Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 285 The Walking in the Sea

When Acuo approached a purple sword-like leaf beach grass, a huge tree was slowly and bulky. As soon as he stepped on the purple beach grass, the grass shot out countless purple spikes, which contained highly toxic neurotoxins. After the huge "back of the tree" was shot, he stood up It fell to the ground and became the nourishment of these beach grasses.

Acuo was shocked and quickly turned back to Zhong Yue behind him and asked him to bypass these purple killers. They arrived at the seaside an hour later.

There are minerals everywhere, which looks like a rockery. Dimo's spacecraft has already arrived here. Zhou Xirui stood by the sea and looked at it. Soon Xiaopei and others also arrived one after another.

They soon found that these seawater-like substances were not water, which were as elastic as jelly and could not penetrate even if they reached out.

"This is a place where life is conceived. It looks like a water. In fact, it is a huge biological settlement, a group of symbiotic life forms. In fact, these are organisms. The water in their bodies is stored in the body when the seawater disappears, and their bodies are more like a transparent film wrapped in a cavity of water. , similar to the amoeba on earth," Dimo said.

"Having said so much makes me dizzy, doesn't it say that this sea is a kind of bug? Make it simple," Acuo said impatiently.

Everyone flew to the sea to cross this endless single-cell ocean. At this time, the fog in the sea rose and vaguely saw several giants walking, which made everyone feel extremely shocked.

If the "back of the tree" of the five-story building is already incredible, the peak-like giant creatures in front of them basically make people feel speechless, and everyone's curiosity drives them to rush over.

The "peak" giant in front of him actually exists as a primitive single-celled creature, with no eyes or mouth, but only seeing them mechanically walking in the single-cell ocean.

Dimo observed for a while and said, "This should be the largest creature on the planet, but the simplest creature has evolved into the most powerful monster. Their mouths grow on their feet and feed on single-celled organisms that devouring the soles of their feet. The large amount of food in this ocean is the reason why they grow huge."

After leaping over this strange ocean, everyone returned to the giant spacecraft and felt a little tired, but this day gained a lot and saw many strange creatures on the planet.

"Go, go up and soak in the hot spring," Acuo stretched out and said.

"Haha, let's go, I want to go too," Liu Peng said with a smile.

"I'll soak it too!" The toad pleaded.

"Damn, don't fuck with me!" Ah Duo shouted in disgust that other people thought it was ugly and didn't want to go out with him.

The toad head had to walk to his room sadly, and he wondered if he should go back to his planet.

"Go ahead. I'll go to the lab to see the soil ingredients brought back today," Dimo said.

"I'll go too" Zhou Xirui took a look at Dimo, and the two walked to the laboratory. Xiaopei looked at them and followed them.

Dinner was by the lake on the top floor of the bird-like spaceship. Everyone drank gin and enjoyed the comfort of this moment. Only the toad seemed to have something on his mind and never said anything.

"What's wrong with you? What's on your mind?" Zhou Xirui noticed his silence.

The toad looked at him and looked at everyone and said, "I want to go back... I've been here for so long. I don't know how my family is. I want to go back early."

Zhou Xirui thought for a moment and said, "Oy, brother, I'll ask Dimo to prepare a spacecraft for you to carry the defense system you want to measure bullets. If you need our help, you can contact us at any time!" He patted the toad's head on the shoulder with sincerity on his face.

The toad looked at him gratefully. Among all the people, only this earthman did not dislike him. He was very grateful and nodded vigorously.

On the 60th Earth Day after the toad's head left, the toad's cry for help suddenly came from the spacecraft: "Help me, ah~..." With a heartbreaking cry for help, the voice suddenly stopped...

Dimo, who heard it first, was shocked and immediately called Zhou Xirui and others. Sure enough, when the sound was played back, it was really scary as Dimo said.

"Replay it again" Zhou Xirui listened carefully.

In the sound of calling for help, there was also a strange sound of wind blowing through the hole, which made people feel a chill.

"Quick, let's save the toad head!" Zhou Xirui said.

"Forget it, don't go! The toad's head is 60 sunny days away from us, and it will be over when it catches up with him," Zhong Yueming said.

"Did you hear that strange sound? I don't know what horrible things have happened yet, or don't go," Atso said worriedly.

Zhou Xirui looked at everyone and suddenly thought of his ring that could shorten the space and said, "In this way, you can follow the original route. I'll use this to see first." He raised the ring in his hand.

"I'll go with you, and I'm worried about you going alone," Xiaopei grabbed his hand and said.

"Baby, don't go. I feel that the toad's head has encountered an unusual situation. If you go, I'm more worried. Why don't I go there alone and find the toad head and bring him back immediately?" Zhou Xirui shook his head and said.

"No, if you go, everyone will definitely go. Our team has never dispersed at a critical time," Zhong Yueming said.

"If you really want to go, we will risk it," Atso also said.

"Don't hesitate, the toad head is a good person. After getting along with each other for so long, there is no reason to see that he has had an accident. Let's go, Xiao Rui," Liu Peng looked at the crowd and said.

Zhou Xirui saw that everyone was nodding and agreed. He reversed the spatial and temporal accuracy on the ring. After everyone felt a white light in front of them, they opened their eyes and were still on the spaceship. They just looked out of the porthole and found a strange planet. There was a small spacecraft docked not far away, which was the one on the toad's head. .