the first house in history

Chapter 99 Reverse Life

I didn't expect that Ouyang Chun and Ma Cheng's meeting would be very successful. I immediately followed him to Myanmar and sent him away. I felt that another comrade's way out had been solved, and my heart was very happy.

It is said that there is no one else among the seven heroes that I have not taken care of. I really want to be left with Shi Yukun, Lazy Cat and Ding Yuehua.

I don't know what Shi Yukun has been busy with recently. I heard that he is still a man who is still busy writing online articles with no future. I don't know how his grades are, so I decided to pay attention to it.

When he came to the outside of Shiyu Kunmen, he was about to push the door in, but his heart trembled unconsciously. Why did he feel such a big resentment inside? Has Comrade Shi turned into a fierce ghost and died?

I quickly broke in, but I saw that Shi Yukun was like a moldy mummified corpse, sitting motionless in front of the computer, and his body was full of spider webs.

MYGOD! This is playing performance art! I rushed forward to look at his nose. It was not bad. There was a hot carbon dioxide exhaled, and I didn't die.

I took him to **, patted his heart and beat his back. He finally woke him up. He only had one sentence: "There is no future. Why are you alive?" My head tilted and I was in shock again. I was so angry that I punched him in the heart without even a fraudulent corpse.

Well, you didn't respond to me. I went into the bathroom and brought a basin of cold water and poured a cool water on his head. Then I woke the person up and jumped up from **: "What are you doing? You want to kill people!"

"Murder? It's almost to save you!" Why do I feel that the good intentions are not rewarded, so I remanage him, "Comrade, no matter how hard you think about it, you can't find a shortcoming. How can I do business in this hotel in the future?"

"You don't understand even if you say it." Shi Yukun sat on the ground decadently and asked me for a cigarette.

I handed him the cigarette and asked, "What's the matter? Is there no inspiration or no recommendation?"

"No, no one has looked at it, and it has always been zero." Shi Yukun joked about himself, "I really can't live these days. In the past, I could have compiled the Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness. Now everything I write is material for the street, and it's not even as good as the street."

"Nowadays, fast food culture is popular, and it's about YY cool. You have to keep up with the times, either conquered by online articles or abandoned by online articles." I deeply sighed about this. At that time, I was also a professional on the street. Now I dare not say that I dare to do it again.

"I understand what you said, but I'm not convinced." Shi Yukun said helplessly, "Failure or failure, I don't know where the hope is?"

"You didn't try to advertise. Sometimes you have to be brazen to ask for comments."

"I went, I didn't know the place, and I offended people and was photographed back."

"You unlucky guy." I'm speechless. The lack of interpersonal relationships is also a problem. You haven't seen many masters praised.

"Have you discussed this with Su Shi? You two should have a common language. I see him living a comfortable life.

"They are poets. Do you know what's popular now?"

"Lamb's body?"

"That was the past, now it is Su Shi's body, and the trend just brought by Su University."

Hey, I didn't expect that Su Shi could cause heated discussion wherever he went. I'll visit him later.

"Then what will you do next?" I asked Shi Yukun, and I can't give up on myself like this.

Shi Yukun looked at me helplessly: "Su Tian, for the sake of the otaku, give me a kiss."

What else can I do? I nodded and suddenly stood up and pointed to the sky: "Don't worry, with me, Lao Su, I will protect your road to becoming a god and rise from now on."

So the transformation plan was fully launched. First of all, I want to customize a new creative model for Shi Yukun.

Business or pure literature?

Entity or online text?

Shi Yukun said that he still wanted to write about martial arts, and he was more familiar with it.

I said that martial arts are basically the material for fighting on the street, especially traditional martial arts, unless your language is gorgeous and there are many selling points. If you are a beautiful woman, post a few more photos to ensure the fire. Unfortunately, you are silent and unknown now, and it is too late to enter the industry.

Let's write a fantasy trilogy, become a trilogy of gods, grabbing treasures, upgrading, and picking up beautiful women. As long as the setting is grand enough, the plot is coherent enough, the text is smooth enough, and the update is special.

Shi Yukun said, "How many words do you need to be in a day?"

I sneered: "Three thousand daily update, who do you laugh at? 5,000 is not enough to stuff your teeth, just 10,000, recommended 100 plus one update, collected 100 plus one update, clicked more than 10,000 plus one update."

Shi Yukun calculated with his fingers and said, "How many words do I have to write this month?"

"Two or three million words are the minimum. You don't have to worry about this. I'll ask the doctor for help." I asked Shi Yukun to think about the theme first, and then went to the doctor and asked him to invent a sharp tool for code text.

It is said that the doctor has been closed for a long time and has been doing maintenance for the spacecraft. After listening to my request, he thought about it and said, "There should be no problem. Do you want that type, voice, input or virtual?"

I said, "Which one is the fastest and most convenient?"

The doctor nod, asked me to wait for a while, and took out something like a helmet and gave it to me: "This is virtual, just convert the plot he wants into words."

"Is it so simple?" It's incredible. I said that if I had known there was such a thing, I would have written online articles.

Hurry up and take it back to Shi Yukun to have a try. It is said that this comrade has figured out the theme. It tells the story of a group of mysterious practitioners on a magical continent. The practitioners in the story are divided into two schools, one is Taoism and the other is magic. The two have competed for hundreds of years, during which countless strong people have risen, and the most The name is the seven immortals and five evils...

I said stop, isn't this the real version of the seven heroes and five righteousness? Can you make it fresh? The system has been set up. Has the protagonist been selected? You can't have more protagonists, which will affect the sense of substitution. Let's refer to the famous god on the Internet.

I took Shi Yukun to refer to the classic works of beacon fire, San Shao, tomato, JJ and other gods, and then analyzed the classic routines for Shi Yukun and summarized the law of success. The last outline of 10,000 words came out - in a distant and mysterious country, a peak battle will start. This It is an era of gods and demons, which are classified as follows: Saints, God Fighters, Sea Fighters, Demon Warrior, Underworld Warrior, each faction is divided into bronze, silver and gold, and each level has one, two, three, four, five and six levels...

Shi Yukun went crazy after watching it and roared, "What the hell is the setting of that dimension? Are you plagiarizing the car Tian Zhengmei?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said that there was no pressure: "Who cares, as long as the upgrade is good enough."

"Let's start, future god." I put the helmet invented by the doctor on him. "I'm optimistic about you."

Shi Yukun's eyes entered the state. I quickly connected the data cable to the computer and began to input the scene imagined by Shi Yukun into text. Everything was set and entered a fully automatic state. I went to the bathroom to smoke a cigarette.

Half an hour later, I checked the record and found that there were already 5,000 words. This speed was too scary.

While urging Shi Yukun to hurry up, I began to publicize the work. Good works must be well publicized. The platform is a big problem.

Speaking of which website, I'm afraid that there will not be a group of masters. The store will bully the owner. In case it is not be in vain, and the new small website will not become a new website. Who knows when it will last? It is still the best choice in the mature and expanding period of development. I made a decision for Shi Yukun and went to vertical and horizontal (for my own) The host advertises, isn't it cheeky?).

After a busy day, there were also 70,000 words of drafts. Shi Yukun looked at his achievements and only had one sentence: "When shall we eat?"

I prepared the meal early and pushed it to Shi Yukun and said, "I'm hungry. Eat it quickly." Have a good sleep tonight and work hard tomorrow. If you stay up for a month or two, you can enjoy happiness.

Shi Yukun devoured and sighed, "How many words does this take?"

I calculated and said, "Let's get at least 400,000 and 500,000 words of manuscript first. If the response is not great, just dig a hole after finishing the book. This is called a quick decision."

"That's so hurtful. Can't you modify it and resend it?" Shi Yukun said without worry.

I comforted him: "What the Internet era pays attention to is a quick success. You have to cut the mess quickly and accumulate a few more experiences."

Next, Shi Yukun and I fought hard and fought passionately for more than a week. Finally, the miracle finally happened. It seemed that there were far more people than his previous books, and the number of messages and recommendations slowly increased a lot. I said that while it was hot, I would win over the whole hotel and create popularity for Shi Yukun.

So everyone received my warm invitation, and they were forced to participate in this ticket stealing game. For this reason, Yuhuan and others protested, which seriously affected their spare time: "Beauty can't stay up late."

I said, "It's not troublesome to cast two votes in your spare time. It's all a hotel, and we should help each other. Our slogan is for everyone for me and for everyone."

and Shen came over and said, "I will definitely support help or something, but I just want to ask if there is any hard work or something?"

I was angry: "I'm in charge of eating and drinking. Have you asked for hard work? Comrade, you still don't have enough revolutionary sentiment!"

Finally, I lodged these old ladies to help Shi Yukun, and the results of the novel were getting better and better. I read that the manuscript was nearly 600 to 700,000 words, and I thought it could be on the right track. I arranged Zhang Sanli to help Shi Yukun, deliver food and vegetables to him, and asked Xiao Qiao to help take care of his daily life, and remind him to live again. You can slow down for a week, maintain the output of three or five words a day, and you can finish work in a month.

It's okay at night. I went to the website to pay attention to the ranking list. At present, there are already groups of fans, countless red votes, and the newcomer list has occupied more than a week. The results are quite good. In the future, Shi Yukun will have to be called Shi Dashen.

Watching others complete their unfinished dreams, sometimes I also want to try again. I will also write one. I have figured out the name, called Hongtu World (note, this is really my next name).