The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 27 Traitor

In fact, with a little thought, I can understand what the old man thinks. The four national masters have been living deep in the palace and accompanying Ma Jiyue. Their identity is more like a master and more similar to the emperor's think tank. That is to say, they are not needed to appear in the battlefield. Moreover, the masters of Hegyz are like clouds. If the four national masters do not take action, there may not be no other powerful figures, and Su Jing and I are completely different. The two of us are the only support for the morale of the federal continent. Su Jing is the national treasure of the daughter's country. Not to mention, it is the military heart of The use is to gallop on the battlefield. The old man in red obviously wants to exchange the four fingers of the federal continent for the right arm of the federal continent. As long as I openly promise his request, the frontal battlefield will become the world of the Ganges, and Ma Jiyue can also eliminate the two biggest worries. If I promise at this moment, I will violate it If you keep your promise, it is bound to stimulate the morale of the Hergis army. In short, this matter is beneficial and harmless to Hergis. I quarrel with the old man in red, and I am also quickly calculating better plans in my heart.

The old man in red said earnestly, "What I said from the bottom of my heart, please ask Shi Jianshen not to play with me."

I said, "Now you rely on more people to bully us, otherwise--" I dragged several guards beside Huang Yifei to my side and said, "Do you think it's not enough to add them?"

The old man in red frowned and said disdainfully, "It's a waste of my kindness. Shi Jianshen is too..."

Su Jing whispered behind me, "Xiaolong, we can't delay with them for a long time, otherwise it will be in vain to say anything as soon as your sword spirit retreats."

I said, "That's good!"

At this time, the Hegyz army passed through a fast horse, and immediately the knight came to the old man in red and got off the horse and knelt down on one knee and said, "Tent the national division, General Qin Yiwu's life is to convey the military order."

The old man in red glanced at the soldier and said, "What does he have to say?"

The little soldier did not raise his head and said, "General Qin said that it is not good for both sides to continue the stalemate. It's better to order the friends of the federal continent to go back."

The old man in red snorted and said, "He loves soldiers like a son. Didn't you see Shi Jianshen and agree to my husband's terms?"

The little soldier hugged his fist: "General Qin said that even if Shi Jianshen has now agreed to the conditions of the national division, he may not be able to keep his promise in the future, but it's better for us to be more open."

The old man in red said, "Does he think the sword god will go to his word?"

The little soldier said, "General Qin said that the sword god's heart is not something that we can't figure out by ordinary people. The sword god of history is informal, and I'm afraid that the face of the sword god in his eyes is not worthless."

Su Jing and I looked at each other in constere face. I laughed and said angrily, "This Qin Yiwu is my confidant!"

The old man in red waved his hand and said, "In that case, let's stop the troops."

The little soldier suddenly turned around and said to me, "We, General Qin, asked the little one to bring a word to Shi Jianshen - Shi Jianshen's martial arts are the best in the world, and his bluffing skills are not weak. We will not fall in the same place twice. He asked me to tell you to be careful in

I smiled and said, "I don't admit that I'm bluffing. If you General Qin don't obey, why do you retreat?"

The little soldier said, "General Qin said naturally not this time."

I nodded. It seems that once the secret of my sword spirit is revealed, the last encounter outside Lizhou City has aroused Qin Yiwu's suspicion. In addition, Qin Yiwu must have seen through the fact that I scared off the 800,000 army of Tailang alone.

I said to the little soldier, "I also ask you to bring a word to General Qin--" The little soldier looked up slightly, revealing a pair of shining eyes. After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of any powerful reason, so I smiled and said, "You tell him to be careful too!"

The little soldier said, "The little soldier must bring it."

At present, the old man in red commanded the Haggis army to make way a path for us to pass. Huang Yifei and others took out the body of his fellow man from the pit. I asked the old man in red to "borrow" more than a hundred horses. The group of people slowly passed through the Haggis camp with death and injuries. The old man in red watched with his hands in hand. When I walked at the end, I couldn't help asking him, "How do you know that my sword spirit may not work?"

The old man in red hesitated a little, and I said understandingly, "Of course, what I can't say is as if I haven't asked."

The old man in red nod at Wei Wuji. Wei Wuji said, "It's not difficult. I have fought with you. In addition, the two sides fought at the border a few days ago. Except for the sword at the last moment, you have done nothing all night. Even if the situation is critical, you can only do nothing. Of course, "

I wondered, "You were not there that day."

Wei Wuji said coldly, "I'm not here, but there is a person who always stays by your side. Your every move can't escape his glasses. When he compares your situation, he can only come to one conclusion - that is, your sword spirit is not directed by you at all."

I blurted out, "Who is this person you are talking about?"

Wei Wuji said, "Tang Tai Lang!"

I suddenly suddenly knew that that night, Yan Tailang was finally rescued by Wei Wuji. We only said that it was irrelevant. Unexpectedly, he had inferred my sword spirit from my performance, and this accident almost put us in a doomed situation today. I couldn't help sighing: "Your country' is full of talents, and no You can underestimate it."

Wei Wuji's face changed slightly when he heard the word "your country" and turned his head aside.

When I passed by the iron warehouse, I squinted at him and said, "Brother Kong, don't you like to compete with others? Shall we make a comparison?" Although this old man is equivalent to our savior, Su Jing also vomited blood from it. I'm really a little annoyed with him.

Tiecang said awkwardly, "The old man is willing to bow down - that, the old man's surname is Tie Mingcang, but he is not an empty brother."

I scratched my head and said, "Yes, I have a problem with this person. As soon as there is a warehouse in his name, I always think of empty space..."


In this way, we left slowly under the eyes of the 50,000 horses of Heggis and the four national divisions. In the end, the Hong Lie Empire suffered a great loss in this battle. Not to mention that the divine guard was a devastating blow, there were four more sword saints in the enemy's army out of thin air, and my heart was also a little heavy I don't have an overwhelming advantage on the court, and the situation will be more difficult.

Su Jing and I walked side by side. Seeing that I couldn't stop looking at her, she smiled at me and said, "I'm fine, but I may not be able to fight with people within ten days and a half months."

I was a little relieved. I was half joking and half worried, "Since you returned to the federal continent, you have been vomiting and vomiting. People who don't know still think you are pregnant with Long Xiaojing."

Su Jing wondered, "Who is Long Xiaojing?"

"My son."

Only then did Su Jing realize that I was joking and blurted out, "Even if we have a child, we have to call Su Xiaolong..." Speaking of this, he immediately realized that he had lost his mouth and stared at me angrily.

When we came to the outside of Xinzhou City, Huang Yifei suddenly cried loudly, and the people who tied Shenwei looked at the body on the horse and were also sad. Unexpectedly, they howled together. Kumei said, "Why are a group of old men crying? Just kill them back after they kill your brothers. Aren't you dead yet?"

Huang Yifei said angrily, "What do you know? The emperor handed over these people to me before leaving. How can I explain to the wives and children of these brothers? I'm already a sinner of Hong Lie. Wang Yishan. I ordered you to take the rest of the people back to Beijing. I... I..." When I suddenly pulled out the knife and scratched it around my neck. Wang Yishan realized that something was wrong. At this time, he reached out and pulled Huang Yifei and said, "Brother, it's Figuring out the source of intelligence is the top priority! Think about it, if the person who misdelivered the information has been tricked by the enemy, it's okay. If it's ultuous, the emperor is also in danger!" Huang Yifei woke up suddenly when he heard the words and said, "Yes, I almost missed the business!"

Shi Cundao arranged a special person to answer this matter in the city. As soon as he saw us coming back, he was shocked and hurriedly opened the door and let everyone in. In a short time, Shi Cundao and his mother also picked them up from their respective camps. At first sight, the body was also shocked. Huang Yifei endured grief and Dao was shocked and angry, and for a moment he didn't know where to start. He glanced at me and said, "Goro, how do you know that they were ambushed by Heggis?"

Of course, the mysterious letter can't be said. I hesitated and said, "The bitter plum master happened to be met by me before visiting Hegis at night..."

Shi Cundao stared and said, "You don't know the importance. If your sword spirit is half bad tonight, won't you even want it..." The old man's words were very inappropriate. The meaning of binding Shenwei, Su Jing and others is not as important as me alone. Shi Cundao's life experience was not so reckless. At this moment, I can't take care of these people's worldly affairs.

It's hard for Huang Yifei and others to say anything. I'm from the Honglie Empire now. Kumei and his mother have to be silent. Shi Cundao pondered for a while and said to Huang Yifei, "The source of the information you mentioned is very important. You and I wrote a memorial night to inform the emperor to ask him to

I was about to take the opportunity to slip away when Shi Cundao pointed to me: "Goro, you stay." When there were only our grandfathers and grandchildren, I thought that Shi Cundao was going to scold me again. Unexpectedly, the old man just threw a sentence saying, "You are still immature. Fortunately, there is no danger today, otherwise what would you do for our historians? What's good about the Honglie Empire?

I laughed and said, "Grandpa, you put the position of the historian before the country."

Shi Cundao ignored my ridicule, turned around twice in place with his hands behind his back, and then asked me, "Do you think Wei Wuji is also one of the four national teachers?"

"Well, but I always feel a little weird."

"What's so weird?"

I said, "Wei Wuji has always been the master of the 'Tricolor Stone' before. He has done some shady tricks. Heggis is not short of people. How can he be recruited? In addition, although Wei Wuji is called a national teacher, his status is far less than that of the other three people, but it seems that he temporarily pulled him to deal with Su Jing.

Shi Cun said, "What about the martial arts of the other three people?"

"Except for one of them named Zhu Ye, I don't know the details, and the other two are above Wei Wuji."

Shi Cundao accidentally said, "Are you still above Wei Wuji?"

"Yes, so I'm very surprised that Haggis has such a high-level person, why doesn't he keep talking about intelligence? The status of the four major divisions in the country is detached, which is well known to all the Heggis, and it is not a secret.

Shi Cun said, "The name of the national teacher was occasionally mentioned in the previous intelligence, but it was not said that there were four, let alone a description of their martial arts. The old man in red you mentioned should be named Ge Feng. The online newspaper only said that he was a son of the family who inherited the family title. I used to think of him

I said, "Our bound guard is like the palm of my hand. We are still in the dark about a few swordsmen. In terms of intelligence, we have lost a mess. It's not expensive to suffer this loss today!"

Shi Cundao's eyes flashed: "Master Gu can hear Ma Jiyue's movements, but he can't find the four national masters? It's really strange!" "

I said, "You are suspicious of Master Gu..."

Shi Cun said, "Now nothing can be concluded. Master Gu is the emperor's father-in-law and an extreme minister. It is reasonable that he should not be a traitor."

I said in my heart that it is not necessarily. How prominent my position in the Hong Lie Army is, isn't it also a fake? Thinking of this, the fact that Zhu Ye saw me in the daughter's general's mansion came to my mind again. Heijis will definitely start to investigate. In addition to the mysterious messenger, my false identity is already in danger. In fact, it doesn't need to be much. If the letter is not received by Zhang Shilei, it will be unimaginable

Seeing that my expression changed, Shi Cundao thought I was tired and said, "You can also take a rest. Tomorrow morning, I invited the people from my daughter's country to have a small meeting together. Today's matter is still worth pondering. Grandpa won't say anything if you have more responsibilities on your shoulders, but remember, no matter what you do in the future, you must discuss with me first, and - don't get too close to the people in your daughter's country. I didn't mean to say anything more. I nodded and said yes.


In fact, no one slept this night. I just sat in the ** sky and it lit up. After a while, Zhang Shilei brought me breakfast. I simply ate a few bites and came to the big account of Shi Cundao. Huang Yifei and several leaders of the divine guards had arrived. After a while, Shi Chi and Shi Dong brought the four Shi brothers to the account. The front and back, Mom, Su Jing and Ku Mei also arrived.

The scale of this meeting is not large. In addition to the people who bound the divine guard and the daughter country, only Li Jian and Pu Qixiong, the two middle and senior officials of the army, were present. The content of the meeting was mainly about the failure of the assassination of Ma Jiyue last night, sort out the latest information and study the next battle plan After Shi Cundao arrived at the scene, Huang Yifei briefly described the situation last night. Huang Yifei's eyes were blood red and his voice was heavy. A few simple words sounded like a bolt on a sunny day.

After a long silence, Puqixiong took the lead in his speech: "Hage first released false news to deceive back the two sword gods, and then arranged traps to ambush the divine guards. The plan is well-organizing. The most terrible thing is that we have also got into the other party's conspiracy step by Like, I think..." Speaking of this, he took a careful look at Shi Cun and said, "A large part of the problem is among us!"

Shi Cundao said in a low voice, "Lao Pu, you don't have to cover it up. One thing is obvious - there is a traitor between our two countries!"