The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 9 A little

When he went back, Jin Chengwu still wanted to drive, but he was carried behind by me.

Jin Chengwu flapped his shoulder and said, "Are you alive again?"

As I was driving, I frowned and said, "Brother, I'm washing the marrow of the Book of Changes now, extraordinary!" I asked Su Jing worriedly, "I won't pull down the steering wheel when I drive like this, will I?" I leaned my head out of the window and danced to a garbage can for a long time, but I didn't see it moving at all.

Old Wu said, "Why don't we feel that you are different from usual?"

"Yes, how could this happen?" I asked Su Jing.

Su Jing said, "Because now your sword spirit doesn't listen to your command at all."

"That was yesterday..."

Su Jing had already answered first: "Yesterday, the sword spirit happened to pass through Dantian and was forced out by you by mistake."

"When will it pass again?"

Su Jing gave me a white look and said, "How do I know that the sword spirit is in your body?"

I said depressedly, "It won't be as much as the train schedule, will it?"

Jin Cheng Wu Dao: "It's okay to say, don't stop like the East Station, right?"

I'm speechless.

Since she came out, Xiaoqian's face has been gloomy, and she is so tired that she can't say a word. After slowing down in the car for a long time, she has slightly improve. She patted her chest and said, "Brother Xiaolong is so strong, but I can't stand it even if I pass it in

"What's wrong with you?"

Xiaoqian reluctantly smiled and said, "It's much better now, but I'm afraid I can't help you in a short time."

Lao Wu said, "What I'm most worried about is that it is clearly written in Liu Laoliu's book that doing so is detrimental to virtue, which is very detrimental to Xiaoqian's future practice."

I said, "Can't we get our own things back?"

Old Wu said, "Heaven is not a human being. He can't tell the difference."

Xiaoqian said, "Elder Wu, don't worry. Without Brother Xiaolong and Sister Su, I'm afraid I would have lost my soul. If there is a loss in virtue, let it lose. In short, I have a clear conscience."

I didn't expect Xiaoqian, a girl, to be soft on the outside and strong on the inside. I couldn't help praising her sincerely, "Xiaoqian, you are really a man!"


After returning home, Su Jing found me alone and said to me seriously, "According to the previous plan, we could have gone to this extent, but since you want to be a veritable sword god, I will help you. From today on, I will start to teach you martial arts!"

I curled my lips and said, "Thall you teach me?" I know that Su Jing's master is Kumei, and Kumei is my apprentice in my previous life. Now it's always strange to let an apprentice and grandson teach me. Moreover, let a girl teach me, the male chauvinism in my heart is a little bit.

Su Jing seemed to see through my thoughts and said, "You don't have to call me Master."

"I don't have to call you aunt, do I?"


"Oh, it's okay. Go on, we don't have to start with squatting, do we?"

"I don't have time. I can only tell you the battle theory I have figure out. Next, it depends on your understanding."

I said with a sad face, "Is it understanding again?" I found that understanding is really a kind of inhumanization. Guo Jing's understanding is poor, and he can finally draw with Si Jue; Yang Guo's understanding is good, so he will draw with Si Jue (it is said that Si Jue is actually the largest npc in the trilogy). Linghu Chong's understanding is so good that he can't It can be said that in the end, it is a master against the sky, so there is no reason for this thing at all. Anyway, it is how to fool the person who writes the book.

I vaccinated Su Jing: "My understanding is not good!"

At this time, a giant dandelion jumped in at the door of the hotel. At first, I thought that Lao Wu had turned something into a human again. When I looked carefully, I recognized Gao Xiaowei. This guy burned all the hair on his head and floated straight, moving like a dandelion into essence, and when he didn't move

As soon as I saw her, my head suddenly became three points big: "Why are you here? Did you kick someone's balls again?

Gao Xiaowei stared at me and said, "I'm here to learn kung fu from Sister Su." She jumped in front of Su Jing and said affectionately, "Sister, you want to teach me kung fu."

Su Jing paused and said, "Sit down, I'm going to teach your brother. Since you're here, let's listen together. I don't have time to teach you from the shallow work. How much can I understand..."

I continued, "It depends on your understanding."

Gao Xiaowei sat opposite Su Jing: "Okay, let's go."

Su Jing frowned and looked at Gao Xiaowei. I patted her on the back of the head: "I spit out chewing gum."

Gao Xiaowei originally wanted to fight back, but looking at Su Jing's face, she obediently spit gum into the tissue.

Su Jing casually picked up a piece of paper and drew a villain without facial features on it. He said, "I told Xiaolong once. I'm used to dividing the opponent's body into three areas, that is, the head, chest and abdomen, and legs. If the other party wants to attack, these three parts will definitely move. How to move, Tips on how to defeat him, such as his right fist, you have to think about whether to dodge or counterattack, so as to command how to move in your three areas.

Gao Xiaowei immediately raised her hand and said, "I see. It's like the boy on the opposite side lowering his head, which means that he wants to hit you with his head. We can press the back of his head and kick him in the door with our toes!"

I'm speechless...

Su Jing smiled and said, "That's right, but I've never seen the trick of hitting someone with my head."

I stared at Gao Xiaowei and said, "Don't take all your little ruffian. The two of them came out to be humiliating.

Su Jing drew many dots on the little man and on his arms and legs: "This is a more detailed division. Each of the three points can be connected into a line, indicating an attack mode, and each point is the weakness of the corresponding attack mode." Su Jing pointed to the three points on the little man's leg and said, "Take this as an example. If the other party wants to attack you with his leg, these three points must move together, and what we have to do is to find one of the points to fight back after he attacks. Of course, each point represents a different counterattack method."

Gao Xiaowei sighed, "It's so complicated!"

Su Jing got up and pulled me and said, "I'll give you a demonstration with your brother."

Su Jing pointed to my right calf and said to Gao Xiaowei, "Look, this is the location of the three points on the picture." Su Jing stood three steps away from me and shouted, "Dragon, sheep, sheep, kick me with your right leg."

I'm not stupid. I stood straight and said, "You won't take revenge on me, will you?"

Su Jing said, "It's just a demonstration, of course not..."

Before she finished speaking, I jumped up and kicked her in the thigh. Su Jing smiled and hooked my leg with his right toe on his back.

Su Jing asked Gao Xiaowei, "Have you seen it clearly?"

Gao Xiaowei said excitedly, "I can see it clearly. It really moves according to the three points on the picture. It would be nice if I could demonstrate it again."

Su Jing waved to me and said, "Come on, do it again."

"The bastard is just coming again!" I got up and said, "By the way, who are you teaching martial arts?"

Su Jing laughed and said, "Practice is also learning."

I hid far away and said, "Then you should also let her study."

Gao Xiaowei said, "Learn to learn, who is as timid as you?" She said tentatively to Su Jing, "Sister, can I fight as I want?"

Su Jing said, "Yes, come on."

After listening to her, Gao Xiaowei suddenly stepped back a few steps and added a run, and then kicked Su Jing in the air. I have to say that after a long period of actual combat, the little sister was still a little fierce. Su Jing walked around her side and raised it on her ankle. Gao Xiaowei suddenly rushed down and fell down. Su Jing was afraid Live.

I clapped my hands and said, "This is good, this is good, that is, the last fall is out of standard."

Gao Xiaowei got up and didn't even have time to pat the dirt on her trousers. She said excitedly, "Sister, you are really amazing. I usually don't find it. When I look back, I think about how I really can't escape the points you drew. It turns out that you can fight like this." She suddenly found that there were a lot of drawings beside the little people on Su Jing's paper, and asked, "Sister, what do these mean?"

Su Jing said indifferently, "You don't have to worry about those. In short, it's a little bit when you look at people, and ordinary people can't beat you."

I waved my hand and said, "Go ahead, remember something."

Su Jing said, "You are the same. Why don't you do this? Your brother and sister have a competition to see who remembers more in the shortest time." Su Jing then drew another picture and handed it to Gao Xiaowei and said, "This one is for you."

Gao Xiaowei walked aside with the "point paper". Su Jing put the original one in front of me and said, "It's very helpful for you to learn these for your self-defense now. Unless you are a master of the holy level, the enemies below the swordsman are not a problem."

"What about the enemy who has entered the holy level?"

Su Jing pointed to the points outside the villain's body and said, "The masters above the swordsman can control the sword spirit to attack people. You can't see his direction just by looking at the appearance, but there are also rules to follow according to the fluctuation of the opponent's sword spirit. These points are the laws of movement of the sword It's in the body."

I just took that piece of paper and read it carefully. The dots on the villain's body are all over the body, and any three points can be connected into a line, which indicates the inevitable trajectory of human movement. That is to say, if the enemy wants to strike you, it must pass through these lines, and if you recognize their trajectory, you can occupy the Take the initiative, whether it is attack or defense.

Although I am a laymen, I also understand that this simple picture has exhausted Su Jing's painstaking efforts. It can be said that her achievements in her half of her life are on it. It goes without saying that the value of this piece of paper is no less than the mysterious book of the sword she gave me before. I dare not neglect it. I really

After more than half an hour, Gao Xiaowei came to us with her hands behind her back. Su Jing asked her, "How's it going?"

Gao Xiaowei said, "Remember more than half of it."

Su Jing nodded and said, "It's not slow, it's not slow." She asked me again, "What about you?"

I said with a bitter face, "I have forgotten more than half of it."

"Think about it again, both of you."

Gao Xiaowei thought for a while and said, "I remember a lot again."

I said eunantly, "I forgot a lot again."

Su Jing took out a piece of paper again and drew a villain on it, and let Gao Xiaowei mark it. Gao Xiaowei poked and painted a little on it. Su Jing looked at it and said, "There are a few mistakes, but it's rare." She put the paper in front of me and said, "Draw what you remember."

I took the pen, and when I was painting, I found that my mind was full of small dots, but I couldn't remember the specific one.

Su Jing frowned and said, "Your understanding is really so bad?"

I was aggrieved, "How come the more Zhang Wuji forgets, the better his understanding. I forget so quickly, but my understanding is poor?"

Of course, in fact, I understand that Zhang Wuji learned the meaning of swordsmanship. The tricks Zhang Sanfeng demonstrated to him will shackle his performance, so the faster he forgets, the deeper he understands. I'm completely in the exam. The more I forget, the lower the score. If so, I can get a high score. My college entrance examination score is only equivalent to a comprehensive paper of our city's top science student.

When Su Jing saw that my mind was full of mud, he said helplessly, "Go ahead and continue to remember. I'll show it to you with Xiaowei." She called Gao Xiaowei to the spacious place of the lobby and waved her hand, "No matter what method you use, you can use it as long as you want to attack me. When I fight back against you later, you should think about those points. The position is dead, but there are countless combinations when connected. You have to understand and play all the moves. It's impossible to practice it once. In the end, you have to discover it by yourself.

Gao Xiaowei was eager to try, "Then I'm going to start!"

Su Jing waved his hand and said, "Come on."

Gao Xiaowei rushed over, and her little fist rudely hit Su Jing's nose. Su Jing went to the side and pulled her fist back. Gao Xiaowei was immediately cut back: "Ouch."

Su Jing let her go and said, "Do you remember the corresponding point?"

Gao Xiaowei thought for a moment and said in surprise, "I remember, this is how this point is used."

Su Jing smiled and said, "Of course, you can also use other methods, but you can only learn one trick now."

Gao Xiaowei said, "Let's continue." With that, he kicked again. Su Jing raised her with two fingers on the back of her feet, and Gao Xiaowei fell face up to the sky.

In this way, the two of them demonstrated back and forth. Gao Xiaowei naturally couldn't touch Su Jing, but she was not discouraged. Instead, she became happier and happier. Until she used all the beating moves she could think of, she couldn't help Su Jing. Su Jing reached out to stop her and said, "Okay, now change someone else Hit you and see if you can touch the bypass.

Gao Xiaowei said, "Who should I change?"

Before they could speak, I said first, "Anyway, I won't do it!"

Gao Xiaowei rolled her eyes and said, "You coward, I won't really hurt you."

"I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

Su Jing swept left and right, and suddenly shouted, "Duan Tianya!"

It turned out that when Duan Tianya saw the transmission of the sword god, he naturally refused to let go of this kind of opportunity that had never been seen in a hundred years. As early as long as he had been secretly looking at it for a long time. Hearing Su Jing call him, he blushed and said, "I'm leaving now."

Su Jing said, "Who told you to leave? Come and feed Xiaowei."

Duan Tianya came over and said, "How to feed it?"

Su Jing said, "Don't use sword spirit, just fight with Xiaowei empty-handed."

Duan Tianya said depressedly, "I'm a master in the middle of the swordsmanship. Give a trick to a little girl?"

Su Jing said, "I can also teach you both hands afterwards."

Duan Tianya said happily, "Really?"

"Doesn't it count if the Sword God said it?"

Duan Tianya hurriedly rolled his arms and rolled his sleeves: "Come on, I'll risk it."

Su Jing said to Gao Xiaowei, "Now you regard him as a bad guy who bullies you. If he wants to hit you, I'll see how you deal with it."

Gao Xiaowei looked at Duan Tianya and waved casually, "Thank you, uncle."

Duan Tianya said, "Am I that old?"

Before he finished his words, Gao Xiaowei went straight to Duan Tianya's ** and kicked over. What kind of person Duan Tianya was? He plotted that the black hands were his strengths. He easily pinched Gao Xiaowei's foot bones and said with a smile, "It's quite dark for the little girl."

Su Jing shouted, "Duan Tianya fight back!"

Duan Tianya cut off Gao Xiaowei's neck with one palm. Although it was not attached to the sword spirit, it was also like a meteor. Gao Xiaowei was obviously flustered and went up with both hands. Duan Tianya had already changed his move halfway and turned his palm to point to her throat. Gao Xiaowei's eyes suddenly flashed She held Duan Tianya's hand in front of her neck with one hand, and pinched Duan Tianya's elbow joint with the other hand like a pair of pliers.

But after all, she still took a step slower. Duan Tianya's hand tapped on her neck and then took it back. Although she won a move, her expression was extremely surprised.

Su Jing couldn't help saying with a slight movement, "Xiaowei has a high understanding. She has just practiced for an afternoon and can pass the trick with a master at the level of Duan Tianya. Most importantly, she seems to fully understand my method."

I said sourly, "Where is the high understanding after a long time?"

Su Jing said, "Have you seen anything in the past half a day?"

I said blankly, "What?"

Su Jing was so angry that he said, "What do you think I asked them to practice for?" Didn't you get anything from their demonstration?"

I scratched my head and said, "You didn't say it earlier. I've been watching all these days."

Su Jing sighed...

Throughout the afternoon, Gao Xiaowei has been pestering Duan Tianya and fighting against the first brother of the killer organization. Naturally, she can't take any advantage of her. On the contrary, Duan Tianya will hurt her if she is inadtentionally, but this little sister doesn't know what kind of nerve she has, as excited as if a

And I remember those points this afternoon. I remember some of them, but there is still a long way to go from being used in actual combat. I have hated this formulaic teaching method since I was a child. What's more, I think it's very ridiculous to see other people's points when fighting. He punched you over. No matter what he revealed, although judging from Gao Xiaowei's training results, Su Jing's method is indeed effective, I just can't learn it. This time, it's not that I'm not active. Maybe it's really a matter of "understanding", but obviously my understanding is blank in this respect.

Su Jing was also at a loss about this. Finally, she had to say, "Well, since you said that you have no understanding of boxing, I will teach you swordsmanship from tomorrow!"