the first house in history

Chapter 47 Return to the Song Dynasty to be a Taishi 2

Comrades, I, Hu Hansan, are back again. It is said that there was a flash point incident in the last chapter, and everyone fell into a coma for a minute, and then crossed into the Song Dynasty.

The so-called tiger monkey in the mountains is called the king, and Zhang San actually wants to take the lead in my place. ( Zhang San complained bitterly: I was forced.)

Fortunately, the balance of history has always been inclined to me. Zhang San offended Pang Taishi and was sent to Bianliang to plead guilty to the emperor in the imperial study (Is there a royal study in the Song Dynasty?) Unexpectedly, he found that the emperor was an old acquaintance.

It was incredible that a mountain thief could actually know the emperor. Unexpectedly, a more familiar comrade came, which made him recognize him at a glance and shouted at the boss.

Guess who the boss is? Hey, it's just that I'm not there.

I touched Comrade Zhang San's head and said, "Good boy, I'll buy you candy later."

Zhang San shook his head vigorously and shook me away and said unhungrately, "Come on, at least I'm also General Hu Yanqing of the Song Dynasty now. The boss should give me some face."

Face? How much is it worth? I smiled disdainly, and the emperor interrupted to introduce me, "Do you know who this old man is?" He is the prime minister of the current dynasty, my father-in-law, Pang Taishi.

"Ah?" Zhang San was a little confused and stared at me and said, "You have become Pang Taishi. No wonder your beard is white and you have lost hundreds of lives in my family."

As he spoke, he wanted to jump over and bite me. I pressed his forehead with one hand and pushed him back: "It's quite pleasant for you to come in! I invited you to the emperor, but I have something to talk about.

What are you talking about? It's rare for me to be a general and I'm not going to leave. Zhang San has a bad temper and still stands up.

"I rebelled against you!" As soon as I heard it, I waved my hand and said, "He Shen, put him down."

The emperor came down from his seat with a smile and responded to me, "My father-in-law is at ease. I will order him to behead him." Why did the emperor become a peace again?)

"Who of you dares!" The Eight Sage King broke in from outside breath and shouted, "Do you still want to go back after killing him?"

I said, "Doctor, you are so good at it. Why didn't you predict earlier in the last chapter, or everyone wouldn't have come here?"

The four of us began to be in the side hall (reader complained: Why did it become a side hall again? Where is it?) The eunuch maids guarding the door were all scared and colorless. I guess they had never seen such a quarrel in the palace.

So someone hurried to inform the harem, and it wasn't long before someone reported, "The Empress Dowager is here!"

Empress Dowager!? The four of us stared and seemed to have a bad feeling. Then we saw an old woman with a green crown and graceful man entering the bedroom with the help of the maid of honor (the author complained: Why did you become a bedroom again? Don't change it casually?), and said angrily, "Master, why are you in the book with the Eighth Princes? There is a fight in the room. What kind of style is this?

When I saw that there was a great murderous intention hidden under the empress dowager's kind face, I didn't realize that my liver trembled. Why was that the eyes were so familiar, why did I aim directly at my father-in-law?

He Shen replied at that time: "Well, I have persuaded them, but it's a pity that everyone is too angry to listen to the advice."

I said to myself that you still have Ama. What's your name? I was about to make atone for the Empress Dowager. Unexpectedly, the Empress Dowager was angry. The Empress Dowager waved the maid around her crutches and hit me on my head: "You unfilial son, you rebellious guy, the old woman you killed became an old lady..."

While hiding, I felt that the lines were wrong. Who the hell is this? After a few steps, I suddenly found the taste of eating rattan stew when I was a child. Isn't this my mother?

Quickly scan the electronic watch, and then be speechless: "A Qianru, traveler, Chinese, Miss Killer Group, soul wear, virtuous index four and a half stars." It's really my mother.

Dr. and He Shen hurried forward to persuade him to fight, but Zhang San's man hid and had fun. I dragged Pang Taishi's body so tired that I had to ask for mercy: "Mom, please forgive me. I'll make amends for you later. Let's find a way to go back first."

"Go back?" Mom was even more angry, "It's not easy for me to show up and want me to go back so soon. I won't leave this chapter."

"That?" I really lost my temper and turned to Zhang San to lose my temper. "It's none of your business. Go back and guard the border."

Zhang Sanyi was stunned and pointed to his nose and said, "This kicked me away. I'm only two chapters red?"

He Shen grabbed the jade seal and casually stamped him, and kicked Zhang San away like a child: "Go ahead. I'll give you a raise later."

The rest are my family (according to the physical relationship) and began to discuss the current situation. After listening for a while, my mother urged us to say, "I just came to stare at you and find a way for me quickly. Although I am a woman, the three thousand court ladies raised in the harem are not for nothing." Then she drove back to her bedroom.

I think there are only He Shen and Dr., so there is nothing else to discuss. I said, "Let's end the meeting. It's rare to make good use of a big vacation. He Shen continues to be your emperor's romantic and happy, and the doctor continues to find a place to do your research. I will go back to the Taishi Mansion to enjoy the blessing for a while.

The two of them despised me: "You just be lazy."

They said theirs. I went back to my house, went out of the palace, sat on my eight people, carried the sedan chair, and wandered back home. I was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep on the way.

Before getting off the sedan chair and entering the door, the two maids guarding the door greeted me delicately: "Master is back. Thank you for your hard work." Pang Taishi will still enjoy it, which is called life.

When you enter the door, first change the official uniform outside, take off your hat, and a little slave will pick it up and put it away. Then you sit on the teacher's chair and bring a pot of good tea. That's beautiful!

This day is absolutely worth it. Just as I wanted to attract two maids outside the door to flirt, but my ears were twisted hard.

Oh, who doesn't know the rules so much? I was about to curse. I turned my head and saw a big beauty standing beside me with her waist crossed. Her eyes were wide open and she was furious, like a female tiger who had just eaten a pot of dry vinegar.

I was confused at that time, thinking about whether it was my wife or my daughter. The beauty said, "Do you remember who I am? You have made me suffer so much. I always thought you were a good-hearted and aweiful young man, but I didn't expect you to be a big liar.

This line is not right! I thought about it carefully. When the beauty let go, I quickly covered my ears and hid aside: "If you have something to say, don't do it first. Why don't you know how to respect the elderly?"

"You deserve to respect the elderly?" The beauty quenched me, "I'm the fifth wife of your new marriage. Are you almost 60 years old and shy?"

I said, "Huo! Pang Taishi in history is not that kind of person. Don't slander me.

"Do you also say history?" The beauty jumped in front of me and asked, "Do you know where this place is?"

By the way, this problem is very serious. I always thought that the plane we are in was in the historical Song Dynasty, but now it seems that it is probably not the case? So I scanned it with an electronic watch and looked at it: "Du Shiniang, the second traveler, comes from the plane of the novel, Feng Menglong's fictional character, and the public relations index is five stars."

"Ten Niang!" I couldn't help bursting into tears and hugged Du Shiniang. This was the best thing since I traveled through time. Du Shiniang became my nominal wife.

Du Shiniang tried her best to push me away, but she couldn't stand my husband's crazy youth and pushed her down in a daze. The two of us fell behind us and rolled down the sheets (you are too many coincidences!).

When the clothes sat up from ** in a messy manner, Du Shiniang's face was already full of peach blossoms, blushing like a little girl in love. I smiled proudly beside me. I was unexpectedly picked up by my wife and raised my face: "I didn't expect you to be a bad**. Ten Niang regretted not have entered your wolf's nest."

I had to be a good boy and pretended to be innocent and said, "Shi Niang, I'm really surprised. I didn't expect such a coincidence. You don't know I'm dying of urgency."

"You will be anxious. I think you were very comfortable just now." Du Shiniang complained coldly and tried to sit away from me.

I straightened my clothes as if nothing had happened, still holding my teapot and taking a sip of tea and said, "I'm not happy and angry. Since you know our secret, I might as well tell you that in fact, the people in the hotel are travelers like you, and I specialize in dealing with these travelers, commonly known as reverse wearers. It's just that people always travel back."

"Are you still going back?" Du Shiniang couldn't help laughing, "Be serious and make it clear to me."

"It's going to start from the beginning. It's estimated that it will take a few days and nights. Now the situation is urgent. Shi Niang, you have to understand that we are not just as simple as group wear, but also encountered 'flash points'." I picked the point concisely and said, "In the real world, we may only be in a coma for a minute, but our souls may travel here for a lifetime. No one knows when we will travel back or travel to another place."

Du Shiniang really frowned and stopped talking. I thought it was a good time to sneak to her side and take the opportunity to take some oil. Unexpectedly, Du Shiniang was not fooled this time and pointed her hand to me: "What are you doing? Don't move, keep a foot away from me."

"That!" I laughed shamelessly when I heard the words, "It's getting late, madam, let's go to bed."

"Don't even think about it!" Du Shiniang pushed my hand far away, "You can lay on the floor tonight."

"Cough!" I beat my back and pretended to cough, "You see, I'm in my sixties. At least you let me go to bed to warm my feet?"

"Isn't there a lot of maids in the house? You can spoil one casually."

"Do you think I'm such a casual person?"

"I know you are not a human when you get up casually."

I was completely defeated by Du Shiniang. Those who have been through the brothel are different. They are not only armed to the teeth. I think even the tongue is clearly equipped with a machine gun.

Master Ben left the inner house and was ready to blow the wind and defeat the fire in the yard. Who knew that there was a guy who was not a man or a woman standing in the middle of the courtyard, waiting for me with a smile: "Oh! Who provoked our teacher? He was so angry.

At that time, I felt that my eyes were almost blind. What kind of creature was so strange that I didn't dare to identify it carefully and asked casually, "Who are you?"

"I don't know me anymore. The miscellaneous family is Guo Huai." As soon as I heard why Guo Huai appeared, I ran to my house and hurriedly accompanied him with a smiling face and said, "It turned out to be Eunuch Guo, but the emperor's order came."

Guo Huai came to me with a smile, grabbed my arm and said in a low voice, "You grandson really don't know me?"

Grandchild? How did you curse? I took a closer look. Isn't this Li Si? You wore it on the eunuch. At that time, you couldn't help but want to lie on the ground and roll with a smile.

Li Si was happy to see me and couldn't wait to strangle me with his hands. Unfortunately, he didn't have much strength to wear on the eunuch, just like tickling.

I waved my hand and said, "I'm dying. Fourth brother, you're too memorizing. Tell me what's the matter with me."

"I just came to see if your grandchildren are dead?" Li Si said angrily, but after his masculine or female tone, I was even more happy and squatted directly on the ground.