and Tana pushed open the door of the thick and strong room, with good brown wood and brass handles on it, finely cast the patterns of the fashionable youth era of the old era. It seems that it has been used for hundreds of years, but it is still not messy;

Xiaopei walked into the bathroom and saw a women's special cleaning basin in the bathroom, and the water flowed from the bottom up like a fountain. The dressing mirror embedded in the wall on one side of the corridor shone on people in the dark. The mercury was so well, the glass was so flat, and it did not look bad no matter how far away it was.

Everything here makes her in a trance. It seems that she has seen it somewhere, but she can't find such memories from the memories of this life and past life. Xiaopei sat at the window and thought about it. Maybe he had been here many times before!

At midnight, Xiaopei had a nightmare dream. Before she met, a man appeared, tall and handsome, looking at her with a smile. Here you are! I have finally waited for you for 300 years. Come with me!

Then he couldn't help pulling Xiaopei and ran away. A moat appeared in front of him, and he took Xiaopei's hand and jumped down. Xiaopei shouted in horror: "Xiao Rui...Xiao Rui, come and save me!"

"Wake up, wake up! It's a nightmare!" Seeing her wake up, Tana was relieved. Just now, Xiaopei cried and shouted, and suddenly woke herself up. Seeing her appearance seemed to be very painful, she woke her up.

After waking up, Xiaopei was like losing his soul. He sat there stunned and panicked that Tana quickly knocked on the boys' door and asked everyone to see what happened to Xiaopei?

At this moment, Xiaopei stood in front of the bed and looked at herself sitting in a daze**, desperately trying to return to her body, but was blocked by an invisible wall. She shook anxiously in front of the bed, but none of the anxious people in the room could see her.

The terrible man behind him appeared and took her hair to a dark basement. The man stripped her of her clothes and hung them on the wall and kept beating her: "You stinky bitch, beat you to death**! Beat you to death!"

The man beat for a while and put her dying on the ground. Strangely, she did not faint, but her mind became clearer. The man lay on her body and pierced fiercely.

She felt pain all over her body, which was pain from the depths of her soul. She wanted to give up her will to survive and was abused by a strange man, which made her feel that life was worse than death.

This man smiled evilly and seemed to understand all her thoughts: "You can't die, haha, you will always be tortured like this and be tortured with me forever! ..." In the end, the man burst into tears. "Manna, I love you so much! Why did you hurt me! Why?" Speaking of this, he picked up the whip wheel and turned to Xiaopei angrily.