Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 258 Warrior's Honor

The warriors dancing by the fire volunteered to accept cruel torture. The people in the tribe pierced their skin with thick threads, hung their bodies, and then let the sewn skin unable to support his weight and threw him down.

Next, people cut a ditch above their waist, tie them tightly in the cut wound with a raw cowhide belt, and then throw them back to the fire and dance next.

This round of dance lasted for more than two hours. Zhou Xirui clearly saw the back of these warriors, the deep groove in their waist, and the blood was so bloody that they could put into a tight fist.

From the beginning to the end of the ceremony, several people were observing these warriors. When everyone heard the sound of cutting meat, they seemed to feel their pain. Xiaopei couldn't help but shed tears. Several warriors danced and waved to the guests and pointed to themselves, but their faces were happy. Laugh,

Black Annes said with a smile and carelessly, "This is normal. It is this cruel ceremony that exercises the tenacious vitality of our Indians. The Indians have always had the miracle of recovering from serious injuries.

In the past, there was an Indian volunteer named Anzi who was shot through his internal organs by a particle, but after eating a little morphine and drinking some whisky, he could still ride a day, walk a bumpy mountain road for a day, and return to his home 200 miles away. When people saw him the next year, he was still alive.

Even our Indian children had that tenacious perseverance and physique. When U.S. General Custer led soldiers to attack the black kettle tribe, several children were shot.

After the war, American doctors examined and cleaned their wounds. Although the pain had deformed their faces, no one hummed. A little girl was pierced by a bullet on the left side of her body and still sat upright like a healthy child.

Zhong Yueming was curious about the names of the Indians. He felt that their names were almost surprisingly free and casual: "You don't have surnames. It must be difficult to find out the family tree, right?

Black Annes smiled and said, "Our Indian baby name is temporary. Sixteen or seven-year-old young people, another name is also a sign of adulthood.

Our Indian names are interesting, generally very specific and vivid, and some are close to grotesque or even funny.

For example, a warrior of the Hini tribe is called "wooden legs", and it is presupposable that he must have broken his legs and received two wooden substitutes.

In fact, the name originally belonged to the warrior's uncle, who got this name because his legs had the endurance to run a long distance. When he was a child, the warrior admired the uncle very much. His uncle followed him wherever he went and repeatedly asked his father to change his name to "wooden legs".

When the warrior was 17 years old, he killed a horse thief from the crow tribe, so his father set up a banquet to celebrate his son's achievements and officially gave the nickname-like name to his son.

Mad Horse, the leader of the Su tribe, participated in a battle with neighboring tribes at the age of 18. On the rocky hillside, he rushed into the other's warriors several times, not only killing two enemies, but also cutting off their scalps.

After returning home, a celebration was held in recognition of his bravery. His father was an elder of the tribe. He awarded his name "Crazy Horse" to his son and changed his name to " earthworm" from then on.

"Haha, earthworm?! This is so funny," Acuo couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh, listen to the lady!" Zhong Yueming saw that Black Annes was a little unhappy and quickly stopped his rudeness.

Black Annes continued: "The most bizarre thing is the tribal leader of the Maori people many years ago: the sitting cow. This name is not "sleeping cow", but "sitting cow".

Because I never thought that the bulky and simple cow would raise its front hoof and sit up, I just heard the name and felt ridiculous. Later, my grandmother said that the leader had a wide face and broad shoulders, earthy brown-red skin, thick lips slightly bent down, raised his face, and a bit sarcastic smile appeared between the corners of his mouth and eyebrows.

His burly body is full of wildness, full of fierce and unruly bison on the grassland. After the battle of the little sheep horns, the sitting cattle led the men and women of the tribe to flee to Canada.

When he passed the customs, he showed the third medal given by George to the chief of the Su tribe and told the border guards and guards, "We are British Indians. Our grandfather grew up on British soil.

Later, the "sitting cow" was forced by hunger and had to take the tribe back to the land where it was born in the Andes. However, the "sitting cow" loved the land more than anything else, and those compatriots who could not stand ** and wanted to sell the Indian territory made him extremely disgusted.

At a meeting of the chief elders of the tribe, many leaders suggested selling land. He said that if they wanted to sell land, they must weigh a pound of soil to sell it. Speaking of this history, Black Annes's tone is very painful.