The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 33 Change of Face

This sentence is tantamount to the collapse of heaven and earth. I didn't even think about it and subconsciously said, "How do you know?"

Zhu Xiaofeng sneered and said, "You are really not Stitch!"

I knew it was too late to say anything at this time, so I simply sat down slowly and said, "What is the emperor going to do with me?"

Zhu Xiaofeng changed his face and slowed down his tone and said, "No, although you are not Shi Dizai, you are a veritable sword god. As long as you want, I will still be your brother. After the daughter's country fights down, you can be a real prince!"

Speaking of this, I was worried and said, "Do you really want to fight against your daughter's country?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Bing my daughter's country is harmless to me."

"So it's true that you and Heggis are united?"

"Although the old thief has harmed me, it is not completely useless. I just connected with Ma Jiyue through him. Ma Jiyue has agreed to join forces with us to attack the daughter's country."

I forced myself to calm down and said with a smile, "Well, you have found a good ally."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "I know that you are laughing at me in your heart, laughing at me delusional and incompetence, and even scolding me thousands of times in my heart, saying that I am a repeated villain for profit."

I glanced at him and said, "Your Majesty, you are not confused at all."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Okay, then tell me, what's the most inappropriate part of my plan?"

I pointed to my head and said, "Everyone who has no problem here knows it. How to divide the land after you and the Heggis Alliance break through the daughter's country? At that time, without the help of the daughter country, Heggis suddenly tore his face. Is the Honglie Empire still not the opponent of Heggis? In fact, four words can describe what you are doing now - leading the wolf into the house!"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "You are very worried. Hegis is stronger than us. Although the covenant says that the daughter's country will be divided equally in the future, on that day, they are bound to tear up the contract and devours me, Hong Lie, but have you ever heard a story that the wolf and the crane entertain each other, and Zi, when the crane asked back, he put all the food in a bottle - our Hong Lie is the crane, and the daughter's country is the food in the bottle. I'm sure that the old wolf, Haggis, can't get any discount!"

I hummed, "If I were that wolf, I would even eat the crane together."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Of course Heggis will do this, but a question you mentioned reminds me."


"Food and fodder!" Zhu Xiaofeng said with his eyes, "Heijis trekked through the mountains and rivers and went to other places. The army must not stay for a long time, and the lack of soldiers is not enough to pose a threat to my Hong Lie. At that time, they will definitely be in a dilemma, and the daughter's country is close to my Hong Lie. Our It's my Honglie's world. I can use the power of the federal continent to counterattack Hegis, and finally unify the two continents!"

I disdained to say, "Childish! Do you think the Haggis are all fools? What can you think of, they won't think of it?

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Speaking bluntly, these are all small tricks. Political mediation is originally a ghost in their own hearts. Hegis believes that destroying his daughter's country first weakens the strength of our federal continent. They want to ergage the effect one by one, and I also have my idea. In fact, this is a game I have a 50% chance of winning, so I have to try my best.

I said, "But don't forget that there are still 50% of them that may be a disaster!"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "The game is inherently risky, and 50% is enough. Think about it again, if Hong Lie and his daughter have been allied, and in the end, he will still maintain an invincible result with Hage, then I am not even sure of my ambition. Zhu Xiaofeng said that he gradually became excited. "The population of the mainland of our federation is more than twice that of Heggis. Why do we have to be bullied by Heggis all the time? Because there are many countries in the federal continent, I can't do it for the people of the federal continent!"

I sighed and said, "Do you think I believe it? You are strong at all. The treacherous will!"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "What you say, I've made up my mind. Will you help me?"

Nahan said, "Do you still expect me to help you at this time?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Although you are not from my Hong Lie, you should not be from my daughter country, right?"

I accidentally said, "What else do you know? How was my identity exposed?

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "You forgot that someone in Hegyz has seen you in his daughter's country!"

I nodded and said to myself that the matter of bamboo leaves finally surfaced.

Zhu Xiaofeng also said bluntly: "Bamboo Ye, the national master of Hegyth, was scared off by you in the general's mansion of his daughter's country, and he has always been suspicious. In addition, Hegyz was planning to attack the federal mainland at that time. He was afraid that the news would shake the heart of the army Shenfeng Mountain fell into the grass and was imprisoned earlier. It can be seen that you have no connection with your daughter's country. For a period of time, you claimed that you had found a sword god in your daughter's country, but then it ended in no avail. I didn't expect you to run to our Hong Lie - I haven't ask you, what do

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "It's none of my business. This is a misunderstanding. Your people mistaken me for Sti Zai. I didn't mean to deceive anyone, and then I got to the present step by step. If my purpose is to say that I really want to help you defeat Heggis."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Isn't that just right? As long as you are willing to help me, I will restore your [true] identity now. All positions in the army are the same, and I promise to divide my daughter's country to you. Why don't you do it?

I said, "I mean I'm willing to help you fight Hejis, but I didn't say I want to help you fight in the daughter country. Why should I be the king of the daughter country? Wait for Tang Monk to have sex with me?"

Zhu Xiaofeng stared at me and said, "Which country are you from? Is it the Alliance of Eighteen Kingdoms? Is it He Guoren? Or are you a countryman?"

I thought for a while and said seriously, "Your Majesty, do you believe me if I say I'm from another world?"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xiaofeng said, "I believe it!"

"No way, are you so open?" I really didn't expect that Zhu Xiaofeng could agree with such a strange statement...

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Since the death of the Sword God in the previous life, the daughter country has claimed to find his reincarnation. I have also heard this statement, but I thought it was a little absurd at that time, but according to Gu Ji, Heggis also sent a master to sneak into the daughter country to stop it. As a result, Again, no matter how you pretend, your words and manners are always a little strange - so, are you really found by your daughter from another world?

I nodded and said, "That's right, so it's wrong for you to say that I have no relationship with my daughter's country."

Zhu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't want this kind of origin, you should also know the danger of fighting against Haggis. The daughter came to you just to let you work for them."

I'm completely right in my heart, but how could Zhu Xiaofeng know that there is my mother in the middle?

When Zhu Xiaofeng saw that I didn't say anything, he thought I had wavered. He said, "Then why did you come to our federal continent? It's nothing more than exaggeration in front of people. I'm giving you a country now. What are you hesitating about?

I smiled and said, "I don't have a broad mind. It's not because I'm great that I don't want to help you. My biggest problem is that I'm lazy, but since I'm here, I'm reluctant to help you win Hegis. If you want to unify the world, I have little interest."

Zhu Xiaofeng suddenly stood up: "Why on earth won't you help me?"

I said leisurely, "I just want to do some personnel, but the emperor's current behavior seems to be different from my requirements."

Zhu Xiaofeng's eyes flashed and said, "If you don't want to help me, I will discredit you!" To tell you the truth, the agent of Haggis had exposed your identity the day before yesterday. I just came to talk to you today, and I have given you a lot of face!"

"So you and 'Gu Taishi' have made up and started to cooperate again?" I reminded him, "Don't forget that he almost took your life, and the whole army was destroyed because of this."

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "For the sake of the great cause, what is this loss?"

I spread out my hands: "It's up to you. I'd like to hear how the emperor is going to discredit me?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "Two days ago, I have ordered 600 miles to urgently inform Shi Cundao of your [true] identity. It is clear that you pretend to be Shi Dizai, and the undercover agent is in my heart. If you refuse to help me, from now on, Heggis and the Hong Lie Empire will regard you as an enemy,

I suddenly lost. I didn't know how shocked and lost I would be when I thought of Shi Cundao and the historians after learning the truth, and my heart became empty, but this result was also expected, and it was more or less relaxed.

Zhu Xiaofeng continued, "And, when you were drinking tea just now, I sent the same letter to the soldiers and horses of the whole capital. You can't walk now. If you go back to the historian at this time, Shi Fei will be the first to turn against you desperately!" Zhu Xiaofeng slowed down and suddenly said gloomily, "Finally, I'll tell you one more thing - the secret order to attack Feifeng Army with all its strength has been quickly sent to Shi Cundao this morning!"

"What?" Almost every sentence of the conversation just now was a bolt from the blue for me, but this sentence put me in a cold hell.

Zhu Xiaofeng said coldly, "If you want to destroy the daughter's country, of course, you must first pull out the Feifeng army, and their general Zhao Fanghua. Under Su Jing's serious injury, 160,000 unarmed female soldiers can't withstand the raid of my millions of troops? Dragon Sword God, think about it yourself, but there is a fact that is already a certainty. Whether you can't figure it out, the Feifeng Army will become history in four or five days at most!"

My whole body trembled and subconsciously wanted to approach Zhu Xiaofeng, but Zhu Xiaofeng said, "I'll ask you one last time. Can you help me?"

"I will never help Zhou for abuse - you don't understand, do you? It means to help the bastard poop and pee on the heads of a good man!" As I spoke, I was gradually approaching Zhu Xiaofeng. Zhu Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "You don't have to think about holding me hostage, let alone using the magic power of the sword god to report to the Feifeng army in advance - I tampered with the tea you just drank. Haven't you noticed it?"

My heart suddenly cooled down again. No wonder the little eunuch who brought me tea had to monitor me at the door. When I made sure I drank it, Zhu Xiaofeng appeared. I suppressed my anger and said, "Do you think it's smart to poison a sword god?"

Zhu Xiaofeng said, "It's a pity that you are just a half-hearted sword god with sword spirit. The poison I put in your tea is called 'Ningdan Pill', which is carefully developed by Binding Shenwei. Its function is to freeze the master's Dantian, so that its sword spirit cannot be played. But don't worry When I figure it out, I will give you the antidote, but at least after there is news from the Feifeng Army, the only daughter country that can be served by you will also become fish on the plate. I'm afraid you have no choice!"

"You son of a bitch!" ** The teacup on the table smashed Zhu Xiaofeng. Zhu Xiaofeng turned his head and said, "These days, I'm going to wrong the Dragon Sword God to live on the bamboo building. If you want to break through, I'm afraid it's hard to succeed with your current efforts."

I stared into his eyes and said word by word, "If you don't want to imprison you, you will kill you, but *** come to imprison and save you. What is this ***, *** reason!"

Zhu Xiaofeng leaned against the door and said in a low voice, "You should think about it again." After saying that, he pushed the door and came out.

I stood at the table and felt that everything was burning inside. I tried to urge Dantian. Sure enough, there was no sense. In the past, even when the sword spirit did not work, there was a sword boy's sword spirit to use. Now I have completely become an ordinary person. In this way, even the Buddha's light can't work, Ordinary bodyguards will also become my strong enemies!

I sat down on the ground, thinking that my mother and Su Jing were in danger and almost collapsed into a pile. I suddenly stood up and looked down from the window of the bamboo building. There were many guards below. With my current ability, I couldn't rush out anyway. I couldn't help cursing Zhu Xiaofeng at the night. For a while, modern ancient swear words, national scolding and international dirty gestures went into battle together.

Just as I almost collapsed in my hysteria, the ink suddenly pushed the door in. I stared at him and said, "Are you here to be a lobbyist?" I don't know what role he played in this matter, but obviously he should also know my identity.

The ink said lightly, "Now the old man should be called the benevolous dragon sword god, right?"

I said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, what are you doing here?"

I didn't expect that the ink suddenly put his hands together the next moment and said, "Lao Kun came to thank the dragon sword."

I was alert and puzzled, "Thank me for what?"

Shui Mo said, "I have heard all the conversation between the Dragon Sword God and His Majesty. The Dragon Sword God can think of the world, not be confused by wealth, and not be subdued by force. Lao Na is sincerely convinced, so he should say thank you in person."

I don't know what medicine he sells in the gourd, but seeing that he didn't seem to be malicious, he said, "Do you know that Zhu Xiaofeng is going to attack his daughter's country?"

Shui Mo said, "I just learned about it." His eyebrows were full of worry and said, "A few days ago, when I heard that he mentioned his daughter's national armament, I was worried that he would go astray. Unexpectedly, the evil would come true in the end. Hey, the so-called knowing his face and not knowing his heart. He has been with him for decades, but he still doesn't

Seeing that the ink words were sincere, I was even more confused and asked, "Master, what do you mean by these words to me?"

Shui Mo said, "Although Lao Na is a foreigner, there is an obsession that is the same as the Dragon Sword God, that is, he hopes that the world will get rid of the scourge of war as soon as possible. On the eve of the eve, Hong Lie and his daughter's country formed an alliance. When he saw that People who rule the world.

I smiled bitterly and said, "What's the use of saying this now?"

Ink suddenly took out a pamphlet from his arms and handed it to me, "Dragon Sword God, please take this thing away."

"What is this?"

"This is the cultivation method mentioned earlier by Lao Kun. At this time, the Dragon Sword God's Dantian has collapsed, but according to the book study, you may not open a way to regenerate the sword spirit."

I got up from the ground and grabbed the booklet and casually said, "Didn't you say that there are still hidden dangers that have not been solved?"

Shui Mo smiled and said, "There is no perfect way in this world. According to the old man, even the internal skills and mental methods of famous families are difficult to ensure that there are no hidden dangers."

I stared at him for a while and suddenly realized, "There is no hidden danger at all. You just didn't want to give it to me before?"

Ink smiled and said no words, but there was a acquiescence.

"Why? Why are you willing to give it to me now?"

Ink said solemnly, "The so-called hidden danger is actually Lao Kun's heart demon. Lao Kun has always felt that the restraint of the dragon sword god's sword spirit is not necessarily a good thing."

"...Why is that?"

"Amitabha Buddha, the truth of heaven is clear, and the glory and silence of all things have its truth. The sword spirit of the Dragon Sword God is enough to look down on the world. If it can be used without scruples, the blessings and misfortunes of the two continents will be maintained in the thought of the Dragon Sword God. On the way, Lao Kun was afraid that the dragon sword god was too powerful and lost his heart.

I thought, "You mean you're afraid that I'll open all the plug-ins, and finally get bored to upgrade with npc and op?"

Shui Mo smiled and said, "The Dragon Sword God is indeed a person from another world, and what he said is also unpredictable. In short, Lao Na is afraid that you will be arrogant and affect the world. Now he thinks that he is also thinking about other people's mind with Lao Na's heart."

"I understand, so you're not afraid now?"

Ink said, "A person's life is under the control of others, and wealth is at his fingertips. At this moment, he still refuses to harm the innocent. Isn't such a person trustworthy? Only now did Lao Na understand that the Dragon Sword God is indeed compassionate and full of life.

I sighed, "It's none of my business. I can pull them when I can. If I'm out of control today, I haven't thought of sacrificing my life to feed tigers, but one thing is certain. I never thought of hurting them." After saying that, I carefully held the brochure in my arms, "If I say so, won't you give it to me?"

Ink smiled and said, "That's enough." He restrained his smile and said, "Time is running out. Let's make a long story short - there are detailed cultivation methods in this book. Lao Kun doesn't have time to teach the Dragon Sword God in person. In the future, it's up to you to understand it by yourself."

I opened the brochure and read a few pages, and said with a wry smile, "Master, I've already told you that I'm from another world, right? The problem now is that I don't know much about the words on it..."

Shui Mo was stunned and then said, "Then we have to wait for the Dragon Sword God to get out of trouble before finding a trustworthy person to translate and give advice."

I was surprised and said, "Get out of trouble? Are you here to help me escape?"


Regarding the funny issue, I think so. At present, the atmosphere of several chapters is very heavy, and the taste of being funny will change. After all, mix-and-match and chaos are still different, but there has been a lot of embellishment, and there is also the problem of abuse. I don't think the dragon, sheep and sheep has actually suffered , slipping, this guy is still so arrogant... It's certain to kill everywhere later, and it's inevitable to be fucked a few times.