Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 277 Fish Feast

Night is gradually falling, and the forest is filled with a damp smell. It made people feel cold and quiet. Nia gave the little wolf a small piece of roasted octopus tentacles, which was nibbling there and looked very happy.

The octopus barbecue is really delicious, especially this kind of giant one, which is more resilient to chew. Several guests chew it loudly and admired it.

In addition to freshly roasted octopus, Amy, a biochemical robot, also made very rich dishes; there are fragrant wild boars roasted with wild spices, and hams that have been thinly sliced and marinated for more than 3 years.

Amy also deliberately put green petals on the edge of the red ham. I don't know what kind of plant it is. It's very much, crispy and refreshing. It's the best match with ham. There is also a plate of fried wild onions. And a pot of wild mushroom soup.

There is also a small white jade bowl in front of everyone, which contains a bowl of green crystal rice, which has a strange fragrance.

This rice pole is very tall and is a perennial plant, which will regenerate every year when cut. In the subtropical swamp, Amy always harvests and stores it on time, because the princess likes to eat this kind of rice very much, and it is also named Emerald Rice.

This kind of fragrant rice makes several gluttonous people on earth have a big appetite. They haven't eaten rice for a long time, not to mention such delicious rice. Acuo ate it: "It's so fragrant. I can eat several bowls without vegetables, but why is there only spoons and no chopsticks?"

"You are contented. With such delicious food, you still want chopsticks. Do you think chopsticks are universal in the universe?" Zhong Yueming ridiculed.

The princess didn't say anything. She ate half a bowl of rice, got up and put down the little wolf, went into the room to find a piece of wood, designed it into a small house on the computer, put the wood into the machine, and the program was automatically made, and the finished product came out two minutes later.

She put a cushion in it, which was made of wild cotton and very soft. Then he took a bowl of goat's milk for the little wolf.

After eating, everyone asked Amy where to take a shower. The princess walked out of the room and looked at the aliens and said with a smile, "You and I will go to the palace to wash. There are also hot springs below, but there are many beasts in the forest at night, which is not very safe."

Nia and Amy drove the spacecraft in the dark for more than ten minutes and landed on a huge square outside a diamond palace. The light source of the palace was a hot fireball hanging in the air, shining here like day.

Amy took everyone to a hot spring bath in the palace. The water here was pumped directly from the underground hot spring to the top of the mountain. Everything here was quite humanized and completely high-tech automatic control, which amazed everyone.

Nia asked the biochemical man to bathe the wolf, hold it in her arms, and sit in a chair to rest. At this time, several aliens also washed up and followed Amy in. She curiously asked the princess about the Yami people, full of worship of this high-tech race.

Ni mu smiled and stretched out her hand to draw a circle in the air, which emitted a wonderful blue light, followed by the appearance of the simulated universe, and the simulated information ran almost imperceptible with the universe.

She said slowly: "Here I can peek into any corner of the universe and understand and learn the civilization of different intelligent creatures to facilitate the study and transformation of the universe.

There are countless galaxies in the universe, and of course there are countless intelligent creatures. There are more life-shaped creatures with amazing lethality.

Peeping on alien planets is more creepy than watching horror movies. Sometimes I will be more capricious, although my father said that it would be better not to interfere with the evolution of creatures on other planets and not kill disgusting aliens.

But I still can't help but wear protective clothing every 100 solar days and bring a powerful quantum tracking sniper gun to hunt on the alien planet. The special feature of this gun is that the bullet is equipped with a tracking system, and the prey cannot escape even if it goes 10,000 meters underground. There are almost no large fierce creatures on that planet," the princess smiled proudly. In front of her, there were many phantoms of horrible creatures in the simulated universe, and everyone looked thrilling.

"Your Highness, can we stay on this planet to learn your advanced technology? Our inhabitants of Pluto are often abused by lizards. Your Highness, do you pity us? The toad's head pleading with a crying voice, and the boy thought that no matter what method he used, he must stay and study.

"Ha ha, you don't understand our technology inheritance method. You will never learn it, but you can stay and learn how to use some weapons. It should be no problem to deal with lizard people," Nia laughed.

"Your Highness, we also want to stay and study," Zhou Xirui quickly pleaded. He knew that this was an opportunity and must be seized.

"Yes, although your earth people's technology is backward, it is basically similar to our Yami people's evolution. If you can really find substances that delay aging, maybe you can understand some of our technology." Nia does not want to spread the technology of her race, because they Race, the way of inheriting civilization, other races cannot emulate.