the first house in history

Chapter 36 Romance of Mom and Dad

In the face of her father's questioning, her mother was very indignant. She couldn't help pointing a gun at her father and said, "Yihai, you said that you can't give up your career no matter what, even for your wife and children. I told you to come with me. What's your answer?"

"My answer is that I will never betray the organization, and what is your identity at that time?" Dad was unwilling to show weakness and pointed his mother's forehead with a gun. "At that time, you were a masked killer who wanted to take my life."

What is this, the forbidden love between the killer and the agent? It's ridiculous. I couldn't help complaining, "Where are you playing "Mr. and Mrs. Smiths?"

The father and mother turned around and shouted, "Shut up, adults talk, children don't interrupt."

I'm a child again. I won't say a question. I'll squat in the corner and draw circles.

Mom pushed Dad's gun aside and continued to point to the bridge of Dad's nose and retorted, "You didn't know my identity when you married me. You thought I just wanted to get close to you. How many organizational information you have collected from me over the years? If I hadn't hidden it for you, you would have been assassinated by the organization several times."

"Thank you so much, my wife." Dad in turn pushed his mother's gun aside and continued to point to her head and say, "Who is framed now? If I hadn't used my son as bait, would you have revealed it? The most hateful thing is that you really attacked your son.

"Don't I have a share of my son? Why didn't you suffer that for me when I was pregnant and gave birth to him in October? I didn't expect my mother to burst such a fierce material. I didn't even care about drawing circles, so I directly crushed the stones in my hand: "Protest! Don't implict the innocent. I'm neutral.

The two shouted "Shut up" to me again.

Dad didn't want to say anything more this time. He directly pulled up the bolt and said, "Forget it, Qianru, let's solve everything at once. I count one, two, three, and retreat separately. After five steps, each has its destiny.

My mother gritted her teeth and couldn't help shouting the word "one".

I said in my heart, what is this? It's really funny. I quickly shouted, "Do you still want my son? You have lied to me for more than 20 years. I haven't settled with you, and you don't want to leave me?"

The two ignored me and shouted "two" again.

I was angry and stood directly between the two: "Then you shoot, even me collapsed. Our family of three is so lively on the road."

Unfortunately, it was late, but my father and mother began to turn around at the same time, shouting the word "three", and then a gunshot, and someone fell to the ground.

At that time, I closed my eyes and said that I had become cannon fodder. Unexpectedly, half a day later, I opened my eyes and touched a hole in my body. I was about to scoff at their shooting, but I found that one person lay behind my father and mother. There were still people with mantis catching cicadas and yellow finch behind.

"I want you to have a lot of trouble!" Mom complained angrily, and the anger index obviously dropped by a step.

Dad rushed the door impatiently and opened the way in front of him: "If you don't want to die, don't talk too many."

My mother pushed me out of the door, and the family of three embarked on a desperate journey again. I saw a passer-by lying on the ground outside again. I said that this scene was so familiar that I had just played it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went down the stairs, he saw an old man sitting on a chair, holding a crutch in his hand, and blocking the way with an unhappy face.

I saw that the old man was very familiar, but I couldn't remember that I had taken a picture there. Just as I was about to ask, I saw my mother rushing in front of my father and shouted, "Dad, why did you come in person?"

What? My grandpa! I collapsed. This must be the number one person in some organization. It turned out to be my grandpa. I remember that he didn't like me very much when I was a child, and he rarely came to see my father and me.

"Ao Ru, you disappoint me so much." Grandpa stood up on crutches, and his body was obviously strong. He pointed his crutches at his father and said, "Anyone of you can leave today, but he can't leave here."

"He knows too many secrets of the organization, and the organization cost a lot of money to convince the National Security Agency that he has defected and that he must die here."

"What about me?" In the face of this unreasonable grandpa, I couldn't help asking, "Don't you worry about your grandson losing his father?"

"Tian'er, if you choose your mother, the door of the organization will always be open for you." Grandpa looked at me and still didn't see much kindness on his face.

Dad pulled away his mother and said, "No need to be my father-in-law. It's inevitable that you and I will have a fight. There will be an end today." He pointed the gun at Grandpa, but Grandpa's body was so fast that he drifted to his father in an instant, split his palm and fired a pistol, attacking head-on.

The two's fists and feet dazzled me. This was obviously a saint, completely beyond the gravity of the earth. As I was amazed, I was worried for my mother. She was embarrassed and didn't know how to intervene.

Alas, Romeo met Juliet, which was destined to be an insoluble problem. I took the opportunity to find my electronic watch and think about other solutions.

turned around and ran upstairs, found the one-eyed dragon, searched him for a long time, and finally found my young master's electronic watch from the mezzanine of his coat.

When I returned downstairs, the situation had become white-hot. My mother joined the battle group and was about to develop towards the drama of broken kindness. I saw that it was not early, so I hurried to stop for a while and set everyone on the spot.

Seeing that it was about to become a tragedy in a second, I pinched a cold sweat and began to conjure up the equipment of the men in black to brainwash them.

First of all, Dad, I'm not going to let him remember the experience of the agent, forget everything, you are the ancient man who traveled through, and come to rely on your promising son.

Then it's my mother. I still like her image as a former housewife, so I will continue to maintain it, shape a rich daughter* for you, inherit a large amount of my grandfather's legacy, and live happily with my father and me.

Finally, grandpa, just think of yourself as a philanthropist, such as a terrorist organization. After dissolving, don't always think about revenge. How beautiful the world is. Learn the spiritual victory method of Ah Q and travel around the world if you have nothing to do.

I stuffed my grandpa with a plane ticket to Barcelona, sent him out of the gate, and then sent my father and mother to the hotel, waiting for a moment for them to wake up.

Zhang San patrolled at the door. Seeing me coming with two people, he asked curiously, "Your father is here. He's quite handsome. Is your mother next to him?"

Li Si found something wrong and pulled me and asked, "Why is a man motionless like a dummy?"

I pushed the two back to the hotel: "Don't talk too much. I have something urgent to do. Call everyone out and help me."

He Shen listened to it at the door for a long time, and immediately answered, "Okay, I'm going."

Not long after, Luban and Mozi came out together and joked with me: "Su Tian, I heard that your father and mother are here. Do you want to hold a welcome party and have fun?"

Yang Yuhuan said in the back, "I definitely want to open it. How can I be rude when my uncle comes?"

Di Qing stood next to her and nodded silently and said that he was ready to move two boxes of red wine.

I said to stop quickly, or collude first, and stop this group of coaxers: "Leaders, I am very grateful for your enthusiasm, but now there is a problem. My beloved parents had an accident. They lost their memory and only remember that I am their son. I plan to place them in the wine. Stay in the store and never mention the past.

"The past is unbearable to look back on, don't mention it!" Yang Yuhuan was the first to agree.

I said, "Thank you, Sister Yuhuan, for your understanding. You can cooperate with me later."

It was not until everyone nodded that I turned around to contact my father and mother in a static state of time.

Father and mother suddenly woke up and found that standing in front of the luxury hotel, their son, whom they had not seen for many years, were welcoming themselves warmly with a group of employees, which was so shocked that they couldn't close their mouth.

"God, what are you doing?" Dad was more cautious and refused to go in.

"Your son is now developed and has opened a hotel. Aren't you happy?" Di Qing and I dragged the old man into the hotel, and my mother was kidnapped by Yuhuan with her arms.

I placed the two in a double room on the second floor, next to the room of Yuhuan. I can also chat with my mother if I have nothing to do.

The two old men are not happy or surprised by such an arrangement. The only performance is calm.

I sent everyone away and went back to the room. I asked the second old man if he was satisfied. Dad threw a pillow on my face and expressed his dissatisfaction: "What is this? Kidnapping your father."

"Do you want to make up for your honeymoon? I am filial to the two elders. I said sweet words and wanted to fool the past.

Mom just sat in ** and didn't say anything. It took a long time to say, "Can you give me a single room?"

"Why?" I don't feel good. Hasn't my mother's memory been erased and remembered something?

Unexpectedly, my mother lit my father's forehead and said, "This dead old man hasn't taken a shower for a few days. I'm bored to him."

When Dad heard this, he retorted: "It would be great if you left. Just make a seat, and I'll find someone else."

"You can't imagine that I won't leave tonight!"

I saw that the two began to do that. I covered my ears and hurriedly avoided it. I took a long breath when I left the room and finally finished it.

On a quiet night, it was dark, and the door of the room was pushed open, and a figure crept back to ** and prepared to lie down with his clothes.

The person next to him suddenly turned over and seemed to be awakened by a slight movement. The person who sneaked in had to stop and took off his clothes and went to bed until it was confirmed that the other party had not woken up.

just covered the quilt, but was pointed at by a cold dagger under the ribs: "You should know that I won't be so easily deceived."

"If you really don't have memory loss, then open the skylight and talk." Su Yihai turned on the bedside lamp and took advantage of the dazzling light to grab the dagger with his backhand and pressed Qianru under him.

"They are all trained people, don't you understand?" Qianru was suppressed by Su Yihai and simply gave up resistance. "Have you seen the environment?"

"It's just a small island in the middle of the lake. It's easy to go out. The key is our good son." Su Yihai sneered and said, "Is he too surprising?"

"You're not going to leave?" Qianru was surprised by Su Yihai's attitude.

"Why did you leave?" Su Yihai seemed to find the problem ridiculous, "I'm already a traitor to the country, and the organization won't let me go, and it's still safe here."

"Then our goals are at least the same for now." Qian Ru suddenly smiled.

"You're not going to leave either?" This time it was Su Yihai's turn.

"Why do you want to leave with such a good son?"

"Actually, you want to stay and rebuild your organization, right?" Su Yihai was silent for a moment, and suddenly let go of Qianru's hand and kissed his lips deeply, "How long do you think we haven't been warm?"

Qianru was slightly surprised, but she didn't intend to refuse. Instead, she hooked her hands on Su Yihai's neck: "It's been a long time. It's time for you to compensate."

The following children are not suitable, XX instead.