the first house in history

Chapter 9 X Song

It turned out that as soon as something happened to me, the doctor got the news. As soon as Yue Fei heard that I was beaten by the crowd, he was very indignant and insisted on following the doctor to come here.

The owner of the Internet cafe hid in the private room and saw that the situation was not good, so he quickly called the security guard to come out to clear the scene.

I wiped two blood stasis on my face. When I saw the one with a big cap coming, I hurriedly said, "What, do you still want to enforce the law violently?"

Start the electronic table, choose the transmission mode, and directly send the two security guards to the world of Tauren. Do you dare to do evil in the future?

The boss was dumbfounded and said that it was haunted. Why did the two living people disappear all of a sudden? As soon as he poked his head out of the private room, he was stepped up by me and grabbed his neck and said, "Brother, it's time for us to settle accounts."

The boss immediately changed his face and said, "Brother, look at what this says. My brother's discipline is not strict. I'll make amends for you."

"I'm going to spare you this time, and I have to plan for others next time." I looked back at Grandpa Yue and the doctor. The doctor nodded and signaled that I could use his high technology as an exception.

I sneered and set up the function of rebirth on the electronic watch. I said, "Boss, I won't be a good person from scratch." I let this old boy go back to the era of poor workers and work hard again.

After solving this matter, I felt very comfortable all over. I was happy and decided to take Marshal Yue and the doctor to eat food stalls.

Although the food stalls are crowded and messy, the flavor is quite unique. We went to a famous local barbecue restaurant and found a clean seat. The doctor probably hasn't eaten outside for a long time and devoured mutton kebabs.

Grandpa Yue is more self-restrained. He asked for a bottle of old white dryness and drank alone. Occasionally, he held a chopstick of peanuts and had a good style.

I kept toasting to the old man and lobbying him in time, trying to let him accept me as a closed disciple and spread the scattered hands of the Yue family and the magic gun of the Yue family.

Grandpa Yue narrowed his eyes, his face turned red, as if he wanted to agree, and suddenly stared at the 21-inch color TV in the store.

What did you play? I was shocked when I turned around. Baijia Forum was talking about Yue Fei's death.

I was dumbfounded, and it was revealed. Grandpa Yue took my hand and looked solemnly: "Little brother, tell me if the Song Dynasty has already perished?"

As soon as I bowed my head, I knew that Yue Fei's patriotism was comparable to the sun and the moon. The four words on my back were not stabbed in plain, so I enlightened him: "Marshal, I don't want to hide it from you, but the country has already changed its master, and there is no need to be entangled with the past."

"Hit!" Yue Fei was furious and stood up suddenly, "Yue Fei takes serving the country all his life. How can he say this?" He was unhappy and forced the doctor back to the spaceship.

I knew it was in trouble, so I quickly followed him back. When I got to the spaceship, I saw the doctor quarrel with him: "You don't understand what I said. In history, you have died in the storm pavilion. If you go back, time and space will be chaotic, and even our era may disappear."

Yue Fei couldn't accept it: "Am I destined to perish in the Song Dynasty? Yue Feisheng is a Song man, and his death is also a Song ghost. Please be sure to complete it.

I guess these two people are completely wrong. Yue Fei has only been in this world for a few days. How can he understand the concept of time travel? Now his anger is blinded and he just wants to be loyal to the king and serve the country.

What should I say? I admire Yue Fei very much, but I don't have a good impression on Yue Fei's loyal Song Huizong and Qin Hui. Thinking about it, I suddenly came up with an idea.

I secretly pulled the doctor aside and asked him, "Isn't there a parallel world? You can't find another plane of the Song Dynasty to send him there. It shouldn't have any impact.

The doctor's eyes lit up and searched in front of the first monitor: "Let me look for it."

I really found several planes parallel to the Song Dynasty. We picked one of them and chose a parallel time and space that Qin Hui had never been born.

Everything is done, and we solemnly said to Marshal Yue, "You have found a way. Marshal Yue, you can go back and continue to kill the enemy to serve the country."

Yue Fei was so happy that he almost knelt down for me and the doctor. I quickly picked him up and made my small request: "Marshal, can you teach me a few punches before leaving? You don't have to be so ashamed to meet evil people in the future."

Yue Fei readily agreed and stayed for a few more days. He specially passed on a set of rapid shrinking version of the capture technique. I practiced for a few days and felt that I had a lot of hard work. In the future, I would not be afraid to meet cats and dogs.

I was ready to stop and began to travel. Yue Fei and I traveled through time and space to the legendary parallel time and space.

After a dazzling glow, I was shocked to find that I had fallen on the battlefield, surrounded by murderous atmosphere and shouts.

Damn, I clearly remember that the coordinates I chose when I came was Fengbo Pavilion. How did it become a battlefield? I was wondering when I saw a young general on the opposite side, riding a high-headed horse and waving a silver gun: "Oh! Wanyan Jintan repaired it and took your young master's shot.

I'm dizzy! Who is this?

Before I got the number, I rushed to ride with a horse. I quickly hid aside with my head, and the man jumped over from me with the horse: "Yue's boy, you deserve to call Grandpa's name and eat my red hammer."

but he saw the man carrying two red gold hammers, waved a cloud of fire out of thin air, and attacked the young general opposite.

I'm speechless. I don't know how to play a fantasy blockbuster. I thought I was running away from Zhang Jizhong's crew.

What came out behind me was the golden marble, and the opposite should be Yue Yun. Why aren't they dead yet?

I saw that the two fought in a difficult battle. Yue Yun's silver gun could still release cold air and crack the fire cloud released by the golden bullets. I really sighed that this is really a good place to go.

Marshal Yue took the mount of a gold soldier on the battlefield and came to pull me on the horse. Yue Yun suddenly saw his father here, shook a shot and let the golden bullet shout, "Father, you are back. The army has arrived, so we are waiting for your order."

Yue Fei was probably also confused. He obviously looked like his son in front of him, but there were many strange things, so he had to say, "Let's go back to the camp first. Are you here to rob the court?"

"Law field?" Yue Yun was also confused. While exploring the sneak attack of the golden marble, he said, "The child will cover his father back to the camp first, and wait for me to take down the head of the golden marble, and then talk to his father in detail."

While covering Yue Fei and returning to the camp with me, he was fighting with the golden marbles. At this time, I saw that there were generals on both sides fighting, as if they were going to rob Marshal Yue and me who appeared on the battlefield.

Yue Fei and I rode together and hurried back to Song Ying under the cover of several generals. I saw that the Song army's camp was extraordinary. It was actually the latest military tent. I said that it was only available hundreds of years later. Why did you use it now?

I was still surprised. A beard came in with a curtain outside the tent and spoke like thunder. At first glance, it was Li Kui and Zhang Fei's tough general. He pulled Yue Fei and said, "Brother, you're back. Brothers are waiting for your order to go straight to Huanglong.

As soon as I heard that I called the eldest brother, it was possible that this was Comrade Niu Gao. Sure enough, Yue Fei was also overjoyed and took the other party's shoulder and said, "Brother, what's going on earth is going on? How did you get here?"

"At the dispatch of the emperor, the old boy was very cunning and made a soldier not tired of fraud. He said that he killed you and me in the stormy pavilion, causing the golden soldiers to go out, but he was caught by our ambush and was caught off guard."

As soon as I heard about the feelings, Huizong of the Yuan and Song Dynasty was really a wise master. I saw Yue Fei look at me and was very confused. I quickly set up for him: "Uncle Niu, right? To tell you the truth, the marshal went to hire people. This time, he will destroy the golden soldiers and say anything."

"Who are you?" Niu Gao stared at me, which was strange. Usually, the male number two is in this way. I have read a lot of "The Legend of Yue Fei" and knew that he had the same temperament as Li Kui, so I introduced myself for Yue Fei: "In Su Tian, I joined the army with the marshal."

"Brother, when did you accept such a boy and make it useful?" Unexpectedly, Niu Gao still looked down on me. Yue Fei smiled and said, "Brother, don't underestimate this brother. It's all up to him for my brother to come back."

When Niu Gao heard Yue Fei say this, he bowed respectfully to me: "Then Niu Gao, thank you for my brother." Yes, he is also a cheerful person. I like it.

After saying the polite words, Niu Gao pulled Yue Fei aside and discussed it again. I secretly adjusted the electronic watch to turn on the eavesdropping mode, and then intermittently heard a few words: "This time, the golden soldiers brought a lot of elites. The high pet suffered losses and morale was greatly frustrated."

High pet? Isn't it right? I said to myself that I should have picked a scooter at this time and sacrificed it, right?

Sure enough, Yue Fei asked in a surprised voice, "Brother Gao Xian? What's wrong with him?"

"For the time being, I'm just trapped by the other party's car array. Our detective replied that Jin Wushu is still ready to have a killer mace. It must be useful on our side?"

As soon as I heard this, I couldn't help shouting, "A serial horse!"

Yue Fei also said, "Is it a serial armored horse?"

Niu Gaoqi said, "Brother, are you unpredictable?"

This is not what Yue Fei can calculate. Yue Fei, who came back from time traveled, had experienced this, but he didn't expect to do it again. It's not a little different from that year. I complained about the doctor in my heart, and you are not a good place to send it.

At this time, Yue Feiping retreated Niu Gao and discussed it with me. I had to say to him half-truthly and half-falsely, "Marshal, I told you can't come back. Many things have changed this time, and we have to think of a way."

"Even if I want to go back, I can't let go of the situation in front of me!" Yue Fei sighed and asked me for help, "Little brother, you have to help Yue this time."

I don't care about it. Anyway, it's a parallel world. If the world collapses, it won't get in the way of our earth.

At that moment, Mao recommended himself: "Marshal, don't worry, I'll go out of General Gao's place. You can sit firmly in the camp here and wait and see what happens."