the first house in history

Chapter 92 Double Magic Group

Finally, another comrade was placed, and I began to find the next target to be helped.

By the way, when I had breakfast, I found that there seemed to be two people missing in the banquet. I don't know where the two chivalrous brothers have gone?

I asked Ding Yuehua, "Where are your brothers? What are you up to?"

Ding Yuehua bit the pastry made by Xiao Wan, ate a lot, and vaguely told me, "Who knows, maybe go to the park to rehearse?"

Intelligently approached me mysteriously and said, "Do you want to know the details? I can disclose it to you for free."

I said in my heart that there is nothing mysterious about this. After a little use of mind reading, I read it from my mind: "I won't tell you if you don't pay for it." You are an old slippery man who recognizes money.

So he bit his ear with Zhihua, used a big meal as a lure, and finally got the truth. The two chivalrous brothers planned to rein their old business and perform magic in the hotel. Recently, they have been desperately rehearsing new programs.

I said it was a good thing. It can enrich the material and cultural life of the hotel. Let's set up more literature and art departments, and we can develop it in film and television in the future.

After dinner in a hurry, I left the hotel and went to the park to see how they rehearse. Today is still Sunday. There are a lot of people either to exercise or take my family to relax. I said to myself that it is not easy to find a place to live.

Unexpectedly, without much effort, I saw the two performing on the lawn, playing cards, turning into pigeons, and interacting with tourists. I said to myself that you two heroes are really interested.

As soon as they saw me coming, they actually waved to me: "This friend, can you come and give us a hand?"

I said let's play. Anyway, I'm still idle on Sunday. I walked over and asked, "How can I cooperate? Do you want me to stand on the turntable and play with flying knives?"

"That's not necessary. I just need you to stare at this necklace for a while." Ding Zhaolan shook a star necklace in front of me, obviously to play hypnosis. I saw a trace of cunning in his eyes.

Just let me try the skills of the two heroes. By the way, I am also proficient in hypnosis, so hypnosis against hypnosis. The two of us were unexpectedly drowsy together, and then my feet separated from the ground, and his body floated up.

I guess many people must have seen the magician hypnotizing people, and even hypnotizing themselves together is absolutely rare, and the audience at the scene coincidentally let out a "h!"

When the hyposis fell to the ground, I felt like I had a sauna. It was just a word. I said, "You are much more handsome than Liu Qian."

Ding Zhaolan pinched a sweat and estimated that he almost smashed it just now: "I'm flattered, I'm flattered!"

At this time, the park keeper came and blew everyone away: "It's all dispersed, it's all scattered!"

I know that this is a management fee. If you want to perform here, you can't do it without greeting the people in the park, so the people who greeted you handed over a few cigarettes: "My friend, I just came to see the venue today. For a moment, I will definitely go to our property management to go through the formalities."

is also an old friend who often deals with me in the park. Seeing that I am very polite and embarrassed to get angry, he said, "You have to follow the rules anyway. If we go through the formalities early, we don't have to do much."

"Okay, okay, I'll treat you to a few drinks later." I sent the man away and looked back at the helpless two heroes. "Go back, let's discuss it later."

The matter that the two heroes want to perform magic again has aroused heated discussion in the hotel. Everyone says that this is a good thing and must be supported. If it really doesn't work, they will perform in the hotel.

For this proposal, the two heroes are a little embarrassed: "We still want to play street magic, which is the most exciting and real, and the key is to bring joy to different audiences."

Ding Yuehua said carelessly, "If it really doesn't work, go to the street. Can the people in the park still control it?"

We all expressed helplessness about this: "Try it on the street. The urban management is more powerful than them!"

At this time, I suddenly came up with an idea: "Let's be trendy and have an online magic show. Comrades in the hotel will be guests first. Later, you can also invite online friends to come to the hotel for a day trip."

Now everyone is starting to get lively. Some people say that it is environmentally friendly and hygienic on the Internet, and some people say that you have to gain popularity, otherwise who will come to see it?

I said it's easy to do. We can go to Weibo. Yuhuan is now a big celebrity. If she recommends it, she will have everything.

Yuhuan listened for a long time and said, "This is okay, but I have to take a look first and talk about the recommendation after I pass."

Just do it, and immediately vacate a room. Ding Yuehua personally shoots DV for her two brothers and plays a good scene that transforms a living person, which stunned all Ren.

Then I made a video and added special effects. I opened a microblog for the two heroes and uploaded the video. We talked about the name of Weibo for a long time. Xiao Qiao proposed to call it magic fast fighting, and Zhang San said it was better to call it strange circus. I said it simply called deadly magic.

In the end, the two heroes made their own way: "We are two heroes, and naturally we are called the two heroes magic group."

So the first post of 'Two Heroes Magic Group': the real version has changed into a living person, do you want to try it?

As soon as this post was posted, coupled with the reposts of Yang Yuhuan and many friends, the two heroes quickly became online celebrities. The hotel helped the two heroes shoot DV to rehearse new magic for several days. Occasionally, they made a guest appearance as a guest. Only a week later, some netizens left messages to come and try.

That's great. Finally, there is a fish on the hook. This is Ding Yuehua's most exaggerated description, but no matter how it can attract popularity, it is the best result.

It is said that on that day, we all dressed up and decorated the hotel magnificently to welcome this guest. I thought that even if it was not a prince riding a white horse, at least it would be a fashionista. No matter how bad it was to be an otaku who did nothing, it was a dinosaur, and it was still alive. The first level of fossils.

As soon as Comrade Dinosaur saw the two heroes, he couldn't even wipe his saliva. He held one in one hand, took a selfie and asked for an autograph. By the way, did you come to see the performance? You drooled at the handsome pot.

Therefore, this scene has become a cup of glass. We express our deep silence for the two heroes: the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard...

Anyway, I finally took the first step. As the two heroes continued to upload new programs, the number of followers gradually increased. Some netizens even said that they wanted to come to PK. I think this is a good opportunity and immediately agreed for the two heroes.

On the day of PK also attracted a lot of viewers. Because it was a live webcast, we directly opened a room in Tencent. The two sides gave each other questions and showed their magical power, which became a hot topic on the Internet for a while.

Since then, there have been continuous challenges. Comrade Shuangxia has passed the barrier and will be strong. Since then, his career has taken a sharp turn, and he has gained a lot, and his fans have exceeded tens of thousands.

I am very satisfied with my achievements and said that it is time to find the next comrade.