The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 15 Defeat

Volume 5 War and Peace Chapter 15 Defeat

I exercised in the tent for a while, but the sword spirit didn't feel it for a long time. Shi Cundao saw my godè No, he hurriedly asked what was wrong.

I was busy for a long time before I felt that Dantian was gradually wrapped in sword spirit. I straightened up and said, "Nothing, the sword spirit seems to be a little slow recently."

Shi Cundao said, "It's natural. You frequently use sword spirit but never see you practice. The sword spirit is not increased. This is like a young master of a rich man who only knows that money and does not know the operation. One day you will sit and eat the mountain."

I laughed and said, "Isn't this just in line with my identity?"

Shi Cundao sighed, "It's a pity that I'm pretentious and complacent with the later level of the swordsman, and I can't help you at all at this moment."

I can only say casually, "Let's talk about these later. I'll go to the front first." When I came to the tent, one of my hands had floated into the air. Zhang Shilei and others suddenly collapsed and said, "Master Wu, is it always suitable for you to do this?"

I laughed and said, "I'm not in a hurry to make contributions. Sooner or later, it will be useful for you." After saying that, I swept towards the front line of the two armies. At this time, the sky was full of bright lights. The old lights either fell or flew away and lost their utility. New lights kept rising, and it was as beautiful and spectacular as a thumbnail of the Milky Way.

I looked under my feet and saw that the soldiers of the two sides had been in contact with each other, and the long front was boundless. At the beginning of the war, the soldiers of the Hong Lie Empire refused to take a step back first. Hejis was in a low place and was never afraid to fight, so the whole front was brushed together, like At that time, there was a temporary victory in different places, and there was a regional breakthrough, which made the long knife look ttycoal and swaying. When I looked at it, I felt dizzy. My heart was stunned and I flew over the Herges army, hoping that I could find their command center, but the war of millions of people was completely different from the last The soldiers of Heggis kept rushing to the rock-solid Honglie camp like a flowing waterfall, but they didn't see anything different from anywhere else in the army. It was as difficult as finding three single dormitories in a city without coordinates...

I flew away and farther away. Unconsciously, I was out of the light range of the bright light. From afar, I saw a black tide surging on the edge of the black forest. At first, I thought it was the night, but later I was homazed to find that countless Haggis soldiers were still gathering eastward on a large scale The hand split out two swords, just like two lines on a thick black hair, but it was soon passed by later people and horses, and finally no trace... The most surprising thing for me was that the Haggis clearly saw me attacking them above their heads, but all the soldiers turned a blind eye, still However, he walked silently. In the motling darkness, not to mention the headquarters, the flags were all simple. I smiled bitterly. It seemed that Haggis was not doing anything else these days, but deliberately arranged for me. Not only would the master hide, but it seemed that even the soldiers had been ordered. Even if he saw someone above his head, he would Zhang, this is a stupid method, but it is also an effective method. I can't find the enemy's command center. No matter how much killing and injuring it is, it can only be regarded as a conventional weapon.

Looking down from above, you can see the soldiers of Haggis rushing to Hong Lie's camp like bloodthirsty ants. The battlefield of millions of people is like rivers flowing into the lake and sea. Gradually, there is no longer a boundary. Below is a sea of soldiers. In such a big war, the Changes are also happening all the time. Some are retreating, some are making progress, and perhaps less than 20 meters away from the Hegis soldiers who took advantage of the victory and chased, a Hong Lie soldier also won a partial victory. The two armies pushed and pushed the dog's teeth on the limited line of the line and fought the wrong way. This The factors of victory in a local war are also very subtle. Maybe it's because a soldier is particularly brave in fighting, or maybe it's a leader who leads the army well. I find that as the commander of this kind of war situation is actually good. To this extent, you just need to press the soldiers up, and you don't care about anything else, because there It can be controlled by people. The wind direction, the climate, and even the intentional or unintentional expression of a soldier on the battlefield can determine the victory or defeat of a piece of land. The quality of individual soldiers and tactical cooperation are very important but not the key, because war actually requires luck, so there is a poem written like this:

Because of an iron nail

A horse's paw is broken

A horse's paw is broken

Lost a knight

Lost a knight

lose a war

lose a war

Death of a country

The beauty of this poem is explained in both the point of view of Marx's materialism and the Western idealism. From quantitative change to qualitative change, it is not the wind, not the sail is the benevolent heart... It can be seen that foreigners love to write these things--

I flew more than a dozen times in the sky and felt that there was no way to start. Just as no sharp the scalpel could deal with the cancer cells that had spread, I flew back to Hong Lie's camp and fell beside Shi Cundao. Shi Cun asked, "How about it?"

I took a breath and said, "Hagis doesn't play the general flag. I can't find those three people."

Shi Cundao was not surprised. He smiled and said, "Goro doesn't have to be discouraged. The so-called hope is invincible, which can make the arrogant Hejis Yanqi and hide. Your role has played. No wonder they don't command their army. Presumably the reason is here."

I said, "So, can we win this battle?"

Shi Cun said, "No one can say whether to win or not now. There is a characteristic of the use of Heggis troops - as long as the number of soldiers exceeds the other party, it will be crowded up, and all the tactics and strategies are left behind."

I said, "Although I don't understand, isn't this way of playing just a plate of loose sand?"

Shi Cun said, "Indeed, this method will be completely destroyed if any country other than Haggis dares to use it, and what Haggis relies on is the bravery of the soldiers. Even if no one supervises the war, everyone will compete first, which is really a headache."

I said strangely, "Why is this?"

Shi Cun said, "The reward of the Haggis army is extremely heavy. If an ordinary soldier shows è it is possible to get a fief of hundreds of households after a war, and the officers at the bottom of their army are frequently replaced. As long as they are not careful, they will be replaced by backward soldiers, so that everyone is in You can do your best."

I said, "Can't we also adopt such measures?"

Shi Cun said, "Every country has its own national conditions. Most of the land in Hegis is bitter and cold, and the residents are naturally belligerent - if I have so many soldiers, I may also want to unify the mainland." Saying that, his face involuntarily flowed lù the envious god

I'm speechless. If it weren't for his grandson, the world would have been caused by such people. In essence, there is no difference between Shi Cundao and the emperor of Haggis, but Ma Jiyue regards war as a game and Shi Cundao has ambitions. If one day the strength is weak, he wants to There is no need to think that Shi Cundao will not hesitate to drive the army to the land of Haggis. As long as there is one such person in the world, it will never be truly peaceful.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Shi Cundao thought I was tired and said, "Go down and have a rest first. There will be no result before dawn."

I found a secluded place to sit on the ground, and Zhang Shilei and others consciously surrounded me in two circles to block the wind for me. I was not used to saying, "Sit down."

Zhang Shilei came to me with a smile and said, "Master Wu, you have been in the limelight these days. When will you bring us to be majestic? So that the gang of Haggis can know the means to get to know our men. I can understand what he said. Although Zhang Shilei is not a choice, they are all heroes in the army. They are all strong in martial arts. Unlike those who are waiting for the chiefs, since they have devoted themselves to the military, who doesn't want to make contributions? In a word, I mentioned them all as officers, and these upright men were happy and a little awkward. They didn't want people to think that they had benefited from me for nothing or hoped to get ahead on the battlefield.

I smiled and said, "What's so powerful about killing people?"


The shouting of killing in front of the position is suddenly far and near. The soldiers in the camp shuttled back and forth. Shi Cundao sat in the middle army and constantly issued orders according to the latest war report. At this time, the farthest battlefield from us was dozens of miles away. However, the two giants of Heihong are like two Shi Cundao is the brain of this giant. The war report is good and bad. The old man's long beard is always quiet. In fact, I also understand that the soldiers at this moment do not need the marshal to come up with many wonderful tactics to turn the world around immediately. It is more of a psychological need for them to let them know. His general was with them, so many of the orders issued by Shi Cundao sounded like nonsense.

From midnight to dawn, and then to the rise of the star, the shouts in front of him have not weakened, but I vaguely heard from Shi Cundao's recent orders that he had the intention of shrinking his troops. As soon as he asked, Shi Cun said, "Hage is menacing, and the number of people is twice as And millions of people docked, the space is oblong, and the geographical advantage is not so obvious. I asked our people to retreat, that is, to let the bow that has already been an arrow be full again, and then give it to them fiercely. In short, before we retreat, we will make Heggis lose a large number of soldiers.

I said, "Ah? Are we going to retreat?"

Shi Cun said, "Yes, there is no advantage to take advantage of fighting again. Your father is right. There must be something wrong with the logistics in Hegyz's eagerness to fight with us. We can't fulfill their wishes. When it gets dark, it's almost time to attack. At that time, we ."

I asked, "Then where are we going?"

Before Shi Cundao could speak, the army suddenly reported, and immediately said in panic, "Marshal, General Shi Dong's right army has retreated on a large scale. General Shi can't help but ask the marshal for help."

Shi Cundao's eyebrows suddenly stood up and said angrily, "How could this happen?"

Immediately, the man said, "At first, the brothers played beautifully. Under the leadership of General Shi, they rushed 15 miles in the direction of Heggis, but just when everyone was exhausted, a team of cavalry rushed up. There were too many of them, and the brothers couldn't support it."

Shi Cundao snorted, "Can't you cover up the crime of escaping from the battle if you can't support it? Let's talk about this later. How is the right army now?"

The soldier said, "General Shi has ordered people to form several lines of defense, but...but..."

"But how about it?"

"But our people are now defeated in one blow. The cavalry of Haggis has deeply entered the interior of our army, and then continued to chase in two ways, attacking our Chinese army all the way!"

Shi Cundao's anger increased and said, "So fast speed, so bold, do you know who is in command of this cavalry?"

"Looking at the flag should be Qin Yiwu."

Shi Cundao Fuxu said, "Qin Yiwu? This man is so bold at such a young age. Do I look at him?

The soldier said urgently, "Marshal, the right general is in a hurry. Please ask the marshal for support."

Shi Cundao said with a face, "Zhi Zhide!"

A general immediately came forward and said, "The last general!"

Shi Cun said, "You led 5,000 people to detour from the back road to stop the pursuers!"

Qi Zhide was stunned and said with a wry smile, "Marshal, it's not that the last general is greedy and afraid of death, but I'm afraid that 5,000 people will be useless. In case he can't stop it, the consequences of life and death will be unimaginable for the enemy rushing behind us!" If Shidong's 150,000 troops can be beaten to throw away armor, the other party must have at least 50,000 people. Now Shi Cun said to 5,000 people, saying that "in case" can't be stopped is actually a euphemism. Everyone understands that it is 10,000.

Shi Cundao's eyes stared, "Who asked you to die to intercept the enemy? I want you to use these 5,000 people to drive all those things that have fled to the battlefield, and I said that those who retreat will die!"

Xi Zhide said loudly, "I understand!"

After Shi Cendao finished these arrangements, he ordered the names of two more generals, and asked them to lead 30,000 horses to intercept Qin Yiwu's other cavalry quickly. This matter was even more urgent. We were originally condescending, but now the right army has been defeated. Qin Yiwu's people rushed to the high ground, and the enemy appeared Going around to the rear of Hong Lie's army is equivalent to being surrounded by three sides, and the war is changing rapidly. Qin Yiwu's situation, which was still stable and slightly dominant just now, was embarrassed by Qin Yiwu.

I said to Shi Cun, "Grandpa, I want to meet Qin Yiwu. If I really meet him, I will end up with him."

Shi Cundao waved his hand and said, "He must have guarded against your move early."

I said, "So what should we do now?"

Shi Cun said, "As long as your third uncle resists, Qin Yiwu's strange soldiers will become an lone army, and then we will eat whatever we want."

I was distracted and said, "I don't know if the third uncle can't stand it."

Shi Cundao sighed and said, "Speaking of bravery, we Hong Lieren are not as far as Heggis. Although your third uncle is full of recruits, I never expected to be so vulnerable.


I'm sorry that everyone stopped for so long. In fact, the situation of stopping for more days every time is like this: I can't write it today, so I want to write more tomorrow. I said don't ask for leave or anything, and then I can't write it the next day, so I want to update more the day after tomorrow. The point of. As the saying goes, "Do th, th th th th th, we will build a nest tomorrow." When the crow laughed at the pig black, he also disdained the cold bird in those years. Today, he was introspective and couldn't help crying. Before the update, he still put out his face to ask for a few monthly tickets... RA