Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 231 Gentle Trap

Emperor Moyan waved his hand, and a beautiful maid brought a bottle of dragon whip wine in a transparent crystal bottle. The wine inside was emerald green and beautiful. Xiaopei and Tana were about to taste the wine, but they were said by the Empress Moyan: "Women can't drink this wine. For the time being, the two ladies will go down to rest with Elma!" .

Zhou Xirui quickly said, "No, thank you, Your Majesty. We still have a brother in the hotel, and we are going to meet him!"

"Ha ha, where does he live? I'll send someone to invite him right away. Now there are a lot of people watching the game in the city. I'm afraid it's crowded for you to stay in a hotel. It's better to rest in the village," Emperor Moyan laughed.

"How can you be embarrassed? We have so many people. It's so disturbing!" Liu Peng also said.

"It doesn't matter. My garden is big. You people live in a lively way. It's also pleasant to invite you to drink and chat sooner or later." Emperor Moyan said boldly, "Which hotel is your brother? I'll send someone to invite?"

Zhou Xirui thought that living here was more comfortable than a hotel, and the host was so enthusiastic, so he might as well agree! So he said gratefully, "Then thank you, Your Majesty, but you don't have to send someone to pick him up. I'll just let Dalong carry him here!"

"Okay, hehe, invite him to come!" Emperor Mo Yan said with a bright smile.

Zhou Xirui let out a long roar, and the dragon fell down, signaling it to take Zhong Yueming over. But this time, the dragon did not go immediately, but looked at the cage. Zhou Xirui immediately understood what it meant. He wanted to eat the body of a small dragon in the cage.

"Your Majesty, can you give me this pterosaur to eat?" He pleaded with the Demon Emperor.

"Ha, of course. There have always been rumors that dragon meat is delicious. In fact, this dragon meat is rough and not suitable for cooking at all. I also prepare to order people to throw it away after the banquet. Knife, go and cut the dragon meat and feed it!" Emperor Moyan readily agreed.

Several of Moyan Emperor's men came forward and dragged the dragon's corpse out of the cage and put it beside the railing. The knife quickly shaved two catties of meat and threw it at the dragon. The dragon stretched out his mouth and swallowed it. Erlong also flew down and enjoyed this delicious meal together.

Half an hour, the dragon still had some meat left at the tail. Then Dalong flew up, flew to the hotel, and finally hovered over the hotel. "Wow!" As soon as he heard it, Zhong Yueming knew it was Dalong. He quickly walked to the backyard, and Dalong fell beside him.

"Dalong, Xiaorui, are they here? Where are they?" He asked quickly. Dalong bent down and motioned him to carry it on his back. Zhong Yueming didn't know what it was doing, but he guessed that it should be Xiaorui and others sent it to pick him up, and quickly climbed onto the bird's back.

In just a few minutes after taking off and landing, Dalong took him to the pavilion in the lake. Zhong Yueming saw that Xiao Rui and others were really here, and surprisingly, there was also the Moyan Emperor.

Everyone was very happy to see Zhong Yueming, but Emperor Moyan insisted on letting Xiaopei and Tana go to rest. As soon as the woman's family left, he ordered the beautiful woman to pour a glass of dragon whip wine for everyone.

As soon as several men drank it, they knew why Emperor Moyan asked the women to go down. As soon as the dragon whip was drunk, it had the function of extreme aphrodisiac. Everyone immediately felt that their whole body was dry and hot, and a certain part immediately got up, and it was as hard as iron.

Emperor Moyan smiled and ordered dozens of beautiful maids to serve them undressed. Suddenly, the spring light upstairs was infinite, and the woman's delicate voice and the man's gasps were endless.

Only Emperor Moyan smiled and drank the wine calmly. His phoenix elixir matches the attributes of dragon wine. The medicinal power of this wine is easy for him to melt, but Zhou Xirui and others can only be resolved in the form of reconciliation.

Emperor Moyan knows that the best way to attract Zhou Xirui and others is to do what he likes. As a man, it is nothing more than power, beauty and money.

Right, as long as they help unify the continent, it is easy to crown several people. Women are even simpler, how much they want. Money is nothing to him who is extremely rich. He felt that as long as he kept giving favors to these people, they would definitely serve him in the end.

Everyone was drunk and dreamed until midnight, and then they were ordered by Emperor Moyan to help them to the guest room to rest. The next day, three people woke up. Zhou Xirui recalled his absurd behavior after drinking yesterday and felt that this was really not good. He couldn't figure out exactly where it was.

"Big, it was so fucking cool yesterday!" Liu Peng said endlessly.

"Haha, this is really a fucking paradise. I really don't want to leave," A Cuo also stretched out and said. Dimo lay next to him, with the same look as this boy.

"Haha, it's very comfortable!" Even Zhong Yueming, who has always been rational, said.

To be honest, it was very cool, but after listening to everyone's words, Zhou Xirui suddenly understood why he felt that it was so inappropriate. In fact, this unconsciously disintegrated everyone's will. If it goes on like this, how can he leave here, let alone take the boxing champion's golden belt back to his previous life. I'm afraid Azo and even Tana will Forget it.