Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 256 San Diego

San Diego is the second largest city in California and the seventh largest city in the United States. It is located on the San Diego Bay at the southern end of the state, 20 kilometers south of the Mexican border. This is the first land that Zhou Xirui and others set foot on in the Americas.

"How about San Diego? Zhong Yueming, a Harvard student, give us some geography! Haha," Zhou Xirui laughed.

"This city has a mild climate and plenty of sunshine. It is one of the most habitable cities in the United States. San Diego's tourism industry is one of the pillars of the city's economy, with famous marine parks and beautiful beaches.

"Zhong Yueming, you remember it clearly. You are indeed a top student." Liu Peng also gave a thumbs up.

Zhong Yueming smiled proudly and said, "San Diego's Ocean World is the world's largest marine theme park."

Xiao Pei laughed and said, "Then you must go and have a look."

At noon, their submarine drove to San Diego Bay, located on the southwest side of downtown San Diego. After landing on a motorboat, they felt that the place was beautifully decorated and there were many exquisite and distinctive shops along the coast. After discussion, they decided to have a special meal here before leaving.

But soon everyone found that there were only fast food restaurants here, so they casually walked into a restaurant. In addition to hamburgers, there were also Mexican tacos, and there was only a kind of shrimp with soft bean leaves. Several people ordered a few hamburgers and tacos, and Xiaopei curiously ordered fried shrimp with leaves.

When the hamburger was brought up, people did not expect much from this junk food, and the appearance of the hamburger was not good; two pieces of round bread were sandwiched with lettuce beef and a piece of butter, and two slices of tomatoes and some lettuce were piled next to it.

Acuo took a casual bite and suddenly said, "Hey, this beef is fucking delicious, beyond my expectation, hehe."

Zhong Yueming also took a happy bite and said, "Hey, this beef is a San Diego specialty, and it is said that it has been secretly made through many processes."

"This taco is very crispy," Liu Peng took a bite of the taco and said.

"Oh, it tastes terrible!" Xiaopei spit out the shrimp meat in his mouth. I don't know how this leaf fried shrimp has a strange smell.

After eating, a group of people wandered on the streets and looked up at this very modern and tidy city, but the details were full of Mexican tradition.

They are not far from the north side of downtown San Diego. It is a park, which is very large. There are many museums in it, and the San Diego Zoo is also in the northwest corner of the park.

In addition, the park also has gardens, botanical gardens, ancient buildings, art sculptures, large squares where concerts are held, international folk exhibitions, etc.

They sat on the free bus in the park, surrounded the park to see the panoramic view of the park, and took a few beautiful photos of each other at sunset.

After getting out of the car, I saw a group of Americans sitting on the lawn listening to live performances, which seemed to be a kind of leisure and entertainment.

The lawn is full of playful children, jumping and jumping in front, very energetic, and everyone can't help but envy their innocence and liveliness.

As soon as they sat on the lawn, a plainly dressed woman came to talk. The woman was about 50 years old, very thin, and obviously Indian in appearance. She was very characteristic of Asian Mongolians: her hair was hard and straight, her hair was thin and weak, her cheekbones were protruding, and her face was wide. The skin color is darker.

It seems that this is an indigenous person. Zhong Yueming has always been curious about the mysterious Indians and takes this opportunity to keep talking to this enthusiastic lady.

In the end, the enthusiastic lady has become old friends with Zhong Yueming and invited everyone to participate in the cattle killing festival that their Indians attach great importance to.

This woman said that her Indians are brave and good at fighting, especially the Indians who live on the plains and hunt for a living.

The vast area east of the Rocky Mountains to the west bank of the Mississippi River is the residence of Indians on the plains. The brave and good Apak cavalry basically hunts big animals for a living.

There are thousands of bison on this plain, galloping unstoppable, and the Indians living here survived by defeating the cattle bravely. They use cowhide and beef tendons to build houses, make clothes and shoes; use cow dung as fuel; and use cow's ** to make kettles and drinking utensils.

In order to get enough food, the Indians chased the bison and waited for the opportunity to hunt. In the face of fierce bison and other beasts, they will be accidentally ** by the herd. They can only pray for the protection of the gods to protect them from **.

So the day when the Indians prayed for peace and sacrificed to the gods, it was called Cattle Killing Day.

Ms said that their people live in the forest in the Andes outside Santiago, which is her hometown. She is going back tomorrow. She just saw that several of them are Chinese. Because they are very fascinated by the ancient oriental countries, she wants to know them.

"Shall we go to the Andes to see the Indian villages with this lady tomorrow?" Zhong Yueming turned his head to discuss with everyone that he really wanted to get close to Indian culture and understand their lives.

Everyone is basically in favor. Curiosity is always the first priority for them. The lady called herself Black Annes. They made an appointment to meet at the gate of the park the next day and made an appointment.