Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 262 Cyclops

Because the eardrum is larger than ordinary people, a slight sound will immediately make him feel it. At this moment, he has captured Zhou Xirui's complaint.

Immediately turned around and strode in the direction of Zhou Xirui. Zhou Xirui hurriedly hid in the rocks. He thought that his body was so small that it was safe to hide in the cracks in the stone. Unexpectedly, the one-eyed monster was too violent. He smashed a huge conical stone nail as a mountain under the board and smashed the stone hidden by Zhou Xirui fiercely. , immediately smashed the hard granite into powder.

This power was so scary that Zhou Xirui broke out in a cold sweat while hiding. The one-eyed monster also followed and smashed all the way with his terrible hearing. Zhou Xirui was almost hit several times, and it was dangerous for a while.

Zhou Xirui saw that there was no way to hide like this. Sooner or later, he would be smashed into meat mud by this guy. The hot fists he blew out several times had no effect on the monster. It was just like burning it with a drawn match. He couldn't be solved by this method at all.

What should I do? This made Zhou Xirui very nerve-wracking. He didn't know how to subdue this one-eyed monster.

He hovered above the monster and tried to avoid the stone cone he waved.

The monster's blood-red eyes stared at him fiercely, which made Zhou Xirui dare not take a breath. When his eyes stayed on the stone cone in the monster's hand, he suddenly thought that he could insert a stone cone into the monster's eyes. Once the monster is blind and his hearing is good, as long as he doesn't make a sound, he There is nothing I can do about it.

He said it and did it. He looked at an empty block and fell to the lower hole. There was a stone cone more than one meter long under the board. The stone cone was full of Zhou Xirui's waist. He resisted it on his shoulder and tried his best to circle up. As soon as he fell on a stone on the cliff, the monster's stone cone hit over.

Zhou Xirui jumped up and hovered above the Cyclops. He aimed his giant eye and tosked the stone cone, but was brushed aside by him.

This made Zhou Xirui angry. He was angry, and his fist attacked the giant's eyes like raindrops. Unexpectedly, this eye was the most vulnerable place on the monster's body. The flame ignited in the monster's eyes. He fell to the ground and tried his best to pick his eyes until the burnt eyeballs were caught.

The monster kept rolling on the ground in pain, and the darkness around him gradually dissipated. Zhou Xirui suddenly woke up. It turned out that everything just happened was just in a dream.

He looked around, and the dwarfs were raising a bonfire around him, some were sharpening knives, and some were taking knives to cut at themselves. The dwarves saw him wake up, so scared that the knives in their hands fell to the ground, and looked at him in horror.

It turns out that these dwarfs are Burdak little demons. They are a kind of elf who will get into the house from the chimney where the Indians live, steal the defenseless people and eat them. After it enters the house, the usually sleeping children will begin to have nightmares.

It is said that Burdak likes to eat those naughty children very much. In order to prevent it from getting through the chimney, the Indians sprinkled salt in the chimney because Burdak hates to walk through the salt.

This kind of little devil usually likes to eat human flesh, likes to play pranks, and will deform, such as turning into a lot of dust. If they come to the place where humans live, they usually wear ragged and dirty clothes with messy hair.

They not only like to play pranks, but also like to create disasters, and once they settle down, they can't get rid of it completely. Even if they move, they will hide in the furniture and be taken to the new house together. They will wait for the opportunity to eat the owner of the house before leaving.

They usually trick people into drinking a special fruit wine. Once they drink this wine, their souls will fall into Tartarus (the abyss under the underworld) and be trapped here to eat by the Cyclops.

In this way, they can safely enjoy the human body. This time, they didn't expect that the souls of the prey could escape from the abyss underworld. These little demons were shocked. If they didn't use deception and starting in human dreams, the weak bodies of these dwarfs could not kill an ordinary person at all, and they were immediately scared to run away. There is no shadow.

As soon as these little demons dispersed, the grassland in front of him suddenly disappeared. In front of him was a rugged uphill mountain road. Looking up, he was still halfway to the top of the mountain. He did not dare to stop and hover up. At this moment, the most important thing was to find his friends. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this Black Annes. Why Knowing that this road is dangerous, why do you deliberately want to bring them here?

The speed of flying up is indeed much faster than hiking. He quickly came to a big lake on the top of the mountain. He stood by the lake and looked around. The lake was as blue as the sky. The lake was very broad. The water vapor blowing in the wind was very pleasant, but he didn't see Xiaopei and others. Where did they go? ?

At this time, a huge splash suddenly splashed on the lake, and a snake-shaped shadow more than ten meters long was tossed. Suddenly, a smiling woman exposed her upper body, with long hair shining golden light, a very contoured face and a pair of blue eyes, and a pair of plump ru room were full of **. She swam over. Beckoned to Zhou Xirui, as if to let him go into the water.

Zhou Xirui took a look at her snake-like lower body hidden under the water and retreated in fear. The beautiful woman suddenly showed a terrible face. Half of her snake-like body twisted in the water and rushed to Zhou Xirui with a huge sound of water.

The beautiful woman's eyes turned into a little blue light in the terrible white of her eyes, and her snake-like fangs were also exposed. She showed scales on her body, and her hands turned into a pair of claws.

This one was so scared that Zhou Xirui's heart jumped violently. It gasped heavily. Every time he exhaled, it gave birth to a black fog, slowly covering its body in it and could not see the whole picture. At this time, the instinctive reaction of the body replaced the thinking in the head. Zhou Xirui shrank back and jumped behind the rock beside him.