The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 3 Crazy Dafa

On this day, the flying phoenix army finally left the sphere of influence of the Honglie Empire and walked on the vast Gobi. The female soldiers helped the wounded with their lives. As soon as they got out of danger, they began to slow down and walk slowly.

Bitter Meisi's Hong Lie's treachery and cursing all the way, she said to her mother, "General, Zhu Xiaofeng's original conspiracy is to rely on Heggis to defeat his daughter's country first, and then unify the mainland with a counterattack. Let's tell Hegis his trick and let them bite Stijia whispered, "Master..."

Kumei turned around and said, "What do you have to say?,...

Shi Dijia said, "Zhu... I'm afraid that Hejis knows the idea of the emperor of the Honglie Kingdom. Even if Ma Jiming is a fool, any minister under him can analyze it. The reason why the two countries are in collusion is because of the temporary common interests. When the daughter's country is defeated, they will turn against As for who is better at chess, it is the last thing.

Mom smiled faintly and said, "Dijia is right. In short, our daughter's country has been regarded as fish on the board."

Kumei said, "So what should we do now?"

My mother said, "The Hong Lie Empire is selfish and will never take the lead in confronting us. All we have to deal with is the Haggis Army, which has lost its strength on the border. Now there is only one problem I'm most worried about, that is, the attitude of the alliance of the 18 countries. The country has openly betrayed the Knowing that Hejis and Hong Lie formed a coalition, I'm afraid that they would give up their weapons and surrender without sending a single soldier.

Kumei said, "Then let's warn them first. Whoever dares to surrender will be destroyed first!"

My mother shook her head and said, "Intimidation alone is not enough. The remaining 17 countries have only 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers, and the strongest one is only 70,000 to 80,000, which is less than one million. If we can work together to deal with Hergis, it is barely a helper, but if they all fight back against each other, It's okay to help." My mother called Ma Jing and said, "You have to go to this matter. You can go ahead and tell the emperors of the 17 countries, saying that my Feifeng army will arrive soon and let them prepare to take us into the city. Remember to explain the interests to them. Be sincere and don't lose the decency of my Feifeng army. As for the specific

Ma Jing first took the order and then asked, "General, why don't we go back to China directly?" Do you still have to stay in the Seventeen Kingdoms?

Mom said, "If we go back directly, the Seventeen Kingdoms will definitely surrender to the Hegyz Honglie's allied forces. The so-called wall grass is that whoever is close to them will listen to them. We can't let these grass fly over our wall." Everyone laughed.'s up.

Ma Jing said, "What if the Feifeng Army is stationed in the Seventeen Kingdoms and the Honglie Empire invades our mainland from the north?" My mother said, "Hong Liejun will never do this. Of course, it is also necessary to call the northern front city to step up the guard." Ma Jing took the order and left.

Su Jing said to me, "Let the general worry about her, and we should be busy with our own business.

"She took out the pamphlet written by ink from her arms and said, "During this period of time, I have carefully studied the cultivation method of the ink master and found that it is complex and self-contained. I don't know much about some places. We have to try it together." I curled my lips and said, "You can't even count on me? It's not my habit to be in trouble. Su Jing said, "If it's difficult, you may not remember the "fishing method" I taught you, right?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" Fishing is a tip that Su Jing taught me how to protect myself when I first arrived in the palace. I used Dantian's meager sword spirit to blend other swords in my body, which can be up to the level of a swordsman. However, this method is very limited, so I have never used it again.

Su Jing said, "This method of ink is a bit like a "fishing method", but it is not difficult to replace Dantian with the meridians of the whole body, so it is not difficult. The reason is the same."

"Huh? Tell me about it." Su Jing said, "The specific method is to direct your meridians to communicate with the sword spirit, and then achieve the purpose of commanding the sword spirit."

I questioned: ... Fishing method, there is at least a small amount of sword spirit in Dantian that can be used as a bait, so what should I do with this "meridian method?"

Su Jing said, "This is the first difficulty."

I said with a bitter face, "The first difficulty will arrive so soon?"

"The reason why you find it difficult is that your basic skills are too poor."

"Does it have anything to do with this?"

"Of course, if you barely practiced the sword spirit, you will directly become the sword god. The basic martial arts routines will not be done at all. That is to say, the reason why you are invincible is because of the strong sword spirit, but the basic skills of ordinary swordsman Jiansheng are not as good as the ordinary swordsman. Everyone The more flexible, sensitive and cooperative the body is, all of which is inseparable from dealing with the meridians. Why do people who practice martial arts react faster than ordinary people? That's because their bones and meridians can be controlled, although many people still don't realize it.

"Well, why don't you tell me what to do?" Su Jing thought for a moment, as if he was thinking about how to say it. Finally, he said, "As you are in your condition, you have to practice from your hands, feet and limbs first."

I asked, "Why?"

Su Jing said, "The meridians of these places are easy to identify and suitable for novices like you." Hmm. What should I do?"

Su Jing looked up and down at me and said, "From now on, you have to keep shaking your hands and feet." Shaking... You're not kidding me, are you?"

"How can I joke about such a serious thing?,...

"Is there any benefit to doing this?"

Duo Jing said, "Of course, you have no experience in driving the meridian, which allows you to move the meridian, which can be regarded as a preparatory work." I was stunned and said, "Why don't you tremble? Didn't you say that this book is also useful for healing your wounds? Su Jing said, "Because I'm not you. Besides, even if I'm injured, I still have a little weak sword spirit. It will be easier to cooperate with sword spirit. Unfortunately, you can only use this stupid method because Dantian is blocked now. When you shake the meridians and feel it, you can't move on to the next step until the sword spirit passes through. I said with a gloomy face, "I see. You taught me the fishing method, and you gave me a fishing rod, a fishing line and a bait. Now you gave me a mop handle and asked me to poke the fish by the river?" Su Jingren couldn't help saying, "That's almost what it means."

"...I won't do it!"

Su Jing said in a straight face, "Xiaolong, you have to restore the sword spirit as soon as possible, otherwise how to fight the next battle? Among other things, we can't even guarantee the safety of the general now.

I had no choice but to secretly look around, twisted my body and said, "Is this okay?" Su Jing said, "Don't stop."

I had to pretend to be bored, singing and dancing, and kept shaking my hands and feet while asking, "Is that all right?"

Su Jing said, "It's a little more intense."

I'm just going to make a tremor...............

Su Jing said, "That's it, keep it up.

As I trembled, I made a series of trembling sounds: "Do I have to keep it for the day?" Su Jing said, "You must keep it. Anyway, this level must be passed."

Oolong Sui felt like me and looked back curiously. I pointed to it: "Don't look, you go with yours."

Several groups of female soldiers passed by me and said in surprise, "Dragon Sword God, what's wrong with you?" I greeted them tremblingly: "No--

In the way——

things, shaking - lice -

zi. The female soldiers giggled and ran away. Su Jing looked at me with a smile and blushed. He turned his face aside several times and said, "Yes, you can shake if you have nothing to do in the future." I drove my horse to a secluded corner with resentment, and went crazy silently. I spent the day and night in the madness. At first, my mother was still puzzled and funny. When they learned that I was practicing an extremely "mysterious" kung fu, they all forcibly restrained. In short, I have been very popular these two days, It's the second day of Xiao Yingying. I'm sleeping in the tent. Su Jing has stood at the door and said, "Xiaolong, it's time to practice."

I know that this girl is a desperate person. While grabbing her trousers and putting them on her legs, she said listlessly, "Come in."

Su Jing came in and saw that I was still bare-legged, so I turned my head slightly. I smiled and said, "It's not that I haven't seen it. What are you shy about?"

Just as Su Jing wanted to speak, the green calyx drilled in. Seeing that the situation was not right, he hurriedly put down a plate and said, "I'm here to bring you breakfast." After saying that, he slipped out again.

I looked at her back and smiled and said, "This "man's country, the woman who came out has never seen anything in the world." Su Jing said, "How are you doing?" I complained, "Well, my hands and feet are sore and painful."

Su Jing said, "This is also a process that must be experienced. You can't give up halfway."

The road from the border of the Honglie Empire to the Eighteen Nations Alliance is not close. The flying phoenix army is full of cavalry, but it can't gallop day and night. It will take about a week.

On the head of the fourth day, the army was still marching on the Gobi. The terrain here was getting higher and higher and uneven. The soldiers dismounted and walked one after another. Under the supervision of Su Jing, I "draw" every day, but there was no progress except for the sore hands and feet. Just as I lifted my legs and got The place of the thumb up to the instep suddenly swelled and hot. I couldn't help ah. Su Jing asked me what was wrong, and I told him about the situation.

Su Jing hurriedly asked, "Are you telling the truth?"


"That feeling is neither soreness nor pain, but a swelling and a fever?"

"I can still tell the difference."

Su Jing rubbed his hand and said, "Xiaolong, congratulations, you have passed the first level. Next," her expression became extremely solemn and said, "I'm about to enter the most important level!"

............splitting...... an old rule, if you can get out another chapter later, it will be sent out. If you can't get out tomorrow, either two chapters or a super chapter, I will try my best to update twice today, and don't wait after the mouth. You don't have to practice the crazy method in this chapter. If you don't succeed, you have to twist your joints. It's a friendly reminder, and you don't need to pay for an additional subscription.