The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 31 Military Parade

On the way to Guoguo, I asked Prince Yun, "Would you like to send someone to inform the Flying Dragon Army first and let Geng Ling and others greet you?"

Prince Yun said, "Don't, I just want to see what they usually look like."

I said, "Then don't be picky."

Prince Yun smiled and said, "Am I the kind of prince who is critical and wants people to hold bad feet everywhere?"

As a result, when we arrived outside the city of Guoguo, Geng Ling had already been there with a marquis. Prince Yun said, "Didn't you say you don't have to pick it up?"

I gave her a blank look and said, "I'm not necessarily here to pick you up." I went up and said, "Brother Geng, how did you know I was back?"

Geng Ling said, "Have you forgotten what Qi Xiaohuan's reconnaissance team does? He is even ignorant of our political commissar Long's return home. Can't I be dismissed from his post?

Prince Yun said, "Yo, have you done a good job in the investigation? I haven't seen anyone along the way. It turns out that our whereabouts have been exposed for a long time."

I hurriedly said, "Brother Geng, I would like to introduce you to a few friends. This Prince Yun is a distinguished guest sent by Her Majesty to inspect our Flying Dragon Army. As for these..."

Old Wu Le said, "It's not too late for us to introduce it in the future."

Geng Ling bowed (almost punched again) and said, "It turned out that the prince has arrived. It's rude."

Prince Yun curled her lips. Although she said that she didn't like false courtesy, she was the prince of a country after all. Her mother was polite when she saw her. The flying dragon army never knelt down to worship. When ordinary soldiers saw Geng Ling, they just bowed with their fists. When Prince Yun saw such a "pheasant I'm still a little uncomfortable.

Geng Ling took us into the city. The army of the Flying Dragon Army was in good condition, and the city was in good condition. Prince Yun nodded with a playful smile and said, "Well, the clothes are good. I'll ask General Geng to order the troops. I want to parade."

Geng Ling said, "Forgive me, the prince. Some of the soldiers are training, and some of them are helping the people of the country repair their houses. I'm afraid they can't gather for a while."

Prince Yun stared at him and said, "What's your reason? The court has so much money to support you, I can't even see it?"

I quickly pulled Geng Ling aside and said, "Brother Geng, we can't offend this gold owner now. If she wants to see it, just show it to her."

Geng Ling then asked the people around him, "Who is the nearest unit to us?"

"Commander, the first army of the commander of the armed forces is training nearby."

Geng Ling said, "Telling them to gather at the foot of the city."

At this time, Qi Xiaohuan's reconnaissance group reported that 20,000 Hong Lie's troops were found marching this way more than ten miles north of Guoguo.

Geng Ling said, "20,000 people? Are they here to attack the city?

Prince Yun saw that the head of Guoguo City was low and said, "Can this city be defended?"

Geng Ling said, "We never wanted to guard it."

Prince Yun said, "What if the enemy comes? Run?"

Geng Ling looked at her and asked the detective who came to report: "Is there only 20,000 people on the other side? Is there an ambush nearby?

The spy said, "No."

Geng Ling nodded. While talking, Wu Ying arrived with 30,000 troops. The flag of Hong Lie's army was faintly visible under the city. When they got close, I saw Shi Dong at a glance. By his side, the four national masters protected Wu Sizhong and mixed with Hong Lie's army. Wu Sizhong rushed to the city and said to Shi Dong Shi Dong's face was full of disbelief, and the two of them seemed to argue about something. I guess that Wu Sizhong is talking to Shi Dong about the Flying Dragon Army. Shi Dong probably doesn't believe that men in his daughter's country can also fight. The time for two people to be enemies is much longer than to form an alliance, and they are not very friendly in terms of expression.

Geng Ling looked down at Hong Liejun and suddenly said, "When the distinguished guest first arrived, these two people are annoying - isn't the prince going to parade?"

Prince Yun wondered, "What's wrong?"

Geng Ling shouted, "Wu Ying, take your people out and eat these 20,000 people!"

When I heard this, I just mentioned it in my heart. Although Hong Liejun is no friend to me now, but after all, my feelings are different. I know that as soon as the 30,000 dragon army comes out, the historical momentum will be destroyed.

At this time, Lao Wu pointed to the opposite side and said, "Is that the Black Forest over there?"

I said, "Yes."

Lao Wu nodded and said to Geng Ling, "Brother Geng, are you sure to drive these people to the forest opposite?"

Geng Ling smiled and said, "It's more difficult than killing them all. Can I know why you did this?"

Old Wu said, "I'm going to do an experiment with these people."

I said, "Brother Geng, let's make it difficult. This experiment is very important to us."

Geng Ling said, "Since you say so, I will follow your order - Wu Ying, let your people be divided into three teams, one team is responsible for the main attack, and the other two teams block the retreat of Hong Lie's army to the north. We don't want to kill more in this battle. We must drive them into the black forest in

Wu Ying answered. For a moment, the gate opened, and 30,000 flying dragon troops swarmed out. Among them, 20,000 ignored the enemy at all and inserted directly to the left of the Hong Lie army. The remaining 10,000 people lined up and came face to face with the Hong Lie army.

Prince Yun looked strangely and couldn't help saying, "Thirdred thousand people beat the other party with 20,000. Isn't this way to lose all the advantages?"

Geng Ling ignored her and asked me, "Xiaolong, I'm waiting for your order now."

Shi's departure was within the enemy's sphere of influence. His vigilance was not low. If the Feifeng Army had come out of the city, he would have retreated long ago, but when he saw that the enemy was a group of male soldiers in the "Feifeng Army" standard armor, he couldn't help but want to see what was Zhu Ma asked Wu Sizhong, "Is this the Flying Dragon Army?"

I shouted, "Three Generals, this is the Flying Dragon Army I told you about."

Shi Dong said with a smile, "I don't believe that the men in my daughter's country can still fight. General Wu was defeated in their hands?"

Wu Sizhong sneered and said, "General Shi didn't listen to my good advice. Now your army is a little embarrassed - forgive Wu for not accompanying me anymore, I have to go first." With that, he winned at the four national masters and took the lead in running west.

When Shi Dong saw Wu Sizhong running as soon as he said, he couldn't help being stunned. Then he said to the four directions, "Wu Sizhong of Black Regis was actually scared out by a group of sissy people in the daughter country?" His guards laughed wildly. They laughed wildly.

Geng Ling said to me with a smile, "Xiaolong, although your third uncle has never suffered the loss of our Flying Dragon Army, it can only be said that it is extremely straw-wrapped - he doesn't want to think about why Wu Sizhong ran. No wonder Hong Liejun can't defeat Hejis with such a commander."

I sighed and said, "Let's do what we should do."

Geng Ling waved his hand, and 10,000 flying dragon troops shouted and rushed up!