The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 29 Lurking

I heard the shouts and turned over the wall. I saw more than a dozen rebels fighting with three tying guards. The three of them were covered in blood, and the knives in one of their hands had been broken into two pieces. The rebels were originally imperial guards, and all of them were not weak, but after all, the tying guards were Killed by three people.

I observed the situation. There was a row of huts behind the wall. Three guards guarded outside one of them, full of vigilance. Zhu Xiaofeng should be in the room.

There are thousands of houses in the palace of the Honglie Empire. It is really not easy to detect that he hid in such an inconspicuous hut. However, the noise just now has alarmed other rebels. There were footsteps on all sides. A group of people in the west rushed to the lead and fought with the bound guard without saying a word. I Famous rebels, the three tying guards saw Leng Ding rush out of a person with excellent martial arts and ran to me together. This was also killing red eyes, and the enemy and I were not divided. The three of them came from three directions. If they formed a group, it might cause me some trouble, but there were only three of them. I pushed away the one who rushed up, raised my hand and pressed the other one to the ground. Finally, the man was shocked and suddenly said with joy, "Lord Sword?"

He finally recognized me at the last minute.

I pointed to the door of the cabin and said, "Is the emperor in there?"

The man hurriedly said, "Exactly, Lord Sword God, go and escort him quickly."

I didn't care about anything else. As soon as I raised my leg, I rushed into the house. Before I could look around, I heard someone say, "Amitabha, go out!" The monk's robe shook, and the man put his five fingers to my chest. At this moment, my sword spirit was full, and the Buddha's light was fully open, but this man took the lead. I didn't even have any sense. I hurriedly blocked it with the sword magic skill. The other party's arm was violently long, and my fist Buddha, the savior has finally arrived!" It's ink.

I smiled and said, "I will never have a chance to win with the master."

Ink took back the move and put his hands together and said, "If you hadn't noticed that it was me, the sword spirit would have been spit out, and the old man would not be able to get close to you."

The two of us looked at each other and smiled. Zhu Xiaofeng said excitedly, "Sure enough, the savior has arrived!" When I turned my head, I saw Zhu Xiaofeng tying the yellow robe around his waist and holding a golden knife in his hand. Since ancient times, the emperor's dress has been unprecedented, but he is also very powerful. I laughed and said, "It seems that the emperor's kung fu is not weak."

Zhu Xiaofeng laughed and said, "Kung fu is average, but it's not so easy to want my life." He originally looked like a reckless man who killed pigs. At this time, he was so bold that he made people feel that this was the king's spirit. I immediately knelt on one knee and said, "I'm late to save you."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "It's just right if it's not too late." He picked me up with both hands and said to the ink, "Since my virtuous brother is here, let's go out and meet those young people!"

Ink said, "It's very good."

The three of us strode out, and the fighting outside rose again. The rebels kept arriving, but they all stood aside. We watched the competition between the eight men in black and the guards on the field. These eight people's martial arts were obviously much higher than the ordinary rebels. Two or three people surrounded one of the guards and suddenly had the upper hand. Wei inadvertently hit his opponent in the leg, and his body tilted. Seeing that he was about to be be beheaded, I stretched out my palm and dragged him to the air, and then flew to the field. First, I put my palm and fell to the person who injured him to the ground. Then I kicked the other two men in black, let the two ...I went around the field for a week, and every enemy was finished with one move. When I circled down, all eight people in black also lay on the ground, leaving only the two bound guards in the ground. Things happened so suddenly that they were a little at a loss...

I looked up at the ink on the steps and said, "Master, can I still do it?" In order to let the ink witness my Buddha's light, I deliberately did not use the domineering sword spirit to win. It all depends on clever tricks and the enemy's opportunity.

Shui Mo smiled and said, "It's progressing so fast. Congratulations." He suddenly said to the eight people in black on the ground, "If you guess correctly, how many of them should be Blackgis?"

One of them did not deny it, but said with slanted eyes, "How do you know?"

Shui Mo said, "For you, what you are using is the sword method of the Wang family on the river of Hejis West Water. The Xishui Wang family is the famous martial arts family of Hegyz. Are you Wang Zhao's family or nephew?"

The man changed his expression and said, "The monk has a strong vision. As for who I am, I don't have to ask."

Ink nodded and reported the origin of the martial arts of several other people in black one by one, all of which were the sects and families that Hegyth could count.

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "When did you have anything to do with Gu Yu?"

The disciple of the Xishui Wang family sneered and said, "Gu Yu? Humph, it's ridiculous. He has been your Hong Lie's official for more than 40 years, but you still don't know his true identity.

Zhu Xiaofeng was stunned and said, "What is his identity?"

The disciple of the Wang family said, "You'd better ask him this question in person when you meet him."

Zhu Xiaofeng put the golden knife over his head and said, "Say it quickly!"

The disciple of the Wang family leaned on the ground and said coldly, "If you think we are afraid of death, you will look down on people."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "That's right. Well, as long as you tell me, I will let you die happily."

The disciples of the Wang family thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I hope you can do what you say. In fact, it doesn't matter if I tell you - what you are talking about Gu Ji is our own brother of our former emperor, the uncle of the current emperor!"

"What?" As soon as this sentence was said, not only Zhu Xiaofeng and I, but also the master monk like Ink couldn't help but be shocked. At this time, the rebels had surrounded this place, but when they saw me present, no one dared to do it rashly. Many of them heard that this shocking secret also changed their faces.

The disciples of the Wang family said proudly, "I didn't expect that Master Gu, who is in Hong Lie's high power, is actually the uncle of Heggis. How can you be undefeated in this battle?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Gu Yi is from a professional class. His ancestor is a sage of my Honglie Empire in Hezhou. The background is clean. Do you want to slander me?"

The disciples of the Wang family said, "The background can be forged. The imperial uncle has been smart since he was a child. He was secretly sent to the Honglie Empire at the age of 16. With his intelligence, it is naturally easy to get a reputation. Moreover, as long as he has money, it is not easy to be an official? The former emperor was far-sighted and buried this move in your Hong Lie early. He couldn't bear it for many years until the emperor's uncle was gradually favored. Later, his daughter married you as a concubine and jumped to become a master. Why is it so convenient for him to make friends with the Minister of Haggis to search for information?

Zhu Xiaofeng suddenly said, "No wonder! Just because he is the uncle of Haggis.

"That's not true. Only the former emperor and several important ministers know this secret. In order to win your trust, over the years, we Hegyz have even given you a lot of real information through the emperor's uncle. For this reason, we have also paid the lives of thousands of nominals. The idea is to accumulate at the critical moment. If Your life!"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Then why did he do nothing in the First World War 20 years ago?" After a pause, he said, "At that time, he was just a low-level scholar, so he was dormant."

"If that's the case, we also got a lot of confidential information from our uncle. Twenty years ago, your Honglie Empire was on the verge of annihilation of the country, who would have expected it..." He stared at me angrily and said, "Now you're coming out against us, go against the sky. You won'

I don't care: "Let's see who won't have a good end first."

Zhu Xiaofeng suddenly laughed and said, "The enemy's uncle has been lurking under my eyes for 40 years!" Is there any emperor who is stupider than me?"

The disciples of the Wang family said, "You are also self-aware, hurry up..." The following words were not finished. Zhu Xiaofeng cut off other people's heads with a knife and then cut the other seven people in black one by one in a breath. He couldn't help gasping, which showed that he was extremely angry.

The rebels looked at each other in consterious faces. Everyone knew that they could only destroy themselves, but to say that surrender and conspiracy was a felony to destroy the nine clans, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhu Xiaofeng pointed to the eight corpses on the ground with a knife and said, "They deserve to kill me. Why do you rebel against me!"

The rebels were originally the palace guards, and the praiguards were the most loyal. When all emperors selected the imperial guard, they carefully chose the principle of protecting the Lord, so this should be the most reassuring force, but Zhu Xiaofeng was disgraced by his own soldiers. In addition, Gu Taishi's anger was full of anger He pointed to a soldier in the rebel team and said, "You, why did you betray me?"

The man said tit-for-tat, "I'm also a Hegis. Naturally, I want to kill you!"

Zhu Xiaofeng was stunned, but then realized that Master Gu and his son had been in charge of the imperial guard for decades, and he could not avoid planting Heggis's cronies.

"Ma San, how can you be a Heggis?" Another soldier in the front row of the line was surprised.

Zhu Xiaofeng pointed to him again and said, "What about you? Since you are not a Hegyz, why did you betray me?"

The soldier subconsciously stepped back two steps and said in a trembling voice, "Your Majesty...Your Majesty."

"Say, why did you betray me?"

"This... I didn't dare to do the wrong position, but Commander Gu treated me very much. Several officers obeyed his command, and the position had to be..."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Did he promise you high-ranking officials?"

The soldier bowed his head and said, "Yes... But we are not just for these. There is a saying that a scholar dies for his confidant. The humble position is just an ordinary bodyguard with a humble status, but Gu's command not only can he call the name of the humble position, but also visit home in person every New Year's and Only take this life to pay off the debt!"

Zhu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "I understand that Gu Debiao bought not only your people, but also your hearts!" I sighed, "People's hearts are separated from the belly!" Who would have expected that Gu Debiao, who is usually submissive and ordinary, had such a plan?

At this time, a sound of horses' hoofs came from far and near, and someone asked loudly, "Has Ba Xiong caught Zhu Xiaofeng?" This man quickly passed through the crowd, followed by many rebels. When the man came to the front, he saw the body of the eight heroes on the ground, and then was shocked and said, "Sti Zai? But it's Gu Debiao.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "Hello, little prince--"

Gu Debiao grabbed the reins and said, "So you all know?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said harshly, "That's good!"

Gu Debiao suddenly saw that Zhu Xiaofeng was distracted for a moment, and then said coldly, "Zhu Xiaofeng, each is his master. You can't blame me!"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "But you grew up in my Honglie!"

Gu Debiao said, "That's right, but I shed the blood of Haggis, and I shoulder the mission of Haggis!"

Zhu Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and said, "So I don't hate you, and I admire you very much!"

I hugged my shoulder and said, "Gu Debiao, don't talk nonsense. What are you going to do now?"

Gu Debiao observed his words and knew that the heart of the army had changed. He drew his knife and said, "Brothers, you promised to work with me in a big plan. Don't make a loss." With that, he pointed to me and said, "This so-called sword god has no sword spirit at all. You take him down with Zhu Xiaofeng!"

Soldiers, look at me and I look at you. No one speaks and no one fights. They saw with their own eyes that I raised my hand and seriously injured the eight heroes, and under the power of Zhu Xiaofeng, no one dared to be presumptuous.

Gu Debiao waved behind him and said, "Zhang Dunren, take your people up!"

A man was killed from behind with a sound of peace. The number of people was about 50. It seemed to be Gu Debiao's cronies. Their eyes when they looked at Zhu Xiaofeng were obviously hostile, probably composed of Hegyz people. The three bound guards subconsciously stood in front of Zhu Xiaofeng. Zhu Xiaofeng deliberately stood forward and Who can hurt me here?"

I smiled at him and patted the gold bricks on the ground. Of course, the so-called gold bricks were not really built with gold, but square bricks made of high-quality soil and went through countless special processes. This kind of brick was flat and beautiful, stronger than stones, and was unique except for the palace. When I slapped the It was broken into waves, and it was lifted to more than 50 people with a "boom", and then these people were as red and green as if they had been shotguns. I no longer paid attention to them. I crossed straight to Gu Debiao in the air. Gu Debiao turned the handle of the knife backwards and pinched the tip of the knife, It bloomed like fireworks... But not to mention, Gu Debiao's hand was much more beautiful than when Su Jing and I tried to bind the divine guard. This man's city is so deep that he can't even hide his martial arts.

I flew to Gu Debiao's back, and my toes gently touched his back. I just kicked him at the feet of the three bound guards. As soon as Gu Debiao wanted to struggle, he was put a knife on his neck by Zhu Xiaofeng. Zhu Xiaofeng shouted harshly, "Don't move!"

Gu Debiao's face was gray, and he looked up and hissed, "Brothers, success or failure is in this move. Only by killing Zhu Xiaofeng can you have a way to live!"