The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 26 Military Newspaper

In the end, the music and dance naturally didn't go, but this is already the most strange meal in my life experience.

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end, the queen said, "Sir, you haven't stayed yet. I'm going to order someone to clean up the room?"

I hurriedly said, "Don't bother. I'll live in the general's mansion.

"This,..." The queen pondered and said, "Although my sister and I are no different, I still hope that my husband can stay in the palace and listen to the teachings at any time."

Naturally, I refused to separate from my mother. I smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. I'm used to staying outside."

The queen said, "Yes, there are too many dull people in this deep palace, and I'm afraid it's also restrained, sir. In this case - sister, please."

My mother bowed and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

The queen made people prepare again. She sent me to the door of the Qinzheng Hall with Prince Yun. She said warmly, "Qingyang is so inconvenient that I can only send it here. Mr. Wanwang, don't miss the appointment. The future of the daughter's country depends on you."

I waved my hand and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely go back early, and then come back to eat your flower banquet."

Prince Yun secretly came to me, with a pretuous look, and whispered, "Are you sure you won't come with me?"

I smiled and said, "An other day, another day..."

Prince Yun seemed to have heard my voice, giggled and said, "You are really not a good bird, but I like it."

Out of the palace, my mother's Feifeng military guard led the horse. I finally took a breath. My mother smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

I said, "In such a place, it's inevitable to be worried. I'm afraid that I'll be played to death by you women. If you weren't for my mother, I would even have to guard against you!"

"Bullshit!" My mother laughed and scolded, and then said, "In the deep palace emperor's family, this kind of thing is inherently common, but the emperor doesn't have to be too guarded. In her position, she can't control all the means, but there is no flowery for those close to her."

I said, "Don't you think it's strange that she is so polite to me?"

My mother said directly, "It's not surprising. You think so because you still don't know what the concept of the sword god is in the mainland. The sword god is detached. The so-called princes and generals in the world are really just ordinary people in the eyes of such people. The queen confides in the hope that you can sincerely help her It's strange that she did something stupid if she wanted to play tricks with you.

I suddenly said, "It's like Li Shimin's meaning to the Rule Yin Bodhisattva in Journey to the West."

Mom smiled and said, "It's almost the same." She suddenly said with a worried face, "It's just that this time you came to make such a big momentum, but it's not good for you."

"What's wrong?"

"The attack of the Haggis Empire is imminent, and the people's hearts of the daughter's country are unstable now. The emperor publicized that the reincarnation of the sword god has arrived in the daughter's country, in order to stabilize the people and encourage the fighting spirit. This matter will soon reach the ears of the emperor of the Haggis Take any action?"

I sighed, "Oh, be careful, I've been used by others."

Mom said indifferently, "You ate other people's hundred flower banquet and became other people's guests. Don't you let people take advantage of this little advantage?"

I smiled and said, "Your words are heartfelt. I'm your own son."

Mom said, " Fortunately, you will leave in two days. No matter how fast Heggis acts, it will take a month for the news to pass, so I'm not very worried about this."

I said, "What's wrong with Prince Yun? She seems to be very spoiled. Shouldn't the emperor be very taboo about his brothers and sisters?"

My mother said, "It's no accident that Prince Yun is spoiled. He is an extremely smart person."

"Oh, what's the smart way?"

The mother said, "The old emperor has two daughters in total. The eldest is the current Empress Qingyang, and the youngest daughter is Prince Yun, Marquis Qingquan. Later, she looks exactly 10 years younger than before. Hou Qingyang is gentle and elegant. Hou Qingquan is smart and open-known, and his work is fair. The old emperor has never had an In fact, I love my little daughter more. Naturally, there are a group of nobles around Hou Qingquan. At that time, the scene was very unfavorable to Hou Qingyang. However, Hou Qingquan did not seem to have the intention of imperial business. If the ministers who please him leave, they are idle all day long and have no enterprising. At first Deep, but Hou Qingquan said something later and finally completely dispelled the thoughts of these people. The old emperor passed the throne to Hou Qingyang.

I hurriedly asked, "What did she say?"

"When she was 17 years old, she said in front of everyone: I just want to be the king of peace for 30 years and enjoy the glory and wealth of the world." I patted my legs and said, "Oh, she is desperate!"

My mother said, "In those years, the old emperor died and Hou Qingyang ascended to the throne. In the past 10 years now, Hou Qingquan has assisted her to do her best. Her daughter's country can have today's prosperity. It depends on Hou Qingquan's step back in those years. Otherwise, it is not impossible to talk about the Prosperity."

I sighed, "Hou Qingquan looks silly, but she is actually really smart!"

Mom nodded and said, "Because of this, Hou Qingyang admired this sister after his succession to the throne, and even didn't want her to change her name to avoid taboos. Qing, the word, Hou Qingquan still took the initiative to call Hou Yunquan. When he took office, he also picked up all those Qingshui yamen. In It's really impossible to be the master, but Prince Yun's real power is not small. The queen has to discuss anything with her. Prince Yun is actually the uncrowned prime minister of his daughter's country, which can be regarded as more than 10,000 people. In response to her 30-year-old King Taiping, the Empress also said a sentence: 30 years is too I promise you to live in this life."

I leisurely said, "This pair of sisters are not simple. Prince Yun seems to be more energetic."

My mother smiled and said, "The three words of King of Taiping have really done the ultimate for her. If she has something to do, she will go to the court and have nothing to look for pleasure. Prince Yun's natural and romantic is widely known. She is like this. When she is a prince, she is of course the best. I'm afraid ."

I said, "If you are lustful, you may not be a good emperor, right?"

Mom said, "It's not just this. I always feel that if I am the emperor, it is difficult to be more suitable than the current queen."

"How do you see it?"

Mom said, "As far as the mind is concerned, few people can hand over the 200,000 elite Feifeng Army to a minister with complete confidence."

I laughed and said, "No wonder you said good things for her. You are a vested interest..." I said mysteriously, "Mom, tell me the truth. If you rebel, how many chances can you win?" Mom looked back at her and stared, "You're going to die. If you want others to hear this, we can't give each other a body?"

"Hey hey, there is no one else here. Besides, isn't the Feifeng Army your direct force? The so-called direct line must follow you even if you want to rebel. My mother shook her head and smiled, "All I know is that the Queen's patrol soldier Ma Si and the Jingji Chengwei Battalion add up to less than 50,000 people, and the battalion of the Feifeng Army is outside the imperial city. If I really make trouble, she must be very embarrassed. If you, a stinky boy, had said such lifeless words,

I smiled and said, "I'm not instimidating you to rebel. Even if you succeed, I can't get any benefits. In the daughter's country, my grandmother is a princess, and you can only use it when you kiss people."

My mother also smiled: "So the queen is unmatched. She seems to be able to see through people's hearts. She knows that I must have no heart. No matter how capable Prince Yun is, she will never be as good as her sister on this point. However, a naturally unambitous person like her is still worthy of admiration. You The prince killed each other and also wanted to seize the unification. In the end, there was no place to die, and the only victory was to harm the country and the people. Prince Yun, who knew the overall situation, was really rare.

Gossip all the way back to the general's mansion. It's getting late. My mother asked me, "Are you going to bed or are you going to hang around?"

I was reluctant to say, "You can talk to me for a while." My mother and I can't recognize each other for one day and one night, and I have to go back two days later. I really can't bear this time.

My mother is the same. Sitting in the chair opposite me, she asks a lot of questions from parents, including which kindergarten I go to, what the primary school head teacher teaches, how to go home at noon every day, etc., but there is a gentleness in my eyes that can't be opened.

With that, I was hungry again. I had a dazzling banquet at the queen's place, but my eyes were clear and I didn't have anything to eat. I said, "Mom, let's get some food. I'm not full in the palace."

Mom said, "I'll give you a bowl of noodles." Why do you have to cook in person with so many servants in your house?

Mom smiled faintly and said, "For so many years, my mother has never cooked for you. Today, I'll let you try my cooking...

After a while, my mother came in with a tray with two bowls of noodles on it. I quickly took it over and said, "I only have one bowl."

Mom smiled and said, "Actually, I'm not full either."

I laughed and said, "I don't know what the queen knows what she thinks. Is this a crime of deceiving the king?"

I also had two eggs in my bowl, and there were a few slices of chopped green onion on the soup. I had a big appetite, and I ate a bowl with my mother. For a moment, the room was full of the fragrance of noodles, and the sound of two people sucking noodles. The scene was very warm.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone outside shouting repeatedly: "Where is the general, where is the general!" Then there was the sound of horses' hoofs and the sound of guards leading the way to drive the armor. My mother frowned slightly and said, "It's 600 miles. Otherwise, ordinary people will not dare to ride into the general's mansion. There must be some emergency military situation." She pushed the bowl and came to the front of the door. Outside the door, behind a team of armored soldiers, a thin and almost invisible soldier rolled down from the horse. There was a burden on her chest, one hand grasped Ma Jiang, and the other hand was still holding the corner of the burden. She fell under the horse and pulled out a roll of paper from the burden He cried and said, "General... Urgent report!"

Someone took the paper roll and gave it to my mother. My mother looked at the man and told the guard: "You help her down to rest first... With that, I couldn't wait to walk back to the room and unfold the paper roll. As soon as I took a look at it, my face changed greatly. I looked down a few lines. My mother raised Then he slapped the table angrily and roared, "Band eggs!" I was shocked and asked, "What's wrong?"

My mother waved her hand to me weakly, and the corners of her eyes trembled slightly, and the piece of paper also fell on the table. I picked it up and saw that I didn't know the words on it. Naturally, I didn't know what it was talking about, but a few half of the paper seemed to have an endless sense of killing ... Mom stood at the table and suddenly leaned forward and almost fell down. I quickly helped her sit down and said carefully, "Mom, are you all right?"

Mom said to me weakly, "Keep eating, I'm fine." I saw that her eyes were shining, and the muscles on her face were woody. Obviously, she was too sad. I didn't have the heart to eat noodles. I helped her to sit there and gently pressed her hands on her temples. My mother lost her mind for a moment, wiped her eyes, went to the door, and calmly said to the guard, "G The military government converges, I have something to say. The guard answered and left quickly. Mom turned back and sat in the chair in silence. I couldn't help saying, "What's the matter?" 50,000 Feifeng Army, it's gone... Mom seems to answer my question and mutter to herself.

I was surprised and said, "What's going on?" My mother stared at a corner of the room and said in a dream, "We have been betrayed..." Looking at her ungrateful appearance, I couldn't bear to ask again. Now she needs to be quiet, so I sat next to my mother to accompany her.

After a while, the guards came to report: "The generals are already waiting outside the door. Where can the general meet them?"

Mom said, "It's right here. Let them in."

Soon, the footsteps outside the door were mixed. More than 20 female generals with bright armor lined up in two teams. Most of these female generals were young, and a few of them were over 40 years old. They were quite windy and frosty. They entered calmly with a knife and pressed the sword. The heroic posture of the female soldiers was on their faces Come on, let people feel energetic, and my mother seems to be infected. Her expression gradually calms down, and I can't see any sadness. These female generals obviously don't know what happened. They still talk and laugh outside the door, but after entering the door, they all stand on both sides, and the room is suddenly quiet.

They looked at their mother quietly, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm and admiration. They knew that the general would not gather them to have nothing to do, rubbing their hands one by one, and waiting for the military order.

Mom kneaded the military newspaper in the palm of her hand and threw it on the table. She slowly got up and said in a low voice, "Just now, I received a 600-mile rush. We sent the 50,000 Feifeng Army to the 18th League, and the whole army was destroyed...