The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 5 Military Marriage

Under Puqixiong's order, the soldiers immediately went away. By this time, the army had stopped moving forward. The soldiers basically knew about this matter and talked about it one after another. Everyone knew Puqixiong's temper and couldn't help but feel quite timated.

In a short time, the dozen soldiers escorted a soldier back like a gust of wind. Seeing that this man's uniform was the most ordinary private soldier in the infantry battalion. The weapon had been disarmed and held in front of us by Wuhu. The soldiers shouted, "Kneel down!" The man knelt beside the young woman without saying a word.

Pucciong looked down at him: "Name."

"Qin Shuanzi."

Puqiong pointed to the woman and asked him, "Last night, did you..." Speaking of this seemingly expensive wording, I don't know what words to use to describe it.

Qin Shuanzi raised his head and said, "General Pu, you don't have to ask anymore. I'll admit it all!"

Puqixiong's face was suddenly covered with a layer of cold air, and he said, "Do you know what ** the girl should do?"

Qin Shuanzi said, "According to the law, you should be killed!"

Puqiong said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Qin Shuanzi turned his head and looked at the woman, with a strange expression on his face and said softly, "No."

Puqixiong was furious and shouted, "Put me out and cut it!" The two soldiers couldn't help pulling Qin Shuanzi. Qin Shuanzi did not resist, but looked at the woman tenderly, allowing the soldiers to lift him to the open space.

I looked strangely and couldn't help saying, "Wait a minute." The two soldiers stood there and looked at me puzzledly.

I turned my head to look at Li Si and asked, "You said that you accidentally met Qin Shuanzi who bullied your fiancee yesterday, so how did you know his name and camp affiliation? Did he deliberately tell you this when he did bad things?"

Li Si smiled and said, "Lord Hui, this Qin Shuanzi was originally a splash in my village before he joined the army, and the villain knew it."

I asked Qin Shuanzi again, "So, you and Wang have known each other for a long time?" I think it's more and more strange." First of all, Li Si looked at the thief's eyes. "General people have been in chaos when they encounter such things for a long time, but he has steadily prepared a bronze gong banner and responded to Pu Qixiong's questions fluently. Obviously, he is usually a cunning figure. Look at the people behind Most of them are not good. Besides, the woman should have panicked when she saw the murderer who bullied her, but Wang Shi was not afraid except for her miserable look. She and Qin Shuanzi were by no means as simple as Li Si said. As for Qin Shuanzi's eyes looking at Wang Shi, it made me feel that there was fishy in it.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shuanzi heard that I wanted to excuse him, but unexpectedly said, "General Shi, don't ask. I do things alone, and I'm willing to be dealt with by the military law."

Puqixiong said repeatedly, "Cut, chop!" The old man took it extremely harshly, shaped like a fire. He was famous for his iron-faced selflessness in the army. When he encountered such a thing, he couldn't help his anger and was determined to strictly enforce military discipline.

Seeing that the two soldiers were going to pull Qin Shuanzi again, I waved my hand to them to wait. I looked at the woman and said, "Wang Shi" You said, Qin Shuanzi really did that to you yesterday...?

Wang Shi looked at Qin Shuanzi, his face turned pale in an instant, and then nodded blankly. I was stunned, and Puqiong said impatiently, "What are you still doing? Push me out a new one!"

Qin Shuanzi turned away under the hostage of two own soldiers, but at this time, Wang suddenly got up and rushed, hugged Qin Shuanzi's feet and cried, "Your Excellency, although we did that, I was willing!"

"Ah?" Everyone opened their mouths doubtfully, and Pu Qixiong also frowned. Li Si suddenly said, "You are so shameless!" With that, he went to chase the Wang family. "Qin Shuanzi was so anxious at first sight. He broke free from the two soldiers and kicked Li Si. Li Si's servants rushed up to help Li Si fight." The scene once fell into chaos.

I waved my hand to Zhang Shilei: "Take care of it."

Zhang Shilei and others rushed on and separated Li Si and a group of villagers. "When they saw that Qin Shuanzi and Wang Shi obviously had other secrets, they were both comrades-in-arms in the army, and they couldn't help but feel the enemy. Li Si and others began to withdraw and play tricks. They were blocked by dozens of

I motioned Zhang Shilei to take Li Si aside and leaned over to Wang Shi and said, "Tay about it, what's going on?"

The Wang family cried with Qin Shuanzi in his arms, and it took a long time to sob and said, "The slave family has known Brother Shuanzi since I was a child. His family lives in the east of the village and the west of my village. I have been in love with him since I was a child..."

I nodded and said, "Uh-huh, that's right. That means that you two are childhood sweethearts, so why did you marry that short and fat man again?"

Wang Shiaiwan said, "Just because Brother Shuanzi was ordered to join the army for military service last year, there is still an old mother in the slave family who needs to be raised. In addition, there is no labor. Brother Shuanzi has gone far away, and the slave family has no livelihood. The old wife of Li Si, a squir I have no choice but to follow the power.

Qin Shuanzi said sadly, "Why did you tell the general? I'm sorry for you."

I asked Zhang Shilei in a low voice, "What's wrong with military service?"

Zhang Shilei said, "According to the national law, men have the obligation to join the army when they are old. According to the magnificentness of a household, every family has to produce people. Of course, rich people can pay for someone to replace them. It seems that he is the only man in Qin Shuanzi's family, and he has

After listening to Wang's words, many of the soldiers present showed a sad look. It seemed that many people felt the same way about Qin Shuanzi's experience.

Now things are gradually clear. Qin Shuanzi was a pair of little lovers with Wang before he became a soldier. It happened that the army passed through this place, and he couldn't help but take advantage of the night to meet his lover. Wang's future was uncertain, so the two naturally made such a beautiful move, but she is now nominally Li Si' Wife, so Li Si came to make trouble under this banner, which made people think a lot.

I saw that Li Si was old and fat, with a treacherous face. Obviously, he was a local snake who bullied people, and he intended to help Qin Shuanzi get rid of himself, so he said to him coldly, "The two of them are old-fashioned. You have inserted a bar in it. This rapist theory can'

Li Si's triangular eyes said horizontally, "That's not to say. Wang is my uninformed wife. Your people have something to do with her, at least it's a bad name festival, right?" Seeing that Pu Qixiong seemed to speak better, he shouted, "Your Excellency, you can't protect your shortcomings!"

Pu Qixiong murmured to me, "Qin Shuanzi still has to be killed!" I accidentally said, "Why?"

"The new army moves. This man ignores the laws and disciplines of the army. What if he is not severely punished and shakes the heart of the army?" After saying that, Pu Qixiong stopped talking to me and said to Qin Shuanzi, "I'm still going to kill you. Are you convinced?" Qin Shuanzi said, "The little one has nothing to say." "Okay, push it out, kill!"

Wang Shi immediately cried as soon as he heard this. He hugged Qin Shuanzi's thigh and didn't let go. He cried, "If you want to kill him, kill me with me." Qin Shuanzi bowed his head and said, "Girl, let go." Wang said sadly, "You're going to die, and I don't want to live either."

Seeing that the two of them were going to be pulled away by their own soldiers again, I couldn't help but be angry and shouted, "Let go!" Why are you so active when killing your own people?" Those soldiers were scolded by me and blushed. I said to Pu Qixiong, "General Pu, I don't object to Yan Ming Junji, but you have to say why. Which law do you want to kill him according to?" Pu Qixiong didn't expect me to use the spear. He pointed his head to him and coughed, "Don't say anything else. Even if you are sentenced to the deserter, you can kill him for two sins." I asked Qin Shuanzi, "Did you go back to camp last night?" Qin Shuanzi said, "I'm back."

I said, "Since he is back inying, he can't be regarded as a deserter." Li Si fanned the flames and said, "Then what about his bad reputation?" I said angrily, "Bullshit! What are you willing to do with the two of them?" Li Si said, "I'm serious about the betrothal gift." Now the Wang family is born to me and the death is my ghost. If I don't pursue it, I can still calculate that she is out of integrity. I want to pursue her. This is a collusion. Such a dog man and

My heart suddenly lit up and understood why Qin Shuanzi refused to explain a word. He originally wanted to die in order to save the Wang family from this kind of disaster. However, seeing that Li Si was just greedy for Wang's youth and beauty, even if he didn't immediately poison Wang's family in this matter, he would be persecuted after playing for a period of time. I pointed to Qin Shuanzi and said, "You fool, don't you think you can live if you die?"

Qin Shuanzi seemed to be moved." Suddenly, he knelt down and said, "The little one doesn't ask for anything else, just asks General Shi to save my sister's life!"

I hate Tie Bianggang said, "It's really a fool to say that you are a fool. She can't live just to save her alone." Don't you understand?" I asked with a smile, "You've been with her for so long, and you've never gone to her house to propose marriage?" I thought my words were explicit Zi still couldn't turn his head around and said blankly, "No..." Fortunately, Wang Shi was finally a little smart at this time. He took the lead and said, "Brother Shuanzi and I have made a private life." He blushed with shame.

I immediately shouted, "Oh, I see that I'm not short and half fat. If you want to say that the bad name festival is also your bad name festival, they have already made a private life!" Li Si was stunned and said, "Private life... What is this?" He turned his head to Pu Qixiong and said, "Your Excellency, you have Xiong was also stunned by me. He whispered, "Di Zai, is this Qin Shuanzi old acquaintance with you?" I didn't answer him. I pointed to Qin Shuanzi and asked Li Si, "What's the good for you to kill this person?"

Wang Shi said, " Li Zheng and Brother Shuan Zi have always had a grudge, and the two have always been at the wrong."

I hummed and said, "My heart is really vicious. Today I told you that with me, you can't move this soldier!"

Li Si couldn't help saying, "Who are you?" Zhang Shilei immediately scolded, "What are you asking? This is our former general, the second grade of the court!"

Li Si immediately shrank his neck. The second grade of the imperial court is an unimaginable official for him. The local magistrate is just a sixth grade, and he may not have seen it.

At this time, everyone looked at me with different expressions, inexplicable and unable to laugh or cry. They saw that I was the second grade of the imperial court. In order to protect a soldier, they didn't even hesitate to play nonsense. They couldn't figure out what I was going to do, and even Qin Shuanzi was puzzled. Pu Qixiong said in my ear, "Di Zai, it's hard to escape the crime of death. You should pay attention to the impact."

I nodded imperceptibly, pointed to Qin Shuanzi and asked Zhang Shilei loudly, "According to the military law, what crime can I do to treat this son of a bitch?" Then I brushed him with my eyes. Zhang Shilei's eyes turned around and hesitantly said hesitantly, "Well... ** People's women are Camp..." I patted my thigh: "That's it. Say, what punishment should be?" Zhang Shilei said, "I'm going to punish five times." "Fight me!" For a moment, a gendarmerie specializing in execution came up, crackling on Qin Shuanzi's back five times, and then helped him up. Seeing that this was Kowtow!" My lord, that's it. The villain is not convinced.

I waved my hand and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." Li Sihan said doubtfully, "Thank you very much."

I said viciously, "Qin Shuanzi!"

Qin Shuanzi hurriedly knelt down and said, "General, I know that I have ruined the military discipline. I am willing to accept it no matter what punishment the general has." "Really?"


"Then listen, your violation of discipline this time is particularly strict, and the impact is very bad. Our army can't tolerate you, an unorganized and undisciplined bird soldier." So I will decide to go to your military status and send you back to the countryside to farm. Do you have any opinion?" "Ah?" Everyone was stunned at the same time. Naturally, they understood that it was a great good thing for Qin Shuanzi to go back to his hometown to work in agriculture.

Qin Shuanzi was moved to tears and said, "General... I..." I waved my hand and said, "Get out of here."

Wang held Qin Shuanzi, both of them knelt down in front of my horse, and kowtowed three heads respectfully.

Li Si knew that this matter could only lead to such a result after all. He sighed angrily and was about to slip away. I shouted, "Li Si!"

Li Si was so scared that he turned around tremblingly and said, "What else, your excellency?"

"I haven't settled accounts with you yet. What are you running for?" Li Si said with a bitter face, "What's wrong with the villain?" I said with a straight face, "When Qin Shuanzi was in the army, you harassed his fiancee who had been private for life. This is a destruction of the military marriage. What do

Li Si said crazily, "How can there be such a crime of destroying the military marriage?" I patted my legs and said, "The soldiers sacrificed their lives on the front line, and you harassed their families in the rear." What is this a crime?"

The sergeants were funny and cheered when they heard me say that.

Li Siru's funeral examination: "What does the adult say?" "Do you want to be public or private?", "... How about public?" "What about public?" "Public, you donate tens of thousands of taels of silver to the army to make up for the bad impact you have caused. Private... It also has to thousands of taels of private. Willing not forgive you." Li Si broke down and said, "It's not worth so much money to sell the meat on the small body by catty!"

I dragged my chin and said, "I have a large number of people, so I will punish you for not taking back the betrothal gift you gave to the Wang family. I will do the work of Qin Shuanzi for you." Let him not care about you."

Li Si said weakly, "Thank you, my lord."

I squinted at him: "You are from the village. You won't take the opportunity to retaliate against Qin Shuanzi and his wife in the future, will you?"

Li Si said, "I don't dare." I hummed, "If you dare, it doesn't matter." I said that since everyone joined the army, he has been a brother. Even if Qin Shuanzi is discharged from the army, he is still the brother of all of us. After the war, we will come to see him. If he The army accounts for tens of thousands of people. "50,000 people, do you know what the concept is that everyone urinates on your wall and you can see the flash flood."

Li Si sweated coldly and said repeatedly, "I don't dare, I really dare!" I said impatiently, "Get out of here!" Li Si fled in a hurry with people.

In front of us, Qin Shuanzi and Wang's expression was not to stay. I got off the horse and winked at Qin Shuanzi and said, "If you meet a woman who is willing to die with you, you can marry her."

Qin Shuanzi sobbed and said, "In this life, the little one dares not forget the kindness of General Shi, but can only hold... The little one can't fight side by side with you."

I was afraid that he would pat his arm and said, "You don't have to go to war. It's your boy's luck. Take good care of your wife and mother-in-law.

Qin Shuanzi said, "Sertainly!"

I checked the injury on his back and said with a smile, "It doesn't seem to affect today's reunion, but your boy had tasted it yesterday." Wang's face suddenly turned red.

I touched my arms and didn't have any money with me, so I stretched out my hand to Zhang Shilei and others: "Brothers get married, everyone has to mean to collect money!" Zhang Shilei was relieved, and the other soldiers present also gave gifts one after another, even the two soldiers who went to catch Qin Shuanzi gave a lot, about Yinzi, I handed the money to Qin Shuanzi. Qin Shuanzi had to kneel down without saying a word. I grabbed his hand and went to the entrance of the village: "Don't be stupid, have a good life." Even if this matter is over, Pu Qixiong ordered to go back on the road. I saw many soldiers looking at me with a In the past, except for Zhang Shilei and others who were close to me, ordinary soldiers and my status were too far apart. After meeting, most of them saluted and walked away. At this moment, they all changed their appearance. I couldn't help touching my face and saying, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Zhang Shilei whispered, "Master Wu, everyone said that you did a beautiful thing just now, and I'm praising you." I poohed, "Beautiful hair, go and tell those little rabbits that no matter where you go in the future, don't have a tryst with the past love again. I can't protect them anymore! However, please rest assured that I will definitely ask the emperor to add the protection of the military marriage!", "..." Division..."

The original outline (the day before yesterday) After the marriage, there was also a story of the dragon, sheep flying to help a soldier deliver the letter. It was temporarily cancelled, and Mingtai began to fight. People