The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 5 Oil Price Increase

Out of Wang Jinsheng's house, I was always a little depressed, as if I had done something wrong to my friend. I walked in front, followed by Su Jing, looking at me with a little strange eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her.

Su Jingdao: "How are you feeling now?"

"It doesn't seem to be any different." At the moment when I shook hands with Wang Jinsheng just now, I really felt an inexplicably powerful force injected into my body. But now it seems to be no different from usual.

Su Jing said, "Try to launch the sword spirit in Dantian."

I urge the sword spirit according to my words, but it is still a very weak feeling.

Su Jing was puzzled and said, "It doesn't make sense. I can clearly feel that you have a very grand sword spirit."

I said, "How big is it?"

Su Jing said with a blank face, "It can almost compete with me, but in terms of strength, it is no less than me."

I was surprised and said, "So powerful?"

Su Jing nodded and said, "I have also been wondering why my strength has only the original 30% since I came to you. It barely makes sense to say that it is a hell factor, because through the fight, I found that Lu Renjia is the same, but your power has not been affected at all."

I thought for a moment and said, "Do you think so? Just like a person who has been living in the basin to Tibet, the lack of oxygen is certain. No matter how strong he is on the plateau, he can't jump and jump as usual. However, when my strength comes, he is still a prototype, not affected by human factors. It's like a newborn baby. When he grows up in Tibet, he naturally adapts to The climate on the plateau.

Su Jing half understood and nodded slightly and said, "I can only explain it like this.&qu;

I asked curiously, "If you say so, you can be on par with you with 30% of my sword spirit in the past, but it's impossible for me to stay in this state after returning to the federal continent?"

Su Jing laughed and said, "It's impossible. Do you mean you are three times stronger than me?" Su Jing shook his head and said, "No matter how strong the sword god is, there is a limit. If you say so, you alone are enough to fight against the army of the Heggis Empire."

I said, "What's impossible? Don't forget that I split a mountain on my own!"

Su Jing still shook his head vigorously: "It's impossible, it's impossible. It's really that strong. If you split the Heiosguna Mountain, you won't die after the meridians collapse."

I said, "I have this 30% sword spirit, why is Dantian still empty?"

Su Jing said, "That's normal. You have just started, and you can't control such a strong sword spirit. They are wandering in your strange meridians. When you can control Dantian freely, they will naturally listen to your command like children who go home."

I asked eagerly, "When can I control myself?" I finally have the treatment of Duan Yu and You Tanzhi - I don't know how to use the internal force of oil control. As soon as such a scene appears, this person will become a peerless master sooner or later.

Su Jing said, "I will teach you." Seeing that I was always depressed, she said, "You don't have to be too guilty about Wang Jinsheng. After all, it is not very useful for him to take the sword spirit, but you have to save hundreds of millions of creatures. If he can understand you, it means that he is profound and righteous, then your sword spirit is no different from him. If you don You don't have to make friends.

I think so. I have never seen Wang Jinsheng's virtue before. If his heroism must be supported by my sword spirit, it means that this person's nature is really not good. It's like a friend. Some friends are usually unknown, but they can help you at critical times. Some friends After drinking and being hot, it sounds good. You sound good, but in fact, it's not him anymore. [ Flower Update]

I was in a good mood, opened the car door and said, "Let's go."

In the car, Su Jing said, "If it goes well, we will be in our country today."

"So fast?"

Su Jing said, "If you have 30% of your sword spirit, I'll teach you some more tricks. Even if you don't want to be a decoration, you can always help. Other things are like what I said. Sooner or later, we will have a chance to come back."

I was also eager to say goodbye to my mother, so I agreed: "Let's do it."

The car slowly flows into the traffic. At this time, it's less than one o'clock at noon. It's the peak. After a while, it will be blocked on the road into the 2nd Ring Road.

Su Jing looked out and suddenly pointed to a tall thing and asked me, "What is that?"

I took a look and said casually, "Ferris wheel, haven't you done it?"

Su Jing shook his head.

After asking, I couldn't help laughing. How could she come from a federal continent and ride the Ferris wheel? I said, "Would you like to play?"

Su Jing said, "Time is so tight, how can you have time to play?"

I strengthened my determination in an instant: "I'm going back to my daughter's country today. Why don't you even take the Ferris wheel too much? Besides, it's also blocked with this. How can I just leave when I come back after playing? Before she could make a statement, I drove the car to the door of the amusement park, pulled Su Jing directly to the Ferris wheel to buy tickets, and got into a playhouse together.

When the Ferris wheel slowly rose into the air, Su Jing couldn't help looking down through the glass and couldn't help saying, "What a big city."

I said, "If there is a chance, will you come back?"

Su Jing said, "I'm afraid I'm inevitably going back. You just got half of your strength back, and 40% of the sword spirit has not fallen, and I can't think of anything about the speed on the gopher."

I curled my lips and said, "Can you let go of your country first? I mean, when the war is over, you come and play."

Su Jing said, "This battle doesn't last for 10 years. How can it be finished?"

I sighed, "If you defeated, then if - I mean, after you beat Haggis away, you will always get married, right?" I suddenly said, "Well, it seems that you should get married at your age."

Su Jing said, "In my daughter's country, I will take someone else if I want to get married."

I smiled and said, "Do you have a heart?"

Su Jing shook his head and said, "No, how can I think about this?"

"Oh, yes, you are in such a good condition. Choosing a spouse must be a big problem. Isn't your mother in a hurry?"

Su Jing: "..."

I scratched my head and said, "I suddenly thought of something."


"If it meets your requirements, it seems that I'm the only one, right? In addition, there are only two sword gods in my half-baked continent. Who else can you go to?

Su Jing was stunned and turned to smile, "If you don't mind, I can marry you, and then you will be the main room."

The overall situation is gradually fixed, and she will also be in the mood to joke. I curled my lips and said, "Forget it, my father is only my son. I will be my son-in-law again. If I don't say anything else, my mother won't agree."

Su Jing said carefully, "Your mother is not already..."

I almost spilled the beans and hurriedly said, "If you marry me, I can promise to abide by monogamy for the rest of my life. As for whether to make a mistress or not... Let's talk about it according to the situation."

Su Jing smiled and said, "My mother can't agree. She is still waiting for her descendants to be full."

I said, "What do you mean by that? Do you doubt that I can't do it? Besides, your mother is thinking that her descendants have to do it step by step. A man marries five wives. Even if he is pregnant for three years in a year, he will be full. No matter how many husbands you marry, you can't have one child and one child. We have a metaphor that a man is a teapot and a woman is a teacup. A teapot can be matched with many tea cups, but it is outrageous to say that a teacup is equipped with many teapots. In the final analysis, your crops are ripe every year and can't be compared with our teapots.

Su Jing blushed and muttered, "You... are really not ashamed." It seems that women are women after all. Whether they are fighting with men or bickering, they have their limitations. Besides, I'm right. Women arrange an egg in a month, and they have to be pregnant for ten months. Men are merciful to solve the problem of family transmission. Isn't Xia Yuhe's daughter like this?

I thought of another question and quickly asked, "Oh, by the way, just like your queen is pregnant, how does she know which male concubine is?"

Su Jing: "..."

We talked and laughed all the way - of course, the main reason was that I sat in the Ferris wheel with laughter and saw it rise to the highest point. Su Jing took a look and said, "It's really high."

I said, "You're not afraid, are you?"

Su Jing said indifferently, "What is this? If it weren't here, I could have flown higher."

"Can you really fly?" Speaking of this, I suddenly became interested. Since I was a child, I have been dreaming of flying, but we know that this is still a blank in the history of human science and technology. Human beings have built airplanes, but they are always troubled by a number of problems in personal flight, how to overcome gravity, how to conserve energy, eliminate parachuting, gliders These specious things, the real flight is only in science fiction mythology, like Lei Zhenzi can fly, but I don't envy him at all. That pair of wings certainly look like the wind, but do people have wings or people? The people who know how to fly recently are probably bad Taoists and Liu Laoliu, and I don't envy them. Bad Taoist stepped on the flying sword. I feel that it's no different from playing skateboarding, and it's not chic to stand so narrowly on the sword. It would be better if you can sit on it, but it's easy to scratch the crotch. Liu Laoliu, not to mention that the flight closest to my ideal is still like Superman, but Silly, he leaned down to the ground and his limbs were flat, like a bastard pulled out of the shell. I knew he wanted to reduce resistance and speed up. In order to speed up, how many centuries did you throw away the red sheets? This grandson is so flying that he pretends to be a thief.

Su Jing said, "I don't know how strong you used to be. In short, I don't recommend you to fly often. Not to mention your lack of physical coordination ability now, you will definitely not succeed, and flying consumes a lot of sword spirit."

I subconsciously asked, "How many oils per 100 kilometers? &Qu;

Su Jing was in a slap in his ass.

I hurriedly changed my question: "How far can you fly when you are full of breath?"

Su Jing said, "In the past, I could almost fly from the capital of my daughter's country to the suburbs, but now I'm afraid not."


Su Jing laughed at himself and said, "If you don't fly for so long, your kung fu will definitely be discounted. What's your word here - devaluation?"

I sighed, "You're not depreciating. I guess it's because my daughter's oil price has also risen."

P: The trip to Nanjing was very successful. Except for the two speeches, everything else was very good. I am very grateful to those brothers and sisters who were present to support Xiaohua. Although the words were very ugly, there was no one who asked me to compensate for the book. I was very moved. M