The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 25 Face

Chapter 6 Goodbye, Sword God Chapter 25 Face

The battle between Su Jing and Tiecang is unique. One is in a hurry and the other is fast to hide. The knife light on the field flashes with cold wind, but the two have never fought. Press ctrl+d to quickly collect "Please read Novel Network"

The iron warehouse was happily cut, but Kumei gradually frowned and said, "It's messy, Su Jing's pace is starting to be messy."

I stared at Su Jing. I saw that her face became paler and paler. When she dodged, she was indeed a little sluggish. The iron warehouse's eyesight was so fierce. Su Jing also noticed that Su Jing had been in chaos. He rose up to attack. For a moment, it was shining brightly. A big green ball suddenly A lot. After cutting it to a good place, the iron warehouse couldn't help shouting, "You have to fight back with ten more tricks!" After saying that, he kept saying, "784, seven hundred and eighty-three hundred and eighty-four..." When he counted seven hundred and eighty-nine, Su Jing had been forced to a corner. The knife in the hand of the iron warehouse burst into an unprecedented dazzling light. Su Jing had no way to hide. It seemed that he had to turn back and fight back. However, The tip of the knife scratched against her nose, but Su Jing still didn't take action.

The pupils of the iron warehouse tightened and said in a low voice, "Okay! Look at this knife - seven hundred and ninety-two!" This is the last move of the ten moves. The iron warehouse held its breath, and the knife in his hand was cold and the light was restrained. Everyone clearly watched the knife hit Su Jing. They could see it clearly, but the hair around the body stood up together. The iron warehouse knife seemed to be ordinary, but it gathered what he had cultivated all his life. This simple knife Su Jing was absorbed in staring at the blade. At this time, she made a very strange move - she neither dodged away nor resisted, but the whole person was attached to the blade, as if he was going to commit suicide. Everyone on the sidelines couldn't help exclaiming. In a second, the blade of the iron warehouse had touched the top of Su Jing's head. Su Jing turned his head in response to the blade, closed his shoulders, twisted his waist, and withdrew his legs. In the originally extremely narrow space, she actually squeezed away. The knife of the iron warehouse can be said to have been cut to the ground by the person close to her. In fact, it's still a little short.

"Seventy-three!" When the iron warehouse was a little distracted, his wrist turned, and the knife head was turned to Su Jing's waist. Su Jing had no room to turn around at all, so he had to stretch out his hands to clamp the body of the knife.

Tiecang's face is complicated. Since he saw that Su Jing's pace is disordered, he has calculated that he will be able to force Su Jing to take action within ten moves, especially the tenth move. I'm afraid it is a masterpiece of his life. If the opponent is not Su Jing, even if he practices tens of millions of times, he After a while, but he also forced Su Jing to reach out for the knife, so he was first frustrated and then happy. He withdrew the knife and said, "After all, you still took action. ^//^”

Su Jing said, "Yes, I lost..." Speaking of this, she suddenly shook her body and spit out a big mouthful of blood. This time, there was no sign. Not only was the iron warehouse stunned, but everyone around her was shocked. Zhu Ye said loudly, "Congratulations, brother Cang, your daughter Su Jing is also defeated by you!" The soldiers of Heggis immediately cheered together. Seeing this, Kumei hurried forward to hold Su Jing and said angrily to Tiecang, "She had no sword spirit when she fought with you. What's your ability to win?"

Tiecang was stunned and said, "What do you mean?"

Kumei said, "If it hadn't been for her exhaustion of her sword spirit, why wouldn't she fight back with 800 knives from you for nothing? If she has 50% of her sword spirit, she may not be able to win!"

The iron warehouse lost his soul and said, "No wonder... No wonder..."

Kumei stared at him and helped Su Jing back. Su Jing suddenly looked back at Tiecang and said, "Actually, you can't use 800 moves. After 300 moves, you will have a great opportunity."

"Three hundred tricks?" Tie Cang thought hard, and then made a move, "Is this the 'fairy game'?"

Su Jing shook his head.

"So is this the 'anger'?"

Su Jing shook his head again.

The iron warehouse persistently made a few more moves, and in the fifth move, Su Jing said, "That's the trick."

The iron warehouse fiddled with the knife in his hand and said, "This move is called 'hundred birds and phoenixes'... It's just that I haven't found any mystery yet."

Su Jing said, "At that time, your knife was from the bottom up, and the old man's move was dodged by me. As long as you fight with your left hand, I have to fight back."

Tiecang closed his eyes and thought for a moment, used this move again, and then handed the knife to his left hand according to his words. Leng Ding opened his eyes and said, "Yes, if I do this, you really have no way out."

Su Jing nodded slightly and came back to me.

Tiecang thought about it in place for a while and couldn't help sighing, "The name of the sword god is really not lucky. The old man has been taught."

Su Jing said, "Senior, you don't have to be too modest. Your swordsmanship is extraordinary. Even if my body is as normal, the two of us will fight fairly, and whoever is dead will talk about it."

The iron warehouse said in a loud voice to the four directions, "Today, I didn't win or lose in the battle with Su Jianshen. If any brazen person reverses black and white nonsense, it will be disrespectful to Tie." Su Jing and he vomited blood. In the eyes of ordinary people, the victory and defeat have been divided, especially Haggis. If this war is a big deal, it will inevitably constitute a major blow to the morale of the federal continent. The iron warehouse thought of this, so it was forbidden in advance. However, in my opinion, the iron warehouse may not be said This kind of extraordinary figure doesn't have to wait until today to get the name of the picture. I'm afraid he is still dissatisfied with Su Jing's three points. Today, he doesn't rely on real strength to win, so he doesn't disdain this vanity.

Sure enough, the iron warehouse returned the knife into the sheath and took two steps forward to Su Jing and said, "Unfortunately, the two of us can no longer fight, and the sacred battle can only end in fruit."

Su Jing didn't know whether he was weak or didn't want to talk about this topic after the fight, but he just smiled reluctantly. She then looked back at me. I had to shake my head sadly - after half a day of tossing and turning, my sword spirit had no reaction at this moment. Su Jing didn't worry and whispered, "We should do our best. Since God's will is like this, you and I don't have to mind." Her skin color was already white, and at this time, she lost too much blood and was even more pale. This powerful female sword god had her daughter's softness for the first time, which stimulated the man's primitive desire for protection in my heart. Unfortunately, she could not protect herself, and she had to subconsciously block herself in front of her.

The old man in red said loudly, "I admire Su Jianshen's kung fu very much. I have no premonid opinions about you, but each is his master, and I can only be a villain." After saying that, he raised his right hand again, and the Haggis cavalry rectified the military uniform together and gave a "snoring" sound. Seeing this, Huang Yifei said viciously, "Brothers, I will try my best to kill a few more Blackies bastards, and we can't lose our reputation as bound the divine guard when we die!" The people who bound the guard agreed loudly, and their blood spurt.

I said to Kumei, "Amei, you can rush out with the Qingxuan sword when you are in chaos, and the general still needs to rely on you to protect you."

Kumei shook her head and said, "I can't get out. In the four people opposite, I'm not sure of winning alone in red clothes and the iron warehouse..." Speaking of this, she suddenly said, "It's bad. After we were caught all by the net, not only the general was in trouble, but also Shi Cundao was in Su Jing and I thought of this, and we couldn't help but be relatively stunned. We were like a mirror in our hearts: if the four national divisions joined hands to assassinate, no one could stop the Feifeng Army and the Hong Lie Army. Originally, the coalition wanted to balance Ma Jiyue with the double sword gods. In the past, I was scared Qin Yiwu and Exchange, in the future, it will be the world of the four national masters.

Looking at Su Jing and the old man in red in Tiecang, he seemed to have made a great determination and said, "Shi Su, the two sword gods, as long as you promise to retire from the world from now on and stop interfering in the war between Heijis and the federal continent, how about I willing to open up for the two?"

Su Jing and I looked at each other in consterious ways. Huang Yifei hurriedly whispered, "You can pretend to promise him first, and then avenge us later!" I patted him on the shoulder - it came to my heart at the first time. Kumei said angrily, "Bullshit, where do you put the face of the sword god?"

Su Jing murmured and said no words. Tiecang only said that she was still hesitating, and then turned to the old man in red and said, "Brother Feng, what do you think?"

The old man in red raised his hand high, and everyone stared at his every move. The life and death of countless people were determined between this hand and the fall. After listening to the iron warehouse, the old man in red hesitated and said, "Brother Tie, this matter is of great importance, but I can't decide it alone."

Tiecang said, "The sword god is rare in a hundred years. Are you willing to let this unprecedented grandeur on the mainland be destroyed?"

"It's a pity that none of these two sword gods is helping us Haggis. National hatred is greater than personal hatred. You should understand this truth, brother."

Tiecang said, "That's why I asked them to swear not to help each other and promise in public with the god of swords. Brother Feng should be able to believe it, right?"

The old man in red said, "Brother Tie, have you ever thought about it? If these two people go back on their word, won't we be busy for nothing? Needless to say, it took a long time to attract these two people into the mountains. Such an opportunity alone is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I can't afford to bear the responsibility of letting the tiger back to the mountain.

The iron warehouse had an argument with the old man in red. One wanted to help us excuse us, and the other insisted on refusing. Su Jing said, "The kindness of the iron senior Su Jing has received it. If we swear in public, we can only watch the people of the federal mainland standing by in deep water in the future. What's the difference between this It's too small for the two of us."

The iron warehouse was stunned and sighed, "That's right, it's old and narrow." After saying that, he bowed to Su Jing and me and stood aside silently.

I was full of my mother's safety. Originally, I wanted to get rid of the trap first. Su Jing's words had no room to turn around, so I could only say quietly, "Oh, the master and apprentice are dead, and how much is the face worth?"

If Huang Yifei said this sentence, I'm afraid Kumei would be furious, but she didn't dare to attack in front of me and looked stunned. Su Jing said, "Am I wrong?"

I said, "For the sake of the face of the so-called sword god, hundreds of millions of people in the federal continent have become mothersless children since then. Have you ever thought about the weight of this?"

Su Jing was stunned and said, "Yes, what is our honor and disgrace in front of the people of the federal continent?"

I said gently, "Forget it, the old man in red seems to have to kill us. If he is soft, he may not be willing to let him go. Before he dies, he will be tough... It's also good."


There is one more chapter today.
