The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 1 The monk is awesome

When I came back, my mother saw that my eyes were slightly red and asked, "Is it the Shi family?"

I nodded and said, "It's the four brothers of Yangweizi. Shi Cundao has guessed that I have returned to the Feifeng Army. These four people said goodbye to me in private."

Mom sighed, "After all, it's still young people who dare to think and do it. You are now a traitor to Hong Lie, and they are still coming to see you off."

I sighed, "It's goodbye, but it's actually goodbye. Next time we meet again, no one has to care about the past."

My mother also said with regret, "I understand this. It's a pity that they were all good young people."

I joked, "Is it possible that it is not enough for you to have a goddaughter, and you still want to accept four godd sons?" Speaking of this, I suddenly had a whim, "Yes, when I get old, I will collect a lot of children, buy famous car bags for them, and let them go everywhere..."

Su Jing suddenly came to me and said, "Why do you take so many goddaughters?"

I smiled and said, "What's your daughter? Of course, it's for... Hey, are you jealous?"

Su Jing looked at the sky carelessly and said, "The goddaughter you mentioned also has a name in the daughter's country, called Mian Shou."

It's true that even in our place, we can only recognize godfathers, but I've never heard of any man recognizes a rich godmother - if he does, he won't say it. This is a problem. I stopped laughing and asked Su Jing seriously, "How's your injury?"

Su Jing shook his head slightly and said, "My veins are all messed up. I'm afraid it will take a hundred days to recover. What about you? Is there anything wrong with you except that Dantian is sealed?"

"No problem. Anyway, I'm just a useless person when I'm not good at swordsmanship." I suddenly touched her arm and said mysteriously, "Hey."


"Maybe I have a way to detoxify."

Su Jing said with a moving face, "Really?" She knew that I had a lot of ghost ideas and was a person from a completely different world, so she believed it.

I said shamelessly, "Have you heard that there is a kind of kung fu called husband and wife to practice double skills? Maybe this poison will be solved as soon as it is opened in the ** activity."

Su Jing said, "It's boring!"

I smiled and said with a straight face, "I suspect that what Zhu Xiaofeng gave me is **. These days, I can't help it when I see a beautiful girl, especially a beautiful woman like you..." As I said, my hand quickly touched her face, and Su Jing shrugged his shoulders and dod away. Although she was a sword The gas is disordered, and the kung fu is still there. Mom watched us play with a smile behind us, while Kumei pretended to turn a blind eye.

"Okay, okay, I won't make trouble with you anymore. I'll tell you something serious."

Su Jing squinted and said, "What kind of tricks do you want to play?"

I took out the pamphlet of ink for me from my arms and said, "The ink wrote a practice method for my situation, but I don't know all the words on it, and I don't know if it's useful."

Su Jing was quite surprised. He took it over and looked at the torch around him and said, "But what's the use of your Dantian being sealed?"

I said, "The ink said that this method can be practiced directly through Dantian, but he also said that this is just his bold conjecture, and it doesn't work well." After I said this, Su Jing no longer responded. She turned over casually. After reading a few lines, she suddenly turned back to the first page solemnly and began to look at it seriously. Then her face gradually became solemn, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

I said carefully, "What's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?"

Su Jing suddenly closed the book with a "pop" sound, with both surprise and a little shock in her eyes. She said word by word, "Xiaolong, this thing may be really useful to you!"

I was also happy to say, "Is the ink really so powerful?"

Su Jing came out for a while before he slowly said, "It's not just awesome. This old monk is simply magical!"

I said impatiently, "What did you say on it?"

Su Jing said, "As you said, ink has developed a way to control the sword spirit with the whole body meridian through Dantian. This is a little whimsical for ordinary people, but it is the right medicine for you."

I said, "Can't ordinary people think of this kind of method?"

Su Jing said, "I can't think of it! I don't think so. Dantian is the basis of qi practice. The sword spirit of ordinary practitioners is all stored in Dantian, and when it is used, it is also based on Dantian. Who will be bored enough to play the strange meridians? It's like if you want to get gold, you have to go to the gold mine. Who will waste time in the vegetable field?

I said, "Maybe there are gold bricks left by someone in the vegetable field?"

Su Jing [Xing] said excitedly, "Yes, this is your current situation. Although your gold mine has been sealed, the vegetable field is full of gold bricks!"

I nodded and said, "That can only be said that ink is just a symptomatic medicine, and it's not magical, is it?"

Su Jing shook his head and said, "You don't understand. The reason why you say this is that you don't understand the difficulty at all. After Dantian is sealed, ordinary people can only listen to fate and despair, but ink solves the most complex problem in the simplest way, just like making wood conduct electricity - no, it's like letting wood It's like generating electricity by yourself!"

"Oh, I understand a little bit if you say so, which means that ordinary people can't do it even if they think of it. The ink is already against the sky - by the way, is he really so awesome?"

Su Jing said, "Use another metaphor of your world to solve the problem of space fuel with four operations. Do you think it's awesome... not awesome?"

I patted casually and said, "Awesome, but I still don't understand."

Su Jingyan said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as it works!"

Seeing that she was so excited, I couldn't help saying, "You won't become a fan of ink at once, will you?"

Su Jing said, "To be honest, I really admire this old monk. You have been troubled by the problem of sword spirit for so long, and I can't think of such a wonderful way!"

Then I was a little surprised and said, "You mean he is better than you?"

Su Jing said frankly, "He is much better than me. If he doesn't lose his sword spirit, even if he is still a swordsman, I probably can't beat him in his tricks." Su Jing took out the pamphlet and looked at it for a while and said, "This book is not only useful to you, but also my meridians are in chaos now, which is of great benefit to me now."

I said, "Then take it, treat your illness first, and talk about me when I get back to my daughter's country."

At this time, a sentry suddenly came to our front of us and hugged his mother: "General, there are a large number of people in the direction of Xinzhou approaching our army quickly, and the number of people is conservatively estimated to be more than 100,000!"

Mom looked tight and said, "Find it again!" She and Ku Meisu looked at each other, knowing that no one had come to say goodbye to me this time... There was no doubt that Zhu Xiaofeng's second secret order had finally arrived!

Zhang Zhuhu said, "General, Hong Liejun did not believe what he said. He must come to chase and kill us. We have to fight to the death to deal with these ghosts."

Mom shook her head decisively and said, "We are still within the sphere of influence of the Hong Lie army. As soon as we tripped the other party, we can't take it off any more. Besides, not far from here is the Hergis battalion, which attracted the two countries to attack together, and we only have the destruction of the whole army

I sighed and said, "I'll go."

Mom said, "What's the use of you? If Shi Cundao dares to chase us, he must know that your martial arts skills are exhausted. Do you think he will let you sing the empty city plan?

I said, "Anyway, I have a little friendship with the historians. I'll go to Xiaozhi to understand it. If I can drag them for a while, you can lead the army first. I can say that it's best to move the history. In case we can't move, we can use this time to get as far away from Xin

Su Jing said, "I'll go with you!"

I smiled and said, "Don't join in the fun. Everyone knows that you are seriously injured and can't protect yourself. If you go with me, it will be even more weak. Maybe it will be counterproductive. When they see that two big fish are floating on the water, they have to kill them all."

At this time, someone said lightly, "It's better for me to go with my fifth brother."

As soon as everyone turned around, they saw Shi Dijia riding slowly on the horse. Kumei frowned and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Shi Dijia came forward and said, "I promised the fifth brother to send you out of Xinzhou before leaving. It seems that it's time. My identity will not be repeated to everyone. In short, I will let my grandfather retreat."

Mom said, "Dijia, I didn't take you in at the beginning to make you our shield, and I didn't want to use you to blackmail Marshal Shi..."

Shi Dijia smiled and said, "Of course I know the general's person. It's all voluntary."

Mom said, "Although you are the granddaughter of Marshal Shi, this is a match between the two armies. I'm afraid he may not be willing to resist the order for you."

Shi Dijia's mouth pouted and said, "I don't believe that Grandpa has the heart to let thousands of troops step on me."

Kumei said coldly, "That's because you don't know your grandfather too well."

Shi Dijia said, "Don't worry, I will never be reckless. Even if I can't do anything, I can still do it if I can't cover the Fifth Brother's return to the Feifeng Army."

Mom thought that there was no better way, so she bowed immediately and said solemnly, "So thank you, Miss Dijia." When other generals saw the general like this, they all saluted together.

Stijia also saluted, "General, don't say that."

Mom said, "Okay, then I'll say goodbye to Miss Dijia first. Maybe when our two countries can really live in peace, I sincerely hope that you can go to your daughter's country as a guest."

Su Jing came to her and whispered, "Thank you."

Sti Jia looked at her carefully and whispered, "Sister Su, don't say that. You are my idol."

I pulled the reins and said, "Dijia, green calyx, let's go."

The Feifeng Army continued to march, and the three of us returned on the same road. At this time, it was late at night. Large areas of lights were lit in the direction of Xinzhou not far away. At the same time, there were signs of slight shaking on the ground, accompanied by the noise of smoke and dust. There was indeed an army of hundreds of He held the reins and watched the army like a giant beast on the opposite side approaching quickly. When the front fire just shone on me, Hong Liejun suddenly had a small riot. The leading troops gradually slowed down and stopped. A soldier pointed at me and shouted, "Yes... it's him!"