The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 46 Gallstones

I was driving and suddenly lost. Where am I going now? I turned around and asked Brother Killer, "You can't die, can you?" The killer snorted, but he was sweating profusely. Su Jing said, "I'm afraid the bone is broken."

"Damn it!" I know that the lumbar spine is the most important, which is almost the hub of the whole body's nerves. If the killer is paralyzed in a high position, I will not serve him for the rest of my life? I really owe you!" I muttered that I have seen a lot of such things since I was a child. You have been beheaded on both sides. You have to see a doctor and you have to see a doctor. After all, it's not a joke to die.

I was deeply influenced by this kind of enlightenment education and drove to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, the killer didn't know what I was going to do. He consciously followed us with a scabbard. At first, his expression was going to die. When I saw that the people in the corridor were full of hanging bottles began to change their faces. I waited for a long time at the registration gate and finally took my turn. Someone I thought for a moment and said, "Let the car crash..." It said impatiently: "Orthopedic surgery, the patient's name?" I was stunned, and then I remembered that I didn't know the name of the killer. I turned around and asked him, "What's your name?" Brother Killer said with a neck, "I can't change my name or change my surname - Duan Tianya! If there is any means, just..." I ignored him and turned to the window and said, "Duan Tianya."

"12.5 yuan."

I paid the money and led Su Jing and Duan Tianya into the elevator. There was also a middle-aged man on crutches and an old lady in a wheelchair, pushed by the nurse to walk back from the outside.

Duan Tianya looked at the middle-aged man and the old lady, and the corners of his mouth twitched and said, "You are so cruel. You have been disabled by such a good man. You can't even let go of such an old man!" The middle-aged man said helplessly, "Brother, the hospital is like this now. You can put up with it."

The nurse gave him a blank look and said angrily, "If you have any comments, tell our dean."

Duan Tianya approached the middle-aged man and whispered, "This institution is specially responsible for torturing people, right?" The middle-aged man laughed and said, "That's right."

Duan Tianya looked angry and muttered, "Treacherous thief, treacherous thief!" The old lady comforted him in a wheelchair: "Young man, there are always times when people are unlucky. How can you be so angry?" Duan Tianya said sadly, "You should also be a powerful figure in your early years. Have you even lost your resistance at this moment?" The old lady said, "..." I quickly said to them, "Don't talk to him. I just got hit by a car and I'm still awake. After checking the bones, I'll take him to a mental hospital."

When I went upstairs, there were still a few people outside the doctor's clinic. When it was our turn, the doctor simply learned about the situation with me and pressed Duan Tianya's waist. Duan Tianya was very conscious of me as a fish. He gritted his teeth and didn't say anything.

The doctor gave me a list: "Go and pay the fee first, and then take a CT."

I went to pay a few hundred yuan again, led the two people to the door of the CT room, and then queued up. After a while, someone asked us to go in. A white coat sat behind the microcomputer and said, "Let the patient stand in front of the machine and take off his coat."

I pointed to Duan Tianya to the back of the machine and took off his long gown. The goods actually wore a red short jacket - Duan Tianya stared at me angrily and said, "How on earth are you trying to torture me?" Before I could speak, the white coat shouted, "Don't talk nonsense and straighten your waist."

Duan Tianya straightened his chest as if he were dead. He pounded his white coat and said, "Oy, go out and wait for the film."

After another long wait, I finally got the film. It was the first time I saw this thing. I couldn't help raising it curiously and looking at it in the sun. In the dark, Duan Tianya's lumbar vertebrae showed in front of me in white shadows.

Duan Tianya couldn't help looking over and said, "What did you do to me?" I put the film in front of his nose and said, "Your bones."

Duan Tianya jumped back in shock: "What do you want to do?" The white coat scolded us: "Go outside, can you understand?" I quickly calmed up and went upstairs to find the doctor. The doctor looked at the film casually and said, "The bone is not broken. It's probably that the soft tissue is injured. Let's rest for a month."

said, he gave me another list, "Go down and pay, and then get the medicine."

I saw that in addition to the thirty-seven injury pills, musk tiger bone patch and so on, there was also a pile of nutrient solution, which cost more than 600 yuan... I went out of the hospital with a pile of medicine in my arms, threw it to the co-pilot, and said with a gloomy face, "I don't know I spent nearly 2,000 yuan in the afternoon!" Duan Tianya climbed into the car and stared in a stun, "Is this over?" So what else do you want to do?" I threw the medicine and a bottle of water to him: "Eat it yourself."

"What is this?" If you eat it, you can eat it. What the hell?" Duan Tianya picked up a board of pills in the palm of his hand and swallowed them all. I didn't care about him. Anyway, he couldn't eat this medicine. Su Jing looked at the way he couldn't bite the bottle dog and the hedgehog, and stretched out his hand to help him twist it open.

After returning to the road, all the three people in the car seemed to be worried. Duan Tianya seemed to have a little aftertaste. He hesitated for a long time and said, "You didn't want to torture me?" I stared at him without a stubble.

Duan Tianya said, "I wouldn't have spoken to death if you were going to torture me, but since you are still open-minded, if you have any questions, just ask. I can tell you what I can say."

Su Jing said, "We have nothing to know. You are nothing more than assassinating the reincarnated sword god from the mainland of Heggis."

Duan Tianya paused and said unwillingly, "Then don't you want to know who sent me?" Who else can there be besides the emperor of Hegis and the military and political department? Duan Tianya said, "Although they instructed us, we are not directly subordinate to them."

Su Jing said, "You?" Duan Tianya said word by word, "I'm from the tricolor stone."

Su Jing held his chin and thought for a while and said, "Three-color stone - is it the killer organization with three branches under its jurisdiction?" Duan Tianya seemed to be very dissatisfied with Su Jing's reaction and raised his voice and said, "I'm the captain of the Tricolor Stone Deficit Team!" Su Jing said, "No wonder I sent you here. The deficit team is responsible for the assassination, right?" Duan Tianya said lustfully, "That's right, so Lu Renjia can only cooperate with me with the sword saint. He will lead you away, and then I will do it."

I interrupted: "As a result, you were hit by three jumps?" No wonder he wears a short red jacket inside, and now I think this is a way to affirm their organization's identity.

Duan Tianya suddenly said in frustration, "Accident, that's purely an accident. It's really difficult for me to see that the former sword god is going to die in my hands. Otherwise, do you think you can still live until now?" Su Jing said, "The tricolor stone is not a big deal. It's nothing more than a few villains who steal chickens and dogs. The only thing I want to know is how do you know the news that I'm looking for the sword god?" Duan Tianya said, "Don't forget that the blue-character team under the three-color stone green altar is responsible for all kinds of information. Your daughter country thinks it is top secret, but in fact, it was still leaked by the news, so you should not look down on our tricolor stone."

Su Jing nodded and said, "There are a lot of people who came to find the sword god this time. I didn't think about how long it could be hidden, but you moved too fast - what are the benefits of the tricolor stone this time?" Duan Tianya simply spit out a word: "Money!" Su Jing said, "Have you ever thought that if this mission failed, you would offend the two sword gods for this?" Duan Tianya turned his head aside and said, "We can't care about wealth and wealth in danger. There are countless court infighting in which our tricolor stones have participated in the two continents. All of the bigwigs killed by us can bring us a disaster by saying a word. We should always be afraid of wolves and tigers. At the beginning of It won't be born."

Su Jing smiled and said, "That's right. It seems that I have to find your three-color stone bad luck when I go back, teach you the truth of being a man, and don't make money."

Duan Tianya said coldly, "Don't worry, you won't go back!" Su Jing frowned: "Oh, why are you so confident?" Duan Tianya said, "I don't know about this. All I know is that our boss has never made a mistake in what he planned."

After saying this, he kept silent and began to stare out of the window... I took this opportunity to popularize traffic knowledge for him. I parked my car at the intersection and pointed to the traffic light and said to him, "See, in the future, cross the road and stop at the green light, and no car will hit you again."

Duan Tianya looked at the red light in front of us and looked at me again. My face turned red. I thought he saw through the trick that I wanted to kill with a knife. Unexpectedly, he said to me, "Why do I look all the same color?" ..." At first, I thought he was joking with me, but later I thought that he should not be in such a mood. I picked up a can of bright red strawberry-flavored chewing gum and asked him, "Then what color do you think it is?" This... is dark..." I picked up another can of banana flavor: "What about this?" This... is also dark."

I threw the can aside and said at ease, "Ok, I will have no worries if you cross the road a few more times in the future."

Su Jing asked me strangely, "How could he do this?" Full color blindness."

When I said that I looked back again, I asked Duan Tianya, "Do you organize everyone to wear the same style of the short jacket as yours?" Duan Tianya nodded: "It's the same."

I asked him again, "What about the color?" Duan Tianya looked down and then said, "It's the same."

"You didn't make this dress yourself, did you?" No, it's the altar owner who sent it to each of us.

"Oh, how do you know that they are from those two altars when you meet the other brothers in the organization?" Every time they meet, they will report their identity - why do you ask so many questions?" Don't ask."

When I saw that the green light was on, I began to drive attentively: "With your three-color stones, they are actually gallstones in your eyes, all of the same color."

--------split-------- gallstones sometimes seem to be colorful, don't delve into them.

Full color blindness can't distinguish any pigments, only the sense of light and dark. Y