The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 7 See Shi Chi again

Volume 5 War and Peace Chapter 7 See Shi Chi again

I saw in the sky that the clothes of the Honglie Empire fell rapidly and fell in the middle of a group of soldiers. I can imagine how shocked this would bring to the people who were fighting. I shouted, "Who?" Then hundreds of bows and arrows were aimed at me.

I hurriedly raised my arm and shouted, "My own people!"

The soldiers were skeptical and shouted in a mess, "Where did you come from?" Who are you?" Among these people, a familiar voice wondered, "Fifth brother?"

On the way, I saw a young general with a long sword in his armor commanding the battle, but it was Stitch. I said happily, "Big brother!"

Stiyang waved his hand to stop the crowd, came forward and hugged me on the shoulder, and couldn't help saying, "Five brother, why are you here?"

Before I could speak, Stitch announced loudly, "Brothers, this is my fifth brother, Stitch. Didn't the previous emperors say that our Honglie Empire had a sword god? That's him!"

When Shi Chi's vanguard set out, Zhu Xiaofeng kept my identity secret, in order to surprise the main force of the three armies, and then naturally issued an edict, so my matter is now known to the whole army. At this moment, I suddenly appeared on the battlefield and fell from the sky. Stephen's men suddenly cheered, and I rushed to Smiling, a man whispered in my ear, "The fifth brother is so majestic as soon as he comes out." No need to look, as soon as I heard this tune, I knew who the noise was, so I smiled and said, "It turns out that the second brother is also here." This man is naturally Stiwey.

At this moment, we were talking. The enemy thought we had the opportunity to take advantage of it, and the crossbow was immediately fired diligently. Stitch waved his long sword and said angrily, "Shoot me back!" So hundreds of soldiers stood together, and a rain of arrows made the enemy breathless. They hid under a boulder and never dared to appear again. Only then did I see the situation on both sides. It turned out that the two groups of people and horses were on the same mountain, about 60 meters away from about 60 meters. Stitch and others were on the top of the mountain. Heijis's people and horses were hidden under a huge rock halfway up the mountain. From the perspective of the situation, it was very unfavor It is impossible to win completely in the terrain, but if they want to retreat, as soon as they leave the hidden rock, they are bound to enter the range of Stitchang to become a living target, so this group of enemies have become a group of mice forced into the corner of the wall, but if Stitchian wants to completely annihilate the other party, he has to rush In the white-edged battle, he naturally refused to do so, so the two sides entered a state of anxiety, and could only keep firing bows and arrows to bluff. Except for people who were inadtentionally injured by the arrows, no one could do anything about it. Moreover, Stitch seemed to occupy all the land. In fact, the way to go Waiting for reinforcements, as for whose reinforcements arrive first, it depends on luck.

I chatted with Stiyang and learned that he led 1,500 people from the headquarters to scout the terrain and spy on the enemy's situation by the way. He didn't want to meet the enemy with the same purpose here. When he saw that the other party and his own number was equal, he wanted to make an ambush, so he ambushed on The plan is broken.

I took a look at the opposite side and saw that the boulder happened to stand in the middle of the mountain, shaped like a mushroom. The enemy hid behind the mushroom and was tightly covered. They were afraid that the people on the mountain would swoop down and kept hiding behind the stone to shoot arrows.

At this moment, the scene is vaguely similar to that of Zhang Ganhu and others who were trapped in the Camel Mountain. I had an idea in my heart. I pressed my hand on the stone, and the whole person appeared on the edge of the top of the mountain. Stitch said, "Be careful, fifth brother!"

When I saw someone on the opposite side, I immediately shot dozens of cold arrows. I waved the arrow shaft away, and then slapped it away. The stone hidden by the other party was shaken by my sword gas and fell down a lot of stone dregs. I couldn't help but be shocked and squeezed back desperately. I said loudly, Enmity, coming out to war is nothing more than to make a living. As long as you put down your weapons and surrender, I can guarantee the safety of your lives. A soldier on our side immediately helped Ying He and said, "The Sword God of Honglie Empire is here, and you will surrender as soon as possible."

The team of Haggis huddled under the mountain rock, and there was no reply for a long time. Stitch said, "It's a surrender or a battle. Give us a reply, otherwise we're welcome." Stiwell said, "I think it's clean. Why talk nonsense to them?"

After a long time, someone there hesitated and said, "Brothers above, we are all soldiers. You have seen each other's situation. It's true that the situation is unfavorable to us, but if we surrender, according to the Law of Haggis, our wives and children in our family will immediately become slaves. If it were you

Stiwey said, "Since you don't want to surrender, don't say anything. Take care of your life first!"

The opposite side paused for a moment and said, "Just now you said that your sword god is here, and we have also heard of him. If you can invite him out to meet us, if the situation is true, it is another matter to surrender to the sword god."

When I heard them say this, I took a step forward and stood in the most obvious position on the top of the mountain and said, "I..." Before I finished speaking, a cold arrow suddenly came head-on. My head was off, and the arrow rubbed my cheek and drilled into the air. This was really treacherous and dangerous. It turned out Well, I plotted my idea. If I hadn't been sensitive to the sword at this moment, I might have really shot him. In my anger, I waved my palm and cut it obliquely, and the huge rock broke and fell far away in the valley. In this way, the Haggis soldiers below were suddenly completely exposed to the flat ground, and Stil An arrow hit the door of a soldier on the other side, and then shouted, "Kill!"

The bow strings sounded, hundreds of arrows on our side, and the soldiers of Heggis fell down to the next half. They had no cover, huddled together, and attacked each other. They were unable to organize a counterattack at all, and could almost only be slaughtered by others. After a round of shooting, Stilwell said without hesitation, "Go on, until you kill them all!"

"Hey--" I held an arm and didn't have time to stop it. The Haggis people under his feet had been slaughtered under the leadership of Stiwey. Then he threw the bow and arrow, pulled out his sword and jumped down first. He killed all the enemies who missed the net or died for a while. He was a swordsman- Miao, none of Hegisly is his opponent. Sdwell confirmed that all the enemies had been killed, wiped the blood on the sword, looked at the rock that was flattened by me, and then smiled sincerely and said, "It seems that Lao Wu is not useless sometimes."

I looked at the mess below and frowned. I felt that I couldn't bear it. Although they plotted first, they had no resistance at all in the subsequent battle. Sculvert was simply slaughtering. Compared with the blood flowing from the palace at the beginning, my inner feeling was a A kind of disgust. At this time, the soldiers around me were stunned for a moment and all cheered. They were all new recruits who had just gone to the battlefield and were encouraged for their first victory.

Stiyang didn't care about Stiwey's behavior at all. He sent the long sword back to the scabbard and said with a smile, "As soon as the fifth brother came, he made great achievements. Instead, we were his brother." I just shook my head sadly.

Stitch said, "At the way, fifth brother, you haven't said what you're doing here yet?"

I said, "Grandpa has a military order."

Stitch said, "Then let me go."

I followed them down the mountain, got on the horse behind the mountain and went straight to the vanguard battalion. Along the way, the soldiers surrounded me happily, and the stars held the moon. In this battle, they did not effort to annihilitate more than 1,000 enemies. The two armies fought against each other and won a new victory. The reward after going back

We ran all the way back to the vanguard camp, and the soldiers on both sides saw that Stitch and Stiway had put aside. The two brothers were already major generals that everyone admired. Stitch led me to a tent and saw that there was no one else but Schitch, so he walked in and said, "Father, guess who's here?"

Shi Chi was standing in front of the map and meditating. At this time, he suddenly looked up and said unexpectedly, "Goro?"

I whispered, "Dad." Every time I call him, I have a feeling of being taken advantage of by others. I always unconsciously think about what will happen to my real father. One of these two old men is a general and the other is the boss of the community. They don't have a good temper...

Schitch asked me, "Does your grandfather have any instructions?"

I said, "Exactly, Grandpa wants you to prepare for a decisive battle with Chen Zhiyuan. He will lead 200,000 cavalry to meet you first in three days, and then launch a general attack on Chen Zhiyuan!"

"Hmm." Shi Chi answered and didn't say anything, but Stitch and Stiwey said excitedly, "Really?"

Shi Chi stared at the map and studied for a while and said, "Marshal means to gather superior troops and eat Chen Zhiyuan's army in front of the main force of Heggis."

I said, "That's what Grandpa said."

Shi Chi frowned and pointed to the map and said, "But look at it, Chen Zhiyuan's soldiers and horses are stationed on the edge of the Black Forest, which can be attacked and defended. If they retreat into the Black Forest, the terrain is not conducive to large-scale cavalry operations."

Stitch said, "Can you lure them out?"

"It's not easy to talk about. There is no end to the Gobi Desert. It's clear how many soldiers and horses we have come to. I don't think Chen Zhiyuan can make such a mistake."

Stilwell was afraid that the battle plan would be ruined. He grabbed the map and studied it carefully. Shi Chi said, "Let's make a long-term plan for this." With that, he looked me up and down and smiled, "Di Zai, are you still used to it these days?"

I said, "There's nothing I'm not used to."

"I heard that you made a show at the oath meeting?"

I quickly waved my hand and said, "Don't mention it. I'm ashamed of our historian."

Shi Chi probably learned the scene at that time from Shi Cundao's letter, but sighed slightly and didn't say anything.


You may have found that the style has been a little "mainstream" recently. There are probably two reasons. One is that Xiaohua is not very good at writing big scenes and ancient backgrounds, and the other is that it involves war. In fact, I have been obsessed with the problem of how many people die in this war for a long time. There should be five or sixty thousand in the chaos, and there are about a few thousand monsters. It's hard to say how many kill in the mix and match... RO