The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 18 Flying Dragon Army

Volume II Daughter's Country Chapter 18 The matter of the Flying Dragon Army was negotiated like this. I pretended to negotiate with the general of Daughter's Country, and then took the opportunity to identify myself. Everyone knew that it was easy to say. In fact, the future of this trip was really uncertain and full of danger.

Geng Ling took my hand and said, "Xiaolong, you saved my life. Thank you for your kindness, but to be honest, I didn't expect to live when I killed my enemy at the beginning, so you saved my life. The most important thing is that you gave us the souls, and you also want to live for us."

I smiled and said, "Don't say these sensational words between men. I only have a little suggestion."

Geng Ling said, "Tell me."

"No matter how much you develop in the future, don't hurt women. Men should have men's responsibility."

Geng Ling said solemnly, "I remember it."

Xiao Yan said, "If it weren't for Brother Long, I didn't know that men could also march and fight, and they were much better than women. Women have the Feifeng Army. I think we will also build an army called the Flying Dragon Army!"

I laughed and said, "You're a challenge." Geng Ling said, "That's a good idea. We have limited conditions now. We can't let Yu Manli redesign a pattern on the existing basis." He said to me, "Don't dislike Xiaolong. This is the only thing we can do for you. Don't forget everyone in the future. The Flying Dragon Army is your home and your Flying Dragon Army."

I can't say anything more, but as soon as I talked about Yu Manli, Yu Manli came back with a red face. Everyone asked him what was wrong. Yu Manli said angrily, "Those women took advantage of me!"

I immediately said with interest, "How did you take it?"

Yu Manli whispered, "They touched me..."

Mei Lihong giggled and said, "What's the great matter with me? I've been in the army for a long time. How can I see that I'm not hot in my life? What's the point of touching you?"

I smiled and said, "Didn't I ask you to treat them well? Why don't you simply stay with them?"

Yu Manli rolled her eyes and said, "How can Brother Long say such... such shameless words?"

I sighed, "When you get things done in the future, it depends on their faces if you want to sleep with the girls. If you don't cherish the good days now, you will regret it!"

Everyone: "..." The next day, I said my excuse as planned. The female general seemed to be very disapproving and said, "Our Feifeng Army wants to take you in. What else do you have to hesitate to do? Do you think it is necessary to disturb the general because of this?"

I said solemnly, "I think it's necessary. After all, it's about the lives of more than 10,000 of us. I want to figure out the specific treatment and how to arrange it first. Let's be a villain and then a gentleman, so that the brothers can feel at ease, right?"

The general tilted his eyes and said, "What if I don't agree with you to see the general?"

I laughed and said, "If our hearts can't put the legs of the girls in our stomachs, I'm afraid we can't be idle. If you are willing to run on both sides, I won't object. The general is a smart person. Will you fight for the small one's request like her? If she is such a person, I'm afraid you don't have to go.

The general also seemed to feel that he didn't dare to take the initiative in such a big matter, so he hummed and didn't say anything.

I hit the railway while it was hot: "It's better for you to take me to see the general instead of running around on both sides. Anyway, it's only a day's journey from here to the capital."

The woman thought for a moment and said, "Then leave now, but I don't know if the general is willing to see you, so I said ugly words in front of me. We can't guarantee your safety. As soon as the general is angry, you are the first one to be unlucky!"

I nodded and said, "I won't bother you. As long as I see the general make it clear, the rest will be the matter of life and death, and I won't do your business."

The woman said, "You're happy, so let's go now."

Geng Ling suddenly shouted, "Team up, congratulations to all the female generals!"

The female will be impatient and said, "Time is tight. What else can I send?"

Geng Ling said with no expression on her face, "What I want to give, the team has been lined up. Everyone, please."

When we left the council hall, we saw that 10,000 people on the mountainside had been lined up into three squares waiting there. Most of these people were wearing the military uniforms of the Feifeng Army, and some of them had not had time to change. They were wearing the clothes they came, and the weapons were also strange. They even had shovels, hoe It's very neat. In short, it looks like a miscellaneous army.

The woman couldn't help laughing at first sight, and the subordinates who followed the line joked, "Look, it's really military plastic surgery," a female soldier suddenly laughed happily.

Geng Ling did not neglect at all. He stood high with the handle of the knife in his hand and said loudly, "The general intends to take us in. The political commissar Long will discuss relevant matters on behalf of everyone. Because of his efforts, we can no longer have to live the days of being bullied and worried. From then on, we will " After saying that, he waved his hand vigorously, and 10,000 people burst out shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Maybe it was the first time I heard the low and roughness of the men's collective shouting. The woman's face changed slightly, and the smiles of her subordinates were all frozen, but after all, they were all the people who led the army for a long time. In a moment, the woman said lightly, "Let's go."

I winked at Geng Ling and others, and saw a band of people staring at me. They knew that I didn't know how long I would see them again. I also understand that their name was to see me off, but they actually said goodbye to me.

I got on the horse and went down the mountain with a female soldier. It is said that my experience in riding a horse is extremely limited. In the past, I just took a few photos in the park. Sometimes I have to have female classmates to go with me. In order to show my bravery, I pull the iron ring prepared for tourists for tourists for a few lap Nian, I twisted my body and looked flustered. This time, they were all girls, but their postures were much better. Liu Suifeng swung, just like he was on a horse. The woman laughed and said, "Isn't General Long good at riding a horse?" The female soldiers under her laughed again.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm not used to this kind of moving gear."

The girls listened to my silly words and giggled again. I found that they were very fond of laughing. However, this kind of laughter is the kind of smile that despises everything and the gods and horses are floating clouds. Obviously, as a member of the flying phoenix army, they are deeply proud and look at everything in the world. I think this is Let's do it, but I always think it's more appropriate to use heroic posture. Women play with heroic dry clouds, which is always a little out of tune.

The military uniform of the daughter's country is also very chic. There is a thin waist between the breastplate and the battle skirt, which can give a clear view of the woman's exquisite figure. This is very in line with the beautiful and meticulous characteristics of the daughter's country, but I always evilly think that the designer of this Uncle Zuo, only lustful men can grasp the characteristics of women so accurately. The group of women around me are young and energetic. If it is easy for me, I am quite willing to stay with them, but this situation is a little special in the daughter's country. I nominally negotiate with others, but in essence, what Why do you look like a prisoner, and these girls always look at me with a special smile, just like a group of old men looking at a delicate little lady...

It seems that it is really rare for me to reach this level at her age, but obviously I still can't compare with Geng Ling and others. Geng Ling has reached the swordsman level two days before saying goodbye to me. In addition to me, eleven of the 18 cellmates in prison with me were already sword students. Practice Qi seems simple, but it also has his rules. It is easy to promote a sword boy, and there are also difficulties. In addition to people with extremely high talents, ordinary people generally have to practice from the age of 13 to 15, otherwise they can't understand the mystery. It is normal to reach the level of sword boy at the age of 17 or 18, and some of them If you can't succeed in your life, just keep up with the truth. Some people let him fight against the landlord. You can record from the big and small king to 3, but even the four calculations are confused. From the sword boy to the sword student, you have to test a person's talent. Some people need two years, some take 10 years, and the sword It's a master. As for the swordsman - Duan Tianya, a middle-level person, is already a top master. In a word, the magic of Su Jing's secrets shows that a zebra saw me not talking and asked, "So what about you, General Dragon? What level are you?"

I sighed, "Didn't you ask knowingly? Can't you see what level I am?

Ma Jing's wonderful eyes swept on my face and said with a smile, "That's why I'm surprised that a person who is not even a sword boy has made such a big battle for you and asked our general to ask in person."

I said to the thief, "Miss Ma, if you want to say that we are a little friendly, let me tell you the truth. Does your general really want to take us in?"

Unexpectedly, Ma Jing said cheerfully, "I don't think so. How difficult it is to enter the Feifeng Army. What do you want a group of men to do? I think the general is mostly because of the urgency of the war and doesn't want to make trouble. It's okay to coax you down the mountain and send two money for severance. At most, a few people can be left to see the granary, but I can tell you that she has absolutely no bad intentions. Our general will never drag mud and water when Are you dissatisfied with me knowing that?

I muttered in a low voice, "Satisfied hair, the most poisonous than a woman's heart!!"

Although Ma Jing didn't hear what I said, she saw that I was very unhappy and couldn't help saying, "Do you really want to go to the battlefield?" Don't you weigh your own weight?

I knew that I couldn't communicate with them about this problem, so I simply laughed and said, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about you. Do you have a boyfriend?"

Ma Jing wondered, "Boyfriend?"

"That is... husband, husband, love, what should you say in your daughter's country?"

A female officer beside Ma Jing smiled and said, "I know what you're talking about. Isn't it just good? We General Ma like the tall horse shape, and the Yu Manli on your mountain is very suitable for her appetite.

Ma Jing glanced at her with a smile and said, "I know you have a heavy mouth, and your eyes are straight when you see the bald Wu or something."

Another person next to him laughed and said, "It seems that they really have their own eyes. I like the one named Geng Ling. Although he is disabled, he is very interesting."

I listened to their lively talk and couldn't wait to point to myself: "What about me? Which one of you likes it?"

Unexpectedly, a group of girls looked at me and giggled together and said, "You are slippery and don't know self-respect. We don't like you."

me: "••••••"


I'm sorry to make you wait for another 3,000 defeated soldiers. Yesterday, I applied for a medical card for my child. Today, my wife's wound is bandaged. I went to the hospital in the afternoon. If I'm not left behind, I will make up 9K at night. It's not dishonest. Please vote for the last vote What does it look like to go, Dad! To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)