The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 24 Urine Collapse Royal Garden

The queen and I decided to return and stretched out slightly. Aunt Cao hurriedly said, "If you have something to do, you can do it early, and you can retreat if you have nothing to do."

The ministers looked at me and I looked at you. No one squeaked. The queen said slowly, "Mr. Sword God and the generals stay, and the other officials retreat.

"Long live everyone. After leaving the palace gate, the civil servants got on the sedan chair and the military officers rode their horses and went back home. I don't know what the queen meant by leaving me and my mother. I couldn't help asking, and my mother shook her head slightly. When the queen saw that there were no outsiders in the hall, she smiled and said, "I want to invite Mr. Sword God to have lunch with me. I want to ask the general to accompany me. I don't know

My mother bowed quickly and said, "It's my pleasure." I wanted the emperor to invite me to dinner. I just went to the place to wait for her first. Unexpectedly, the queen came down the steps and came to me and said, "I'll go with my husband."

Aunt Cao said, "Your Majesty, where is lunch?" The queen thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to Lingsheng Pavilion."

In addition to our mother, there was also the beautiful woman in purple. For a moment, a pair of female soldiers came over and carried four small chariots. I saw that the chariots were all young girls. A big man wanted a woman to lift all over, but he had to sit down, so he had to make four circles on the chariot and

The girls all bit their teeth and couldn't help laughing, but they didn't dare to talk to me casually. They raised their chass and followed the queen. The beautiful woman listened to me and looked back at me with a smile.

When my mother fell at the end, I couldn't help whispering to her, "What should I call the emperor's sister?"

Mom also whispered, "Just call her Prince Yun."

The emperor's sister, called the eldest princess elsewhere, is indeed a prince in her daughter's country. I sat on the car and couldn't help twisting around. My mother asked, "What's wrong with you?"

I gritted my teeth and said, "I'm still holding my urine. I can't get out of the house."

Mom laughed and said, "Can you put up with it again?"

I said with a sad face, "Let me try it."

It took less than ten minutes to walk by car. Aunt Cao stood outside a red wall and reported to the inside, so that the idle people could avoid it. The palace of the daughter's country and the TV are all the same, and the east, east, west, north and south directions are clear. Several halls dealing with political affairs are built on the central axis of The place we arrived should belong to the harem. The courtyard wall was not high, and the grass and trees were a little light. The aunts in the palace knelt outside the door early. The queen lowered her car and did not forget to look back and say hello to me, "Sir."

I complained secretly. The queen saw that I was more enthusiastic than my mother, and she refused to separate for a moment. I expected to take the opportunity to go to the toilet and have dinner with the emperor. How can I get off without an hour? But my ** can't wait any more. I feel like a big water bag is stuffed in my body, and every step I take is swaying like it's about to explode. I hugged my stomach. When I was about to enter the door, I finally summoned up my courage and said, "Uh, that..."

The queen said, "What can I do for you, sir?"

I blushed and said, "There is a sentence that can't be said in front of the emperor, but it has to be solved..."

The queen said with a look, "What do you have to say, sir, but it's okay to say it. Is there any military and state affairs to propose to me?"

I lowered my head and rubbed the ground with my feet, blushing: "Well, I haven't gone to the toilet since morning..."

I'm not embarrassed because she is an emperor, mainly because she is surrounded by girls. If I hadn't really been unable to say this, I wouldn't want to say it - women must have a good impression on men who can't hold their urine.

After hearing this, the queen was stunned at first, and then sneered and said happily. Yanran, "Eat and drink are originally four major events in life. I only care about the first two things. It's my negligence as a master. Yunquan, take your husband to Yanzhai quickly."

"Yes, royal sister." Prince Yun said to me side, "Come with me."

Things were so urgent that I couldn't be polite. I nodded to the queen, bowed my waist and covered my lower abdomen and followed Prince Yun. We didn't want anyone to accompany us. Prince Yun walked in front of us. I hurriedly followed him. On a section of the path, Prince Yun saw that there was no one around, so he turned around with a smile and said, "I don't know your identity when I first saw you. How offended you are - Mr. Sword God."

I waved my hand in frustration and said, "Don't mention it. I'm also self-defeating."

Prince Yun said, "Later, I went to you again. You are no longer here. I asked the people in the building, but there was no truth. Where on earth did you go?"

It turned out that the fat boss didn't tell Prince Yun about my arrest. No wonder the prince took a favor to his room and was arrested. He said that he must offend Prince Yun. Of course, it's best for me to let myself live and die. There is no true love between people in their field, and he forgot it in a blink of an

I grinned and said, "Let's talk about these later. I want to ask you to hurry up now."

Prince Yun smiled and said, "I'm afraid you are unprecedented when you propose to go to the toilet in front of my royal sister--" Speaking of this, Prince Yun sighed, "It's a pity that you are not a woman, otherwise we will definitely become best friends. At that time, we can drink together and look for fun together. It's also a beautiful thing.

She said, and her feet really accelerated her pace. I quickly shouted, "Slow down, by the way, just now the emperor said that he would bite you and take me to Yanzhai. I forgot to ask, what is it?"

Prince Yun smiled and said, "It's the toilet. The royal doctor said that it is very important for women to be respectful every day. The royal sister had a playful heart for a while, and the toilet in the palace was changed to Zhu Yanzhai."

I laughed and said, "It's very appropriate to put this name here, which is better than selling fake drugs." We have been walking for a long time now. Seeing that we have come to a dense garden, the strange flowers and grass paths are quiet, and the scenery is extremely beautiful, but there is no trace of the toilet. I can't help standing down and saying, "How far is it?"

Prince Yun said, "This is the Royal Garden. We will arrive after the Royal Garden."

I said with a bitter face, "Why is the toilet so far away?" Prince Yun just smiled and didn't say anything. After thinking about it, I also understand that this palace is not an ordinary garden. There is a toilet in every corner, and the guards and aunts have fixed places to go. As for the emperor, he will definitely not share this kind of place with others. You can't see the emperor squatting there to greet you as soon as you enter the toilet, so it The facilities of Daya Hall are very taboo in the palace.

I don't know how long it will take to get out of the imperial garden. Anyway, it can't be short. I simply stopped and shouted, "I can't wait."

Prince Yun said in astonishment, "What should I do?"

I pointed to the rockery in front of me: "I'm here!"

Prince Yun smiled and said angrily, "You are so big. This is the Royal Garden!" She changed her face and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, if I really want to suffocate the Sword God, I can't explain it to my royal sister, so you can do your own way." He said and turned his back. I waved to her and said, "Go further."

Prince Yun glanced at me and said anguishly, "You didn't have so much to do when I saw you for the first time." However, I still took two steps forward.

I measured the distance between me and her and estimated the position that could be involved in my stomach, and continued: "Go further, be careful to flow on your shoes." In front of this woman who called me "small**", I really felt that there was nothing to avoid. If not By mistake, we probably have met each other sincerely. Prince Yun was speechless and took two steps forward: "... I'm here to watch people for you. You don't want others to see you pee, do you?

I untied my trouser belt regardless of it and peed at the corner of the rockery. I felt that the water in my stomach sprinted out like a river and the sea. It really flew straight down three thousand feet, and it was Tianmen interrupted the opening of the Chu River. I narrowed my eyes comfortably, but Leng Ding saw Seeing them, they also saw my front face, but they didn't know what I was doing. When the leading captain saw me face to face, he pointed at me and shouted, "Who is it?"

I'm struggling, but I can't stop at this time, so I have to work harder secretly, and the sound of the water is even louder...

Seeing that I was sneaky and silent, the captain pulled out his waist knife and was about to rush forward with his subordinates. Prince Yun suddenly turned out from behind the rockery and said with a straight face, "What are you doing?" Seeing that it was her, the captain hurriedly saluted and randomly pointed to the rockery and said, "Prince Yun, we found a suspect!"

Prince Yun said, "What suspect, that's a distinguished guest invited by the emperor, today's sword god!" The captain opened his mouth confusedly: "Ah? Is it Mr. Sword God?

Prince Yun said, "Shuo, don't be surprised by the sword god... Clearance.

Naturally, the captain didn't understand why the dignified sword god ran to this Qingxiu, accompanied by the sound of running water. He couldn't help looking at me and looking at Prince Yun. At this time, I had completed the last "three strands" after tied my trousers and walked out, stretched out and said, "Thank you for

The captain didn't really see it just now. At this time, when he saw that it was really me, he hurriedly put away the knife and bowed and said, "I've seen Mr. Sword God."

I smiled kindly and said, "Okay, okay, the little girl is very responsible. I just came to see if the guards of your palace have a dead corner. I'm relieved that you can be so careful."

Prince Yun suppressed a smile and said, "Mr. Sword God praises you. Take your people to get the reward." The captain was overjoyed, and it didn't matter to reward money or anything. It was rare to get a compliment from the Sword God and said respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Sword God and Prince Yun." It's just that as soon as she lowered her head, she saw a suspicious water stain flowing out of the rockery. For a moment, she didn't think much about it and went there with people with pleasure.

After the bodyguards left, Prince Yun finally couldn't help laughing: "You're still smart."

I laughed and said, "Thank you for just now." Oh, how are you going to thank me?

Prince Yun said with bright eyes, "Why don't you stay in my palace tonight? Let's catch up?" I shook my head like a rattle: "No!"

Well, her heart is not dead yet. If you want to say that Prince Yun, a woman, is not bad-looking and has a hot figure, but unfortunately, this is a daughter's country. Sleeping with her is equivalent to being slept by her. As a man, I must not leave such a stain...

Prince Yun smiled and said, "Let's go. My royal sister should be in a hurry." It seems that she just flirted with me casually. Now my identity has attracted the attention of the whole country, and it is no longer the "small**" of the day....

In this way, I peed in the imperial garden of my daughter's country and went to the queen's banquet with Prince Yun. I looked back and saw that my urine actually collapsed on the edge of the rockery 2. It was indeed the realm of the sword god of urine collapse...