The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 27 Old Tree Root

In the following time, the queen talked to us happily. She saw that Lao Wu and others were neither humble nor arrogant in their words and behaviors, and now she sincerely accepted them.

The three old goblins have lived for thousands of years, and the world has long been clear. The so-called emperor will be just a mortal in their eyes. Xiaoqian is also the master who has seen Yuan Shikai. Naturally, she is very different from ordinary little girls. Prince Yun sat next to her and kept picking up vegetables for her: "You smell this, you smell this again. This is the royal chef's specialty dish. This must not be left behind..." Xiaoqian "smell" for a long time, Yanran said, "Thank you, sister, I'm full."

The queen talked a few digressions. After all, she was still concerned about the front line and asked me, "Mr. Sword God, the general mentioned a force called the Flying Dragon Army in his letter to me a few days ago. What do you think of them?"

I said, "What did the general say in the letter?"

The female banquet said, "The general said very simply that this army is composed of 19 men, and the combat effectiveness is not bad, but the background is a little embarrassing. She suggested that I take an extraordinary approach very well to unite all the forces that can be used in the country, so I gave the flying dragon army a formal establishment according to her wishes, and the salary Dominated by the Feng army.

Prince Yun smiled and said, "My royal sister wants to know if her money is worth it?"

I wondered that the five words "combat effectiveness is acceptable" are too conservative to put on the Flying Dragon Army. My mother has seen Geng Ling and them fighting with her own eyes. How can she give such praise and criticism? When I was stunned, Prince Yun had a misunderstanding. She curled her lips and said, "It seems that these men are not worth so much money. First, the general is afraid of turning into elbows, and second, in order to make a look, he allowed them to call themselves the Flying Dragon Army. Am I guess right?"

After a moment of thinking, I quickly understood what my mother meant. The reason why she didn't tell the truth was that she was actually worried that the court would worry about gains and losses after the queen knew the real strength of the Flying Dragon Army. Therefore, the main contribution of the Flying Dragon Army did not mention any words that were not painful or painful, and the purpose It's good for her to do this, but it's not fair to Geng Ling and others.

My brain was hot and I said directly, "The combat effectiveness of the Flying Dragon Army can only be described as "horror" in two words. The emperor must not underestimate this group of men." Oh?" The queen smiled and said, "What's the horror method?"

I said, "100,000 people of the Flying Dragon Army fell from the sky through the cliff and directly attacked the camp of Hegyz, so that the other party was defeated, which caused the annexation of the Allies. Without the Flying Dragon Army, there would be no border victory!"

The Empress and Prince Yun looked at each other and said in surprise, "Isn't the border victory the work of the flying phoenix army?"

I said, "In this war, the Feifeng army only dispatched 10,000 horses."

Prince Yun can't believe it: "You mean that 100,000 people in the Flying Dragon Army fought against more than 1 million in Hejis, and finally beat them into the Black Forest?"


The queen shook her head slowly and said, "Sister, she is not a greedy person."

I said, "Of course, the general didn't say that for the sake of greed. You should know what she is worried about."

The queen was so talented that she immediately realized my deep meaning. She subconsciously said, "No matter men or women are the people under my rule. Is the general afraid that the men will be armed and rebel?"

I corrected her and said, "The general is not afraid, she is afraid of you."

The queen said, "It's not without precedent for a man to join the army in his own country. The general is too worried."

I said, "I'm relieved that the emperor has such insight. In fact, the rise of the men of the daughter country is beneficial and harmless to the court. It's like a natural left-handed man who later made his right hand extremely strong. Then won't he be invincible in the world in the future?"

The queen smiled and said, "Sister's metaphor is also interesting, but I still don't believe that the Flying Dragon Army is so powerful."

Prince Yun also smiled and said, "I don't believe that the Dragon Sword God is probably because he is a man. He deliberately added jealousy, so that he can show his face in front of us."

I said it speechlessly for a long time, but no one believed it. Only then did I realize another deep meaning that my mother didn't tell the truth. I'm afraid the queen has to suspect that she is insane!

But I think that the current enemy is unprecedentedly powerful. If the daughter's country can't unify the front, there will be no hope of victory. It's not a way to continue to cover it up like this. It's simply provocative, and I know very well that it's impossible for you to let him unload his armor and return What's the way out? This is a question that will be put on the table sooner or later, so I frankly made the truth public.

I spread out my hand and said, "If you don't believe me, I can't help it, but the Flying Dragon Army also has a share in thanking the emperor for his gift."

Prince Yun smiled and said, "If it hadn't been for your "dragon, word, do you think my royal sister would agree to give a title to a group of men?"

I was stunned for a moment before I understood what she meant. It turned out that the queen deliberately gave preferential treatment to the Flying Dragon Army for my face. I suddenly remembered that when Shi Dijia was leaving the historians, Shi Dong coaxed her to buy her to buy a few maids trained as soldiers to play with her. Although I am not Shi Dijia, With the same mind, in order to please me, I promised to give the official name of this man's army. Naturally, the Flying Dragon Army was also regarded as a plaything. Hou Qingyang, who was wise and decisive, could not get rid of the preconceived shackles of looking at people with colored glasses.

I said in frustration, "That's all, whatever the emperor says."

Seeing that I was depressed, the queen said, "Well, I will send Yunquan to accompany Mr. to the front line to cheer for the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army. If it is true as you said, I still have a corresponding reward."

Prince Yun heard that the queen meant to ask her to fight in person, and hurriedly got up and said, "Yes!"

The queen said, "Mr. Sword God and your four friends, please rest for a few days before leaving. At that time, I will say goodbye to you."

I said, "Your Majesty, you're welcome. The front line is in a hurry. I think we'll leave now."

Prince Yun also said, "Sister, the Dragon Sword God is his own, so you don't have to talk so much about politeness with him."

The queen nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't keep you." Speaking of this, she rarely smiled mischievously and said, "Actually, I'm so anxious that I can't wait for you to leave now." Lao Wu and others laughed.

The queen waved to me and said, "Mr. Sword God, I have a few words to say to you alone."

Everyone got up quickly and said goodbye. Prince Yun asked someone to prepare a horse at the gate of the palace. The queen and I walked side by side. I didn't know what she had to say, so I followed her silently. The queen suddenly said, "How will our siblings be in the future?"

I didn't think about it and said, "Okay." After saying that, I also felt strange that there were many emperors who wanted to call me brothers. Before that, there was Zhu Xiaofeng and then there was Tian Pijiang. Zhu Xiaofeng had an open personality. In order to fix me in his camp, so that later he wanted to officially become a king. Tian Pijiang wanted to pull a strong help. Everyone was nothing more than But here in Hou Qingyang, I only feel that she is kind and gentle, as if I have always regarded her as my sister for a long time.

Hou Qingyang took my hand and said, "Well, it's the matter for my sister to keep you. I won't say anything else. I will rely on my younger brother in the future." She said these two words naturally. This is the delicate and transparent place of women. With Hou Qingyang's style and our status, she would not have used those small tricks. After this sister, she didn't mention anything else, but much more comfortable than making me a prince with a big fan.

I smiled and said, "Then I'll go, sister."

The queen waved her hand and said, "Go ahead and take care of Yunquan for me. In addition to you and my sister, the three of you are the people I trust the most."

Lou Xin said that you believe in these three people, one is unreliable, and the other two are not from the daughter country at all...

I came to the gate of the palace to meet Prince Yun and others. Everyone got on the horse together. Lao Wu and the old demon of Heishan had never ridden this thing and looked hairy. Xiaoqian sat on the side of the saddle with her legs together, just like we usually sit in a chair. The long skirt covers the feet. She can control the wind As stable as Mount Tai, Prince Yun couldn't help but say, "My sister is good at riding!" Jin Chengwu traveled to various places when he had nothing to do. The horse and the yak would ride forward for a while. Lao Wu finally invented his own method. He put his two feet on the horse's stomach, as if it had taken root and sprouted there. In this way, it could not fall down in any case. The old demon of Montenegro was as Master's method, I looked at it funny in the back and muttered, "This is called the root of the old tree."

We set out at noon and didn't leave the capital in the evening. At this time, I was already like an arrow and discussed with everyone, "Why don't you walk slowly? I'll go to the border first to explore the situation."

Prince Yun said, "Well, I'll show them the way."

I was about to fly when I suddenly felt that the sword spirit in the meridians of my whole body moved back to Dan together. Soon after, there was an empty shelf left. The sword spirit returned to Dantian, and I could no longer control the air flight. Prince Yun waited for a long time and asked me, "Why don't you leave?"

I sighed, "I can't leave."

Old Wu and the Black Mountain old demon suddenly grabbed my arm left and right and said, "Don't worry if you can't leave. We'll give you a diagnosis."

I wondered, "What's the diagnosis?"

Lao Wu smiled and said, "You said that you rely on the meridians to control your qi, and your meridians are not fully connected. Don't forget what the original body of Xiao Hei and I are.

The old demon of Montenegro said, "The so-called people live face and tree with live skin. When it comes to playing with the vein, my master and I have a total of more than 4,000 years of cultivation in the vein."

I twisted left and right and said, "Hey, you are trees, but I'm human!"

Old Wu said, "Even if there is a difference, the reason is the same." He took my right hand and closed his eyes for a long time. He opened his eyes and said, "It may be a little itchy. You can hold back." With that, he wink at the old demon of Montenegro. The two of them pulled my shoulder together and intertwined my fingers with my other hand. I felt that there was a silky foreign body slowly invaded on my fingertips. I put my forearm along my finger and then my forearm on my chest and abdomen. They kept climbing along my meridians, as The meridians were detecting to the unknown field. I only felt that the whole upper body was numb and itchy. I kept drilling into my heart. For a moment, I wanted to laugh and break free from the two. I kept shrugging my shoulders. Lao Wu and the old demon of Montenegro looked at each other and said, "Sure enough, although it has Smooth, the more subtle these places are, the more difficult it is to practice. It is the same as before we were adults, which is also the most critical moment of cultivation.

The old demon of Montenegro said, "If it hadn't been for the master's use of the [Dao] Dejing, I wouldn't have been able to turn into a human form now. It's just a truth."

I smiled and gasped, "You two don't expect to pass on the "De Jing" to me. I, I don't understand. Can you take your hands off the words?"

Lao Wu said, "You don't need to understand. Your meridians are not like our tree veins. It's not difficult for us to help you dredge artificially."

I said, "What are the side effects of tame?" The old demon of Montenegro laughed and said, "In case you go to the wrong place, saplings will continue to grow in your body, and then you don't have to just rely on your nose to inhale..."

I said crazily, "Let go of me, I won't do it."

Lao Wu smiled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. Even if you get the wrong place, it's just a skin trauma. Just like you human beings have injected the wrong acupoint. At worst, it's just a few more times."

Just... Get out of here, I don't want to be a termite nest!"

Old Wu Chong Black Mountain's old demon blinked and said, "Let's begin."

As soon as he finished speaking, I felt a hot pain in the meridians on my back and lower abdomen. The meridians and tips were like blocked pipes pierced with thin needles. At first, there was only pain, but with the smooth flow of the meridians, they were as comfortable as moist dry land. At first, I screamed, A pleasant hum.

Prince Yun looked back and saw the three of us walking hand in a row. I was shaken by two people like a small tree swaying in the wind. The expression on my face was ambiguous, and I couldn't help but be stunned...

Lao Wu and the old demon of Montenegro have different cultivation, different temperament, and their performance is also very different when sparse veins. Lao Wu's silk veins are thin and tough, and when dredging along the body, they are also well-organized. The old demon of Montenegro seems to be much more irritable. He also kept saying, " Have they all been pricked into the liver? I was caught in the middle, as if on the right was a skilled blind masseuse, but on the left, I was a novice who could use a lot of energy. I experienced a lot of pain and happiness.

The two of them used silk rattan to help me communicate. Gradually, they were about to unite, and the progress was getting slower and slower. Lao Wu's face became extremely solemn, warning the old demon of Montenegro, "Be careful!"

The old demon of Montenegro also said, "Master, Xiaolong's meridians are getting thinner and thinner, and I can't stand it!"

At this moment, the sword spirit in my Dantian suddenly opened to my whole body in an instant, and Lao Wu's face changed: Liu Xiaohei, withdraw!"

The old demon of Montenegro was also surprised. The two quickly took their hands off me, and there were countless silk vines between their palms.