Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 280 A comfortable life

By the forest with birds and flowers, people feel the magnificence of the Grand Canyon, breathe the fresh air, taste gin, and soak in the hot spring.

"It's so fucking comfortable!" Acuo sighed.

"I haven't been so relaxed for a long time. How long have we been at the bottom of the sea? It seems to have been half a year, right?" Zhong Yueming asked.

"There are about 60 solar days, which is about four months of Earth time," Zhou Xirui said.

"It's only four months, and I feel like I've been there for a lifetime," Liu Peng said.

"Haha, you backward earthlings!" Dimo laughed.

"Wan!" Atso pressed Dimo into the water, which made the boy struggle at a loss for a few times, and then laughed and let go of him: "You fucking think how advanced your race is. How advanced your race is, can you be as advanced as the Yami people?"

"If Yami is advanced, I will obey you!" Acuo did not hide his worship of the Yami people and ridiculed Dimo.

"A...A...Acuo" Dimo spit two mouthfuls of water and said vaguely, "Although we Martians have not reached the level of Yami, it's fast. You earthlings can't compare with Martians at all. Your technology is just in the embryonic stage..." Dimo looked conceited.

Those interesting aliens finally learned to go to sea. Nia was bored and was very happy that they could come back. She knew that her uncle didn't like to be disturbed when he was doing research, so she didn't go to the base to find these aliens. Several aliens clamored to go to the hot springs as soon as they came. Nia asked a biochemical man to take them. I went to take a bath in the hot spring pool not far from the tree house.

Xiaopei is a girl, so it's not convenient to go with them, so she stayed with the princess to watch Amy dissect this big pearl shell.

Amy, who was cutting the shell at this time, exclaimed, "Your Highness, come and see a big pearl." Nia and Xiaopei ran over excitedly and peeled the pearl out.

Good guy, this pearl is as big as a basketball. Nia and Xiaopei washed it in the stream. The pearl was round and shiny, but Nia soon lost interest in a big pearl and casually gave it to Xiaopei.

At this time, the cat has grown into a powerful giant saber-toothed wolf. It is tied with an anti-material collar by Nia and becomes the only wolf that can break free from the shackles of gravity and fly.

Xiaopei played with the handlebar for a while and felt that it was too big. He took it with difficulty. He looked up and saw the cat standing in the air curiously, so he threw it over and said, "Actake the cat boy, this is for you."

The cat opened his mouth and bit it happily, took it back to the place where it usually likes to lie, and nibbled around there.

After the three returned to the wooden house, Amy was busy enlarging the shell. Xiaopei wanted to help, but was called by Nia to prepare the barbecue.

Amy drew the drawing and made a high-pressure water pump, which sucked up the hot spring with a hose and flowed into the big shell. The extra water overflowed into the basin, poured under the tree and flowed into the stream of the canyon.

She looked at it for a while and seemed to be satisfied, and then used the foamy fiber tissue of the oak tree to apply the extracted cleaning vegetable oil inside and brushed the shell inside and outside.

As soon as the alien men came back, the barbecue dinner began. Nia and Xiaopei had already prepared the charcoal stove. At present, everyone ate happily. Even the cat lying under their feet was carefully taken care of by Xiaopei and comfortably lay down and nibbled the vigorous barbecue.

Nia fed the roasted shellfish to the cat from time to time. Amy smiled and said, "Princess, don't spoil it. Eat it quickly!"

Acuo put the roasted and oily shell meat into his mouth. The crispy and chewy feeling is really fragrant.

Amy has already served gin for everyone. Zhou Xirui hasn't enjoyed life so happily for a long time. He drank a lot of wine happily and felt a little floating. Wine is really a good thing!

"Tomorrow we will leave the terrestrial star and go to other planets to find substances that delay aging!" Dimo said.

"Oh, it's so comfortable here. I can't bear to leave!" Acuo crossed his hands and fell on a chair that looked like a bubble suspended. This chair is wonderful and can change its shape according to different postures of the human body. It is very appropriate. If you lie down, it will become the shape of a bed, softly suspended.

"Ha ha, where are you going to find it?" Nia asked curiously.

"We don't know which planet in this black hole has that kind of matter. Anyway, search the black hole everywhere!" Zhou Xirui shook his head and said.

"You can't search all over the black hole, because your life expectancy is too short to find it at all," Nia said rigorously.