The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 48 National Treasure

A man, when he is hit and lost - especially when he is killed by several groups of people a day like me, what does he need most? The answer is women. Of course, even men who are proud and at their peak need women. In fact, you only need to know the answer to this kind of question as long as you look at the question... Men always need women.

I really didn't expect that Su Jing proposed to sleep with me and push it now. Isn't it a little faster? I think it's completely possible to delay a few more chapters. I hesitated and said, "How do you... want to sleep?" Did she find out that she wanted to compensate for my mental loss in a special way?

Su Jing said, "From now on, I will stay with you all the time. You have also seen that Lu Renjia can appear unexpectedly anytime and anywhere."

I was inexplicably disappointed and said, "Are you here for this?"

Su Jing said, "You are the last hope of the federal continent, and I must not allow you to lose."

I opened the door dissatisfiedly, pointed to the bed and said, "Then how do you sleep?"

My bed is different from other standard rooms. The other rooms have two beds. I'm alone and specially ordered a 1.8-meter double bed...

Su Jing looked at it and seemed to be quite cramped. Finally, she said, "You sleep in the bed, and I sleep on the sofa."

I scratched my head and said, "How can I be embarrassed?"

"That's it." Su Jing came in and took a thin blanket and sat down on the sofa.

I looked down and looked at myself in a pair of small trousers and hurriedly slipped into the quilt. I asked her, "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

Su Jing stared at the bathroom door and hesitated for a while before saying, "I'll wash it tomorrow."

"Oh, do you mind if I watch TV?"


I changed the channel. First, nearly half of the stations made an appointment to play a rotten TV series together, and then several stations were doing super-long TV commercials. Finally, there were a few weak middle-aged young people talking about the stock market. I finally chose the local news. In the picture, a thank you. The old man was holding a brocade box and smiling kindly in the flash. Voiceover: "Mr. Malay Shui, who has lived overseas for half a century, finally returned to his hometown on the 20th of this month. As a gift, he donated a golden jade coat kept by his ancestors to the city's museum. According to expert analysis, the golden jade coat was At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, it was one of the funeral objects of the important royal family, and its age and preservation were rare. With the occupancy of this golden jade coat, the city's museum also welcomed its own treasure. The gift ceremony is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at the museum. Our station will broadcast the whole process live. Read this day of specific historical significance.

I was shocked and said, "Good boy, this is priceless!" When I looked at Su Jing again, I saw her arm holding her cheek on the coffee table. It seemed that she was asleep. No wonder she had been fighting and killing all day. Even if it was the sword god, she should be exhausted.

I quietly turned off the TV, went to the toilet, crept into the quilt, closed my eyes and lay down for a while. Finally, I couldn't help coming out again and pouted at Su Jingnu: "Hey."

Su Jing suddenly opened his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

"Come and sleep."

Su Jing shook his head and said, "No need."

I said, "How can you guarantee that you have the energy to protect me if you sit like this all night? You don't have to stay here for a day or two. The sofa in the hotel is not like at home. Su Jing can only sit in it and take a nap. For the sake of my safety, I can only plan to give up half of the country. Of course, there is also an element of consideration for my name - I'm afraid that others will talk about me like this in the future: the guy who is in the same room ...

Su Jing thought about what I said and no longer refused. He walked generously to the bedside and then turned his back to take off his coat. He only wore a bra and the small underwear below and got into the other end of the quilt.

"Uh..." I was a little distracted by her behavior.

Su Jing lay firmly on his side and asked me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing... You don't have to be too nervous. I won't invade you." Now it's time to get her to bed, but as for what to do next, I basically have no idea - no matter how beautiful a woman is, if she can pinch you to death with one finger, you will definitely be more like a gentleman than me...

Unexpectedly, Su Jing almost choked me to death with a sentence: "Well, I won't invade you." I forgot that she came from her daughter's country. In their country, women have always taken the initiative. For her, my current behavior has constituted a convenient condition for self-recommendation. She does not invade me, but also out of demeanor and etiquette.

I leaned over there and said, "Actually, I don't mind if you invade me, really."

Su Jing said lightly, "I'm not a casual person. Go to sleep." With that, a breath of sword gas popped out and turned off the corridor light.

... I quickly moved to my side again: "You don't have the habit of sleepwalking, do you?"

She ignored me.

In the darkness, I could faintly see the beautiful figure of the man lying next to me through the moonlight. He was soft and euphemistically set off by the thin quilt. I seemed to smell the unique fragrance of a girl in my nostrils. I simply turned to the other side, stared at the wall for a while, and found that I It turned back again. When I was bored, I saw Su Jing's hair scattered around the pillow. I gently twisted a pinch to count how many. At this time, Su Jing suddenly said, "Are you still asleep?"

I was shocked: "Your hair is split. Don't use the shampoo in the hotel in the future. I'll buy you some good tomorrow."

Su Jing said softly, "Actually, you are quite kind sometimes."

I said, "A bottle of shampoo will kill you?"

"I'm talking about Duan Tianya. Don't look at your scolding. In fact, you are good to him. If you can treat the enemy like this, if you are not very kind or the city is terrible."

I waved my hand and said, "Don't be too metaphysical. I don't care about both of what you said. I also hit the cat named Chun with a stone, but if you asked me to step on it, I really can't get off that foot. If I hadn't been afraid that the boy surnamed Duan would die here

"This is also a kind of kindness. Believe me, some people have been prepared to slaughter others in their lives, just like the people of the Herggis mainland. In fact, I had a worry before I came to you. I was afraid that you were that kind of person. Later, when I saw you, although you were timid and slippery, My heart."

"...Are you praising me?"

Su Jing suddenly turned his head and looked into my eyes in the dark and said, "Have you ever thought that maybe you will kill someone sooner or later?"

I said honestly, "I never thought that my father wouldn't let me fight since I was a child." I said, "Aren't you afraid that I'm that kind of person?"

Su Jing said, "What if it's a bad guy?"

I scratched my chin and said, "To be honest, I haven't had any good people around me since I was a child. Do you already know who my father is?"

Su Jing said, "The bad person I mean is the kind of person who takes pleasure in robbing other people's lives. The general of our daughter's country has led troops to kill countless people for half of his life, but she is for her own country. I think she is a good person."

I sighed, "Your thought is very dangerous. At the beginning, Hitler, Mussolini and those who committed genocide wanted to be such a person."

"Who is that?"

I said helplessly, "On such a beautiful night, lonely men and women sleep together. What do you think we should talk about? You are really boring. You are not ugly, but you can actually make the men around you sleepy."

Su Jing smiled and said, "Then go to bed. Thank you for your hard work today. I know that all this is because of me. I solemnly apologize to you."

"It's time to be useless. If you don't invade me, I'm really going to sleep."

Su Jing: "..."

What happened later naturally - Su Jing really did not invade me, and I really fell asleep. I thought about it countless times later, it was really a wonderful night!


It was half past eight when he opened his eyes the next day. Su Jing was dressed neatly and sat on the sofa opposite me. When he saw me, he woke up and said, "I wanted you to sleep a little longer."

I accidentally said, "When did you become so kind?"

Su Jing seemed a little worried: "I think we have a new task now - if there is no accident, you will probably find more than half of your strength, but I still have no idea how to take them back. I think it's time to shift the focus." She turned the bracelet on her wrist and said, "There's not much time left. If that day is coming soon, I have to make sure that you at least take away all the power you have found when you leave." Her bracelet was still a stone when it first came a few days ago, and now it has a short period of crystal luster, about one-tenth of that.

"I didn't see that you are still a pragmatist. You can make as much as you can before the big retreat."

Su Jing said, "I've thought about it. You don't need to take action when you go back with me. I just need you to give confidence to the federal continent, and I'll do the rest. But at least you have to be like a sword god.

I dressed and said, "Go down and have breakfast first."

Downstairs, Xiaoqian has got up early in the morning to clean up, and she doesn't know who turned on the TV. The Black Mountain Old Demon and Duan Tianya stared at the screen curiously. All local stations are playing the same program: the live broadcast of the ceremony of overseas Chinese donating golden clothes to the city's museum.

The museum has been renovated, and the city leaders, honor guards, reporters, armed police and police are also in place. The host outside the screen tries to introduce the long history of the city's museum and the ancestors of overseas Chinese in Malaysia with the joyful and exciting tone on the eve of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Naturally It is indispensable to mention the preciousness of golden jade clothes.

At 9 o'clock, a black car slowly drove into people's eyes with the sound of a salute. The host screamed as if he had been stepped on his tail: "It's coming. The exciting historical moment is coming. Mr. Malaishui's car has arrived at the door of the museum..."

His cadence attracted Lao Wu and Jin Chengwu. Su Jing and I stood in the counter with instant noodles and looked up.

The car stopped, and the captain of the honor guard wearing white gloves was behind his back. He bent down to open the door for Malay Water. The Malay Water walked out of the car with a brocade box in both hands. The honor guard played music. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the mayor and the curator of the museum greeted him together and shook hands

Lao Wu also said excitedly, "Although it is hundreds of years later than me, it is finally an object of the same era as me. In Lao Jin's words, we are all after BC. I will definitely take a look if I have a chance."

Next is a speech between the city leader and the curator of the museum. Finally, the Malay Water delivered a speech. It can be seen that Lao Ma is also really excited. His eyes tremble with tears in his eyes. First, he briefly introduced the history of the golden jade clothes, and then talked about the origin of the Ma family and this national treasure. It turned out Experts, and the unearthing of this cultural relic was in the 1960s. At that time, China was full of wind and rain, and almost no one paid attention to the historical heritage of these national treasures. The father of Malay Water saw the unpredictable future of the golden squill of jade clothes and did not hesitate to take the treason and fled abroad with the The West is a country, but he failed to return to the motherland in his lifetime. The ideal of returning to Zhao could only be inherited by Malay Water. Today, Malay Water feels that the time is ripe and he finally set foot on the land of his hometown, because his father is a local and the golden jade clothes were unearthed here, so he is willing to donate the Local museum collection, it can be said that this thing adheres to the pursuit and belief of the Ma family. Today, the time to realize the ideal has finally arrived.

Lao Ma's words made me a little moved and sighed, "It's not easy."

After Lao Ma finished speaking, he walked on the red carpet in the dazzling flash. The red carpet has been leading from the outside to the museum's newly built display cabinet. Lao Ma is going to finish this journey and put the golden jade clothes in the progress cabinet, which is also a symbol, indicating the difficult and tortuous return of the national treasure. A group of Rong followed Malay Water, and everyone walked slowly to the exhibition hall. Countless reporters ** also pressed the camera to remember this historical moment in their own lens.

The band played music, all the armed police saluted solemnly, and the host said affectionately, "The history of 2000 years, half a century of waiting, the golden jade clothes finally returned to the embrace of the motherland..."

Several old men led by Malay water slowly walked up the red carpet, and the crowd who watched the ceremony everywhere they passed gave warm applause. The whole process is solemn and true. People believe that this history and the images it left behind will become a good story in the city...

But the old demon of Montenegro was quite bored after listening to the story of Malay water. She saw that the old men were still more than ten meters away from the exhibition hall, but she couldn't finish it. She hugged her chest and said to Lao Wu, "Master, what do you think if someone suddenly comes up to grabs the national treasure now?"

Old Wu first looked stiff, and then he laughed and said, "Nonsense, how can there be such a thing?"

However, just as he finished saying this, a man suddenly rushed out of the right side of the screen, probably in the direction of the audience. The man was so fast that he suddenly got out of the crowd and ran to the opposite side. When he passed in front of the Malay water, his arm took the opportunity to turn and held the brocade box with golden jade Li, and then rushed out of the crowd without raising his head, and then went away...


The content of this chapter needs to be creative, please do not imitate, otherwise you will bear the consequences. D