The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 33 Under the Forest Labyrinth

Lao Wu's heel was firmly nailed to the ground, closed his eyes and said no words, the old demon of Montenegro! Master is establishing contact with the same kind over there.

At this time, Lao Wu opened his eyes slightly and said, "Well, it's a pity that they are not deep in the forest. It's probably difficult to think that tens of thousands of people are trapped, but they can barely try it."

I flew to the edge of the Black Forest and leaned down to look down. I saw that 20,000 people of the Hong Lie Army could enter the border of the Black Forest. The whole edge of the forest was covered by a layer of mist like the last time I was in the Prince of Cloud's Mansion. Shi Dong saw that the Flying Dragon Army did not pursue, It was just a matter, but with the fog, the vanguard of the Hong Lie army began to lose its way. I watched them come out after walking another 50 meters. As a result, they walked towards the hinterland of the forest in the end. About 10 minutes later, they were getting farther and farther away from the border. Shi Dong also seemed to notice something wrong and ordered The team re-identified the way, and 20,000 horses were divided into several groups of east and west clusters. In theory, a shallow layer of forest should not be blocked from so many people in any case, but Hong Liejun is like an ant used as an experiment. Every time he approaches the edge of the forest, it is like an ant encountering a block like sul Returning to the forbidden place, I saw so many people gradually lax, and I felt that my scalp was numb. At this time, a man and horse had clearly reached the edge of the forest. The leading soldier only needed to walk five or six steps to see the Gobi. I only felt that there were more than a dozen tree ghosts in front of them, causing the The forest was still dense, so the soldiers resolutely turned their heads and bumped down in the opposite direction. After a moment, the dozen trees seemed to return to their original positions. With the cover of the fog, even I didn't know that the moment just now was really fantastic...

I went back to the city and sighed, "Lao Wu, you are so powerful!"

Lou Wu said, "There is also the credit of Xiaohei. Although I can use the fog to confuse the other party, but Xiaohei can teleport through vines to move the forest. Compared with my tricks, it's still Xiaohei's fact."

The old demon of Montenegro laughed and said, "Master is modest. You can run around. I can only stay in one place for more than 2,000 years. These means are nothing more than small tricks like controlling zombies."

Jin Cheng Wu Dao: "What are you going to do with these 20,000 people?"

Old Wu said, "Now that the experiment is successful, let them go.

The old demon of Montenegro giggled and said, "Now it's difficult to let them go. These fools are getting farther and farther away from the right road. If they continue to walk like this, I'm afraid they will really get lost."

I sighed and said, "I'll go and have a look."

At this moment, the fog in the Black Forest is gradually dissipating, but Hong Liejun has gone astray. Their experience of dealing with the Black Forest is far less than that of Black Forest. They are even more unfamiliar here, and they can't tell the direction in the forest. The more they go, the more panicked they look. The head His face was full of vigilance, and he couldn't help reminding his companions not to leave again. However, he didn't know where to go. In fact, as long as Hong Liejun had a team of people to go out, the others would naturally be relieved, but after touching the wall for a period of time, they began to have psychological obstacles, 2

Tens of thousands of people dare not rush to wander around in place. Although they don't know that they are Lao Wu's way, they also understand that there must be something strange in it, so they don't look easy.

The black forest covered the sky and the sun. No one found me in the sky for the time being. I shouted to Zhang Shilei and others, "Hey."

"Young master!" Without waiting for Zhang Shilei to speak, my old followers around him shouted silently. They knew that I could not hurt them. Coupled with the feelings of the past, there were more surprises than hatred at this time. Zhang Shilei, as their officer, had to order everyone at this time. He forced his face and said, "We have drunk the secrated wine at Seeing that the enemy is not a friend, what is your intention?

I said with no expression on my face, "Come with me. I'll take you out."


I said, "I don't think you need to be so troublesome."

Of course, Zhang Shilei understands that it's just that the relationship between me and them is more difficult to deal with. I saw him silently and immediately raised his chin to others, "Let's go."

Everyone was dejected, like a defeated child who had done something wrong. They followed me silently for about a quarter of an hour. Someone had seen the Gobi outside the forest and immediately cheered. Zhang Shilei looked at me calmly and didn't know what to say. I said lightly, "You soldiers, I know that many things are involuntary, but when I'm free, I should also think about whether what I'm doing is right or wrong.

Zhang Shilei said casually, "Thank you for your understanding. Why do we want to get involved with Haggis? You can talk to the old marshal about these words. Maybe he can worry about Li's worries again when he misses his old feelings.

I shook my head sadly. With my understanding of Shi Cundao, I understand that he and Zhu Xiaofeng can really be called the same as the king and minister. I'm afraid it's not that simple to ask him to let go of his ambitions.

Zhang Shilei couldn't say more. He hugged me and ordered someone to inform Shi Dong. Hong Liejun returned to the camp with this gap.

When I returned to the head of Guoguo, Lao Wu and others were standing side by side with Geng Ling. Geng Ling said, "Xiaolong still cares about the past."

As soon as I heard the word old love, I sighed, "I can't help it. After all, brothers can't watch them starve to death."

Geng Ling said, "I originally had an idea after reading the current situation of Hong Liejun, but now it seems that you probably won't agree."

"What's the idea?"

Geng Ling said, "The combat effectiveness of the Hong Lie army is not very strong, and this time it is not the whole army. I originally planned to discuss with the general to gather the Flying Dragon Army and the Flying Phoenix Army to eat them first, and then the Hong Lie Empire has been staring at his daughter's country over the years, and it is not

I was surprised and said, "Zhu Xiaofeng bastard doesn't mean that Hong Liejun deserves to die."

Geng Ling said, "So I knew you wouldn't agree. In fact, it's not the case with Heggis. Although the Heggis are fierce and aggressive, it can't be said that there are no good people among them. The war is so unreasonable."

I said, "What's your next plan?"

Geng Ling said, "Mr. Wu said that he has a way to make the reinforcements of Hejis unable to reach. If it can really be like this, our current main enemies will be Qin Yiwu and Wu Sizhong. As long as we drive them back to Heggis, the war seems to be over. The rest of the Honglie Empire is Clean them up!"

I laughed and said, "Such a complicated thing seems to be very simple by you."

Geng Ling smiled and said, "As soon as the reinforcements of 2 million Heggis are erased, things will of course become simpler. If this matter can be done, Mr. Wu will make great contributions." It seems that Lao Wu and others have introduced themselves, and Geng Ling also guessed from the situation of Hong Liejun in the Black Forest that Lao Wu and others had extraordinary means. Again, I was both a sword god and Geng Ling knew from another world, so he was not too surprised after Lao Wu and others appeared, but on his face. The excitement still betrayed him. Geng Ling was obviously not as calm as he showed...

I asked Lao Wu, "Are you sure now?"

Lao Wu smiled and said, "Technically, there seems to be no difficulty, but there is another problem. I have to know where the 2 million reinforcements of Black Regis are now, and they should not be together. The rest of this matter will be easy to do as soon as it is solved." I scratched my head and said, "It's really a problem." The size of the Black Forest is far from being fully controlled by Lao Wu and the old demon of Montenegro, so the reinforcement movement of Heijis has become the first priority. It's like a leaking house. Although Lao Wu and the old demon of Montenegro are first-class plumbing workers, they have Take it apart and look at it (this is my ultimate feeling of leaking toilet)...

At this time, Xiaoqian said, "I'll do this!"

Lou Na wondered, "What should you do?" Xiaoqian said, "I have Yufeng skill. I can go deep into the Black Forest to find out where their reinforcements come from, and how to inform Brother Wu..."

Old Wu smiled and said, "It's easy to do." He took a pinch of hair from his head and handed it to Xiaoqian and said, "As long as you find their people, throw a hair near them, and I can feel it." I poked my head and said, "Is this enough? They seem to be very scattered."

Lao Wu pulled another handful and said, "It should be enough to add these."

When I saw that he was bald on his forehead, I couldn't bear to say, "If you give up, don't take a place." Lao Wu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I have a lot of hair.... While talking, his bald scalp hair grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, Xiaoqian carefully closed those hair and said, "Then I'll go."

I said, "Do you want me to send some masters to help you?" Xiaoqian said, "No, I can feel that someone is moving within dozens of miles. It's better for me to be alone than bumping back and forth."

I smiled and said, "That's awesome. Then go quickly." Su Jing said, "It's a pity that I can't help you." Her words were unconsciously felt, but with a faint loss.

Lao Wu said, "Don't say that, Xiao Su Jing. I must have a way to cure your injury."

Su Jing said, "Brother Wu, you don't have to comfort me. I just feel sorry for Xiaoqian."

Lao Wu didn't say anything more. Xiaoqian smiled at Su Jingzhan and floated down the wall out of thin air. The wall of the State of Guo was not seven or eight meters high. Of course, a kung fu master like Yu Manli could jump down, but it could only ensure that she would not hurt herself. Xiaoqian fluttered to

At this time, the four national masters happened to come outside the city. Looking at Xiaoqian falling from the city and passing by his side, Ge Feng couldn't help saying, "What a young girl, she actually has the cultivation of the sword master in the middle stage. It seems that the Dragon Sword God has really brought a lot of help I sat on one leg on the head of the city, held my chin and said, "What does Brother Ge mean?"

Ge Feng's eyes said, "There is no need to hide it from the Dragon Sword God. I haven't seen you for dozens of days. I didn't expect that you have found a helper, and it seems that there are a large number of people, and there are even one or two masters who have entered the holy level. Ge is ignorant. I If you are invited to meet, the Dragon Sword God will not refuse, will he?

I squeaked and said, "It's really presumptuous. It's true that we have a few more masters here, but with your knowledge, how can't you guess who they are?" I say this because it's really strange. It's said that Lu Renjia will definitely mention Lao Wu and others to Ge Feng as soon as he goes back. Second, he will also get in the way. If Ge Feng still doesn't know why, I didn't want to expose this secret weapon earlier. After Lao Wu Jin Chengwu and others came to the mainland, It is the swordsman level and can only be falsely high. For a level opponent like Ge Feng, they have no suspense but to kill them. Or in other words, Lao Wu and the Black Mountain old demon are a sharp weapon to deal with the Heggis army, but their strengths are not in the battle against the enemy, just like Tyson and Al Pacino are Master, if you put them in the boxing ring and beat Pacino, there is no doubt that they will be beaten.

While dealing with Ge Feng and others, I secretly waved my hand to Lao Wu. Lao Wu understood my intention and quietly went down the wall with the old demon of Montenegro.

Ge Feng's disappointment was beyond words. I believe that he really wanted to see the strong help I asked for out of sincerity. Shi Dong's 20,000 horses inexplicably lost their way on the edge of the Black Forest. Although Shi Dong himself did not know what was going on, Ge Feng must have felt the existence of Lao Wu and the Black Mountain demon.

Ge Feng said, "We are not invincible this time. Can't the Dragon Sword God really introduce me?" He paused and said, "The holy masters who are ready to appear in the world can only be counted with two slaps. Do you understand this kind of loneliness?"

I said disdainfully, "Don't mention loneliness. In terms of level, Su Jianshen and I stare at the loneliness every day. Do you understand?" Su Jing couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Ge Feng: "..."

Tiecang said, "Even if I beg you, I have clearly felt that their breath is next to you. Otherwise, you can invite one person to compare with me first. The fist and weapon light kung fu can be chosen by him. Until both sides click, it will never hurt the harmony." This is the idiot's infatuation again.

I just shook my head and said, "No, unless you promise to withdraw your troops and never invade the federal continent again."

Ge Feng sighed slightly and said, "It seems that the Dragon Sword God must be very taboo. Let's go. I think we will definitely meet these friends on the battlefield when we have a chance in the future."

I couldn't help saying, "Has Lu Renjia really gone back yet?"

Ge Feng wondered, "Lu Renjia? Is he back yet?" I suddenly thought that Lu Renjia had not really met with them. The four of them were about to leave. Su Jing patted me on the shoulder and said, "You can't let them leave so soon. Be careful that they go back to deal with the little

Qian!"" Not bad!" Thinking of this, I jumped down to the city and said, "Since the four brothers are here, why do you have to practice with me again?"

After the last chapter, the biggest advantage is that you don't have to worry about the name in the next chapter, which is very good. I'm back!