The first mix-and-match in history

Chapter 39 Small Banquet

We rested in Guoguo for another day. On this day, the dragon and phoenix allied forces officially set out to return to their daughter's country. The kings and generals of the states of Qi, Chu, Yan and Han lined up to see us off for us. My mother and Prince Yun reaffirmed the purpose of always being an alliance and

On this day, we have set foot on the territory of the daughter's country. Geng Ling, Wu Ying, Yu Manli and others are all deeply moved. At the beginning, they fled all the way and were embarrassed. Now that their hometown has returned, everyone has become majestic generals, carrying tens of thousands of soldiers. The people of the daughter's country When we were instructed to visit for the first time, we couldn't help blushing, and all of them were forced to calm down, but the military was also restrained.

Yu Manli and Zhang Jihu rode side by side, looking at his eyes, nose, nose and mouth. His big knife was placed in a carriage, and the viewer was motionless. There was a rich woman wearing Lingluo to see the sadness and sobbed, "My door panel--"

We passed through Xiangzhou Yuzhou. Unexpectedly, we were blocked at the gate of tens of thousands of troops with unknown flags outside Yuezhou City. My mother and Prince Yun were surprised. I didn't expect that someone in my daughter's country had unknowingly created such a loud momentum and I hadn't noticed it. My mother wanted to make Feifeng Army In the battle, Geng Ling came to the opposite army first and shouted, "Let your commander come out and talk to me."

Not long, a man on the opposite side rode out and bowed to Geng Ling and said, "See Commander."

Wu Ying, Yu Manli and others unexpectedly said, "Liu Jing?"

It turned out that the commander of the other party was Liu Jing. When I went to the Prince Yun's Mansion, Liu Jing was also sent by Geng Ling to do a big thing. Now goodbye, she is already the leader of tens of thousands of people.

Liu Jing said, "Commander, the last general was ordered to recruit soldiers for the Flying Dragon Army, and now more than 60,000 people have been recruited here."

Everyone suddenly suddenly, it turned out that Geng Ling wanted Liu Jing to recruit. In just a few months, she has recruited 60,000 people.

Geng Ling said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Prince Yun snorted, and his face was very ugly. Geng Ling stepped forward and said, "Prince Yun forgive me. I recruited soldiers and horses without authorization to resist Haggis and tighten our border. Now that the war is over, where will these people go? Just one word from you, and I will dismiss them.

Prince Yun frowned and said, "I can't make such a big decision. However, the flying dragon army is getting bigger and bigger, and it is no longer convenient to enter Beijing. Just ask Commander Geng to take a few generals with me to meet the saint, and the rest of the people camp here for the time being to wait for the emperor's will.

Geng Ling said, "Yes!"

Wu Ying, Xiao Yan, Qi Xiaohuan and others saw that Liu Jing all came forward to talk about the past. It turned out that Liu Jing brought a batch of supplies to recruit soldiers that day. At that time, the Flying Dragon Army had become famous in the First World War, and the oppressed men in his daughter's country were everywhere. Liu Jing recruited tens of I have to turn to activities in the suburbs, which is even more out of control. Now these 60,000 people are afraid that wherever they go, they will disturb the state capital, so they have to be temporarily stationed outside the city of Yuezhou. I heard that Liu Jing is waiting for us to meet here.

Wu Ying said, "Don't look at our scenery on the front line, in terms of credit, Liu Jing is bigger."

Geng Ling said seriously, "That's right. Heijis is too powerful. I had the determination to burn jade and deal with it, but I think that even if we all died in the flag of the Flying Dragon Army, we can't perish, so I sent Liu Jing to do this big thing." He took Liu Jing's hand and said, "You did a good job!"

Liu Jing blushed and said, "I'm satisfied if you say so."

I looked strangely and suddenly asked, "Liu Jing, why did you save Geng Ling in the first place?"

Liu Jing was stunned and hesitated: "At that time, he broke an arm and was still gritting his teeth and swearing. I... I have never seen such a man..."

I carried Geng Ling on my shoulder: "Do you hear anything interesting?"

Geng Ling: "Ah?"

"Are you a fool?"

Geng Ling is even more inexplicable.

At this time, Liu Jing suddenly said seriously, "Commander, political commissar, brothers, I want to resign from all positions in the army from now on."

Geng Ling was surprised and said, "Why is this?"

Liu Jing said, "After all, the Flying Dragon Army is the world of men. In fact, I have been unable to do it for a long time. Please don't force the commander and the political commissar to force me anymore."

Geng Ling said, "But you have been doing a good job."

I hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I agree with your resignation. It's important to charge. It's more important to be a good military sister-in-law to help us stabilize the rear!"

Geng Ling said urgently, "Xiaolong, what are you doing?"

I asked Geng Ling in a low voice: "I have shown my heart to you. To be honest, do you like Liu Jing?"

"I haven't thought about it!"

"Then you think about it now!" I said, "Don't you want her to be your left hand?"

"It's enough for me to have a right hand."

I was speechless and almost said, "You deserve to be lonely for the rest of your life." I smiled and said, "Although my right hand is good, it is not as good as the real warm and soft jade after all."

Only then did everyone understand that they all showed a suddenly enlightened expression. Geng Ling blushed and stamped her feet and said, "You guys!" With that, he ran aside. After all, the man in the daughter's country still had a psychological shadow to pick up girls, and such a big commander was ashamed to run away.

I said to Liu Jing with a smile, "Congratulations on your success. You have directly become the boss's wife from a chef of a side dish."

Mei Lihong, a female bandit, smiled and said, "It seems that if I like any man, I have to resign."

Xiao Yan said, "What do you think of me?"

Mei Lihong shook her head and said, "You are a salt otter and I am a bandit. My profession is too close and there is no mystery. I still like our political commissar."

Xiao Yan said contemptuously, "You don't even dare to rob Su Jing's things, and how dare you rob men with Su Jing?"

Mei Lihong laughed and said, "That's what I said."

While everyone was talking and laughing, Qin Yiwu looked this way with a lonely expression. I walked over and said hello to her. She also smiled. The two of us slowly left the crowd and walked along the city wall.

After walking for about five or six minutes, Qin Yiwu Dao said, "You and Su Jing are going to hold a big gift when you go back to your daughter's country, right?"


Qin Yiwu smiled and said, "Then you have to be careful."

"What should I be careful about?"

Qin Yiwu Dao: "Get married in your daughter's country. You are going to marry the Su family. As far as I know, you are not a daughter, so I remind you to be prepared.

"Uh..." I don't know what to say.

Qin Yiwu smiled again and said, "I'm not provoking you. I like you, but you don't have to marry, and you don't have to bear any burden."

I simply asked, "If it weren't for me, would you withdraw your troops?"

Qin Yiwu Dao: "It depends on what to say, without you. Of course, I don't have to withdraw my troops, but if another sword god replaces you, I probably can't withdraw my troops.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Yiwu Dao: "If you are a brave, cruel and vicious person, I have to fight hard, so I appreciate your martial arts, and I appreciate your person more. You have compassion. Know how to stop it. They all say that you are the reincarnation of the sword god, but I don't really believe it. I heard from the old ministers in the court. The last sword god was a cruel person.

"Oh? This is the first time I've heard of it.

Qin Yiwu Dao: "In fact, there were many opportunities for peace talks in the last battle between Hegyz and the federal continent, but the sword god in his previous life repeatedly provoked trouble, or he killed my Hegyz soldiers, which caused everyone to share the same hatred. In the end, both sides were injured. If he did not die. I don't know when I'm going to call.

I said, "As a Haggis, of course, you have to say that he is making trouble. Don't the people of the federal continent also remember his merits?

Qin Yiwu Dao: "Those are all children who have never seen the sword god in the previous life. Go and ask those old people. Which one is not talking about the sword god in the previous life? In the final analysis, everyone is only afraid of him, but there is no respect.

I didn't believe it: "Then why does the daughter country have to come back to him?"

Qin Yiwu Dao: "If you don't find the sword god in the previous life to come back, the daughter country and the Honglie Empire will be destroyed immediately, so we have to find this evil god from the power first, and we will talk about the rest later."

I spread out my hands and said, "Do I look like an evil god? If you say I'm not him, how can you explain my martial arts?

Qin Yiwu Dao: "That's unknown, but I don't believe that a person's personality can change so much. Anyway, I don't believe it, so I withdrew my troops to respect you, and for the sake of the country. You don't have to feel too good about yourself, but..."

"But what?"

Qin Yiwu smiled and said, "It's nothing."

I also laughed and said, "In this way, I will be down-to-earth."


Geng Ling left the Flying Dragon Army outside Yuezhou City and only led the middle and high-level army with him. His expression couldn't help but be a little solemn. I also understand his worries. At the time of the use of the people, the Flying Dragon Army is fragrant. Now the dust is settled. The real life and death of this army is coming. Under the special national conditions of the daughter country, the future is in danger. No wonder Geng Ling can't relax.

On this day, the army arrived in the suburbs of the capital, and there were countless umbrellas in the distance. It turned out that the queen personally received the wind here, and my mother hurriedly took everyone forward to salute.

The queen stood there gracefully, took a few steps to help the crowd, and said a few words to everyone. Then she ordered to treat the army on the spot and entertained everyone in the palace.

On the banquet, the queen toasted Lao Wu, Jin Chengwu and others in turn, followed by Su Jing and Geng Ling, but never looked at me and my mother. The mother and son couldn't help looking at each other. According to the order of the guests, Lao Wu and others were not daughters and made great contributions. First of the respect, it should It was my mother's turn, and the queen stayed at the banquet for a while and then left the seat drunk. Geng Ling didn't stop looking to ask me about my bad luck. I had to shake my head and smile bitterly.

It seems that our mother and son have violated the queen's taboo. For the emperor, it is difficult to guess the intention. Fortunately, my mother is ready to retire. At worst, she will be an idle nobleman in the future. At this time, the queen's personal maid Aunt Cao made a private notice, saying that the queen Mom and I.

When I arrived at the Lingsheng Pavilion, the queen was sitting there and was silent. When she saw her mother coming in, the queen said, "Sister, you lied me so hard."

Mom hurriedly knelt down and said, "Zhao Fanghua was sentenced to death!"

The queen stepped up and helped her mother and said, "Of course you are guilty to deceive the king, but your sins and achievements are less than one of the tens of millions!"

My mother sighed and said, "Your Majesty, you don't need to say much. Please allow me to return to my hometown."

The queen said, "Resolutely not. If you leave, who will take the flying phoenix army? Besides, which hometown do you want to go back to?

My mother was stunned and said, "If the emperor is willing to reward the general's mansion to the minister, the minister is full of gratitude, but the military power will never be touched again. Li Wei and Zhao Deli are all handsome in the Feifeng army, and the emperor can choose to appoint one."

The queen shrugged her nose and said, "Sister, why don't you understand my heart? Only you lead the Feifeng Army is the Feifeng Army. It's not that I can't trust the two generals Zhao Li. It's just that you are in your prime, why don't you want to share your problems for me?

My mother said, "Your Majesty, in detail, I can't be regarded as a person of my daughter's country. I can't bear this heavy responsibility no matter what."

The queen said, "What does that matter? In terms of credit, you are bigger than anyone in any daughter's country. Besides, have you really never regarded yourself as a member of the daughter's country?"

At this time, Prince Yun came in through the door. He smiled and said, "I knew that these two ministers were going to quarrel, that's not it. Sure enough!"

Mom took her life experience again. How to travel to my daughter's country to become a soldier and gradually become a general, I told the original story, and even completely revealed my identity. Finally, "I have come to this point, it's nothing more than the word "to make a living. It's all by mistake that Xiaolong can do his best for your majesty. Your majes Let's go."

The queen said, "You mother and son are a general of the flying phoenix army. The founder of the Flying Dragon Army, if he had rebelled on me, he would have been in his life. Does this mean your loyalty?"

After all, my mother has been an official for many years, and she was surprised to hear the emperor say such words. But I said, "Sister. I'm really not interested in your country.

Mom stared at me and said, "Son of a bastard!"

Queen Yanran said, "My brother's words are to the point, which is more convincing to me than thousands of sea vows. In the final analysis, you mother and son are not meritorious, but to me!"

Mom wanted to say something more. The queen waved her hand and said, "Sit down."

The decoration of Lingsheng Pavilion is still the same. The four of us sat around together and couldn't help thinking of the first meeting here. Anyway, the queen was blindly firm, and the words could only be stopped for a while.

The queen ordered someone to set up wine and said to me, "Brother, I promised that if you return to Lingsheng Pavilion, I will treat you to a hundredhuā banquet again. Today is the time to fulfill your promise."

Sometimes when someone brought a hundred-hu banquet, I couldn't help saying, "I like to eat in this hundred-hu banquet, but it's a pity that I don't care if I'm full."

The queen Yanran told the maid of honor, "Go to the imperial chef and cut two sauce elbows." The maid of honor smiled and said, "Yes."

The queen took a cup and said, "I don't drink to you two. I'm annoyed that you have cheated on me for so long. Now I'm going to double it."

Mom always seems to be a little absent-minded because of something on her mind. The queen said, "Sister, if you really want to live a leisurely life, you don't have to rush for a while. If I want to let you go now, what will the people say about me? The general was worried for his daughter's country, but he returned home as soon as the battle was over. If you say it's good, you are narrow-minded and can't tolerate others. If you say it's unpleasant, it's... Ha ha, I promise you three years. If you really don't want to do it in three years, I promise

Mom was reasonable when she heard what she said, so she had to agree.

The queen drank two glasses of wine with me and said, "Brother, Yunquan has told me the truth of the Flying Dragon Army. How do you think we should settle them in the future?"

I said in my heart that the queen wanted to have a small banquet to do big things. First, she solved the problem of the talent crisis of the Feifeng Army. Now it is going to target the Feilong Army, but the situation of the Feilong Army is different from that of the Feifeng Army. The Feifeng Army was cultivated by the Empress. She also knows It is a male soldier, which is still blank in the history of the daughter's country.

When the queen saw me, she stopped talking and said, "You don't have to worry. If you don't avoid relatives, you can say whatever you have."

I said, "Okay, then I'll put it bluntly. I don't think the Flying Dragon Army can be abolished, and it has to be expanded to keep them the same number as the Flying Phoenix Army."

Prince Yun said, "Why?"

"I'll tell you the truth, it's better for men to fight a war."

Prince Yun said, "What about the rebellion?"

I said, "As long as the emperor treats them equally, why do they rebel?"

Prince Yun said, "If men are used to being masters, can they tolerate women to be emperors?"

I said, "In fact, men are basically respected in our world, but this does not prevent them from supporting the queen, and even every era when the queen is in power is prosperous. This shows that their politically enlightened people live and work in peace and contentment. In fact, whether you are a male or a female emperor, as long as you can have a good They will support you, and I have heard of political opposition and belief opposition, but I have never heard of the opposition between men and women. Men always need women, and women always need men. The opposition is fundamentally against nature. One day, men and women in the daughter's country can't be compatible, so they don't have to be beaten by others. Destruction!"

After listening to this, the queen was silent for a long time and said, "My brother is right. We are narrow-minded."

Prince Yun said ambiguously, "His story about men and women really comes into my heart."

The queen said, "Well, according to my brother, from now on, the Flying Dragon Army and the Flying Phoenix Army will maintain the same establishment and salary. Geng Ling will be awarded the rank of General Wuwei, but he must obey the transfer of the imperial court."

I said, "This is nature." Geng Ling is a person with high patriotism and enthusiasm. We just got up to get rid of oppression. Geng Ling expanded the Flying Dragon Army to save his daughter's country from falling. He didn't think of taking the queen.

Prince Yun said, "But it costs a lot to set up the Flying Dragon Army."

I said, "Then reduce some ordinary female soldiers. For men and women who are enthusiastic about joining the army and can't officially join the army for the time being, all reserve troops will be added, so that there is no need to increase military spending, but also have a reliable successor."

The queen said, "Let's do it this way. Yunquan, please convey the general meaning to the Ministry of War and let them draw up a specific and feasible method."

After drinking a few more glasses of wine, the queen suddenly changed the topic and said, "Brother, I heard that you are going to marry Su Jing."

I laughed and said, "This matter has spread?"

The queen smiled and said, "If you are not sure, will your sister also protect your matchmaker?"

I waved my hand and said, "I'd better do this kind of thing myself."

Speed up the update, strive to complete the book as soon as possible, and the new book will be launched in May! ( To be continued...)