The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 31 The Fifth History

After I said this, the man said unexpectedly, "How do you know it's me?"

I said, "It's very simple. When you wrote the first letter to me, no one in the world knew that I was not in Stitch. I always thought you were dead. Your second letter asked me to save Zhu Xiaofeng, which shows that you are from the Honglie Empire. These two things overlap, and of course, your identity is self-evident. In fact, I saw through the third thing - that is, his performance after seeing me. There are many people who have seen me. I am ordinary-looking, and the people who are surprised to see my appearance must have a reason. Coupled with his tone of speech, this mystery has finally been solved today.

I asked him, "How did your face become like this?"

Shi Dizai said in a low voice, "Although Shijia Laowu is a waste, after all, he is the grandson of Marshal Hong Lie. If I don't disfigured, how can I be undercover in Heggis?"

"So there was nothing wrong with you boating in the lake that day?"

Stitch said, "It's true that the ship sank, but I didn't die. After being rescued, I felt that there was no place for me to stay. I wandered out of the border half-deadly. After struggling in the black forest for months, I finally unconsciously arrived at Black Regis. I didn't look like a Yue was hunting in the border field. At that time, I couldn't escape. There were Ma Jiyue's guards on all sides. I thought that if I fell into the hands of Hejis, but I would rush into the hounds and bite them desperately. Unexpectedly, Ma Jiyue saw me as a monster, instead of hunting. After drinking the hound and asking my surname hometown, I had the right to pretend to be a savage and compete for food with the dogs. Ma Jiyue looked interesting and took me with me as a plaything. After that, the four national masters deliberately said some secrets or threatening words in front of me. Fortunately, I was not fooled, and Ma Jiyue gradually relaxed No matter where I went, I was able to spy out a lot of inside stories of Haggis. Unfortunately, I was in the enemy country and no one answered, and a lot of news could not be sent out. It was not until the four major national divisions set up an ambush to plot Su Jing and Bin Shenwei that I risked my life to send a letter to

Listening to these words, I have mixed feelings in my heart. After all, Stitch is also a dy after a famous family. In these few words, the hardships he suffered were unimaginable to ordinary people. I couldn't help saying, "Lao Wu. You have been wronged."

Shi Dizai pinched his voice with his hand and said, "It's nothing. The physical suffering is far less difficult than I thought." Seeing my strange expression, he explained, "I'm afraid that talking in my sleep will reveal my identity, so I teases the dog to bite my throat, which makes me unable to speak for a long time. I didn't expect it to gradually heal recently." With that, he raised his head slightly. A scar appeared on the neck. My heart is slightly cold. According to the Shi family, Lao Wuwen can't be a martial artist. He is a useless loser, but today I will listen to his experience. First, he competed with the hound for food and disfigurement, and then disfigured the sound. For a long time, the undercover agent remained calm beside Ma Jiyue. In terms of mental forbearance, there is no one in the right among the historical brothers.

I asked him, "You don't plan to go back in the future, do you?"

Stitch said, "I can't go back. As long as Ma Jiyue finds out that I'm not by his side, my identity will be exposed in an instant."

At this time, my mother and Geng Ling rushed to the head of the city and looked down. I suddenly thought of something and waved to the head of the city and said, "Dijia, green calyx, come down!"

Shi Dijia and the green calyx went down to the city. Seeing a ferocious person standing opposite me, they couldn't help but be timid. Before I could say anything, Shi Dijia said in surprise, "Dijia, green calyx, why are you here?"

Stiga was surprised and said, "Do you know me?"

Shi Dizai involuntarily stepped forward and said, "You are the best to me among the younger brothers and sisters of the Shi family. How can I not know you?"

" are the fifth brother?" Stitcher said in a trembling voice.

Shi Dizai said with a wry smile, "The fifth brother has fallen like this now. Of course, you don't know me."

Shi Dijia bit his lip and said, "Why did my uncle beat you hard when he was a child?"

Shi Di said with a blank face, "Do I still have a reason for my father to beat me? If you can't recite the book, you can beat it. If you can't learn martial arts well, you can beat it. Sometimes I'm in a bad mood.

Shi Dijia said, "That beating was particularly bad. It was my aunt who found my grandfather to save you from the beam of the house."

Shi Di said, "That's probably because I shocked General Wang's horse tied to our door with firecrackers." Stitch said softly, "But if I remember correctly that time, I'm not the mastermind."

Shi Dijia blushed slightly and said, "Grandpa, what birthday gift did I give him on his 75th birthday?"

Shi Dizai said, "If you ask me anything else, I may not remember, but I'm afraid the people who attended the banquet that year will be unforgettable. I think you forgot to prepare a gift. On your birthday, you actually wore a piece of armor with a shell for Grandpa. You walked in front of you, and a group of wild cats and wild Jump."

At this point, Shi Dijia and Shi Dizai smiled at the same time. At this time, the green calyx asked coldly, "Master Wu, do you remember what I asked you before you left?"

Shi Di Zai instantly said, "You asked me what I would do if I were going to marry someone. At that time, I said that with me, how could I allow you to marry someone else?"

"Ah?" I was shocked. I didn't expect that there was such a secret between Lao Wu and the little black face. No wonder the green calyx spared no effort to take care of Shi Dizai. Now that I think about it, it is completely the wife's consideration for her husband. I broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the green calyx looked like Xiao Zhang Fei and liked to tell cold jokes. Otherwise, wouldn't it be easy for me to do something wrong to him when I pretended to be the fifth brother?

Green calyx cried and rushed to Stitch: "You are really the fifth young master!"

Stijia also came up and said, "Fifth brother, you are still alive!" The three people hugged and cried. At this time, my mother and Geng Ling also understood the inside story. I stood aside and said, "Lao Wu, is the information you sent us this time also true?"

When Shi Di Zai heard the words, he pushed away Shi Dijia and the green calyx, and knelt down in front of me and said, "Dragon Sword God, I'm here to ask you for your help this time!"

I said, "It's need to say that no one can hurt you when you get here!"

Stitch said, "It's not me, it's the Hong Lie Empire!"

I wondered, "What do you mean?"

Shi Dizai said, "The letter I gave you is half true and half false, so that I can see you with my own eyes - it is true that Heiji's battalion is chasing Hong Lie's army, but it is not to turn to attack the daughter's country. They want to take the opportunity to swallow Hong Lie's army and continue to attack

I was surprised and said, "How could this happen? There are only more than ten days of food and fodder left in Heggis, and his military strength has been greatly reduced. How can he be killed by the thief?

Shi Dizai said, "That's why Heijis wanted to snatch the food and fodder of Hong Lie's army. Although they lost their soldiers, they still have an absolute advantage in the field battle. Hong Lie's unprepared army is even more dangerous. At the same time, the middle and senior levels of the army are among them Help!" With that, he even kowtowed, and Shi Dijia and Green Kadall were also shocked.

I said, "You lied that Haggis and the Hong Lie Empire were to attack the daughter country, for fear that I wouldn't come out to see you after I knew the truth?"


I said behind my back, "But I still don't have a reason to help you - Honglie Empire is treacherous. I just don't go to the well. Why do you want to help them?"

Stitch looked up and said, "Don't forget that you still owe me a favor!"

"What do I owe you?"

"You pretended to be my name as an undercover agent in Hong Liejun. I only need a two-finger-wide note to expose your identity, but I didn't do that."

I said, "I'm not an undercover agent, in order to form an alliance between the two countries. Besides, I didn't humiliate you by pretending to be your name. Don't you know how beautiful Shi Laowu was during that time?"

Shi Dizai said, "I know you didn't reveal your identity because you didn't have bad intentions, otherwise you didn't have a good sword spirit at that time, and are you sure to retreat in Hong Lie's millions of troops?"

"Shi Cundao really wanted to kill me later, but I didn't feel sorry for him at all. This is not what I owe you. I can only say that it was written off."

Shi Dizai said, "So what about the time when Su Jing was surrounded in the Heggis camp? Almost all the guards were destroyed, but Su Jing was finally rescued by you. If it hadn't been for my tip-in, Su Jing's bones would have been still in Hejis, right?

I said, "I accept your kindness on this, but the daughter's country and Hong Lie were still allies at that time. Your main purpose is still to let me save the guard, right?"

When Shi Dizai heard the words, he stood up and said sadly, "You're right. I'm sorry for the Hong Lie Empire. I'm humble, but after all, I'm the Shi family. I only ask you for the last thing - to remind my grandfather not to let the soldiers be vain ghosts. The Shi family owes you With that, he pulled out a knife from his arms and stabbed his heart.

Shi Dijia and I grabbed his hand holding the knife left and right. Shi Dijia said with tears in his eyes, "Fifth brother, you and I have just reunited, are you leaving again?" The green calyx looked indifferent, and it seemed that he was ready to cut himself.

Shi Dijia turned to his mother and said, "General, once Heggis succeeds, the Hong Lie Empire will perish in an instant. At that time, Heggis in the world will be seven or eight. Can the daughter country survive alone?"

Mom smiled and said, "Dijia said it well." She turned her head and stared at me and said, "Have you already figured out what to do?"

Then I took Stitch's hand and said, "Brother, your face is my face. After all, we are all the fifth of the Shi family."

In fact, how can I not understand the truth that Stitcher knows? In the final analysis, the alliance between the daughter country and Hong Lie is for this concept. In the information sent by Stitch, the key of this time is no less than that of the previous two.

I said to my mother and Geng Ling, "I'll go to see Shi Cundao first. What about you? Do the Longfeng Alliance want to cooperate again?"

Mom said, "At present, it's better to let Heggis retreat from the difficulties. If they are stubborn, this partial hand still has to be pulled."

Geng Ling also said, "Our feud with the Honglie Empire had to be put aside first - I will let the whole army gather... divide... Infernal Affairs Continent Crossing Edition was officially staged. RQ