The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 13 Reuse of old tricks

As soon as I heard that it had nothing to do with me, I was relieved and quietly posted it in the last row to look up. Shi Cundao hung up the map and pointed to the west and said, "Now the enemy has gone out of the Black Forest and marched to the open land west of our army. What do you think we should do?"

Puqiong said, "Turn the original main force directly into a vanguard. The last general has never heard of it. What is Heggis trying to do?"

Shi Cun said, "There are many generals of Hejis. He probably regarded himself as a landlord's old fortune. The war report said that Chen Zhiyuan's defeat of more than 200,000 soldiers had been integrated into the Dantai Lang Army, and their vanguard had reached 700,000. This upstart's spending money is different."

Shi Cundao said a joke, but none of the people below could laugh. The 700,000 horses were equivalent to 70% of the Hong Lie army. Hegis was just a pioneer, which showed how powerful the enemy was.

Stiwey said, "Grandpa, why don't we rush down and eat the Lang army while the enemy is weak?"

Shi Cun said, "Well, many of you present may have turned to this idea, but only you young people dare to say that there are two main concerns if I don't do this. First, we are now occupying the geographical advantage, and on the other hand, there is no advantage of diving down to the plain; second, we have more people than the enemy Only for the time being, pigeons can eat grasshoppers, but they can't eat sparrows. In the art of war, there are ten besieged and five battles. We are far from meeting the conditions to win. Moreover, the Dantai Lang army, mainly infantry, has already arrived. Qin Yiwu and Wu Sizhong's cavalry must not be far from The reinforcements of the army will be self-defeating at that time.

Stiwey said, "If not, wouldn't we have missed the fighter?"

Shi Cun said, "So I have a dilemma, whether to fight or wait."

Shi Chi said, "In my opinion, it's still far from the time of the decisive battle. We rely on the letter to support the three states, and the supply of energy is constantly sent here. What's more, we have few people, and the supplies of Black Regis have to be transported through the long Black Forest, during which most of them are mud, If we drag them one more day, we will consume them one more day. If they want to fight a decisive battle, we will directly occupy the land and wait for them to move. If they don't move, we will spend time with them to see who consumes energy.

Shi Dong said, "I seconded it."

Puqixiong also said, "I also seconded it."

Shi Cun said, "Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it." Shi Cundao asked me, "Goro, what do you mean?"

I said, "I don't understand anything, but I also second."

Shi Cundao stared at me. Just as he was about to order, he suddenly visited the Malay newspaper, saying that the Hegius army drove out of the Black Forest and was uneasy to go to the village, but continued to move forward. It seemed that he was going to attack Hong Lie's army non-stop.

Shi Chi can't believe it: "Zingtai Lang has always been steady. How can he follow Chen Zhiyuan's footsteps? Did the emperor of Heggis come to his army again?

Shi Cun said, "I'm afraid it's different this time. As long as they are ready for the general attack, they will send a large army to test, and then there will be continuous attacks. This time, it shows that Hegis is going to fight with us!"

Shi Chi said, "Higis is in a hurry to launch a general attack. It seems that there is something wrong with their logistics supply."

Shi Cun said, "This is not the key to the problem. It is impossible to finish this battle in three or five years. Hegis will not understand. If the chain was broken in logistics so early, I don't believe it. To a greater extent, Hegis hopes to use this battle to save the morale of Chen Zhiyuan's army

Shi Dong said, "Why do they think they can win?"

Shi Cundao's eyes flashed, "How do you feel?"

Shi Dong said, "Hage's war in the past was nothing more than relying on the word 'many soldiers'."

Shi Cun said, "The number of soldiers has never been a condition to measure the victory or defeat of a war. I calculated that for the first time, the number of casualties between the two continents, the comparison between Hedges and our federal continent is three to two, which is very illustrative. What Hedges relies on is not the number of soldiers, The powerful thing is that no matter what the situation is, once the charging soldiers are brave enough to take the lead, the powerful enemy is not terrible, and the most terrible thing is to fight the unconvinced enemy.

Shi Dong said, "There are two things I'm most worried about now. The first is that our position is too long, and I don't know where Hejis enters. Second, most of our soldiers are recruits. If we don't give them time to adapt, I'm afraid there will be accidents in the direct face of Heji's It is clear that you should bring new recruits to war. If you are not afraid of attacking, you are afraid of defending.

Everyone nodded, and Shi Chi said, "What's moreover, I still don't think it's time to fight with Heggis. It would be beneficial for us if we could delay the situation for a year and a half."

Shi Cun Daomianè said solemnly, "Let's not talk about it so far, what should I do right away?"

At this time, I said lazily, "Isn't it just to let them withdraw their troops? I'll do it."

Shi Chi said, "What do you do?"

"It's easy to do. Soldiers are not afraid of death, but it doesn't mean that the general is not afraid. In the old way, I'll kill Dan Tailang!"

Everyone looked at each other in consterious ways, and Shi Dong hesitated and said, "Is it feasible?"

Shi Chi smiled and said, "Once you are familiar with it, why don't you let Goro try it again?"

Shi Cundao also said, "I think this is also a way. If Goro can really succeed and kill the other party's two coaches in a row, Hages is bound to lose morale, which is more powerful than destroying him with 200,000 soldiers!"

Stilepwei couldn't help saying, "If you want me to say that the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, if I had known this, it would be better not to spare those three è stone people at the beginning. It's their specialty to do these evil ways. If there is no Lao Wu, wouldn't we fight

Shi Cundao stared and said, "Damn!"

Naturally, I won't be as familiar as him. I waved my hand with a smile and said, "I'm leaving."

Shi Cundao said behind me, "Goro is going here. If it doesn't work, you can't force it."

When I passed by Shi Dong, I asked with a smile, "Is the third uncle still angry?"

Shi Dong wanted to say something, but he also knew that the timing was not right, so he just sighed.

As soon as I came out of the big account, Zhang Shilei and others immediately gathered around and asked, "Master Wu, what's wrong?" Shi Dijia opened her eyes wide and looked at me. I said to Zhang Shilei, "You go back to the camp by yourself, young master, I'll do something."

Zhang Shilei said, "What can't you take us with you?"

Stitcher also said, "Wherever you go, we will follow you."

I said, "This mission is very dangerous."

Zhang Shilei curled his lips and said, "We have to follow the danger even more. I know that you are invincible in the world, but since you are your own soldiers, you have to take responsibility. Young master, don't worry, even if we can't help you, we will never involve you." A private soldier said, "Yes, young master, take us with you."

I thought for a moment and said, "Come if you want. There will be times when you regret it."

Zhang Shilei got on the horse with a smile and suddenly said, "Yo, it's time for dinner." It turned out that it was lunchtime. I said to him, "Go get some food and drink. Let's have a picnic."

Zhang Shilei smiled and said, "No wonder the fifth young master doesn't want to take us. It turns out that he wants to run away alone."

I smiled and said nothing. I took a sever of people out of the camp. Shi Dijia came up and said, "Fifth brother, what's the matter? It's mysterious?"

Then I said, "Hijis veteran Tsang Tailang is marching towards us, and I'm going to stop him."

"How to stop it?" Stitcher asked.

I said concisely, "Kill him!"

"Ah?" Styja was shocked.

As soon as Zhang Shilei heard this, he suddenly said, "Really? How many soldiers and horses did he bring?

"Nearly 800,000."

"Uh..." Zhang Shilei shrank his neck: "800,000 people, just rely on us to kill him?"

I said, "No, I'm the only one. Just watch the fun on the side."

Zhang Shilei said insidly, "So, have we really become a burden?"

I stretched out my hand and said, "Go and help me see where the necessary place for a while is."

"Yes!" Zhang Shilei was deeply proud that he could participate in such a great operation. Even if he ran errands, he was willing to run out like a rabbit. After a while, he ran back and said, "There is an empty space ahead. If he wants to attack our army, he will definitely pass there."

"Go!" We came to the place where Zhang Shilei said, and I said, "That's it. You eat first."

Green calyx said, "What about you?"

"I'm doing some preparatory work." After saying that, I began to press my legs and squat on the flat ground. How could Zhang Shilei and others eat on their hearts? They stared at me one by one. Someone spread a felt cloth on the ground and put the wine and vegetables brought from the camp. At this time, the people who went to the sentry quickly ran back and said, "Master

I was surprised and said, "So fast?"

The man said excitedly, "Yes!"

I looked at him strangely and said, "Why are you so happy?"

The man couldn't help but be excited and said, "I've never faced so many enemies alone!"

I immediately realized that this is the problem of Shi Dong's theory - most of these people are new recruits. Most of them are not to mention so many enemy troops, probably even the Heggis are Fang Siyuan for the first time, and the guy in front of me is probably not happy, but mixed with various emotional syndromes: Excitement, fear, novelty, it's no fault for him. People are like this, such as fighting. If there are two or three people in the other party and you are one, you may be afraid and think about how to run away first. If 5,000 people come for you alone, you will not panic. On the contrary, you will be complacent. This For example, if one boss has to block another boss, what three people could have done. If you call it the 50th or 60th, the other party will sometimes be grateful to you...

While talking, I saw a trace of darkness gradually rising on the horizon not far away. I could see that it was the top of countless flags and weapons, and then I saw the faces of enemy soldiers...

I suddenly broke down and said, "Who asked me to report so close?"

The sentry man said aggrievedly, "You didn't say how far away it is appropriate to report."

"Forget it, you..." At this moment, my sword spirit has not yet condensed. Not to mention 700,000, it is enough for me to have only 70 or 80 ordinary soldiers to rush up. I just wanted to withdraw, but I thought that it may not be able to run at this time. Besides, even if I can run away, how can I After staying in the barracks for a long time, I think the problem is naturally not that simple. I know that if I run like this, the morale of Hong Liejun will be affected again. I can only succeed but not fail this time! At that moment, I forcibly swallowed the words back and said indifferently, "Zhang Shilei, do you know what you should do if the grandchildren of Black Regis rush over without saying a word?"

Zhang Shilei and others stood up and said excitedly, "The last general will be brave to take the lead and repay the country with death!"

"Fear it!" I said, "Listen to me. In case they rush up, your first task is to protect my two sisters from running away. If they have any mistakes, I will ask you!"


Think about the following plot, and then there will be a fast-paced large-scale war, and then the old people will meet soon, followed by the shemale war, the human god war, the ancient modern war... RA