Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 274 Princess Nia

In the depths of the universe 21300 light-years away from the Milky Way, there is a massive black hole. This black hole is Zhou Xirui's destination. They want to travel in the black hole and look for aging matter.

In the black hole is another mysterious small universe. There are also countless stars and cold planets burning from hot gas in this small universe.

There is a massive planet that emits a dazzling red light. It is a star. Next to it is a planet much smaller than it, which rotates around it in an appropriate position because of gravity.

Because it has sufficient light and water, it has become a terrestrial planet suitable for biological survival. The suitable temperature and climate make the vegetation lush, and the strange animal species are also very rich.

But the real ruler of this planet is not a huge reptile, but a highly civilized and intelligent race. They are Yami people, from another more distant galaxy outside the black hole.

A long time ago, the by-product of their early civilization; pollution caused by industrial development, early tribal wars, and the use of large-scale nuclear weapons destroyed the planet. But their highly developed technology can take them to find a suitable home for survival in any corner of the universe.

And the development of civilization has long made them abandon the war. On this newly developed planet, they use a high degree of biotechnology so that all possible pollution can be dealt with in time and turned into substances that can be digested and absorbed by the environment. So on this planet, everything looks primitive, and there is no trace of destruction of intelligent creatures. This is a real paradise of animals and plants.

The ruler of this race was killed in a spaceship accident. They respected the ethnic rules of the race. The ruler's memory code was recorded in his little daughter's brain, and the princess will inherit the throne and lead the whole clan to continue the exploration of the universe and racial development. The technology of memory burning has enabled the wisdom of countless generations to be passed on and developed in geometric multiples. Their race is the only invincible creature in the universe.

This planet is much more mass than the earth. The planet is rich in water resources, and two-thirds of it is occupied by the ocean.

In the deep sea, there are sea creatures as large as whales on earth, but these creatures are more fierce and strange.

And the rich variety of small creatures in the ocean provide rich ingredients for the top predators of the food chain.

The planet accounts for one-third of the land, like an island, dotted on the ocean. These land are lush with vegetation and nurture a huge herbivorous fauna.

Because it is similar to the climate environment of the Earth's Cretaceous, the reptiles are also quite large and fierce.

In addition to reptiles, fierce mammalian predators here are also rich in species, and there are even evil-eating pigs.

Only on this planet can we see the coexistence of similar ancient creatures on the earth at the same time. It is really a very strange scene.

The largest piece of land on the planet, with continuous mountains, at the top of abrupt peak, the Yami people built a base here.

At the highest point is the palace built by the Yami people for their princess. The whole palace is made of diamonds and is worthless jewelry on the earth, but it is only a solid stone here.

They know on which planet they can find this hard stone in the universe. This stone is formed by carbon in a special environment of high temperature and pressure, and there are many planets in such an environment. So this is the best material for construction.

In this gorgeous palace, everything is intelligent. The number of Yami people came to this planet, because when the original planet was destroyed, most of them were killed and a small number of them fled in spaceships.

And the inheritance of wisdom is through the input of memory passwords. In order to achieve the synchronization of wisdom, it also limits the number of people. Therefore, most of the work must be done by machines and biochemicals. The number of 10,000 people makes it difficult for everyone to control machines and make biochemical people.

The most idle person on the whole planet is Princess Nia, who usually doesn't live in that diamond palace. Like to live in the vast virgin forest, she builds houses and corridors on large trees 30 meters above the ground, where birds can see the whole Grand Canyon. In the evening, it is very pleasant to stay on the balcony outside the house and drink tea made with cocoa seeds.

The Yami people have already developed antimatter technology, which allows them to break free from the gravity of the planet and float in mid-air and swim among the mountains. Unless they are going to another planet, they usually don't use spaceships.

Under the tree is a paradise for terrible giant animals, with bloody scenes of the law of the jungle every day.

Nia got up and stretched out, took a deep breath of the smell of wildflower soil in the forest, activated the anti-matter energy machine like a bracelet on her wrist, and gracefully floated up. She wore a soft and cool white skirt made of material extracted from a plant petals, which looked a little emptiness. Birds fly out like that.

She flew out of the canyon and stopped by a huge tree full of papaya-like fruits. She saw a cluster of gorgeous phoenix tails on the ground, which was a plant with beautiful flowers like a phoenix tail.

The beautiful nature made her fly down to pick a few flowers, and suddenly saw white mushrooms in the grass. I couldn't help but get excited. The delicious mushroom made soup with fried water bird eggs, which tasted very delicious.

At this moment, a reckless saber-toothed wolf cub crawled out of the nest. The mother wolf may have gone out to look for food. The little guy was probably hungry and turned it out.

It didn't know that it was full of danger outside and screamed. At this time, if only a carnivore comes, it will be eaten as a snack.

Nia was a little curious about this little guy and felt that the plush was fun, so she couldn't help touching it.

The little guy hasn't opened his eyes yet and instinctively sucks Nia's hand. At this time, I suddenly heard a roar, and the mother wolf came back. It saw this scene, and the maternal instinct rushed up in an instant.

Nia, who was about to bite, was strangely bounced out. This is the anti-matter force on Nia's wrist protecting her, and the anti-matter machine automatically reacts when she is in danger.

Nia looked at the wolf mother mischievly and said, "It's useless for you to be angry. I'm going to take your doll away. Don't worry! I will take good care of it." Nia couldn't understand the feeling of being a mother, because she had no mother since she was a child, so she ignored the wolf's howling and looked at its pitiful and pleading eyes.