Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 246 Bullhead

Zhou Xirui and Dimo hurried down the stairs to help the two people who fell below. Countless green lights were flashing in the darkness and nothingness in front of them.

Zhou Xirui punched the edge of the dark space and estimated that there was a lantern beast. Suddenly, the firelight rushed to the sky. The lantern beast on the edge was much bigger and denser than that in the lane.

With the blazing fire, people really don't know how to describe the place they saw. In front of them, there was a huge natural cave, roughly estimated to be the size of three football fields, and countless bison in the cave quietly stared at them.

At the edge of the cave, at the foot of the lantern beast, there are hill-like cow bones, and the cool wind is mixed with a smell of rot.

At the other end of the hole, there is a circular platform with a huge monster five meters tall. The monster has a huge bull's head, but has the sharp teeth of a carnivore, shining cold light under the firelight. It is squatting in front of the body of a bison, tearing off a cow's leg and chewing, and the fingers on its claws A is sharp and long.

Its body is the body of a tiger-backed bear waist man. Its whole body is **, and its hair is very thick. With its huge chewing sound, the monster makes a roar from time to time, which makes people shudder.

"Is this... what... strange... monster?" Zhong Yueming lay on the ground and asked in a low voice.

"Cow... Bullhead God?!" Zhou Xirui didn't feel that he trembled.

"Quick! Get out," Dimo quickly rushed to Zhou Xirui's shoulder and said.

Zhou Xirui rushed to help Zhong Yueming. Liu Peng got up by himself. They turned around and walked up the stairs, but this fire made the Taurus, who was used to the dark. After a short time, he came to his senses, he suddenly stood up and strode this way.

Every step it takes can make people feel that the earth is shaking, and the bison gives way to the bullhead as if he were their king.

Zhou Xirui punched him and said, "Liu Peng, you help Yue Ming go up first!"

"Be careful!" Liu Peng nodded and helped Zhong Yueming walk up the stairs. Dimo also slipped to the ground and climbed up the stairs.

Zhou Xirui's fist swept over the bull-headed monster, and the hot power just stopped its body and seemed to burn it. After making a huge roar, this guy suddenly strode over.

Zhou Xirui was shocked. The power he hit couldn't even withstand tens of millions of years of monsters. How could this bullhead bear it? Isn't this monster flesh and blood?

He quickly jumped up and hovered in the air. The monster looked up at him, with a fierce light in his eyes, and suddenly turned around and rushed to Zhong Yueming and the others.

Xi Rui is anxious next week. I'm afraid that even Liu Peng may not be able to resist the power of this monster. Anyway, he must stop this monster.

He turned over and jumped in front of the monster and punched continuously. The hot power kept attacking the monster. The monster was so hot that it was hot and anxious, and the pain was unbearable. He pounced on Zhou Xirui fiercely.

Zhou Xirui immediately condensed the spirit of Dantian and guided the hot force to run his whole body. With this operation, his body emitted a dazzling sun-like light, and the hot temperature made the air within 20 meters under him become hot. Turn your body into a fireball and rush straight to the monster at a meteor-like speed.

But this time it unexpectedly failed to penetrate, just burn the meat on the monster's chest. The monster kept roaring and fell to the ground, which seemed to be very painful. At this time, Zhou Xirui hovered in the air and looked down at the monster.

The monster struggled unwillingly to get up, but with his opponent who could not catch the hovering in the air, he fell angrily and rushed into the bison pile and reached out to grab the hind leg of a bison.

The bison was so scared that "Wow!" He kept screaming and struggling, but was dragged by the monster and torn in half. Suddenly, the blood splashed on the ground. The monster vented his anger and sat on the ground and gasped, looking at it couldn't live.

Zhou Xirui breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the cave. He found that there was a very large dark hole on the wall of the cave to the east. The wind poured in from there. It should lead to the exit, but there was nothing to climb up and down.

He glanced and found that the surrounding cave walls were also dense and full of small holes, with thousands of denseness, as if the cave wall had been swept more than a dozen times by supermachine guns of different calibers. It seemed that this was the center of the underground palace, and each passage seemed to lead to be here. .

He fell to Zhong Yueming and smiled and said, "The big hole over there can probably go out, and the wind will pour in from there."

Zhong Yueming and others just saw the tragic situation of the monster tearing the bison, and they were still a little shocked. As soon as they heard the exit, they quickly said, "Let's go quickly!"

Zhong Yueming looked at the big hole about ten meters away from the ground and said, "It's still up to Xiao Rui to carry us. It's too high."

Zhou Xirui nodded and let Zhong Yueming lie on his back and jumped to the hole. When he skimmed over the monster's head, the monster waved his claws feebly, scaring Zhong Yueming.

He also carried Liu Peng and Dimo back twice and walked in the direction of the wind blowing in the cave. As he walked, he heard a strange "cluck" sound in front of him. The sound was very similar to the laughter of a child, which was particularly horrible in this gloomy underground palace.