The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 21 I want to fly higher

A marshal competed with me to grab the Flying Dragon Army. Geng Ling just looked at the side without saying a word. Just as everyone was about to wipe out the fire, my mother said, "You'd better not fight. In my opinion, I'd better listen to what Commander Geng means."

Everyone thought that this was indeed on the point, so they asked Geng Ling one after another, "What do you think of General Geng?"

Geng Ling smiled and said, "No matter which country our Flying Dragon Army is stationed in, of course, we have the obligation to defend the city for you. You can rest assured."

When everyone heard what he said in front of them, they couldn't wait. Wei Teng said, "Then General Geng might as well say the requirements of your army."

Geng Ling said, "At present, the number of our flying dragon army is not large, but the newly captured 180,000 war horses is a large number, so you should guarantee that the supply of food and fodder is sufficient."

Wei Teng said, "Of course, this is not a problem. If your army comes to our State of Wei, I dare not say too much. I can ensure that three months of food and fodder are provided first."

Zhong Ping said, "So is our State of Yan."

Dou Zhang and several other marshals also said anxiously, "We can afford three months of food and fodder."

Geng Ling smiled and said, "Thank you very much, then I'm not welcome--" He turned back to Xiao Yan and said, "You have to remember the names and countries of the marshals, and we will all be our parents in the future."

Xiao Yan said, "Yes!"

Wei Teng said, "So what is General Geng's final decision?"

Geng Ling said, "I decided to settle here and form the first line of defense against Haggis. No matter which country you are attacked in the future, it is convenient for us to respond."

Chen Que said, "You won't go to any other country?"

Geng Ling said, "We are defending the border, which can protect your cities from danger. Isn't that good? If we are stationed in a country's city, our reinforcements can't rush to help when other countries are attacked. Think about it, is that the truth?

As soon as everyone thought about it, they felt reasonable. Geng Ling said, "Of course, this is also the matter of cannibalism, and our army has to rely on you more." The meaning of this sentence is very clear. Whoever pays the money will be helped. The price is clearly marked as a child. Although the marshals of various countries feel deceived, they do not dare not guarantee that the Hergis army will not return. The money should be spent, and to be spent, and to be fair, the money is still worth it. At present

My mother pulled Geng Ling aside and said, "Commander Geng, if you don't enter the city to garrison, the army will be exposed to the border. In case of a sneak attack, it will only be the result of a dead net. Do you think it's appropriate to do this?"

Geng Ling heard that his mother was really worried about the future of the Flying Dragon Army, and was quite moved and said, "I have also thought about the general's doubts, but I think so - Heggis has realized the strength of our Flying Dragon Army after this defeat. If they want to turn the situation on us, they need at least Qin Yiwu' I'm afraid that he still has to send more manpower, that is to say, if they want to ensure victory, they have to suppress almost 70% or 80% of the total force. Now that the Hong Lie Empire is coveting, Qin Yiwu and Wu Sizhong are willing to let Shi Cundao sit down and reap the profits? So I don't think they will act in the short term. Our flying dragon army is a small fish, but they are a big net. Is it worth giving up a big net for a small fish? That's my consideration."

Mom said, "You're right, but in short, it's too risky, and it's not a long-term solution."

Geng Ling said, "I think it's a long-term plan - it's best if Heggis can withdraw his troops. In case he still insists on fighting, they must go back to China to dispatch reinforcements. At that time, it's not too late for us to make the next plan."

At this time, several Allied soldiers came to us with a man. They said they were holding him. In fact, it was better to help him. The man was covered with blood, and the calf bone of his right leg was cracked. He was extremely injured. He was wearing a set of armor that he had never seen before. He should be a soldier. The Allied soldier A Guo Guo spies said that he wanted to see his daughter, the general of the country.

Guo betrayed the alliance as early as before Heggis officially sent troops. Everyone heard that they were hostile and dodged a road. The soldiers of Guo looked at their mother and rushed up. Ma Jing pushed him to the ground first and said angrily, "Do you want to assassinate?"

The Guo soldier crawled on the ground and hissed and cried, "General, help--"

Mom said, "What's going on?"

The soldiers of the country cried bitterly: "The dog bastards of Heijis retreated into our country. In order to vent their anger of the defeat, they began to slaughter the city. Our emperor and marshal were all killed by them. Now they are killing the people wantonly in our country, burning, killing and looting everything - the general, For the sake of the alliance, please go and save them!"

As soon as they heard this, they suddenly became clear that except for a few soldiers who showed their unbearable look, most of them were gloating.

Mom said, "How many enemy troops are there? Where is your army?"

"The enemy army is about 20,000. There are only more than 5,000 people in our army in total. As soon as the marshal dies, most of the rest were killed by them. Some of them fled everywhere, and they are also reduced to all evil thieves. I jumped down from the city desperately in order to ask the general to move the troops."

Chen Que came forward and spat at him, "You deserve it! If it hadn't been for your Guo's alliance, how could it have come to today? Not to mention that your emperor is famous for being barren. Haven't you marshal been patting the Heggis? Why did he kill your master?

The soldier of the State of Guo said, "Marshal Wang kindly received them. Who would have expected that the other party would suddenly turn against him, saying that the State of Guo and the Seventeen Kingdoms are in a fight. To destroy the State of Guo is to destroy the power of the alliance. They will kill the other Seventeen Kingdoms one by one

Chen Que pressed the handle of the knife and said, "He died well! If the Haggis don't kill him, we will kill him sooner or later!" Fatty Chen's face was full of righteousness and awe at this moment. If others applaud him again, it was even more inviolable and sacred.

The soldier of Guoguo looked at his mother and mourned, "General, no matter how wrong I am the emperor and marshal of Guoguo, the people are innocent!"

Mom looked around and said quietly, "Do you want to save it?"

Wei Teng said, "He said that something had happened in Guoguo. Who knows whether it is true or not? The general should be careful of fraud."

When the Guo soldier heard this, he was furious and rushed to Wei Teng desperately and scolded, "I cheat your grandma!" Wei Teng knocked him to the ground with one punch, pulled out his knife and said, "I'll kill you first!" Geng Ling pressed his hand and said, "Slow down!" When Wei Teng saw him talking, he took back the knife.

The Guo soldier was on the verge of despair at this moment. Seeing that Geng Ling seemed to have found the last life-saving straw, he hugged Geng Ling's leg and shouted, "General, go and save our Guo!"

Geng Ling picked him up with one hand and handed him over to Wu Ying and Xiao Yan, and then said to everyone, "Marshals, this man is right. The emperor and generals of the State of Guo are mediocre, but the people are innocent. If you don't save them, I will save them."

Wei Teng said, "General Geng, be careful."

Geng Ling said, "What can 20,000 people do with it? Even if this is a conspiracy set up by them, the Flying Dragon Army is not afraid. If it is really like what he said, we will be stationed in Guo after destroying the Heggis scattered soldiers. Don't worry, the agreement between us will continue to be valid. If Heggis wants to invade you, he must first cross our defense line.

The marshals of various countries saw that they did not need to send their own troops anyway, so they stopped talking.

My mother said, "I also want to go with Commander Geng and visit the military prestige of our Flying Dragon Army. Isn't it convenient?"

Zhang Ganhu said, "I'll go, too!"

Geng Ling said, "Welcome, but General Zhang doesn't have to bring people with him if he wants to go."

At the moment, the Allies returned to their own countries, and someone led the horse. Geng Ling personally helped the soldiers of the country to the country on horse and said, "Brother, I'm very sorry. This time, the defeat of Hejis is all up by our flying dragon army. It can be said that the people of the country of Guo

The man sighed, "General Geng, don't say that. This is also the result of our own evil. How can we blame others?"

Geng Ling asked the dragon army to gather and march towards the country. The soldiers had horses, and they were all in high-grance, just like children getting new toys. Ma Jing and Kumei frowned. Geng Ling brought more than a dozen barbarian leaders to his mother. These people were all dressed in animal skins, and all kinds of weapons were hung like a small warehouse in front of the horse, which looked extremely plausive. They were respectful in front of Geng Ling. At this time, when they saw the general of the daughter's country, they looked up and The leader of Manhua said rudely, "Hey, we help you fight because we are convinced by Geng Ling, but not because we are convinced by you." Others responded one after another, and my mother was not angry. She smiled and said, "Everyone contribute to the country this time. I will definitely give Her Majesty a lot of rewards. As long as you do not invade the people in the country in the future, we will also respect your national customs."

The flower leader was stunned and said, "Reward? How much can you give?

"Well, it depends on what you want."

The leader said, "It's good to have rice and white noodles, but the most important thing is wine."

Mom smiled and said, "Okay, I remember."

At this time, the soldier of the country suddenly said, "If we talk about wine, the wine brewed in the country of Guo is famous all over the world. Unfortunately, it was smashed and robbed by the bastards of Heggis, and I don't know how much is left."

After hearing this, the leader said sadly, "Oh, you didn't say it earlier! Geng Ling, can't we go fast? Geng Ling settled them down after all. He said to his mother with tears and laughter, "These guys are addicted to alcohol, but their craftsmanship is very trendy. The wine brewed is either sour or bitter, and in the end, they can only plunder the state and county."

Mom said, "Did you spend a lot of time taming these people?"

Geng Ling said, "Yes, but speaking of which, they are also the enlightenment teachers of our Flying Dragon Army. Many ways to deal with cavalry are summarized from them."

I suddenly said, "This includes the equestrian you used today, right?" Geng Ling nodded with a smile.

Wu Ying was worried and said, "Brother Geng, when it comes to the battle in the plains, our flying dragon army is unfavorable, but this time we are going to attack Guo Guo. We have no experience and no tools."

Geng Ling said, "Don't worry, Guoguo is not the new capital of Hejis. It won't be difficult to fight."

Mom said, "Your army's battle has been reported to me in detail--" She looked around, but did not see Zhang Qianhu, so she continued, "According to her report, I have analyzed a few shortcomings for you. Is General Geng interested in listening to it?"

Geng Ling hurriedly said, "Please give me your advice."

Mom said, "Zhang Ganhu said that when your army fights, the soldiers are competing for the first place. This... It's a bit like a swarm of bees. Of course, the formation can't be said, and even the organization is very chaotic."

I hurriedly said, "This can only be said to be the legacy I left behind."

Mom said, "The chaos I'm talking about is not about unit establishment, but functional establishment. One army is divided into three divisions, and one division has six regiments, so the regiments should be complementary functions. Isn't it a waste to rush up all together?"

Geng Ling was surprised and said, "It turns out that the general even knows our organization."

Mom continued, "Besides, your weapons are too simple, but this is understandable. There is nothing you can do if you are short of supplies."

Geng Ling admired: "What the general said is what I think is insufficient. I come from a wild road, and I don't understand the formation and so on. Our soldiers have also learned martial arts for a few days and went to the battlefield. Many people still keep fighting as a group fight, and it's not too much to say it's a

My mother said, "Commander Geng, if you don't mind, I have a few military strategy books. When I go back, I will ask someone to send them to you. In terms of materials, I will provide them to you according to the configuration of our Feifeng Army. As for the nuanced questions of functional staffing, let's discuss

Geng Ling also feels that something is wrong - for his nameless "non-mainstream" armed forces, as the official supreme representative of the daughter's military, the general does not dislike it. It is obviously a little abnormal to do his best to take care of and support him. Geng Ling was quite witty in fighting, but he was a straightforward man. At that moment, he couldn't help saying, "Why does the general love our flying dragon army so much?"

My mother smiled and said, "The reason is very simple. I was overwhelmed with 200 pounds of stone alone. At this time, someone took the initiative to help me. Of course, I would like it."

Zhang Jihu was not with his mother. It turned out that he was chatting with Yu Manli. Yu Manli was not good at riding a horse. She pulled the reins awkwardly. His door knife was pulled behind him by a separate carriage. Zhang Jihu kept looking at his knife and looked at him again. He seemed to be curious. Yu Manli looked at When asked, Zhang rushed to him, "How much does this knife weigh?" Yu Manli hesitated and said, "Well, I haven't weighed it either." Zhang Ganhu said again, "Is the messenger still handy?" Yu Manli said, "It's okay..." Zhang Ganhu asked tirelessly, "How tall are you?" What Yu Manli is most afraid of is talking to women. At this time, she was on the verge of collapse, and her voice was inaudible: "A little higher than you..."

I almost burst out laughing when I heard this. I stabbed Wu Ying hard and said, "Hey, Yu Manli is picking up girls."

Wu Ying sighed and said, "I'm afraid she was picked up by a girl?"

I couldn't help laughing and said, "What are you sighing? Are you psychologically unbalanced?"

Wu Ying blushed, and Xiao Yan said, "Brother Long, don't joke with him. The men in our daughter's country are... very orthodox."

I couldn't help laughing anymore. I stretched out my finger and hooked at Su Jing and said, " Girl, I'll give you a smile." Su Jing stared at me and ran to the front. He said to Wu Ying and Xiao Yan, "See, men should be like this!"

Wu Ying and Xiao Yan quickly lowered their heads together and muttered, "What a shame!"


Guo Guo is located in the middle of the four kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, Yan and Han. It is the country closest to the black forest on the federal continent. Its geographical location is very **, but it is not important. That's because it and Zhao, Wei, Yan and Han are not next to each other. It is a relatively independent country. Therefore, Guo Guo surrounded the flying phoenix army. In the Alliance of Eighteen Kingdoms, Guo is a typical small country. The reason why we say this is that compared with quasi-small countries such as Chen Guo and Zheng, the total population of Guo is less than 200,000, and there is only one city. The State of Chen and Zheng is much larger than it. In the Alliance of Eighteen States, there are many small countries like There are only eleven or twelve countries in Hengheijisi. Compared with Guoguo, Chen is a superpower. Such a small country has not been annexed, it is entirely due to the mutual constraints of the eighteen countries. For example, if the State of Qi wants to annex it, Zhao Wei Yanhan around the State of Guo certainly will not stand idly by, but Zhao Wei Yanhan wants to divide up the Guo country, and more than a dozen other countries can't agree. Over And it lives very freely. As soon as the status of the country is low, it does not have to worry about the impact like other major powers. Perhaps this is the kind of psychology that causes it to surrender to Heggis, and as a result, it leads the wolf into the house.

After the Guoguo betrayed the alliance, someone at the internal high-level meeting of the Feifeng Army proposed to send troops to fight, but it was rejected by his mother for fear of causing misunderstandings from the other 17 countries. The Alliance of the Eighteen Kingdoms has existed as a whole for a long time. If the Feifeng Army crusted has It's not good to be in discord.

When we arrived outside the city of Guoguo, we saw a shallow city standing on the Gobi, which could cover the east and west walls as far as we could see. Although the head of the city had been changed to the flag of Haggis, only a few hundred soldiers guarded it. When they saw us under the banner of the Flying Dragon Army, they were

Wu Ying looked at the closed gate and asked Geng Ling, "Commander, we don't have siege equipment. How can we fight?"

I said, "Why don't I help you open the gate?"

Geng Ling said, "Since it's not convenient for you to take action, you'd better look at your brothers, otherwise it's our loss to retaliate against the four major national masters." In fact, the wall of Guo's country is far lower than that of other countries, and there are only a few hundred defenders in the city. For Kumei, it's just a piece of cake, but she deliberately doesn't say anything. At this time, it's not easy for me to give orders to her.

Geng Ling told Wu Ying, "Go and gather the brothers at the level of all military swordsmen and find another 2,000 swordsmen."

Before all the people arrived, Geng Ling pointed to the opposite city and said, "Brothers, the guards opposite are not enough. The key is how to go up to their towers. Now I'm going to wrong everyone to build two human ladders, and then let the brothers with good light skills fly up with the help of human ladders!"


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