The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 23 Three Bad News

I jumped in place and said, "Why do you think of me at this time?" I asked Geng Ling in a low voice, "Do you want the money in the palace?"

Geng Ling said, "Who doesn't want money? What our Flying Dragon Army lacks most is the army's military.

I asked again, "Do you want to let those Heggis go?"

Geng Ling said with determination, "I don't want to."

I said, "Then it depends on whether you want people more or money more."

As the Flying Dragon Army surrounded the imperial city, the soldiers put out the fire and appeased the people. At this time, the Guo people outside the imperial city slowly moved closer. The panic on their faces did not go away. They stood behind the Flying Dragon Army and looked up at the city. Their eyes were full of anger. An old man trembled and came to He said vertically, "General, please avenge our country, and never let these murderers go unpunished!" With that, he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed. The others also knelt on the ground and looked at Geng Ling without saying a word, with very much pleading and pleading in their eyes. Gradually, the people of the nearby Guo came when they heard all the news, and then knelt silently behind the team. In less than a quarter of an hour, they were kneeling around the imperial city.

General Haggis was in a panic and hurriedly said, "General Geng, you won't give up a lot of money for these unentant people, will you?"

Geng Ling said, "Xiaolong, the Flying Dragon Army has the final say. You can make the decision."

I accidentally touched the old man's eyes and felt that he seemed to put all his hopes on me. I touched my chin and said, "It seems that we didn't come to Guoguo for money, did we? Of course, it's good to get this unexpected fortune, and it's reasonable not to get it.

Geng Ling said, "Well said!" He looked up and said, "Now I'll give you time to set fire. When you finish burning things, it's time for our Flying Dragon Army to attack the city!"

The general shrank his neck and said, "You... are you crazy?"

When the people of the country heard what Geng Ling said, they were both moved and sad, and cried in unison. My mother looked at Geng Ling's eyes with a little more approval. The general hurried down the city.

We waited for a moment, but we didn't see fireworks in the city. Wu Ying asked Geng Ling, "Brother Geng, do we still use the old method to get in?"

Geng Ling nodded and said, "Okay!"

Kumei said, "Don't be so troublesome. I'll open the door for you!" With that, she jumped from the horse, and several ups and downs jumped into the palace. Then we heard the shouts of killing inside, as if thousands of troops and horses were fighting. Wu Ying couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Even if Kumei Shitai is a master of the holy level, he won't make such a big move, right?"

After a while, Kumei jumped out of it and said with a smile, "These bastards don't need me to do it myself. They have killed each other." Everyone was surprised and happy, and hurriedly asked her what was going on. It turned out that the Haggis soldiers immediately rose up in infighting when they saw that the negotiations could not work. Some people had robbed a lot of treasure. Naturally, they did not want to pay the fire in vain, so they wanted to break out. Others advocated defending the palace. Maybe they They wanted to surrender, so the first group of people wanted to open the gate and rush out. The opponents blocked the gate and didn't let them get close. The more they talked, the stiffer they became. They actually started at the gate. At this moment, they were alone. Everyone only wanted to protect themselves, and the officer's orders were ignored. This fight could no The door kept being hit and made a loud noise. Obviously, someone was about to rush out.

Yu Manli said excitedly, "As soon as the gate opens, everyone will rush in with me!"

Geng Ling listened to it for a while, and suddenly said to Kumei, "Master, do you see clearly that they are really infighting?"

Kumei said, "Is there any fake?"

Geng Ling said to me, "Xiaolong, please take a look again."

I flew to the middle of the palace and looked down. I saw a group of Haggis soldiers standing face to face in two groups in front of the gate. They kept bumping into each other with weapons, but their feet were motionless. There was also a group of people holding their hands against the gate. After a while, they worked hard together, making the gate Under the eaves of the palace on the side, there are two long rows of people and horses, all of which are bows and knives out of the sheath. It seems that they are really ready to open the gate by themselves, and then create the illusion of infighting to the dragon army. As soon as we rush into the city, they will kill them.

I could see clearly in the sky, but the Haggis soldiers on the ground did not find me. They were nervous one by one and stared at the gate. Those who acted were also performing hard. This scene was weird and funny, just like a magician who didn't know how to help himself, but he was still pretending to be there.

I fell to the ground with a smile, and everyone quickly asked me, "How's it going?"

I said to Kumei, "Amei, you go in and have a look again. Be careful."

Kumei's face was confused. Without saying a word, she jumped into the palace again. This time, it took a long time to come out. She said shyly and angrily, "Higis, these cunning dogs - they have ambush!" She asked Geng Ling, "Did you know in advance?"

Geng Ling smiled and said, "Of course not, but I'm surprised how they can quarrel so quickly and split out of the camp, which is too fast - obviously they sent people to negotiate with us just to delay the time. The main purpose is to discuss countermeasures. If we agree to their conditions, naturally It's best to set a trap in case it doesn't work, so that we can't get it.

Xiao Yan said, "The Black Gees are really yin and poisonous!"

Mom said, "But their awareness that they will never sit back and wait for the end in the face of danger is worth learning."

Wu Ying said, "What should we do now?"

Geng Ling said, "In accordance with the original method, ask people to enter the city to open the door."

Kumei shouted, "I'll go!" She was fooled by the Haggis, and her anger was difficult to calm down. This time, she had to find this face back. In fact, it's not all her fault. Kumei's nature is actually a little reckless, and she can't hang in the sky like me to observe, so she was blinded for a while.

I said, "Amei, your main task is not to open the city gate. Do you still know the guy who negotiated with us just now? If you can kill him, it will be a great achievement.

Kumei said, "Yes, Master!" With that, he jumped in again. Geng Ling and others were confused when they heard her call me Master.

Kumei jumped in this time and we heard a few more screams. These sounds were mixed in a man-made mess to make her sincere. Geng Ling shouted, "Listen, the people inside, your tricks have been seen by us. Stop pretending!" Before he finished speaking, he threw a bloody head along the wall. It was the head of the general who negotiated with us, and then there was another chaos in the city, but this chaos was really chaotic.

Geng Ling changed his initial battle plan. On the one hand, he asked people to pretend to attack the West Gate opposite us, and on the other three directions of the Flying Dragon Army launched an attack. Hegyth only said that the main force of the Flying Dragon Army was here, and correspondingly, he also concentrated a large number of people The three doors were quickly lost, and then Geng Ling asked people to launch a general attack. For a moment, he attacked on all sides, and the imperial city turned into a pot of porridge.

Since the founding of the country, Guo has probably never thought of using the imperial city to resist the enemy. The height and thickness of the wall are far from the real city wall. At first, in addition to sending the swordsmen in, the swordsmen' ladder, but also attacked the city gate honestly. As a result, someone accidentally found that the wall only needs As soon as it was pushed, everyone rushed in. The flying dragon army had 100,000 to the enemy's 20,000. In fact, even if you can't see the trap set by the enemy just now, it is bound to win in the end. Hegis's painstaking support is completely dependent on the narrow terrain. At this time, the 20,000 people who fell down of There was a decline in an instant, and half an hour later, the battlefield gradually calmed down - the Haggis army was finally wiped out. A soldier came to report, "Commander, we found a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry on the bodies of the Heggis soldiers. Please ask the commander to decide what to do."

Geng Ling pondered for a moment and said, "Collect them together first and send someone to take care of them. No one is allowed to move without my order."

The soldier of Guoguo who reported to us said, "General Geng, although I am just a trivial pawn, I can say a word on behalf of our people. You have avenged us this time. These things should have belonged to your army. Even so, I can't repay your life-saving kindness."

Geng Ling said to me, "Xiaolong, that's what I think. We must fight for our things. If it's not our things, we can't take it. The root of this money is the blood and sweat of the people of Guo. What's the difference between us and the Heggis?"

I nodded and said, "That's right." I turned to the soldiers of the country and said, "Our Flying Dragon Army will keep this money for you first. It will definitely be used when you restore the country - did your emperor leave his children?"

"No, and if I say something rebellious, even if there is, we can't let him continue to harm Guo."

I said, "Then you can re-select a person that the common people can trust to be this emperor."

The old man who had been kneeling in front of Geng Lingma suddenly said, "Do you still need to choose? I think it's best to let the Dragon Sword God or General Geng be our emperor.

I quickly waved my hand and said, "Don't, don't, I'll pay for opening an inn. How can I be the emperor?"

Geng Ling also said, "I can't do it anymore."

When the old man said this, the people of Guo seemed to see new hope and knelt down again. The old man said, "If you two refuse to agree, do you think that our Guo people are weak, will it drag you down?" Guo Guo people have a big characteristic, that is, when I beg you, I kneel down there without saying a word, and look at you with watery eyes. I really can't stand it, so I stabbed Geng Ling and said, "Why don't you do it?" Geng Ling stared at me and said, "Why don't you do it?" He suddenly said to the crowd, "Everyone, I'm a daughter. How can I be the emperor of another country? This dragon and sword god does not belong to any country. If he is your emperor, not to mention that Hegis dares not invade again, you will also be looked up at in the Eighteen Nations Alliance." Although Geng Ling doesn't know my identity very well, he knows little about me that I'm not from the mainland.

As soon as the people of the country heard this, they had the belief that they had to pull me into the water and kowtowed to me together. I persuaded them several times that they couldn't afford it, and I couldn't help but drive me crazy.

Seeing that I was really unwilling, Geng Ling said, "Well, you can pick the emperor's candidates slowly first. During this period, our Flying Dragon Army will temporarily take over the city defense and reconstruction work of the State of Guo. If there is really no suitable person in the end, I will help you persuade the Dragon Sword God." Only then did the people agree.

After this disaster, the population of Guoguo has been sharply reduced by one-fifth. The city is almost destroyed, and all the troops have been wiped out. If the Flying Dragon Army is not maintained, it is possible to destroy the country at any time. There is a big mess waiting for people to take over. No wonder no one wants to be the emperor.

Seeing that the overall situation was settled, my mother wanted to say goodbye to us and return to the State of Qi. She said to Geng Ling, "I will urge you to send the materials promised by various countries, and the things I promised to Commander Geng will be prepared as soon as possible."

Geng Ling said, "On behalf of the Flying Dragon Army, I thank the general."

When Zhang Zhuohu left, he still stared at Yu Manli. Finally, he gently touched the armor on Yu Manli's shoulder and said, "This embroiderer is really beautiful. Can you embroider a set for me according to the pattern on my armor?"

Yu Man said, "Okay..."

My mother motioned me to see her off. The two of us walked side by side. My mother looked back and said, "Yang Yang, you are not only the sword god now, but also have the trump card of the Flying Dragon Army. The backbone of the Allies will be you in the future."

I sighed and said, "I've seen through it. I just need the backbone wherever I go - I'm an artificial heart stent."

My mother smiled and said, "In order to boost the morale of the Allies, I'm thinking about something."

"What's the matter?"

"Should I make your real identity public?"

I was surprised and said, "What are you going to say?"

My mother said, "It's also something I haven't figured out yet. If the Allies know that you are my son, the morale will definitely be greatly boosted, and there will be a lot less diaphragm on the Flying Dragon Army, but it's difficult to say this."

I said, "You won't say that I'm your illegitimate child, will you?"

"Boh! No formality. I have been Zhao Fanghua for more than 20 years, and I haven't left the barracks for a day. Will anyone else know if I really have an illegitimate child?

"Yes, yes, the difference between women and men is that even if you want to have an illegitimate child, you have to give birth in person."

My mother said, "So I'm thinking about whether to tell the queen all the truth and then public it to the world."

I hurriedly said, "There is a very serious problem here - if the queen knew that you were not actually a daughter, I'm afraid she would never trust you so much again."

"That's what I'm most worried about--" Mom sighed, "Forget it. Anyway, it's not the right time for the time being. Let's just think about it later and go back."

I curled my lips and said, "It's so ruthless. When my mother finishes talking to my son, she will drive me away, regardless of your son's not making out with your daughter-in-law."

Mom smiled and said, "You have no conscience. I didn't stop you."

I came to Su Jing and said with a smile, "My mother is your mother, right?"

Su Jing is the goddaughter recognized by her mother. It makes sense for me to say this, but Su Jing also understands that I want to take advantage of her, just smile and say no...


After the Flying Dragon Army was stationed in Guo, the food and fodder promised by various countries were sent to each other soon. In order to reward the righteous help of the tribes, Geng Ling sent them a lot of materials and wine brewed by Guo to their respective tribes. The money sealed in the palace has not been moved. Now what the country needs most is clothes, food and other things to survive. On the contrary, the Flying Dragon Army has taken out a lot of belongings to comfort the people of the country.

A month has passed in a blink of an eye. During this period of time, the Flying Dragon Army helped the Guo people rebuild their homes while training troops. Wu Sizhong and Qin Yiwu have never seen any movement after retreated to the Black Forest, but they did not mean to withdraw their troops at all. The Allies saw that the Flying Dragon Army was stationed on

On this day, my mother sent someone to send a message to me and Geng Ling, asking us to rush to the State of Qi as soon as possible to discuss the military situation and ask the messenger what was going on. She also asked three questions. Geng Ling and I rushed to the State of Qi with full of doubts. Because Wu Ying and Xiao Yan wanted to leave

When I came to the State of Qi to meet my mother, my mother said, "I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

I said, "Why do you play this game - let's talk about the good news first."

Geng Ling said, "Let's talk about the bad news first."

Mom said, "Then I'll tell you the bad news first - according to reliable news, Heggis has reased 10 troops from China to the border, with 200,000 troops per army, that is to say, we will soon have another 2 million enemies!"

I sighed and looked at the sky in despair. I didn't even want to say a word...

The muscles on Geng Ling's face trembled, and finally he said patiently, "What's the good news?"

Mom said, "The good news is that the problem of your flying dragon army has been personally approved by the queen. She agreed to give the flying dragon army a formal canonization and supply, but as I thought at the beginning, the condition is that I will take charge."

Geng Ling said calmly, "This is really good news."

Mom said, "We have made an agreement first. I still want to take this false name, but the Flying Dragon Army is still under the command of the two of you. If the court sends someone to inspect, I hope you two can agree with me."

Geng Ling said, "Of course, the general has to worry about it."

Mom said, "Both news have been finished. Let's talk about your ideas."

Geng Ling said bluntly: "Hejis increased his troops by 2 million, and the remnants of Wu Sizhong and Qin Yiwu are conservatively estimated to be 700,000. In addition to the Hong Lie Empire, the total number of the enemy has reached 4 million. On the other hand, the combined strength of the Flying Dragon Army and the Flying Phoenix Army is less than 300,000, and the Alliance of Eighteen Kingdoms is only 700,000, and the combat effectiveness is uneven, and the morale is lax. It will be very difficult to fight this battle!"

Mom looked at me and said, "What about you? What do you think?"

I put my toes on my toes and said indifferently, "Feat, if you have too many lice, don't bite the debt, don't worry, what else can I say?"

Mom sighed helplessly and said, "You are usually a scoundrel when you say these two words, but now it can only be like this."

Geng Ling said, "Isn't the general without confidence?"

Mom waved her hand with a wry smile and said, "Commander Geng, please go down and rest first. I have something to say to the Dragon Sword God alone."

Geng Ling bowed and took Liu Jing out.

I asked my mother, "Mom, what do you want to tell me?"

Mom said, "What do you really think of the increase of troops by Haggis?"

I also said directly, "I'm sure I can't beat it. I have to find a way from another perspective."

"For example?"

I said, "For example, there is a characteristic of Hegyz's war. Once the commander is captured and killed, he will be defeated immediately. But at present, it seems that even killing Wu Sizhong and Qin Yiwu is useless. If you want to really treat the symptoms and root causes, you have to start with Ma Jiyue and Zhu Xiaofeng. Both of them know my strength, and they will definitely come up with all kinds of ways to avoid my assassination. I'm a little overwhelmed by myself, but I may not be able to do it when Su Jing is healed.

My mother suddenly said sadly, "Yang Yang, I actually have two bad news for you today."

"Ah? What's the other one?"

Mom said, "Xiao Jing, you can talk about it."

Su Jing has been sitting on the side. At this time, he stood up and came to me with a smile on his face. He said gently, "Xiaolong, my martial arts may never be restored."

From the moment I heard that Haggis sent more troops, I actually understood that my mother came to me and Geng Ling mainly to say this bad news. The formation of the Flying Dragon Army is relatively not a big deal, but I don't think it's a big deal. It was not until this time that I had the feeling of five thunderstorms. Can't recover?"

Su Jing still smiled faintly and said, "I'm just saying that it's possible that on the day I was ambushed by the four national masters, my sword spirit had consumed nine out of ten days before fighting with them. Later, I had to do my best to cover the divine guard. In the end, I received a thousand moves from the iron warehouse I may recover, but now I haven't made any better. Yesterday, I barely checked the sword spirit and found that my meridians are not only messy, but also withered in some places. I'm afraid I won't get better in the future."

I said in a hurry, "Where's the ink booklet? Didn't you say it would help your injury?

Su Jing shook his head and said, "That book describes how to use the meridians to control qi. My meridians withered, which is completely unworkable."

I said in case, "I'll take you to find ink now. Maybe he has another way?"

"It's useless. The ink master Tianzong Wizard finally destroyed his sword spirit. It can be seen that the manpower is sometimes poor. He has to have a way to restore his sword spirit early."

I clenched my right fist, waved my hand to break a table, and said in anger, "How could this happen?"

Su Jing smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, Xiaolong, I can't help you anymore."

Seeing the tears in her eyes, I held her in my arms and said, "It doesn't matter. I'll protect you in the future!" Su Jing put his head on my shoulder and was silent for a long time. Then I felt that my shoulder was wet. The sword goddess, who used to be arrogant, finally cried bitterly...

Mom said carelessly, "Only the three of us know this news at present..." She also felt uncomfortable at this time and slowly retreated. As soon as I got to the door, I heard a rumor that there was an urgent report from my daughter's capital to...

Only Su Jing and I were left in the room. I held this soft girl in my arms. For the first time, I felt that she was so weak and helpless...

At this time, my mother suddenly strode in and said in panic, "Sheep, bad news!"

I said with bloodshot eyes, "Is there any worse news than this?"

Mom said in despair, "I'm afraid this is..."


Will it crash? There's a lot of bad news, haha.